S Y N T A C T I C F U N C T I O N S F O R S Á M I Sámi language technology project 2003-2014, University of Tromsø # This file adds syntactic functions. It is common for all the Saami LEFT RIGHT because of apertium * Sets for POS sub-categories * Sets for Semantic tags * Sets for Morphosyntactic properties !!Syntactic tags * @+FAUXV : finite auxiliary verb ** ferte: Son ferte oaidnit ollislaš gova. - She must see the whole picture. * @+FMAINV : finite main verb ** oaidná: Son oaidná ollislaš gova. - She sees the whole picture * @-FAUXV : infinite auxiliary verb ** sáhte: In sáhte gáhku borrat. - I cannot eat cake. * @-FMAINV : infinite main verb ** oaidnit: Son ferte oaidnit ollislaš gova. - She must see the whole picture. * @-FSUBJ> : Subject of infinite verb outside the verbal. ** mu: Diet dáhpáhuvai mu dieđikeahttá. - It happened without me knowing about it. * @-F : Object of infinite verb outside the verbal. ** váldovuoittuid: Sii vurde váldovuoittuid fasket. - They waited to grab the main prizes. * @SPREDADVL : Modifier of an adverbial to the right. ** vaikko: doppe leat vaikko man ollu studeanttat. * @ADVL< : Komplement for adverbial. ** vahkus: Son málesta guktii vahkus. * @ : Adverbial to the left of the main verb ** viimmat: Dál de viimmat asttan lohkat reivve. * @ADVL>CS : Adverbial modifying subjunction. ** 'beare' pointing at 'danin go': Muhto dus ii leat riekti dearpat su beare danin go sáhtát. * : Habitive, specifying an adverbial, e.g. @ADVL> ** Máhtes: Máhtes lea beana. * : Extencial, specifying an subject, e.g. @ ** beana: Máhtes lea beana. * : logoforic pronouns, e.g. @>N (for MT) * : * @>N : Modifier of a noun to the right. ** geavatlaš: Ráđđehussii lea geavatlaš politihkka deaŧalaš. - For the government, practical politics is important. * @N< : Complement of noun to the left. ** vihtta: Mun boađán diibmu vihtta. * @>A : Modifier of an adjective to the right. ** juohke: Seminára lágiduvvo juohke nuppi jagi. * @P< : Complement of preposition. ** soađi: Dat dáhpáhuvai maŋŋel soađi. * @>P : Complement of postposition. ** riegádeami: Seta riegádeami maŋŋel Áttán elii vel 800 jagi. * @HNOUN : Stray noun in sentence fragment. ** muittut: Fidnokurssa muittut. * @INTERJ : Interjection. ** Hei: Hei, boađe! * @>Num : Attribute of numeral to the right. ** dušše: Mun ledjen dušše guokte mánu doppe. * @Pron< : Complement of pronoun to the left. ** Birehiin: Moai Birehiin leimme doppe. * @>Pron : Modifyer of pronoun to the right. ** vaikko: Olmmoš sáhttá bargat vaikko maid. * @Num< : Complement of numeral to the left. ** girjjiin: Dat lea okta min buoremus girjjiin. * @OBJ : Object, the verb is not in the sentence (ellipse) * @ : Object, the verb is to the right. ** filmma: Dán filmma leat Kárášjoga nuorat oaidnán. * @OPRED : Object predicative, the verb is not in the sentence (ellipse). * @ : Object predicative, the verb is to the right. ** dohkkemeahttumin: Son oinnii dohkkemeahttumin bargat ášši nu. * @PCLE : Particle. ** Amma: Amma mii eat leat máksán? - We have not paid, have we? * @COMP-CS< : Complement of subjunction. ** vejolaš: Dat šaddá nu buorre go vejolaš. * @SPRED : Subject predicative, the verb is not in the sentence (ellipse). * @ : Subject predicative, the verb is to the left. ** álbmogin: Sápmelaččaid historjá álbmogin lea duháhiid jagiid boaris. * @SUBJ : Subject, the finite verb is not in the sentence (ellipse). * @ : Subject, the finite verb is to the right. ** Son: Son lea mu oabbá. - Sheis my sister. * @PPRED : Predicative for predicative. * @APP : Apposition * @APP-N< : Apposition to noun to the left. ** oahpaheaddji: Oidnen Ánne, min oahpaheaddji. * @APP-Pron< : Apposition to pronoun to the left. ** boazodoalloáirasat: Ja moai boazodoalloáirasat áigguime vaikko guovttá joatkit barggu. * @APP>Pron : Apposition to noun to the right. * @APP-Num< : Apposition to numeral to the left. * @APP-ADVL< : Apposition to adverbial to the left. ** bearjadaga: Mun vuolggán ihttin, bearjadaga. * @VOC : Vocative ** Miss Turner : Bures boahtin deike, Miss Turner! - Welcome her, Miss Turner! * @CVP : Conjunction or subjunction that conjoins finite verb phrases. ** go : Leago guhkes áigi dassá go Máreha oidnet? - Is it a long time since you saw Máret? * @CNP : Local conjunction or subjunction. ** vai : Leago nieida vai bárdni? - Is it a girl or a boy? * @CMPND * @X : The function is unknown, e.g. because of that the word is unknown !!Tag sets * Sets for verbs ** V is all readings with a V tag in them, REAL-V should be the ones without an N tag following the V. The REAL-V set thus awaits a fix to the preprocess V ... N bug. * The set COPULAS is for predicative constructions * NP sets defined according to their morphosyntactic features * The PRE-NP-HEAD family of sets These sets model noun phrases (NPs). The idea is to first define whatever can occur in front of the head of the NP, and thereafter negate that with the expression __WORD - premodifiers__. The set __NOT-NPMOD__ is used to find barriers between NPs. Typical usage: ... (*1 N BARRIER NPT-NPMOD) ... meaning: Scan to the first noun, ignoring anything that can be part of the noun phrase of that noun (i.e., "scan to the next NP head") * Miscellaneous sets * Border sets and their complements ADLVCASE * Syntactic sets These were the set types. !!Numeral outside the sentence !!HABITIVE MAPPING * __hab1__ hab aux leat * __hab_numo1__ hab copula comma comma N+Nom * __hab_numo2__ copula nu mo/go hab * __leahab__ copula nu mo/go hab * __hab2__ hab auxv adv leat * __hab3__ ( @ADVL>) for hab-actor and hab-case; if leat to the right, and Nom to the right of leat. Lots of restrictions. * __hab_main__ ( @ADVL>) for hab-actor and hab-case; if leat to the right, and Nom to the right of leat. Lots of restrictions. * __habInf__ hab lea inf * __habNomLeft__ Nom or Num + gen hab lea * __habAdvl__ Ii han ovttasge du sogas leat dat namma. * __hab4__ hab cc hab leat * __hab6__ lea go hab -- leago hab * __hab7__ lea go hab * __hab8__ This is not HAB Ellii šattai hoahppu. * __hab5__ This is not HAB Mánás gollot gieđat. * __hab9__ prop ord-hab leat * __hab10__ prop ord-hab leat * __habDain__ ( @ADVL>) for (Pron Dem Pl Loc) if leat followed by Nom to the right * __habDain2__ * __habRel__ # before relative clause * __habEllipse__ Buot gánddain lea dreassa, nieiddain fas gákti. * __habGen__ ( @ @nAttr__ (@>N) for Attr; if there is a noun to your right * __n>Indef__ (Pron Indef Attr); if eará is to the right * __n>Indef__ (Pron Indef Com); if eará is to the right * __>nNum__ (@>N) for numerals if; there is a noun to your right. You are not allowed to be (Sg Nom), (Sg Acc) or (Sem/Date) * __noun>n__ (@>N) for Gen; if there is a noun to your right. Restrictions: Not if you are: a time related word. Not if you are OKTA with Pl Loc to your right. Not if CC is to your right followed by another Gen and then Po. Not if you are HUMAN and to your right is Actio Nom folloed by a noun. * __>nTime__ (@>N) for Gen TIME-N; if timenoun to your right. Restrictions: Not if you are a OKTA Nom with Pl Loc to your right. Not if CC followed by Gen, followed by Po to your right. Not if COMMA to your right * __>ntittel__ (@>N) for (Sg Nom TIME-N) or (Nom Der/NomAg); if to your right is Sem/Mal, Sem/Fem, Sem/Sur * __>nplc__ (@>N) for (Sg Nom Prop Sem/Plc), if to your right is Sem/Plc * __>nALU__ (@>N) for Sg Acc numerals; when a measure-noun to the right * __>NTime__ (@>N) for Gen; if you are TIME-N with BOC to your left, and PREGEN to your right * __n<:Refl__ (@N<) for (Refl Nom); if to the left is (N Nom), or if first one to the left is a finite mainverb with a (N Nom) to the left * __>pron1__ (@>Pron) for GRADE-ADV, DUSSE, BUOT if; first one to the right is Pron * __>pron2__ (@>Pron) for (Refl Nom) if; first one to the right is Refl * __>pron3__ (@>Pron) for (Pron Recipr) if; first one to the right is (Pron Recipr) * __vaikko__ (@>Pron) for vaikko if; first one to the right is Indef * __vaikkoman__ (@>ADVL) for vaikko if; first one to the right is man * __dasmaŋŋel__ (@>ADVL) for vaikko if; first one to the right is man * __BOSvoc__ (@VOC) for HUMAN Nom; if sentence initial. To the right is comma. No nom-cased HUMAN followed by comma or CC is allowed to the right. There should not be a relative clause to the right, because then you are likely to be SUBJ * __voc__ (@VOC) for Nom HUMAN; if comma to the left and an second person verb or pronoun to the left. To the right is the end of the sentence * __Particle @ @Advlcase @. * __Nom>Advlcase @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @__ ( @SUBJ>) for Nom; if habitive first one to the left, followed by copulas. * __ @__ (@SPRED>) for N Ess; if copulas to the right of you, and if an NP with nom-case first one to your left. * __GalleSpred>__ (@SPRED>) for Num Nom; if sentence initial * __spredSgMII>__ (@SPRED>) * __spredšaddat>__ (@SPRED>) * __r492>__ (@SPRED>) for Interr Gen; consisting only of negations. You are not allowed to be MII. You are not allowed to have an adjective or noun to yor right. You are not allowed to have a verb to your right; the exception beeing an aux. * __AdjSpredSg>__ (@SPRED>) for A Sg Nom; if copulas to the right, but not if A or @SubjInf__ (@SPRED>) for Nom; if copulas to the right, and the subject of copulas is an Inf to the right * __spredCoord__ (@Sgnr1__ (@SUBJ>) for Nom Sg, including Indef Nom if; VFIN + Sg3 or Pl3 to the right (VFIN not allowed to the left) * __subj>Du__ (@SUBJ>) for dual nominatives, including Coll Nom. VFIN + Du3 to the right. * __subj>Pl__ (@SUBJ>) for plural nominatives, including Coll and Sem/Group. VFIN + Pl3 to the right. * __subj>Pl__ (@SUBJ>) for plural nominatives * __subj>Sg__ (@SUBJ>) for Nom Sg; if VFIN + Sg3 to the right. * __Sg__ (@-FSUBJ>) for HUMAN Gen; in a NP-clause. To your right is Actio Nom followed by a noun * __f__ (@ADVL>) for ADVL that resemble s-boundaries. Mainverb to the right. * __diibmuadvl>__ (@ADVL>) for (diibmu Nom) if first one to the right is Num * __-fsubj__ (@-FSUBJ>) for HUMAN Acc after DADJAT verbs * __-fobj>__ (@-FOBJ>) for Acc if front of abessive, gerundium, actio locative, perfectum participle or infinitive. First one to the right not allowed to be Acc though * __-fobj>__ (@-FOBJ>) for Acc if human with ADVL-case to the left and transitive infinitive OBJ to the right. First one to the right not allowed to be Acc though * __advl>mainV__ (@ADVL>) if; finite mainverb not found to the left, but the finite mainverb is found to the right. * __Vv__ (@ADVL>) if; you are ADVL, time-noun or Sem/Route and there is a finite verb to the right in the clause, or if to your right is: de followed by a finite verb. OR: if you are a time-nound and to your right is: go or sentenceboundary followed by a finite verb * ____ (@__ (@ADVL>) for Po; if trapped between BOS to the right and S-BOUNDARY OR COMMA to the left, because the main verb will then automatically be on your right side. * ____ (@inbetween__ (@ADVL>) for Adv; if inbetween two sentenceboundaries where no mainverb is present. * __comma__ (@ADVL>) if; you are N Loc or N Ill and found sentence initially and there is a main verb somewhere to the right. No barrier for the mainverb; based on the thought that first one to your right is probably a sentenceboundary. * __cleanupILLasAcc__ (@-FSUBJ>) for HUMAN Acc; if there is a verb @IV__ (@-FSUBJ>) for Acc; if there is an IV-verb acting as a @IV__ (@-FSUBJ>) for Acc; if there is an TV-verb acting as a @asGen__ (@-FSUBJ>) for Gen; * __f__ (@ADVL>) for Num Acc; * __Obj>__ (@OBJ>) for Acc; if there is a finite mainverb to the right in the clause. A really simple rule with no other restrictions.. * __s-bounifV__ (@SUBJ>) for NP-HEAD-NOM, DUPRON or (Num Nom) if; a finite mainverb is found to the right. This is a cleanup rule for subjects * __hnoun>ifV__ (@SUBJ>) for NP-HEAD-NOM, DUPRON if. The counterpart of subj>ifV. You are HNOUN if there is a finite verb to your right, but NOT if there is a finite verb after a relative clause !!OBJ MAPPING - leftovers !! MAPPING for MT - experimental !!HNOUN MAPPING * __@, , etc, before proceeding to the dep file. !!For Apertium: The analysis give double analysis because of optional semtags. We go for the one with semtag.