Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages !!!Verb conjugation !!Basic lexica for bisyllabic verbs !Modals These are treated separately because modals do not participate in derivation * __LEXICON GALGA_IV __ only dáidit, galgat * __LEXICON FERTE_IV __ only fertet and bállet !Ordinary bisyllabic verbs * __LEXICON ARVI_IV __ Bisyllabic Impersonal Verbs * __LEXICON ARVALADDA_IV __ Already derived words (except words ending -uššat) * __LEXICON DIEHTI_TV __ Bisyllabic i-verbs with Personal Passive * __LEXICON MASSI_TV __ No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons). Bisyllabic i-verbs with Personal Passive * __LEXICON GILVI_TV __ only gilvit, to get rid of gilvohallat (for speller reasons). * __LEXICON BORRA_TV __ Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs with Personal Passive * __LEXICON FALLA_TV __ fállat, njoarrat, to get rid of fálastallat, njoarastallat (for speller reasons). * __LEXICON ASTA_TV __ No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons). Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs with Personal Passive * __LEXICON OAHPPA_TV __ only oahppat. Like BORRA but without Deverbal verb -stuvva (for speller reasons) * __LEXICON DEAKCU_TV __ as BORRA for u-verbs with dim -astit, and a-verbs with dim -istit that are hardcoded * __LEXICON LEABBU_TV __ only leabbut this far. No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons)- otherwise like DEAKCU_TV * __LEXICON DIEHTISHORT_TV __ Short action noun compound-form: neasken- * __LEXICON DIEHTILONGSHORT_TV __ Long and short action noun compound-form, savdnjen-/savdnjin- * __LEXICON BAHCCI_TV __ bahčit. Long and short actio compound-form. No NomAg (Actor) compound, for speller reasons * __LEXICON DIEHTALADDA_TV __ Already derived words (except words ending -uššat and -httit) * __LEXICON LAIGOHADDA_TV __ láigohaddat. No deverbal nouns for speller reasons * __LEXICON HAHTTIT_TV __ Four-syll kausatives on -httit * __LEXICON DAHTU_TV __ As diehti, but -ut verbs, thus without short passive * __LEXICON BOLTU_TV __ As DAHTU_TV but with dim -astit that are harcoded * __LEXICON ALBMU_TV __ No deverbal nouns (for speller reasons). As BOLTU_TV otherwise * __LEXICON ALLU_IV __ -ut verbs, thus without short passive * __LEXICON BARGU_IV __ bissut, bárgut. no NomAg (Actor) for speller reasons * __LEXICON BOAHTI_IV __ Bisyllabic i-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg * __LEXICON BOAHTILONGSHORT_IV __ Long and short action noun compound-form * __LEXICON DIEVVA_IV __ Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg * __!LEXICON DIEVVA_TV __ arvat, čuohcat. Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg (TT: check this) i didn't see the meaning with this lexicon, thus commented out (TO) * __ LEXICON BEALLJA_IV __ No deverbal nouns for speller reasons. Bisyllabic a- and u-verbs without Personal Passive but with Der/NomAg * __LEXICON BOAZZU_IV __ as DIEVVA_IV for u-verbs with dim -astit, that are hardcoded * __LEXICON BINDU_IV __ as DIEVVA (but without short passive) for u-verbs with dim -astit, that are hardcoded * __LEXICON BOAHTALADDA_IV __ Already derived words (except words ending -uššat) * __LEXICON MAHTI_TV __ Bisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj. * __LEXICON MAHTALADDA_TV __ Bisyllabic Already derived words (except words ending -uššat) without Personal Passive but with Acc obj * __LEXICON RAIMMAHALLA_IV __ passives on -hallat and INCHOATIVES on -stuvvat * __LEXICON UVVA_IV __ passives -uvvat * __ LEXICON SMUVVA_IV __ passives -snuvvat, -smuvvat, -smit * __LEXICON DOAROSTUVVA_TV __ INCHOATIVES on -stuvvat !!Intermediate lexica for even-syllable verbs !!Basic lexica for contracted verbs * __LEXICON GILLE_IV __ Contracted Verbs without Personal Passive * __LEXICON CIRRO_IV __ Inchoatives and essives on -á, -o, -e without Personal Passive * __LEXICON DOHPPE_TV __ Contracted Verbs with Personal Passive * __LEXICON GARRE_TV __ garret, loget. with Personal Passive. for speller to hinder garrenávnnas, garrenoaivi etc * __LEXICON ORRO_IV __ orrot. for speller to hinder orronsadji etc * __LEXICON MUITA_TV __ Inchoatives and essives on -á, -o, -e with Personal Passive * __LEXICON MAHTA_TV __ Contracted Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj. !!Basic lexica for trisyllabic verbs * __LEXICON COASKKIT_IV __ Trisyllabic impersonals * __LEXICON ARVVASJ_IV __ impersonals ending -šit, -skit, smit, -idit, -ldit, -git and 5-syllables * __LEXICON ARVIL_IV __ Impersonal Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit * __LEXICON MUITAL_TV __ Trisyllabic Verbs with Personal Passive * __LEXICON OAHPAHIT_TV __ only oahpahit, disamb reasons? * __LEXICON MUITTASJ_TV __ Words ending -šit, -skit, -ldit - Reciprocals on -dit, Momentatives on -dit, -ádit, -ihit, -e7hit, Frequentatives on -(u)hit, Continuatives on -nit, Inchoatives on -nit * __LEXICON HALIID_TV __ Words ending -smit, -idit, -git * __LEXICON BONJAT_TV __ Cont/Freq on -dit, Continuatives on -(u)hit, Reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit * __LEXICON VUORDIL_TV __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit, -rit with Personal Passive * __LEXICON MUITALCnj __ Substems for Consonantal Verb Stems * __LEXICON HURAICnj __ Substems for Words ending -aidit * __LEXICON ALIST_IV __ Trisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive * __LEXICON NUOSKIT_IV __ only nuoskidit, for speller, no action noun nuoskideapmi * __LEXICON BEAGASJ_IV __ Words ending -šit, -skit -ldit, essive derivates on -hit -. !Reciprocals on -dit. Momentatives on -dit, -ádit, -ihit, -e7hit. Frequentatives on -(u)hit. Continuatives on -nit. Inchoatives in -nit * __LEXICON JORGGIID_IV __ Words ending -smit, -idit, -git - * __LEXICON HURAI_IV __ Words ending -aidit * __LEXICON BALAT_IV __ !Cont/Freq on -dit, Continuatives on -(u)hit, Reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit * __LEXICON SUOTNJAL_IV __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit, -rit without Personal Passive * __LEXICON BOTNJAS_IV __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -sit without Personal Passive * __LEXICON LASSAN_IV __ Trisyllabic Verbs ending -nit without Personal Passive IV * __LEXICON LAHKAN_TV __ lahkanit, lahkonit, are nowadays used transitively * __LEXICON GEAGAT_TV __ Trisyllabic Verbs without Personal Passive but with Acc obj. * __LEXICON BUOVVAL_TV __ buovvalit, guoigalit. Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit without Personal Passive but with Acc obj. !!Finite declension !!Present tense !Vocalic stems * __LEXICON PotPrsV __ Present Tense in Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsV __ Present Tense in Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsV1 __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsV2 __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsV3 __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsV4 __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsV5 __ Present Tense Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems !Consonantal stems * __LEXICON PotC __ Present Tense in Consonantal Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsC __ Present Tense in Consonantal Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsC1 __ Present Tense in Contr/Non-Contr Consonantal Verb Stems * __LEXICON PotC2 __ Potential in Non-Contracted Consonantal Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrsC2 __ Present Tense in Non-Contracted Consonantal Verb Stems !!Past tense !Vocalic stems * __LEXICON PrtV __ Preterite Endings for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrtV1 __ Preterite Endings for Vocalic Weak Grade Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrtV2 __ Preterite Endings for Vocalic Strong Grade Verb Stems !Consonantal stems * __LEXICON PrtC __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrtC1 __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Contr./Non-Contr. Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrtC2 __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Non-Contr. Verb Stems * __LEXICON PrtC3 __ Preterite Endings for Consonantal Contr./Non-Contr. Verb Stems !!Imperative mood * __LEXICON ImprtVA __ Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON ImprtVB __ Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON ImprtV1 __ Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems * __LEXICON ImprtV2 __ Imperative Forms for Vocalic Verb Stems and Substems * __LEXICON ImprtSg2 __ Imperative Forms For Consonantal and Contracted Verb Stems * __LEXICON ImprtC __ Imperative Substems for Consonantal Verb Stems - uneven syll. * __LEXICON ImprtC2 __ Imperative Substems for Consonantal Verb Stems - contracts !!!Infinite forms !!V- and C-final * __LEXICON NominalFormsV __ Vowel-final stems !!Continuation lex * __LEXICON NominalFormsVC __ for vowel final * __LEXICON NominalFormsV1 __ infinitiv, actio * __LEXICON NominalFormsV2 __ gerund, verbgenitiv, verbabessive * __LEXICON NominalFormsV3 __ ^NG^ gerund * __LEXICON NominalFormsV4 __ perfect participe, preterite negation form * __LEXICON NominalFormsV5 __ negation form * __LEXICON NominalFormsV6 __ presence paratisipe * __!LEXICON NominalFormsV7 __ gerund, verbabessive , same as NominalFormsV8! * __LEXICON NominalFormsV8 __ gerund, verbabessive * __LEXICON NominalFormsV9 __ supine * __LEXICON NominalFormsC1 __ for cons final stems: infinitive, supine, actio, gerund, perfect participe, preterite negation form * __LEXICON NominalFormsC2 __ for cons final stems: presence participe !!!Derivation * __!LEXICON PRSPRCTOADJ __ SUB ! This is for PrsPrc as Adj. * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsC __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsCTV __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsBOAHTI __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsRAIMMAHALLA __ no NomAg/actor * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsBOAHTALADDA __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDIEHTALADDA __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDIEHTI __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDIEHTISHORT __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDIEHTILONGSHORT __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsBAHCCI __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDOHPPE- __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsGARRE- __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsCIRRO- __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsORRO- __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsCIRROTV- __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDOHPPEJ __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsDOHPPEJTV __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITALTV __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITTASJTV __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITAL __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsNUOSKIT __ * __LEXICON DeverbalNounsMUITTASJ __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBOAHTI __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsDIEVVA __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBINDU __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBORRA __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsFALLA __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBOLTU __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsDIEHTI __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsARVI __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsDOHPPE __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsGILLE __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBORGE __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsMUITAL __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsVUORDIL __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsALIST __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsSUOTNJAL __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsBOTNJAS __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsLASSAN __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsCOASKKIT __ * __LEXICON DeverbalVerbsARVIL __