RCS, the single-user version control system for our .cgi files

Whereas the project source files are kept under CVS control, the .cgi files in the /var/www/cgi-bin/smi/ directory are kept under RCS control. If you want to edit the files in that directory, read this. If you are not going to edit those files, you should definitely not read this page.

The short version

  1. Check out the file to yourself by writing co -l filename.
  2. Edit the file, and save the changes!!
  3. Check in the file again by writing ci -u filename.
  4. When you check in, write a log message that described what you have done and why. The log message (and the access to earlier versions) is the reason why we use RCS on the cgi-bin files!

The last point is important! If you do not check it in again, other users cannot modify it (well, without stealing your lock, but it it better that you check in the file.

The -u flag is important. If you do not use that, you will delete the copy of the file, and the web interface becomes useless.

What is RCS?

RCS is a version control system, much like CVS, but it is older, and not so advanced. The main difference is that with CVS, each user makes his or her own copy of the file, whereas with RCS, there exist only two versions of the same file. If you make one file se.cgi, then RCS keeps an archive version se.cgi,v of the file se.cgi. The file se.cgi is then kept read-only (locked, in RCS terminology), and only made writeable (unlocked) during editing. After each revision, the person that has made the changes shoudl describe them in the log message.

Basic RCS usage

To read the file, just open it. If you open it in emacs, you will see the symbol %% to the left of the status bar under the page, this indicates that the file is read only.

If you want to make changes to the file, you must first check it out. This is done as follows (supposing you want to edit the file sme-lookup.cgi:

co -l sme-lookup.cgi

Then you may open it in emacs, edit it, and save the changes. Thereafter, you should check it in again (lock it). This is done with the command

ci -l sme-lookup.cgi

If you want to see what has been done earlier (i.e., see the revision history), you may inspect the log with the command

rlog sme-lookup.cgi | less

(the less command just in case the log info stretches over more than one page).

RCS and Emacs

Emacs has a module for RCS, called VC.

It is used in the following way:

You open the document with C-x v v, the file is then opened for use.

You edit the document, and save it as normally. Thereafter, press C-x v v. Then write eventual comments, and quit with C-c C-c. As a result, the file goes to RCS with the access 444, or r--r--r--.

Reference: List over RCS commands

ci filename
Check in RCS revisions. Note that the file you had in the working directory is deleted with this command
ci -l filename
Check in RCS revisions, and keep a locked version of the file. This is the command that should be used for the cgi-bin scripts.
ci -u filename
Check in RCS revisions, and keep an unlocked version of the file. This is a wise move only if you intend to keep on working on the file.
Check out (read-only) RCS revisions
co -l
Check out RCS revisions that you may edit yourself
Identify files
Three-way file merge
Change RCS file attributes
Clean up working files
Compare RCS revisions
Merge RCS revisions
Print log messages and other info on RCS files

Of these, I have used ci, co, and rlog.


Trond Trosterud

Last modified: Fri Nov 28 14:12:06 EET 2003