README ====== This directory SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED MANUALLY. It should ONLY BE CHANGED using an AUTOMATIC MERGE from the template dir. HOW TO CHANGE ------------- That is, if you find you need to change this dir, do as follows: CHANGE THE TEMPLATE ------------------- 1) make your changes _without_ committing (or by using a branch) 2) test your changes 3) when ok, manually copy your changes to $GIELLA_TEMPLATES/langs/und/ 4) edit $GIELLA_TEMPLATES/langs/und/und.timestamp to contain a change note 5) commit the changes in $GIELLA_TEMPLATES/langs/und/ PROPAGATE THE CHANGES --------------------- Then, in each langs/ dir (langs/, startup-langs/, experiment-langs/), run the following commands (it might be a good idea to check out these langs dirs independently for this operation): First time: ./ ./configure Each time: `make templatemerge` or `make templatemerge USERNAME=` This command will svn-merge the changes in $GIELLA_TEMPLATES/langs/und/ with each language dir. Review the merge results, if ok then commit (preferably all languages at once). !!! WARNING !!! =============== We want to avoid merge conflicts at any costs since this merge scheme is the core of the scaleability of the infrastructure, so: KEEPING THE am-shared DIR FREE OF LOCAL MODIFICATIONS IS IMPERATIVE FOR THE MERGE SCHEME TO FUNCTION! ALTERNATIVE ----------- In the case the above procedure is too complicated, or doesn't fit the changes you need, you can instead leave a (diff and) change request at, or just send an e-mail to