Background information on the Southern Sami project

The original Moshagen and Trosterud files are found at Lingsoft (in the sms directory there). We wrote an article for NJL on that parser, cf. below. Later, we have received some comments from Lauri Karttunen that we are about to incorporate and evaluate. The present sms parser is based upon Karttunen's version. Contrary to our original version, it is able to generate forms as well as analysing them. As part of the evaluation of Karttunen's comments, the southern Sámi lexicon has been transformed from Lingsoft format to Xerox format.

Our article, A Two-level Parser for Southern S�i, is the most complete documentation of the Southern S�i analysis. [the link is broken, must be fixed.]

Trond Trosterud

Last modified: Mon May 6 01:05:21 CEST 2002