(:~ : This is the main XQuery which will (by default) be called by controller.xql : to process any URI ending with ".html". It receives the HTML from : the controller and passes it to the templating system. :) xquery version "3.0"; import module namespace templates="http://exist-db.org/xquery/templates" at "templates.xql"; (: : The following modules provide functions which will be called by the : templating. :) import module namespace config="http://exist-db.org/xquery/apps/config" at "config.xqm"; import module namespace app="http://exist-db.org/xquery/templates" at "app.xql"; import module namespace risten="http://exist-db.org/xquery/apps/risten" at "risten.xql"; import module namespace r="http://exist-db.org/xquery/apps/r" at "search.xql"; declare option exist:serialize "method=html5 media-type=text/html"; (: : We have to provide a lookup function to templates:apply to help it : find functions in the imported application modules. The templates : module cannot see the application modules, but the inline function : below does see them. :) let $lookup := function($functionName as xs:string, $arity as xs:int) { try { function-lookup(xs:QName($functionName), $arity) } catch * { () } } (: : The HTML is passed in the request from the controller. : Run it through the templating system and return the result. :) let $content := request:get-data() return templates:apply($content, $lookup, ())