* __LEXICON NounRoot __ Main lexicon, dividing in Noun, FirstComponent, NyphNouns * __LEXICON MiddleNouns __ * __LEXICON HyphNouns __ * __LEXICON FirstComponent __ * __LEXICON Eahpe_Noun __ * __LEXICON NAMAT __ gives »»» and directs to NAMATCont * __LEXICON NAMATCont __ second-part compounds * __LEXICON SAS __ gives :»»» and goes to SASCont * __LEXICON SASCont __ FROM NUMERALS, gives -kilosaš etc. * __LEXICON Noun __ dividing in NounNoPx, NounPx (with a P.Px.add flag) and NounPxKin (with a P.Nom3Px.add flag) * __LEXICON NounNoPx __ here goes nouns not taking Px. * __LEXICON NounPxKin __ this is the noun lexicon for nouns which can have Px Nom 3. person, mostly kinshipterms * __LEXICON NounPx __ this is the main noun lexicon