@echo off if "%1"=="" goto start if "%1"=="start" goto start if "%1"=="startd" goto startd if "%1"=="build" goto build if "%1"=="build-opt" goto buildo if "%1"=="buildo" goto buildo if "%1"=="clean" goto clean if "%1"=="pack" goto pack if "%1"=="package" goto pack if "%1"=="dist" goto dist if "%1"=="distribute" goto dist echo make: *** No rule to make target `%1'. Stop. goto exit :start echo [x] Building assets and starting development server... mimosa watch -s :startd echo [x] Cleaning compiled directory, building assets and starting development server.. mimosa watch -sd :build echo [x] Building assets... mimosa build :buildo echo [x] Building and optimizing assets... mimosa build -o :clean echo [x] Removing compiled files... mimosa clean :pack echo [x] Building and packaging application... mimosa build -omp :dist echo [x] Building and distributing application... call mimosa clean --force call mimosa build -om rmdir /S /Q dist xcopy /S /Q public dist\ copy views\index-optimize.html dist\index.html :exit