Table of content


This file describes the Lule Sami lexicon files. The documentation is not complete. Status quo for the lexicon files is as follows (030310):

The file structure for the lexicon files is the same as for the other Sami lgs, cf. the flowchart.

The Nouns

The nouns are divided in the following sublexica (the noun-smj-lex.txt file is organized in chapters according to these sublexica).

Spiik    LEXICON      Type
even     MUORRA       2syll stem with cg (note Q1)
even     NOADE        2syll stem without cg (note missing Q1)
even     KINO         2syll stem without any morphophonology
even 4sl GÅNÅGIS      4syll stem with cg
even 4sl CELSIUS      4syll stem without cg
odd      ÅRES         oddsyll, cg, C-final, 2ndsyll vowchange
odd      GÁMAS        oddsyll, cg, C-final, no 2ndsyll vowchange
odd      GAHPER       oddsyll, no cg, no vowchange
odd      BENA         oddsyll, cg, vowchange, V-final nominative
cntr     SARVES       cntr C-final with cg
cntr     SUOLOJ       
cntr     GUOMOJ       III-I cg

NB! Note that grade III nouns of the biel'lo type must be added as such in the lexicon, in order not to get wrong CG results. Also, non-gradating nouns must go to different sublexica, and these lexica must point to CG-free case sublexica.

The Adjectives

The adjective lexica follow Spiik's numbering system, in the following way:

Spiik   LEXICON      Type
even 1a GIEVRRA      Attr WeG, -s
even 1b NUORRA       Attr =
even 1c HÁVSSKE      Attr w/o WeG, -s
even 1d UNNE         Attr e > a~e, WeG
even 2  ÁRMMOGIS     Attr = Pred. Nom. Sg.
misc.   ASIDASJ
odd a.  TJIEGOS      Adj. on -k, negating on -dahkes, sm adjs on -os
odd b.  BASSTEL      Adj. on -et, -l, -r
odd c.  MUTTÁK       Adj. on -ák,  {aáå}s, Attr -is or ==
odd d.  ALLAK        Adj. on -ak, Attr on -a
odd e.  GALMAS       Adj. on WeG -as, Attr on StrG -a

The Attribute

The case forms

Comparative and superlative

The Verbs


The auxiliary verbs have been added. Note the concatenated entries for auxiliary + negation.

The main verbs are divided in even (-at, -åt, -ot, -et), odd (-it) and contracted (-átm -åt~ut, -it) stems.




The derivational system takes the Northern Sámi system as a starting point, but does not (yet) take transitivity into account.

BASSAT -> +V: BASSATStem ; +V DeverbalVerbsBASSAT ;
BASSATStem -> 

The closed classes


Personal pronouns

Lule Sami personal pronouns are added to the file closed-smj.lex.txt. They differ from the corresponding Northern Sami ones in having uniform sublexica across the different persons. The initial lexicon Personal splits into nine sublexica, 3 for each person, each pointing to one sublexicon for each number. The 3 number sublexica (persproncasesg, etc. then give the case forms.

Demonstrative pronouns

This lexicon contains both declineable and indeclineable entries. The declineable ones point to two sublexica, demcas and dátcas. Of these, the former splits into number sublexica.

Reflexive pronouns

In the Reflexive sublexicon, the reflexive pronoun iesj gets spelled-out forms for the Px-less nominative, whereas the oblique forms are directed to sublexica for sg and pl. There they get appropriate stems, and the singular forms are redirected to the ordinary nominal Px lexica. Acc PxSg1 and Gen PxSg1 have exceptional forms, they are listed as such.

The plural reflexives do have deviating Px forms, they are listed in the closed-smj-lex.txt file itself, first by establishing dual and plural substems for each person (in lexicon PxCiPlstem), and then by giving the personal suffixes (in lexicon PxCPlstem

Interrogative pronouns

These are mij and guhti. The nominative and partitive of mij are given separately, as are two nominatives of guhti. Furthermore, mij has some idiosyncratic forms. The rest are generated in lexicon oblintercas.

Indefinite pronouns

This has not been done, the lexicon has only one entry, the pronoun vehi.

Subjunctions and Conjunctions

10-20 subjunctions and conjunctions are listed, and given appropriate tags.


All basic numerals are listed, and given appropriate case inflection. No attempts have been done wrt. making a numeral generator (for combinations of numerals, such as fivehundredandtwentyfour, etc.). The documentation in Spiik was not entirely clear on this point (are complex numeral written in one word or not, and how is the case inflection?)

Particles and Interjections

4-5 particles and interjections are listed, and given tags.


The file adv-smj-lex.txt contains lexical adverbs. Still missing is defect case paradigms, and adverbs derived from adjectives.


The file differs between pre- and postpositions.

Trond Trosterud

Last modified: Thu Jun 20 00:38:19 CEST 2002