! Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages ! Copyright © 2000-2010 The University of Tromsø & the Norwegian Sámi Parliament ! http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify ! this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License ! is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is ! also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. ! ! Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact ! giellatekno@hum.uit.no or feedback@divvun.no !! !!!South Saami pronouns ! ==================== ! ==================== ! ==================== LEXICON Pronoun !! The __@LEXNAME@__ lexicon points to all the subgrops, presented in this order below: Reciprocal ; !!= * @CODE@ Personal ; !!= * @CODE@ Demonstrative ; !!= * @CODE@ Interrogative ; !!= * @CODE@ Indefinite ; !!= * @CODE@ Reflexive ; !!= * @CODE@ !! !!The Reciprocal pronoun ! ---------------------- ! ---------------------- ! ---------------------- LEXICON Reciprocal sinsitniem+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Acc:sinsitniem FINAL1 ; !!= * @CODE@ sinsitniem+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Acc+Err/Orth:sinsitnem FINAL1 ; !! * ... sinsitniem+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Gen:sinsitnien FINAL1 ; sinsitniem+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Ill:sinsætnan FINAL1 ; sinsitniem+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Ela:sinsitneste FINAL1 ; sinsitniem+Pron+Recipr+Sg+Com:sinsitnine FINAL1 ; sinsitniem+Pron+Recipr+Pl+Acc:sinsitnide FINAL1 ; ! Not in MMM !! !!Personal pronouns ! ----------------- ! ----------------- ! ----------------- !! Splitting in 1st, 2nd, 3rd ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON Personal !! New lemma form, now number as baseform, due to Oahpa manne+Pron+Pers+Sg1+Gen:mov # ; ! Added to fill the gap, remove this or previous manne+Pron+Pers+Sg1+Gen+Err/Orth:muv # ; manne+Pron+Pers+Sg1:m firstperspronsg ; månnoeh+Pron+Pers+Du1:m firstpersprondu ; mijjieh+Pron+Pers+Pl1:m perspronpl ; datne+Pron+Pers+Sg2:d nonfirstperspronsg ; dåtnoeh+Pron+Pers+Du2:d nonfirstpersprondu ; dijjieh+Pron+Pers+Pl2:d perspronpl ; satne+Pron+Logo+Sg3:s nonfirstperspronsg ; såtnoeh+Pron+Logo+Du3:s nonfirstpersprondu ; sijjieh+Pron+Logo+Pl3:s perspronpl ; DIHTE ; ! this is for personal pronoun use of dïhte !! !Lexica for sg ! - - - - - - - LEXICON firstperspronsg !! the __@LEXNAME@__ for first pers has special consonantism :anne longproncase ; +Ill:unnjien FINAL1 ; +Ill+Use/NG:unnjan FINAL1 ; LEXICON nonfirstperspronsg !! for __@LEXNAME@__ the 2nd and 3rd are identical :atne longproncase ; +Gen:ov FINAL1 ; +Gen+Err/Orth:uv FINAL1 ; +Ill:utnjien FINAL1 ; +Ill+Use/NG:utnjan FINAL1 ; !! !Lexica for du ! - - - - - - - LEXICON firstpersprondu !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:ånnoeh FINAL1 ; +Nom+Err/Orth:onnoeh firstpersprondu ; +Gen:onnen FINAL1 ; +Gen+Err/Orth:onnoej FINAL1 ; +Ill:onnese FINAL1 ; +Err/Orth:onne longproncase ; LEXICON nonfirstpersprondu !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:åtnoeh FINAL1 ; +Nom+Err/Orth:otnoeh FINAL1 ; +Gen+Err/Orth:otnoej FINAL1 ; +Gen:otnen FINAL1 ; +Ill:otnese FINAL1 ; +Err/Orth:otne longproncase ; ! sotnoeh+Pron+Logo+Du3+Err/Orth:s nonfirstpersprondu ; !! !Lexica for pl ! - - - - - - - LEXICON perspronpl !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:ijjieh FINAL1 ; +Nom+Use/NG:ijje FINAL1 ; +Acc:ijjem FINAL1 ; +Acc+Use/NG:ijjiem FINAL1 ; +Gen:ijjen FINAL1 ; +Gen+Use/NG:ijjien FINAL1 ; +Ill:ijjese FINAL1 ; +Ill+Use/NG:ijjide FINAL1 ; +Ine:ijjesne FINAL1 ; +Ela:ijjeste FINAL1 ; +Ela+Use/NG:ijjijste FINAL1 ; +Com:ijjeX2ine FINAL1 ; !! !Common case lexica ! - - - - - - - - - LEXICON longproncase !!= * @CODE@ +Nom: FINAL1 ; +Acc:m FINAL1 ; +Ine:sne FINAL1 ; +Ela:ste FINAL1 ; +Com:X2ine FINAL1 ; !! !dïhte LEXICON DIHTE !! __@LEXNAME@__ is a personal pronoun, !! demonstrative dïhte is treated below. dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Nom:dïhte FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Acc:dam FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Acc+Use/NG:altemse FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Gen:dan FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Gen+Use/NG:altese FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Gen+Use/NG:elties FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Gen+Use/NG:eltie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Ill:dïsse FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg+Ill+PxSg3:altasasse FINAL1 ; !dïhte dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Ine:desnie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Ela:destie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Ela+Use/NG:altasistie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Com:dejnie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg3+Com+Use/NG:altasinie FINAL1 ; dah% guaktah+Pron+Pers+Du3+Nom:dah% guaktah FINAL1 ; ! For oahpa use dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Nom:dah FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Acc:dejtie FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Gen:daj FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Gen+Use/NG:dej FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Gen+Use/NG:altese FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Ill:dejtie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Refl+Sg+Ill+PxPl3:altasissie FINAL1 ; !dïhte dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Ine:dejnie FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Ela:dejstie FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Com:dejgujmie FINAL1 ; dah+Pron+Pers+Pl3+Com+Use/NG:dajgujmie FINAL1 ; dah% guaktah+Pron+Pers+Du3+Gen:altesigan FINAL1 ; ! XXX check this !! !!Demonstrative pronouns ! ---------------------- ! ---------------------- ! ---------------------- !! This is for: !! the attributive forms of dïhte !! all forms of the other pronouns !! !The initial demonstrative lexica ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON Demonstrative !!= * @CODE@ !! Same as above, with exceptions in !! Sg Ill, Sg Ine, Sg Ela, Pl Com !! Still open: analyse morphologically or not... dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Nom:dïhte FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Acc:dam FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Gen:dan FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill:dïsse FINAL1 ; ! dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine:desnie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela:destie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill+Attr:dan FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine+Attr:dennie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela+Attr:dehtie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Com:dejnie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Nom:dah FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Acc:dejtie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen:daj FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen+Use/NG:dej FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ill:dejtie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ine:dejnie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ela:dejstie FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com:dejgujmie FINAL1 ; !Lene la til, pga MT dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Attr:dej FINAL1 ; ! dïhte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Attr+Use/NG:daj FINAL1 ; ! Here come the unambiguous demonstratives: ! Separate attributive forms are marked as such in the commentary field !daate-Sg daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Nom:daate FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Acc:daam FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Gen:daan FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Gen+Err/Orth:daen FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill:daase FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill+Attr:daan # ; ! XXX Attr form (Gen analysis?) daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine:daesnie FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine+Attr:daennie # ; ! XXX Attr form daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela:daestie FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela+Attr:daehtie # ; ! XXX Attr form daate+Pron+Dem+Sg+Com:daejnie FINAL1 ; !daaate-Pl ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Nom:daah FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Acc:daejtie FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen:daaj FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen+Use/NG:daej FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ill:daejtie FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ine:daejnie FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ela:daejstie FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com:daajgujmie FINAL1 ; daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Attr:daaj # ; ! XXX Attr form (Gen analysis?) daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Attr+Use/NG:daej # ; ! XXX Attr form (Gen analysis?) daate+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Use/NG:daejgujmie FINAL1 ; !doete-Sg doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Nom:doete FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Acc:doem FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Gen:doen FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill:doese FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill+Attr:doen FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine:duesnie FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine+Attr:duennie # ; ! these are Attr forms, demonstr doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela:duestie FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela+Attr:duehtie # ; ! these are Attr forms, demonstr doete+Pron+Dem+Sg+Com:duejnie FINAL1 ; !doete-Pl doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Nom:doeh FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Acc:duejtie FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen:doej FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen+Use/NG:duej FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ill:duejtie FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ine:duejnie FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ela:duejstie FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com:duejgujmie FINAL1 ; doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Attr:duej # ; ! XXX Attr form doete+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Use/NG:doejgujmie FINAL1 ; !dohte-Sg dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Nom:dohte FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Acc:dom FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Gen:don FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill:dosse FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ill+Attr:don FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine:dusnie FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ine+Attr:dunnie # ; ! these are Attr forms, demonstr dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela:dustie FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Ela+Attr:duhtie # ; ! these are Attr forms, demonstr dohte+Pron+Dem+Sg+Com:dujnie FINAL1 ; !dohte-Pl dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Nom:doh FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Acc:dujtie FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen:doj FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Gen+Use/NG:dyj FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ill:dujtie FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ine:dujnie FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Ela:dujstie FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com:dojgujmie FINAL1 ; dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Attr:doj # ; ! XXX Attr form dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Attr+Use/NG:dyj # ; ! XXX Attr form dohte+Pron+Dem+Pl+Com+Use/NG:dyjgujmie FINAL1 ; magkeres+Pron+Interr:magk DAGKERES ; dagkeres+Pron+Dem:dagk DAGKERES ; daagkeres+Pron+Dem:daagk DAGKERES ; doegkeres+Pron+Dem:doegk DAGKERES ; dogkeres+Pron+Dem:dogk DAGKERES ; LEXICON DAGKERES !!= * @CODE@ +Attr:eres # ; ! Sjekk dette paradigmet, det er bygd på m- +Sg+Nom+Use/NG:eres FINAL1 ; ! Sub? +Sg+Nom:ere FINAL1 ; +Sg+Acc:erem FINAL1 ; +Sg+Gen:eren FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ill:arasse FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ine+Attr:arinie FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ine:arisnie FINAL1 ; ! sjekk ??? Ine arisnie +Sg+Ela:aristie FINAL1 ; +Sg+Com:arinie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Nom:erh FINAL1 ; +Pl+Acc:aridie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Gen:eri FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ill:aridie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ela:arijstie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ine:arijnie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Com:erigujmie FINAL1 ; !! !!Interrogative and relative pronouns ! ----------------------------------- ! ----------------------------------- ! ----------------------------------- LEXICON Interrogative gie+Pron+Interr: GIE ; gie+Pron+Rel: GIE ; mij+Pron+Interr: MIJ ; mij+Pron+Rel: MIJ ; guhte+Pron+Rel: GUHTE ; guhte+Pron+Interr: GUHTE ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Nom:gåabpa FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Acc:gåabpam FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Gen:gåabpan FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ill:gåabpese FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ine:gåabpesne FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ine+Attr:gåabpene # "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ela:gåabpeste FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ela+Attr:gåabpede # "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Interr+Sg+Com:gåabpine FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Interr+Sg+Nom:gåabpetje FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Interr+Sg+Acc:gåabpetjem FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Interr+Sg+Gen:gåabpetjen FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ill:gåabpatjasse FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ine:gåabpatjisnie FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ela:gåabpatjistie FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Interr+Sg+Com:gåabpatjinie FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Nom:gåabpa FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Acc:gåabpam FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Gen:gåabpan FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ill:gåabpese FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ine:gåabpesne FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ine+Attr:gåabpene # "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ela:gåabpeste FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ela+Attr:gåabpede # "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpa+Pron+Rel+Sg+Com:gåabpine FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Rel+Sg+Nom:gåabpetje FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Rel+Sg+Acc:gåabpetjem FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Rel+Sg+Gen:gåabpetjen FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ill:gåabpatjasse FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ine:gåabpatjisnie FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Rel+Sg+Ela:gåabpatjistie FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; gåabpetje+Pron+Rel+Sg+Com:gåabpatjinie FINAL1 "hvilken (av to)" ; !? LEXICON GUHTE +Sg+Nom:guhte FINAL1 ; +Sg+Nom+Err/Orth:guht FINAL1 ; +Sg+Acc:guhtem FINAL1 ; +Sg+Gen:guhten FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ill:guhtese FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ine:guhtesne FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ine+Attr:guhtene # ; +Sg+Ela:guhteste FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ela+Attr:guhtede # ; +Sg+Com+Err/Orth:guhtine FINAL1 ; !? ! +Pl+Nom:guhth FINAL1 ; +Pl+Nom+Err/Orth:guht FINAL1 ; +Pl+Acc:guhtide FINAL1 ; +Pl+Gen:guhti FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ill:guhtide FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ine:guhtine FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ela:guhtijste FINAL1 ; +Pl+Com+Err/Orth:guhtigujmie FINAL1 ; !? ! LEXICON GIE +Sg+Nom:gie FINAL1 ; !+Sg+Nom+Err/Orth:gïe FINAL1 ; !spellrelax +Sg+Acc:gïem FINAL1 ; +Sg+Acc+Use/NG:geam FINAL1 ; +Sg+Gen:gïen FINAL1 ; +Sg+Gen+Use/NG:gean FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ill:gïese FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ill+Use/NG:gease FINAL1 ; +Pl+Nom:gïeh FINAL1 ; +Pl+Nom+Use/NG:geah FINAL1 ; +Pl+Gen+Use/NG:geaj FINAL1 ; +Pl+Com+Use/NG:geajgujmie FINAL1 ; :gie INTERR ; ! LEXICON MIJ +Sg+Nom:mij FINAL1 ; +Sg+Acc:maam FINAL1 ; +Sg+Acc+Err/Orth:maab FINAL1 ; +Sg+Gen:man FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ill:mïsse FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ill+Attr:man FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ill+Use/NG:masse FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ess:mannasinie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Nom:mah FINAL1 ; +Pl+Gen+Use/NG:maj FINAL1 ; +Pl+Gen+Use/NG:mej FINAL1 ; +Pl+Com+Use/NG:majgujmie FINAL1 ; :me INTERR ; LEXICON INTERR +Sg+Ine:snie FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ine+Attr:nnie FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ela:stie FINAL1 ; +Sg+Ela+Attr:htie FINAL1 ; +Sg+Com:jnie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Acc:jtie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Gen:j FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ill:jtie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ine:jnie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Ela:jstie FINAL1 ; +Pl+Com:jgujmie FINAL1 ; !! !!Indefinite pronouns ! ------------------- ! ------------------- ! ------------------- LEXICON Indefinite !!= * @CODE@ guhte+Pron+Indef: GUHTE ; abpe ind_noninfl "hele" ; !probably does not have inflection, so it was removed aktege+Pron+Indef+Attr:aktege FINAL1 ; ! mt dovnesh:dovnes indcoll "alle" ; ! check this eatjah:eatj indeven-a "annen, de andre" ; eatjah:eatj indeven-e "annen, de andre" ; mubpie+Pron+Indef:mubp MUBPIE ; nubpie+Pron+Indef:nubp MUBPIE ; fïere+Pron+Indef+Attr:fïere # ; fïereguhte:fïereguht indeven-e "hver og en" ; fïereguhte+Use/NG:fïere-guht indeven-e "hver og en" ; ! MMM feareguhte:feareguht indeven-e "hver og en" ; ! MMM feareguhte+Use/NG:feare-guht indeven-e "hver og en" ; ! MMM fïerhte:fïerht indeven-e "hver, hverthver" ; gaajhke+Pron+Indef+Attr:gaajhke # ; ! for MT, like sme. gaajhke:gaajhk indeven-e "alle" ; gaajhke+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela+Attr:gaajhkede # "alle" ; gaajhke+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine+Attr:gaajhkene # "alle" ; gaajhkesh:gaajhkes indcoll "alle sammen" ; gaajhkesh+Pron+Coll+Pl+Nom+Err/Orth:gaajhkes FINAL1 ; gaajhkesh+Pron+Coll+Pl+Nom+Err/Orth:gaajhksh FINAL1 ; gallesh:gallas indcoll "mange sammen" ; !gellie ind_noninfl "mange" ; !also inessive for gellene e.g. gellene lehkesne - på många ställen. Example in Åarjelsaemien 6 (2000:6). !gellieh ind_noninfl ; => lenger ned ! Check this: geahken+Pron+Indef:geahk indsg-e-obl ; geahken+Pron+Indef:geahk indpl-e ; geahkese:geahkes indodd ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:giege # ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc:gïemge # ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc+Use/NG:geamge # ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen:gïenge # ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen+Use/NG:geange # ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ill:gïesege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ill+Use/NG:geasege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine:giesniege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine+Attr:gienniege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela:giestiege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela+Attr:giehtiege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Sg+Com:giejniege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom:gïehge FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom+Use/NG:geahge FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:giejge FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen+Use/NG:geajge FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Acc:giejtiege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ill:giejtiege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ine:giejniege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ela:giejstiege FINAL1 ; giege+Pron+Indef+Pl+Com:geajgujmiege FINAL1 ; ! The following paradigm is for mt use, but perhaps needed elsewhere? gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:gïehk # ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc:gïemhk # ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc+Use/NG:geamhk # ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen:gïenhk # ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen+Use/NG:geanhk # ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ill:gïesehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ill+Use/NG:geasehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine:giesniehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine+Attr:gienniehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela:giestiehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela+Attr:giehtiehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Sg+Com:giejniehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom:gïehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom+Use/NG:geahk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:giejhk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen+Use/NG:geajhk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Acc:giejtiehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ill:giejtiehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ine:giejniehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ela:giejstiehk FINAL1 ; gïehk+Pron+Indef+Pl+Com:geajgujmiehk FINAL1 ; ! maamkh -- the lemma 'mijkh' is unattested, but maamkh is Acc ! The whole paradigm should be looked into mijkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:mijkh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc:maamkh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen:mankh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ill:mïssekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine:mesniekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela:mestiekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Com:mejniekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Ess:mannasiniekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom:mahkh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Acc:mejtiekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:majkh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ill:mejtiekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ine:mejniekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ela:mejstiekh FINAL1 ; mijkh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Com:mejgujmiekh FINAL1 ; gille:gill indeven-e "noen få" ; gillesh:gilles indcoll "noen få sammen" ; !Guhtegh-Sg guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom:guhtegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Acc:guhtemgh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Gen:guhtengh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ill:guhtesegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine:guhtesnegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ine+Attr:guhtene # ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela:guhtestegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela+Attr:guhtedegh # ; !Guhtegh-Pl Indef guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom:guhthgh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Acc:guhtidegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:guhtigh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ill:guhtidegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ine:guhtinegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ela:guhtijstegh FINAL1 ; guhtegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Com:guhtigujmiegh FINAL1 ; !? ! gåabpatjahkh+Pron+Indef+Sg+Ela+Attr:gåabpatjahke%>de # "både" ; gåabpatjahkh:gåabpatjahk indeven-e "både" ; gåabpegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Nom:gåabpegh FINAL1 "både" ; gåabpegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Acc:gåabpagidie FINAL1 ; gåabpegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Gen:gåabpegi FINAL1 ; gåabpegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ill:gåabpagidie FINAL1 ; gåabpegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ine:gåabpaginie FINAL1 ; gåabpegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Ela:gåabpagijstie FINAL1 ; gåabpegh+Pron+Indef+Pl+Com:gåabpaginie FINAL1 ; ! gåabpatjahkh begge gåabpatjahken aejkien begge ganger; ! gåabpatjahkem gåetiem begge telt (objekt); ! gåabpatjahken bealan til begge sider ! gåabpatjahkide = til begge to (om personer) !jeatja:jeatj indeven-a "annen, de andre" ; !jeatjh:jeatj indeven-e "annen, de andre" ; jeatjebe:jeatjab indodd "en annen, noe annet; flt. jeatjebh andre" ; jeatjebe+Pron+Indef+Attr:jeatjah FINAL1 ; jeatjebe+Pron+Indef+Attr+Use/NG:jeatjh FINAL1 ; jeatjebe+Pron+Indef+Attr+Use/NG:jeatja FINAL1 ; jeene:jeen indeven-e "mange, mye" ; jeenje:jeenj indeven-e "mange, mye" ; !uncertain if this word can be inflected in all these cases jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Pl:jeenjemes indpl-e "de fleste" ; jeenjemes+Pron+Indef:jeenjemes indess ; jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Nom:jeenjemes FINAL1 ; !XXX Should these include other tgs too? jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Acc:jeenjemese%>m FINAL1 ; jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Gen:jeenjemese%>n FINAL1 ; jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Ill:jeenjemese%>se FINAL1 ; jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Ine:jeenjemese%>sne FINAL1 ; jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Ine+Attr:jeenjemese%>ne # ; !XXX look at Attr jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Ela:jeenjemese%>ste FINAL1 ; jeenjemes+Pron+Indef+Com:jeenjemes%>ine FINAL1 ; jeenjesh:jeenjes indcoll "mange sammen" ; jienebe:jienieb indodd "flere" ; jïenesh+Err/Orth:jienes indcoll "mange sammen" ; ! jïjnjesh+Err/Orth:jijnjes indcoll "mange sammen" ; ! jïenesh:jïenes indcoll "mange sammen" ; jïjnje:jïjnj indeven-e "mange, mye" ; jïjnjesh:jïjnjes indcoll "mange sammen" ; mij% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Nom:mij% akt # ; mij#akt+Pron+Indef+Nom:mij#akt # ; mij% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Acc:maam% akt # ; mij#akt+Pron+Indef+Acc:maam#akt # ; mij% gih+MWE+Pron+Indef+Acc:maam% gih # ; mij#gih+Pron+Indef+Acc:maam#gih # ; gie% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Nom:gie% akt # ; gie#akt+Pron+Indef+Nom:gie#akt # ; gie% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Acc:gïem% akt # ; gie#akt+Pron+Indef+Acc:gïem#akt # ; gie% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Acc:geam% akt # ; gie#akt+Pron+Indef+Acc:geam#akt # ; mij% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Nom+Err/Orth:mij% akth # ; mij#akt+Pron+Indef+Nom+Err/Orth:mij#akth # ; mij% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Acc+Err/Orth:maam% akth # ; mij#akt+Pron+Indef+Acc+Err/Orth:maam#akth # ; gie% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Nom+Err/Orth:gie% akth # ; gie#akt+Pron+Indef+Nom+Err/Orth:gie#akth # ; gie% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Acc+Err/Orth:giem% akth # ; gie#akt+Pron+Indef+Acc+Err/Orth:giem#akth # ; gie% akt+MWE+Pron+Indef+Acc+Err/Orth:geam% akth # ; gie#akt+Pron+Indef+Acc+Err/Orth:geam#akth # ; mejtegh+Pron+Indef:mejtegh FINAL1 ; !XXX muvhte:muvht indeven-e "noen" ; muvhte+Err/Orth:muvht muvhtiecase "noen" ; måadtesh:måadtas indcoll "mangen" ; muvhtesh:muvhtes indcoll "mangen" ; måedtie:måedt muvhtiecase "mange" ; gellie:gell muvhtiecase "mange" ; naakede ind_noninfl ; ! no inflection? naakene:naaken naakenlex "noen, noe" ; !this must be pointed towards another lexicon due to it being three-syllabic naakene+Err/Orth:naagen naakenlex ; naan ind_noninfl "noen, noe" ; seamma ind_noninfl "samme" ; !XXX såamesh:såamas indcoll "noen, noe" ; såamesh+Err/Orth:såames indcoll "noen, noe" ; ! såemies ind_noninfl "noen, noe" ; åbpe ind_noninfl "hele" ; !probably does not have inflection, so it was removed LEXICON indeven-e !!= * @CODE@ +Pron+Indef+Sg: indsg-e ; +Pron+Indef+Pl: indpl-e ; +Pron+Indef: indess ; LEXICON indeven-a !!= * @CODE@ +Pron+Indef+Sg: indsg-a ; +Pron+Indef+Pl: indpl-a ; +Pron+Indef: indess ; !! !!kongruensContlex !! !muvhtiecase LEXICON muvhtiecase !!= * @CODE@ +Pron+Indef+Sg: muvhtiesg ; +Pron+Indef+Pl: muvhtiepl ; LEXICON muvhtiesg !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:ie FINAL1 ; +Acc:ie%>m FINAL1 ; +Gen:ie%>n FINAL1 ; +Ela:%>este FINAL1 ; !Magga&Magga +Ill+Attr:ie%>n # ; !utan attr også? +Ine+Attr:%>ine # ; +Ine+Attr+Use/NG:%>ene # ; ! gellene lehkesne - på många ställen. Example in Åarjelsaemien 6 (2000:6). +Ela+Attr:%>ide # ; +Com:%>ine FINAL1 ; LEXICON muvhtiepl !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:ieh FINAL1 ; +Acc:ide FINAL1 ; +Gen:ie%>j FINAL1 ; +Ill+Attr:ide # ; +Ill:ide FINAL1 ; ! mt +Ine:ine FINAL1 ; ! mt +Ela:ijste FINAL1 ; ! mt +Com:ijgujmie FINAL1 ; ! mt !! !naaken LEXICON naakenlex !!= * @CODE@ +Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom+Use/NG: FINAL1 ; +Pron+Indef+Attr:e FINAL1 ; ! mt indodd ; ! XXX Sjekk desse tre formene. Er det rett? ! Ei spesiell attributtform heller enn td. 2x gujmie +Pron+Indef+Pl+Ill+Attr:%>%^DISIMPi FINAL1 ; ! mt +Pron+Indef+Pl+Ine+Attr:%>%^DISIMPi FINAL1 ; ! mt +Pron+Indef+Pl+Ela+Attr:%>%^DISIMPi FINAL1 ; ! mt LEXICON indodd !!= * @CODE@ ! This lexicon cannot be removed ! before lexica pointing here ! get another contlex! +Pron+Indef+Sg: indsg_odd ; +Pron+Indef+Pl: indpl_odd ; +Pron+Indef: indess_odd ; LEXICON indsg_odd !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:e%^DISIMP FINAL1 ; +Acc:e%>%^DISIMPm FINAL1 ; +Gen:e%>%^DISIMPn FINAL1 ; +Ill:%>asse FINAL1 ; !Rule to delete Jesuse%>asse > Jesusasse +Ine:%>isnie FINAL1 ; +Ela:%>istie FINAL1 ; +Com:%>inie FINAL1 ; LEXICON indpl_odd !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:%>%^DISIMPh FINAL1 ; +Acc:%>idie FINAL1 ; +Gen:%>%^DISIMPi FINAL1 ; +Ill:%>idie FINAL1 ; +Ine:%>inie FINAL1 ; +Ela:%>ijstie FINAL1 ; +Com:%>%^DISIMPigujmie FINAL1 ; LEXICON indess_odd !!= * @CODE@ +Ess:%>inie FINAL1 ; LEXICON ind_noninfl !!= * @CODE@ +Pron+Indef+Attr: FINAL1 ; +Pron+Indef+Sg+Nom: FINAL1 ; !! !Inflecting even indefinites ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEXICON indsg-e !!= * @CODE@ indsg-e-nom ; indsg-e-obl ; LEXICON indsg-e-nom +Nom:e FINAL1 ; LEXICON indsg-e-obl +Acc:e%>m FINAL1 ; +Gen:e%>n FINAL1 ; +Ill+Attr:e%>n # ; +Ill:e%>se FINAL1 ; +Ine:e%>sne FINAL1 ; +Ine+Attr:e%>ne # ; +Ela:e%>ste FINAL1 ; +Ela+Attr:e%>de # ; +Com:%>ine FINAL1 ; LEXICON indsg-a !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:a FINAL1 ; +Acc:a%>m FINAL1 ; +Gen:a%>n FINAL1 ; +Ill:e%>se FINAL1 ; +Ine:e%>sne FINAL1 ; +Ine+Attr:e%>ne # ; +Ela:e%>ste FINAL1 ; +Com:%>ine FINAL1 ; LEXICON indpl-e !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:%>h FINAL1 ; +Acc:%>ide FINAL1 ; +Gen:%>i FINAL1 ; +Ill:%>ide FINAL1 ; +Ine:%>ine FINAL1 ; +Ela:%>ijste FINAL1 ; +Com:%>igujmie FINAL1 ; LEXICON indpl-a !!= * @CODE@ +Nom:a%>h FINAL1 ; !+Nom:a%>ah FINAL1 ; !XXX check +Acc:%>ide FINAL1 ; +Gen:a%>j FINAL1 ; +Ill:%>ide FINAL1 ; +Ine:%>ine FINAL1 ; +Ela:%>ijste FINAL1 ; +Com:a%>jgujmie FINAL1 ; LEXICON indess !!= * @CODE@ +Ess:%>ine FINAL1 ; LEXICON indcoll !!= * @CODE@ +Pron+Coll+Pl: indpl_odd ; !! !!Reflexive pronouns ! ------------------ ! ------------------ ! ------------------ LEXICON Reflexive !!= * @CODE@ jïjtje+Pron+Refl+Sg+Nom:jïjtje FINAL1 ; jïjtje+Pron+Refl+Sg+Nom+Use/NG:jeetje FINAL1 ; jïjtje+Pron+Refl+Sg+Nom+Use/NG:ijtje FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg+Acc+PxSg3:altemse FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg+Gen+PxSg3:altese FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg+Gen+PxSg3+Use/NG:elties FINAL1 ; dïhte+Pron+Pers+Sg+Gen+PxSg3+Use/NG:eltie FINAL1 ; jïjtje+Pron+Refl:jïjtj OBLREFL ; jïjtje+Pron+Refl:jïjt OBLREFL-NONPAL ; jïjtje+Pron+Refl+Use/NG:jïj OBLREFL-NONPAL2 ; ! jïjtje+Pron+Refl+Use/NG:jïjt OBLREFL-NONPAL2 ; !LA også denne finnes i korp jïjtje+Pron+Refl+Pl+Nom:jïjtjh FINAL1 ; jïjtje+Pron+Refl+Du+Nom:jïjtjh FINAL1 ; LEXICON OBLREFL !!= * @CODE@ +Acc+PxSg1:eme FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxSg1+Use/NG:emem FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxDu1:emem FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxDu1+Err/Orth:eme FINAL1 ; ! +Acc+PxPl1:emem FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxPl1+Err/Orth:eme FINAL1 ; ! +Acc+PxSg2:emdh FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxDu2:emdh FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxPl2:emdh FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxSg3:emse FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxDu3:emsh FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxDu3+Err/Orth:emse FINAL1 ; ! KB s.122 - but not sma speakers today +Acc+PxPl3:emsh FINAL1 ; +Acc+PxPl3+Err/Orth:emse FINAL1 ; ! KB s.122 - but not sma speakers today +Gen+PxSg1:en FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxSg1+Err/Orth:ene FINAL1 ; ! +Gen+PxDu1:emh FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxPl1:emh FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxSg2:edh FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxDu2:edh FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxPl2:edh FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxSg3:se FINAL1 ; ! MMM +Gen+PxDu3:sh FINAL1 ; ! +Gen+PxPl3:sh FINAL1 ; ! +Gen+PxSg3+Use/NG:ese FINAL1 ; ! MMM in (...) +Gen+PxDu3+Use/NG:esh FINAL1 ; ! +Gen+PxPl3+Use/NG:esh FINAL1 ; ! !+Gen+PxSg3+Use/MT:ese FINAL1 ; ! MMM... !+Gen+PxDu3+Use/MT:esh FINAL1 ; ! !+Gen+PxPl3+Use/MT:esh FINAL1 ; ! !+Ill+PxSg123 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below +Ill+PxDu1:emidie FINAL1 ; ! MMM +Ill+PxDu2:esadth FINAL1 ; ! !+Ill+PxDu3 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below +Ill+PxPl1:emidie FINAL1 ; ! MMM +Ill+PxPl2:esadth FINAL1 ; !+Ill+PxPl3 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below +Ine+PxSg1:emisnie FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxSg2:enadth FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxSg3:isnie FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxDu1:isnie FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxDu2:enadth FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxDu3:sinie FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxPl1:isnie FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxPl2:enadth FINAL1 ; +Ine+PxPl3:sinie FINAL1 ; +Ela+PxSg1:estanne FINAL1 ; !KB +Ela+PxSg1+Use/NG:enistie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB +Ela+PxSg2:estadth FINAL1 ; !KB and ÅW / HB +Ela+PxSg3:estissie FINAL1 ; !KB +Ela+PxDu1:istie FINAL1 ; !MMM +Ela+PxDu1+Use/NG:isti FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB !+Ela+PxDu23 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below +Ela+PxPl1:istie FINAL1 ; !MMM +Ela+PxPl1:isti FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB !+Ela+PxPl23 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below +Com+PxSg1:enæjnene FINAL1 ; !KB +Com+PxSg1+Use/NG:eninie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB +Com+PxSg2:enæjnedh FINAL1 ; !KB +Com+PxSg2+Use/NG:enedh FINAL1 ; !ÅW !+Com+PxSg3 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below +Com+PxDu1:eminie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB +Com+PxDu2:enadth FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB XXX sjekk -- feil? !+Com+PxDu3 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below +Com+PxPl1:eminie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB +Com+PxPl2:enadth FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB XXX sjekk -- feil? !+Com+PxPl3 is in OBLREFL-NONPAL below LEXICON OBLREFL-NONPAL !!= * @CODE@ +Gen+PxSg3+Use/NG:se FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxPl3+Use/NG:sh FINAL1 ; +Gen+PxPl3+Err/Orth:si FINAL1 ; +Ill+PxSg1:sanne FINAL1 ; !KB +Ill+PxSg1+Use/NG:sene FINAL1 ; !ÅW +Ill+PxSg2:sadth FINAL1 ; ! KB, MMM +Ill+PxSg3:sissie FINAL1 ; ! KB, MMM +Ill+PxSg3+Err/Orth:sasse FINAL1 ; ! MMM +Ill+PxDu3:sanne FINAL1 ; !ÅW and MMM +Ill+PxPl3:sanne FINAL1 ; ! ÅW and MMM +Ine+PxDu3+Use/NG:sinie FINAL1; !Acc. to ÅW+HB - might be a spellingerror +Ine+PxPl3+Use/NG:sinie FINAL1; !Acc. to ÅW+HB - might be a spellingerror +Ela+PxSg3+Err/Orth:sistie FINAL1 ; ! MMM +Ela+PxPl3+Err/Orth:sistie FINAL1 ; ! +Ela+PxDu2:sijstie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB and MMM +Ela+PxDu3:sistie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB and MMM +Ela+PxPl2:sijstie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB and MMM +Ela+PxPl3:sistie FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB and MMM +Com+PxSg3:sinie FINAL1 ; !KB, ÅW+HB. But MMM ok. +Com+PxDu3:semissine FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB and MMM +Com+PxDu3+Err/Orth:sinie FINAL1 ; !KB, ÅW+HB! Not +Com+PxPl3:semissine FINAL1 ; !ÅW+HB and MMM +Com+PxPl3+Err/Orth:sinie FINAL1 ; !KB, ÅW+HB! Not LEXICON OBLREFL-NONPAL2 !!= * @CODE@ +Ill+PxSg3:sissie FINAL1 ; !KB ! Dump ! removed from pron interr lexicon !magkere+Pron+Interr+Attr:magkeres # ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Nom:magkere FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Acc:magkerem FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Gen:magkeren FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ill:magkarasse FINAL1 ; ! !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ine+Attr:magkarinie FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ine:magkarisnie FINAL1 ; ! sjekk !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Ela:magkaristie FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Sg+Com:magkarinie FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Pl+Nom:magkerh FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Pl+Acc:magkaridie FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Pl+Gen:magkeri FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Pl+Ill:magkaridie FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Pl+Ela:magkarijstie FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Pl+Ine:magkarijnie FINAL1 ; !magkere+Pron+Interr+Pl+Com:magkerigujmie FINAL1 ;