! Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages ! Copyright © 2000-2010 The University of Tromsø & the Norwegian Sámi Parliament ! http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify ! this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License ! is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is ! also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. ! ! Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact ! giellatekno@uit.no or feedback@divvun.no ! ################################## ! !! !!!North Saami Conjunctions ! ################################## ! ! Conjunction ! =========== LEXICON Conjunction !!= * __@CODE@__ contains the list of conjunctions ConfuseConjunction ; CleanConjunction ; LEXICON ConfuseConjunction !!= * __@CODE@__ contains conjunctions that are !!= homonyms with words in the open POS's ahte Cc-Conf ; ! In expressions like "heajut ahte heajut" dahje+Err/Orth:daikke Cc-Conf ; muhte Cc-Conf ; LEXICON CleanConjunction !!= * __@CODE@__ contains conjunctions that are not !!= homonymous with any of the open POS's ahte+Err/Orth:aht Cc; ! ahte+Err/Orth:áhte Cc; ! at+Err/Lex:at Cc; ! ja Cc ; ja+Err/Orth-a-á:já Cc ; ja/dahje Cc ; dehe+Err/Orth:deihe Cc ; dahe Cc ; dahje Cc ; dahje+Err/Orth-a-á:dáhje Cc ; dahje+Err/Orth:daihe Cc ; dahjege Cc ; dahege Cc ; dehe Cc ; dehege Cc ; earret Cc ; !N/S s. 198 ele Cc ; elege Cc ; ele% ge+MWE:ele% ge Cc ; muhto Cc ; muhte Cc ; vai Cc ; LEXICON Cc !!= * __@CODE@__ assigns the tag +CC +CC: # ; LEXICON Cc-Conf !!= * __@CODE@__ assigns the tag +CC and allows further grammar checker processing for disambiguation against nouns in potential compounds written apart +CC: ENDLEX2 ;