!!!C O M M O N S Á M I D E P E N D E N C Y G R A M M A R This dep file is for sma, sme, smj. !!!DELIMITERS Sentence delimiters are the following: <.> <...> <¶> !!!TAGS AND SETS N V A Adv CC CS Inf Sup Neg Num Po Pr Pcle Prop Pron IV TV COMMA DASH CITATION to keep colouring we add a " HYPHEN QMARK PUNCT LEFT RIGHT CLB Ind Pot Impr ImprtII Cond ConNeg Caus causative eus VGen Interj ABBR ACR Prs Prt Cmpnd RCmpnd PrfPrc PrsPrc Actor Actio Ger Indef Nom Acc Ill Com Gen Ess IM For fao !!POS sub-categories !!Syntactic tags and sets !Syntactic tags in input to this file !Syntactic tags added in this file * @FMV : finite main verb ** oaidná: Son oaidná ollislaš gova. - She sees the whole picture * infinite main verb * @FAUX : finite auxiliary verb ** ferte: Son ferte oaidnit ollislaš gova. - She must see the whole picture. * @FMVdic : finite main verb introducing direct speech * @IMVdic : infinite main verb introducing direct speech * @FS-IMV : infinite main verb of subclause * @FS-IAUX : infinite auxiliary verb in subclause * @FS-N : finite verb in subclause functioning as object * @FS- : finite verb in subclause functioning as subject * @FS- : finite verb in subclause functioning as adverbial to the left of the main clause * @FS-> : finite verb in subclause, object of speechact verb * @S< : a clause modifying a sentence to the right of it * @FS-ADVL : finite verb in subclause ... * @-FS- : infinite subclause - eus * @FS-N< : relative clause to N * @FS->N : relative clause to N to the left side of it - eus * @FS-VFIN< : finite verb in sentence, statement ** eai: Idja ii leat šat, eai ge sii dárbbaš lámppá dahje beaivváža čuovgga, dasgo Hearrá Ipmil lea sin čuovga. - The night is not anymore, they do not need the lamp- or day- light either, because God the Lord is their light. * @FS- : main verb. A temporarily tag omitted in the end of the file. * : auxilary verb. A temporarily tag omitted in the end of the file. !fao syntags * @>V !kal syntags * @INS : * @ : !eus syntags * @FS-SPRED : finite verb in subclause functioning as a subject predicate - eus, but not sure if in use !Syntactic set definitions !!!Dep grammar Correction rules * __muitalit__ * __XX__ * __XX__ * __XX__ * __faoSumId=Rel__ !!The finite verb !!!Mapping rules