!!!Free and Open source Lule Sami analyser giella-smj ;Authors: Divvun and Giellatekno teams, community members ;Software version: 2012 ;Documentation license: GNU GFDL ;SVN Revision: $Revision: 68217 $ ;SVN Date: $Date: 2013-01-16 11:31:33 +0200 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) $ !!!giella-smj This is free and open source Lule Sami morphology. !!!Lule Sámi morphological analyser Definitions for Multichar_Symbols !!Tags for POS * +N Noun * +A Adjective * +Adv Adverb * +V Verb * +Pron Pronouns * +CS Subjunction * +CC Conjunction * +Adp Adposition * +Po Postposition * +Pr Preposition * +Interj Interjection * +Pcle Particle * +Num Numeral * +Prop Propernouns * +ACR Acronym * +Pers Personal pronoun * +Dem Demonstrative pronoun * +Interr Interrogative pronoun * +Refl reflexive pronoun * +Recipr reciprocal pronoun * +Rel relative pronoun * +Indef indefinite pronoun * +Coll collective numerals * +Arab arabic numerals * +Rom remertall * +Err/Orth Substandard. An ungrammatical, non-normative form of normative lemma. * +Err/Lex No normative lemma, often ungrammatical compounds like "bajásbuollda" and "songdebutierit". * +Err/Der Lemmas that break with regular derivation rules, both morphologically and semantically * +Use/Marg Marginal, but normative lemmas. Not in speller. * +Use/-Spell Excluded from speller * +Use/-PLX Excluded from PLX speller * +Use/SpellNoSugg Recognized, but not suggested in speller * +Use/Circ Circular path * +Use/CircN Circular number path * +Use/Ped Remove from pedagogical speller * +Use/NG Do not generate, only for Oahpa and MT. In speller. * __ +Use/MT __ Generate for MT only, for restricting analyses needed * __ +Use/NGminip __ Not for miniparadigm in VD dicts * +Use/NotDNorm For words without formal normalization. Divvun suggest that this shouldn't be normative. * +Use/DNorm For words without formal normalization. Divvun suggest that this should be normative. Included in speller. * +Area/SE In Sweden * +Area/NO In Norway * +Dial/N Used in the northern areas. Some might say that these words are sme-words, but they are used by lulesamis in the northern part of the dialect area. Words like "válmas" * +Dial/S Used in the southern areas * +Dial/SH Short forms !Compounding tags The tags are of the following form: * __+CmpNP/xxx__ - Normative (N), Position (P), ie. the tag describes what position the tagged word can be in in a compound * __+CmpN/xxx__ - Normative (N) __form__ ie. the tag describes what form the tagged word should use when making compounds * __+Cmp/xxx__ - Descriptive compounding tags, ie. tags that''describes'' what form a word actually is using in a compound Normative/prescriptive compounding tags: (to govern compound behaviour for the speller, ie. what a compound SHOULD BE) The first part of the component may be .. * +CmpN/Sg = Singular * +CmpN/SgN = Singular Nominative * +CmpN/SgG = Singular Genitive * +CmpN/PlG = Plural Genitive * +CmpNP/All - ... be in all positions, __default__, this tag does not have to be written * +CmpNP/First - ... only be first part in a compound or alone * +CmpNP/Pref - ... only __first__ part in a compound, NEVER alone * +CmpNP/Last - ... only be last part in a compound or alone * +CmpNP/Suff - ... only __last__ part in a compound, NEVER alone * +CmpNP/None - ... not take part in compounds * +CmpNP/Only - ... only be part of a compound, i.e. can never be used alone, but can appear in any position * +CmpN/SgLeft Singular to the left * +CmpN/SgNomLeft Singular nominative to the left * +CmpN/SgGenLeft Singular genitive to the left * +CmpN/PlGenLeft Plural genitive to the left * +CmpN/Def Left override * +CmpN/DefSgGen Overrides left tag, requires SgGen form * +CmpN/DefPlGen Overrides left tag, requires PlGen form * __+Cmp/Sg__ Singular * __+Cmp/SgNom__ Singular Nominative * __+Cmp/SgGen__ Singular Genitive * __+Cmp/PlGen__ Plural Genitiv * __+Cmp/PlNom__ Plural Nominative * __+Cmp/Attr__ Attribute * __+Cmp__ Dynamic compound - this tag should always be part of a dynamic compound. It is important for Apertium, and useful in other cases as well. * __+Cmp/SplitR__ This is a split compound with the other part to the right: "Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet" => Arbeids- = +Cmp/SplitR * __+Cmp/SplitL__ This is a split compound with the other part to the left * __+Cmp/Sh__ testing ShCmp * +Sg Singular number * +Du Dual number * +Pl Plural number * +Ess Essive case * +Nom Nominative case * +Gen Genitive case * +Acc Accusative case * +Ill Illative case * +Loc Locative case * +Com Comitative case * +Ine Inesive case * +Ela Elative case * +Par Partitive case * +Abe Abessive case * +PxSg1 possessive suffix singular first person * +PxSg2 possessive suffix singular second person * +PxSg3 possessive suffix singular third person * +PxDu1 possessive suffix dual first person * +PxDu2 possessive suffix dual second person * +PxDu3 possessive suffix dual third person * +PxPl1 possessive suffix plural first person * +PxPl2 possessive suffix plural second person * +PxPl3 possessive suffix plural plural person * +Comp Comparative comparison * +Superl Superlative comparison * +Attr Attribute * +Card * +Ord CHECK THIS! In closed-sme there are +Ord entries without circ. tag * +Ind Indicative mood * +Prs Present tense * +Prt Past tense * +Pot Potensial mood * +Cond conditional mood * +Imprt Imperative mood * +Sg1 singular first person * +Sg2 singular second person * +Sg3 singular third person * +Du1 dual first person * +Du2 dual second person * +Du3 dual third person * +Pl1 plural first person * +Pl2 plural second person * +Pl3 plural plural person * +Inf infinitive * +Ger gerundium * +ConNeg the main verb form used with negation verb. Like "bårå" in "Iv bårå guolev" * +Neg negation verb * +ImprtII second imperative mood * +PrsPrc present participle * +PrfPrc past participle * +Sup supinum * +VGen verb genitive * +VAbess verb abessive * +Actio Actio * +ABBR * +ACR * +CLB * +PUNCT * +LEFT * +RIGHT * ^GUESSNOUNROOT * +TV * +IV Transitivity tags * +Multi Multiword phrase tag * +Guess for the name guesser * +NomAg Actor Noun From Verb - Nomen Agentis !!Lexeme disambiguation tags ; +Hom1 : Homonymy ; +Hom2 : Homonymy !!Stem variant tags * +v1 - variant 1 * +v2 - variant 2 * +v3 - variant 3 * +v4 - variant 4 * +v5 - variant 5 !Question and Focus particles: * +Qst * +Clt * +Foc These two are only found in SMJ - do we need them? !Focus particles: * +Foc/ge * +Foc/gen * +Foc/ga * +Foc/Neg-k * +Foc/Pos-k !Other tags * +MWE multi word expressions, goes to abbr * +Sh Short form !!Semantic tags to help disambiguation & syntactic analysis These tags should always be located just before the POS tag. * +Sem/Act = Activity * +Sem/Adr = Webadr * +Sem/Amount = Amount * +Sem/Ani = Animate * +Sem/Aniprod = Animal Product * +Sem/Body = Bodypart * +Sem/Body-abstr = siellu, vuoig?a, jierbmi * +Sem/Build = Building * +Sem/Build-part = Part of Bulding, like the closet * +Sem/Cat = Category * +Sem/Clth = Clothes * +Sem/Clth-jewl = Jewelery * +Sem/Clth-part = part of clothes, boallu, sávdnji... * +Sem/Ctain = Container * +Sem/Ctain-abstr = Abstract container like bank account * +Sem/Ctain-clth = * +Sem/Curr = Currency like dollár, Not Money * +Sem/Dance = Dance * +Sem/Dir = Direction like GPS-kursa * +Sem/Domain = Domain like politics, reindeerherding (a system of actions) * +Sem/Drink = Drink * +Sem/Dummytag = Dummytag * +Sem/Edu = Educational event * +Sem/Event = Event * +Sem/Feat = Feature, like Árvu * +Sem/Feat-phys = Physiological feature, ivdni, fárda * +Sem/Feat-psych = Psychological feauture * +Sem/Feat-measr = Psychological feauture * +Sem/Fem = Female name * +Sem/Food = Food * +Sem/Food-med = Medicine * +Sem/Furn = Furniture * +Sem/Game = Game * +Sem/Geom = Geometrical object * +Sem/Group = Animal or Human Group * +Sem/Hum = Human * +Sem/Hum-abstr = Human abstract * +Sem/Ideol = Ideology * +Sem/Lang = Language * +Sem/Mal = Male name * +Sem/Mat = Material for producing things * +Sem/Measr = Measure * +Sem/Money = Has to do with money, like wages, not Curr(ency) * +Sem/Obj = Object * +Sem/Obj-clo = Cloth * +Sem/Obj-cogn = Cloth * +Sem/Obj-el = (Electrical) machine or apparatus * +Sem/Obj-ling = Object with something written on it * +Sem/Obj-rope = flexible ropelike object * +Sem/Obj-surfc = Surface object * +Sem/Org = Organisation * +Sem/Part = Feature, oassi, bealli * +Sem/Perc-cogn = Cloth * +Sem/Perc-emo = Emotional perception * +Sem/Perc-phys = Physical perception * +Sem/Perc-psych = Physical perception * +Sem/Plant = Plant * +Sem/Plant-part = Plant part * +Sem/Plc = Place * +Sem/Plc-abstr = Abstract place * +Sem/Plc-elevate = Place * +Sem/Plc-line = Place * +Sem/Plc-water = Place * +Sem/Pos = Position (as in social position job) * +Sem/Process = Process * +Sem/Prod = Product * +Sem/Prod-audio = Audio product * +Sem/Prod-cogn = Cognition product * +Sem/Prod-ling = Linguistic product * +Sem/Prod-vis = Visual product * +Sem/Rel = Relation * +Sem/Route = Route * +Sem/Rule = Rule or convention * +Sem/Semcon = Semantic concept * +Sem/Sign = Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation) * +Sem/Sport = Sport * +Sem/State = * +Sem/State-sick = Illness * +Sem/Substnc = Substance, like Air and Water * +Sem/Sur = Surname * +Sem/Symbol = Symbol * +Sem/Time = Time * +Sem/Tool = Prototypical tool for repairing things * +Sem/Tool-catch = Tool used for catching (e.g. fish) * +Sem/Tool-clean = Tool used for cleaning * +Sem/Tool-it = Tool used in IT * +Sem/Tool-measr = Tool used for measuring * +Sem/Tool-music = Music instrument * +Sem/Tool-write = Writing tool * +Sem/Txt = Text (girji, lávlla...) * +Sem/Veh = Vehicle * +Sem/Wpn = Weapon * +Sem/Wthr = The Weather or the state of ground !Multiple Semantic tags: * +Sem/Act_Group Activity and Group * +Sem/Act_Plc A persons job is an activity, and a place as well * +Sem/Act_Route Activity and Route, ie johtolat * +Sem/Amount_Build Amount and Building * +Sem/Amount_Semcon * +Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum * +Sem/Ani_Build * +Sem/Ani_Build-part * +Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt * +Sem/Ani_Group * +Sem/Ani_Group_Hum * +Sem/Ani_Hum * +Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc * +Sem/Ani_Hum_Time * +Sem/Ani_Plc * +Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt * +Sem/Ani_Time * +Sem/Ani_Veh * +Sem/Aniprod_Hum * +Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo * +Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys * +Sem/Aniprod_Plc * +Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon * +Sem/Body_Body-abstr * +Sem/Body_Clth * +Sem/Body_Food * +Sem/Body_Group_Hum * +Sem/Body_Group_Hum_Time * +Sem/Body_Hum * +Sem/Body_Mat * +Sem/Body_Measr * +Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch * +Sem/Body_Plc * +Sem/Body_Time * +Sem/Build-part_Plc * +Sem/Build_Build-part * +Sem/Build_Clth-part * +Sem/Build_Edu_Org * +Sem/Build_Event_Org * +Sem/Build_Obj * +Sem/Build_Org * +Sem/Build_Route * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Money * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant * +Sem/Clth_Hum * +Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org * +Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant * +Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh * +Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys * +Sem/Ctain_Furn * +Sem/Ctain_Plc * +Sem/Ctain_Tool * +Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr * +Sem/Curr_Org * +Sem/Dance_Org * +Sem/Dance_Prod-audio * +Sem/Domain_Food-med * +Sem/Domain_Prod-audio * +Sem/Edu_Event * +Sem/Edu_Group_Hum * +Sem/Edu_Mat * +Sem/Edu_Org * +Sem/Event_Food * +Sem/Event_Hum * +Sem/Event_Plc * +Sem/Event_Plc-elevate * +Sem/Event_Time * +Sem/Feat-measr_Plc * +Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write * +Sem/Feat-phys_Veh * +Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr * +Sem/Feat-psych_Hum * +Sem/Feat_Plant * +Sem/Food_Perc-phys * +Sem/Food_Plant * +Sem/Game_Obj-play * +Sem/Geom_Obj * +Sem/Group_Hum * +Sem/Group_Hum_Org * +Sem/Group_Hum_Plc * +Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis * +Sem/Group_Org * +Sem/Group_Sign * +Sem/Group_Txt * +Sem/Hum_Lang * +Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc * +Sem/Hum_Lang_Time * +Sem/Hum_Obj * +Sem/Hum_Org * +Sem/Hum_Plant * +Sem/Hum_Plc * +Sem/Hum_Tool * +Sem/Hum_Veh * +Sem/Hum_Wthr * +Sem/Lang_Tool * +Sem/Mat_Plant * +Sem/Mat_Txt * +Sem/Measr_Sign = Sign (e.g. numbers, punctuation) * +Sem/Measr_Time * +Sem/Money_Obj * +Sem/Money_Txt * +Sem/Obj-play * +Sem/Obj-play_Sport * +Sem/Obj_Semcon * +Sem/Clth-jewl_Org * +Sem/Org_Rule * +Sem/Org_Txt * +Sem/Org_Veh * +Sem/Part_Prod-cogn * +Sem/Part_Substnc * +Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr * +Sem/Plant_Plant-part * +Sem/Plant_Tool * +Sem/Plant_Tool-measr * +Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State * +Sem/Plc-abstr_Route * +Sem/Plc_Pos * +Sem/Plc_Route * +Sem/Plc_State * +Sem/Plc_Substnc * +Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr * +Sem/Plc_Time * +Sem/Plc_Tool-catch * +Sem/Plc_Wthr * +Sem/Prod-audio_Txt * +Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt * +Sem/Semcon_Txt * +Sem/Obj_State * +Sem/Substnc_Wthr * +Sem/Time_Wthr * +Sem/State-sick_Substnc * +Sem/Org_Prod-cogn !!Derivation tags The following tags are used to describe the dynamic derivational system in Lule Sámi as encoded in this lexical description. The tags are classified according to a positional system, where each tag can be in one and only one position, and can only combine with tags from an earlier / lower position. This is done to avoid possible overgeneration in the derivational system. ;+Der1 +Der2 +Der3 +Der4 +Der5: - positional tags, preceeds the actual der tag !Der#1 tags - tags in first position * +Der/PassL VV - long passive láhpeduvvat * +Der/PassS VV - Short passive láhpput * +Der/PassD VV - dallat passive * +Der/Dimin NN * +Der/adda VV * +Der/ahtja VV - only odd syll verbs take this der * +Der/ahttjá VV - only odd syll verbs take this der * +Der/Caus VV - previously Der/ahtte * +Der/alla VV * +Der/asste VV * +Der/d VV * +Der/dalla VV * +Der/dasste VV * +Der/Car NA - only even/contr, prev. Der/dibme * +Der/ferjak NA Adjectival -k der (from ?) * +Der/k NN / NA * +Der/l VV * +Der/ladda VV * +Der/lahtte VV * +Der/lasj NA - dont know, guess it Tronds, ojes, I see - is this ok?jes 2 Der:lasj Noun on 1472 Adj on 2040 * +Der/lasj NN * +Der/lasste VV * +Der/n NA. Denominal -n adjective (similar t -k adj) * +Der/r VN - AA? * +Der/sasj NA * +Der/segak NA Adj. -k der from? * +Der/st VV * +Der/stahtte VV * +Der/stalla VV * +Der/stasste VV * +Der/tj VV * +Der/u/a/åd VV !Der#2 tags - tags in second position * +Der/dahtte VV * +Der/duhtte VV * +Der/ahkes VA * +Der/NomAct VN !Der#3 tags - tags in third position * +Der/duvva VV * +Der/InchL VV (previosuly Der/goahte) * +Der/mus VN * +Der/NomAct VN Realised in two different ways. * This realisation is Der3. Outcommented * to not define the tag twice, but kept * here for documentation purposes. * +Der/dahka VN * +Der/lis VA * +Der/NomAg VN !Der#4 tags - tags in fourth position * +Der/ahtes NA ! only odd !Der#5 tags - tags in fifth position * +Der/AAdv NA AAdv, previously +Der/at * +Der/vuota NA AN (tag harmonization: previosuly Der/vuohta) !Der#other tags - tags that can be in any position There are no such tags in SMJ, but for symmetry and code coherence with SME the class is still kept. !!Tags for originating language The following tags are used to guide conversion to IPA: loan words and foreign names are usually pronounced (approximately) as in the originating (majority) language. Instead of trying to identify the correct pronounciation based on fonotactics (orthotactics actually), we tag all words that can't be correctly transcribed using the SME transcriber with source language codes. Once tagged, it is possible to split the lexical transducer in smaller ones according to langu- age, and apply different IPA conversion to each of them. The principle of tagging is that we only tag to the extent needed, and following a priority: # any untagged word is pronounced with SME orthographic conventions # NNO and NOB have identical pronounciation, NNO is only used if different in spelling from NOB # SWE has mostly the same pronounciation as NOB, and is only used if different in spelling from NOB # Occasionally even SME (the default) may be tagged, to block other languages from being specified, mainly during semi-automatic language tagging sessions All in all, we want to get as much correctly transcribed to IPA with as little work as possible. On the other hand, if more words are tagged than strictly needed, this should pose no problem as long as the IPA conversion is correct - at least some words will get the same pronounciation whether read as SME or NOB/NNO/SWE. * +OLang/SME - North Sámi * +OLang/SMA - South Sámi * +OLang/FIN - Finnish * +OLang/SWE - Swedish * +OLang/NOB - Norw. bokmål * +OLang/NNO - Norw. nynorsk * +OLang/ENG - English * +OLang/RUS - Russian * +OLang/UND - Undefined !!Flag diacritics We have manually optimised the structure of our lexicon using following flag diacritics to restrict morhpological combinatorics - only allow compounds with verbs if the verb is further derived into a noun again: | @P.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised | @D.NeedNoun.ON@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised | @C.NeedNoun@ | (Dis)allow compounds with verbs unless nominalised For languages that allow compounding, the following flag diacritics are needed to control position-based compounding restrictions for nominals. Their use is handled automatically if combined with +CmpN/xxx tags. If not used, they will do no harm. | @P.CmpFrst.FALSE@ | Require that words tagged as such only appear first | @D.CmpPref.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering ENDLEX | @P.CmpPref.FALSE@ | Block these words from making further compounds | @D.CmpLast.TRUE@ | Block such words from entering R | @D.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the next tag to prohibit compounding | @U.CmpNone.FALSE@ | Combines with the prev tag to prohibit compounding | @U.CmpNone.TRUE@ | Combines with the two previous ones to block compounding | @P.CmpOnly.TRUE@ | Sets a flag to indicate that the word has passed R | @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@ | Disallow words coming directly from root. | @U.CmpHyph.FALSE@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns | @U.CmpHyph.TRUE@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns | @C.CmpHyph@ | Flag to control hyphenated compounds like proper nouns Use the following flag diacritics to control downcasing of derived proper nouns (e.g. Finnish Pariisi -> pariisilainen). See e.g. North Sámi for how to use these flags. There exists a ready-made regex that will do the actual down-casing given the proper use of these flags. | @U.Cap.Obl@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. | @U.Cap.Opt@ | Allowing downcasing of derived names: deatnulasj. | @P.Px.add@ | Giving possibility for Px-suffixes (all except from Nom 3.p) | @R.Px.add@ | Requiring P.Px.add-flag for Px-suffixes (all except from Nom 3.p) | @P.Nom3Px.add@ | Giving possibility for Px-suffixes Nom 3.p | @R.Nom3Px.add@ | Requiring P.Nom3Px.add flag for Px-suffixes Nom 3.p * __LEXICON ProperNoun __ !!!Lexicon ENDLEX And this is the ENDLEX of everything: {{{ @D.CmpOnly.FALSE@@D.CmpPref.TRUE@@D.NeedNoun.ON@ # ; }}} The {{@D.CmpOnly.FALSE@}} flag diacritic is ued to disallow words tagged with +CmpNP/Only to end here. The {{@D.NeedNoun.ON@}} flag diacritic is used to block illegal compounds. !!!Sublexica for Adjective !!Even-syllable stems LEXICON GIEVRRA Adjectives with attribute in WeG and -s. As 1a in Spiik. Sg Acc: gievrav, Attr: gievras. __gárttje # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __gárttje: __ {{gárttje+A+Sg+Nom }} * __gártjev: __ {{gárttje+A+Sg+Acc }} * __gártjes: __ {{gárttje+A+Attr }} * __gártjep: __ {{gárttje+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON HÁVSSKE Adjectives with attribute -s, without WeG. As 1c in Spiik. Sg Acc: hávsskev, Attr: hávsskes. __hoallá # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __hoallá: __ {{hoallá+A+Sg+Nom }} * __hoalláv: __ {{hoallá+A+Sg+Acc }} * __hoallás: __ {{hoallá+A+Attr }} * __hoalláp: __ {{hoallá+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON NUORRA Adjectives with attribute same as pred. As 1b in Spiik. Sg Acc: nuorav, Attr: nuorra. __visská # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __visská: __ {{visská+A+Sg+Nom }} * __viskáv: __ {{visská+A+Sg+Acc }} * __visská: __ {{visská+A+Attr }} * __viskáp: __ {{visská+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON TJUODDJE Adjectives with attribute -is, without WeG. presently only "Tjuoddje" Sg Acc: tjuoddjev, Attr: tjuoddjis. __tjuoddje # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __tjuoddje: __ {{tjuoddje+A+Sg+Nom }} * __tjuoddjev: __ {{tjuoddje+A+Sg+Acc }} * __tjuoddjis: __ {{tjuoddje+A+Attr }} * __tjuoddjep: __ {{tjuoddje+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON GALLJE Adjectives on -e, the attribute is in WeG and e > a. As 1d in Spiik. Sg Acc: galjev, Attr: galja. __uhttse # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __uhttse: __ {{uhttse+A+Sg+Nom }} * __uhtsev: __ {{uhttse+A+Sg+Acc }} * __uhtsa: __ {{uhttse+A+Attr }} * __uhtses: __ {{uhttse+A+Attr }} (Eng. # gets this attr from LEXATTR) * __uhtsep: __ {{uhttse+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON TJÁBBE Adjectives on -e, the attribute is in WeG and e > a. Same as GALLJE only different adv derivation. Sg Acc: tjáppev, Attr: tjáppa. __njálgge # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __njálgge: __ {{njálgge+A+Sg+Nom }} * __njálgev: __ {{njálgge+A+Sg+Acc }} * __njálga: __ {{njálgge+A+Attr }} * __njálgep: __ {{njálgge+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} Pres.participles LEXICON SÁVADAHTTE Causative-participles. No attribute. No comparision. As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: sávadahttev. PrsPrc of causative verbs "uttrykker at handlingen lar seg gjøre eller er verdt å gjøre" (Kintel 1991). __vuojedahtte # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __vuojedahtte: __ {{vuojedahtte+A+Sg+Nom }} * __vuojedahttev: __ {{vuojedahtte+A+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON JUHKKE participles with -s attributive. No comparision As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: juhkkev, Attr: juhkkes. Spiik: presens particip har med den attributive formen på -s betydelsen 'någon som är duktig i, snabb til att, begiven att utföra handlingen'. __vuohttje # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __vuohttje: __ {{vuohttje+A+Sg+Nom }} * __vuohttjev: __ {{vuohttje+A+Sg+Acc }} * __vuohttjes: __ {{vuohttje+A+Attr }} LEXICON BÅRRE participles without the -s attributive. As 1e in Spiik. Sg Acc: bårrev, Attr: bårre. Spiik: presens particip har med den attributiva formen utan -s betydelsen 'dem som utför handlingen'. __ednabårre # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __ednabårre: __ {{ednabårre+A+Sg+Nom }} * __ednabårrev: __ {{ednabårre+A+Sg+Acc }} * __ednabårre: __ {{ednabårre+A+Attr }} Test data: Loan words lexicas LEXICON SJONÁLLA -tion and -sjon loanwords LEXICON ÁLLA Loanwords LEXICON ÆLLA Loanwords LEXICON ÁLLA-ÆLLA LEXICON DEMONSTRATIJVA_CMP_INFL Loanadjectives from norwegian/swedish. Attr is in weak grad, used only in attr, but Sg+Nom is subtaged. __duplæksa # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __duplevsa: __ {{duplæksa+A+Attr }} LEXICON SUBJEKTIJVALASJ_CMP_INFL Non-derived -alasj adjectives. They are confusing because they look like derived loan adjectives like the ones in BIOGRÁFALASJ. However, they are not derived. Rather, these are "long" forms of short adjektives as those in DEMONSTRATIJVA and thus not true derivations. They could be trated as sitation borrowed loan adjectives, but they are wrongly assimilated since the two syllables before -alasj are assimilated to sami. These should be error tagged since they don't follow Giellagálddos loan word rules. Pred and attr are both -lasj. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: destruktijvalattjav, Attr: destruktijvalasj. (The -lasj is unpopular.) __aktijvalasj # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __aktijvalasj: __ {{aktijvalasj+A+Sg+Nom }} * __aktijvalattjav: __ {{aktijvalasj+A+Sg+Acc }} * __aktijvalasj: __ {{aktijvalasj+A+Attr }} * __aktijvalabbo: __ {{aktijvalasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON BIOGRÁFALASJ_CMP_INFL LOAN! Foreign -isk adjectives adapted to smj ending -alasj. These are all derived from loan nouns thus making "biologisk" either biolog -> biolåvgålasj or biologi -> biologijjalasj (underived, sitation loan based form "biologalasj" is error tagged) Pred and attr are both -alasj. No comparatives. __demokráhtalasj # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __demokráhtalasj: __ {{demokráhtalasj+A+Sg+Nom }} * __demokráhtalattjav: __ {{demokráhtalasj+A+Sg+Acc }} * __demokráhtalasj: __ {{demokráhtalasj+A+Attr }} LEXICON ARKTALASJ_CMP_INFL Foreign -isk adjectives adapted to smj by simply adding -alasj in place of -isk. These are not derivations, but sitation borrowed loan adjectives. Only words without a noun base, like arktisk and syntetisk. Pred and attr are both -lasj. No comparatives. __analytalasj # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __analytalasj __ {{analytalasj+A+Sg+Nom }} * __analytalattjav: __ {{analytalasj+A+Sg+Acc }} * __analytalasj __ {{analytalasj+A+Attr }} Inherent comparatives and superlatives lexica LEXICON OANEP Inherent comparatives, gives comp and superl. There are two main groups of word here: Adjectives that are lexicalized in their comparative (and superlative) forms, like sisŋep, bárep. And Nouns that can be compared, like nuortap, gáttep, oarjep (some of these are compared from their noun lexicas and thus are found twice). Some entries are likely incorrect compared forms of other adjectives, like ådåp and ruvvap (more research needed). __lagáp # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __lagáp: __ {{lagáp+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __lagámus: __ {{lagáp+A+Superl+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON TJAVGGÁMUS Inherent superlatives, only gives superl. Some words are lexicalized in their superlative forms, like dájvvámus. Some are likely incorrect superlative forms, like tjábbámus (more research is needed) __dájvvámus # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __dájvvámus: __ {{dájvvámus+A+Superl+Sg+Nom }} 4-syllable miscellanious stems LEXICON ÁRMMOGIS Adjectives on -is, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. As 2 in Spiik. Sg Acc: ármmogisáv, Attr: ármmogis. __bahágis # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __bahágis: __ {{bahágis+A+Sg+Nom }} * __bahágisáv: __ {{bahágis+A+Sg+Acc }} * __bahágis: __ {{bahágis+A+Attr }} * __bahágabbo: __ {{bahágis+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON SÆHKÁLAK Adjectives on -álak, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. So far only for "sæhkálak". __sæhkálak # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sæhkálak: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Sg+Nom }} * __sähkálak: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Sg+Nom }} * __sæhkálagáv: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Sg+Acc }} * __sähkálagáv: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Sg+Acc }} * __sæhkálak: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Attr }} * __sähkálak: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Attr }} * __sæhkálabbo: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __sähkálabbo: __ {{sæhkálak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON ÅLLAGSJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, attribute same as pred. No comparatives. 2 in Spiik. Sg Acc: ållagattjav, Attr: ållagasj. __belulasj # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __belulasj: __ {{belulasj+A+Sg+Nom }} * __belulattjav: __ {{belulasj+A+Sg+Acc }} * __belulasj: __ {{belulasj+A+Attr }} LEXICON DÁRBULASJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, attribute same as pred. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: dárbulattjav, Attr: dárbulasj. Essive -attjan, -adtjan is subtaged. __dábálasj # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __dábálasj: __ {{dábálasj+A+Sg+Nom }} * __dábálattjav: __ {{dábálasj+A+Sg+Acc }} * __dábálasj: __ {{dábálasj+A+Attr }} * __dábális: __ {{dábálasj+A+Attr }} * __dábálabbo: __ {{dábálasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON ASIDASJ_CMP_INFL Adjectives on -asj, -is attr. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: asidattjav, Attr: asidis. __gågulasj # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __gågulasj: __ {{gågulasj+A+Sg+Nom }} * __gågulattjav: __ {{gågulasj+A+Sg+Acc }} * __gågulis: __ {{gågulasj+A+Attr }} * __gågulabbo: __ {{gågulasj+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON UDNODIBME Adjectives on -dibme, attribute on -is. Odd-syllable comparison. Sg Acc: udnodimev, Attr: udnodis. __gælvodibme # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __gælvodibme: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Sg+Nom }} * __gälvodibme: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Sg+Nom }} * __gælvodimev: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Sg+Acc }} * __gälvodimev: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Sg+Acc }} * __gælvodis: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Attr }} * __gälvodis: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Attr }} * __gælvodabbo: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __gälvodabbo: __ {{gælvodibme+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON TJALMEDIBME Like UDNODIBME but no comparatives. Sg Acc: tjalmedimev, Attr: tjalmedis. __huvsodibme # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __huvsodibme: __ {{huvsodibme+A+Sg+Nom }} * __huvsodimev: __ {{huvsodibme+A+Sg+Acc }} * __huvsodis: __ {{huvsodibme+A+Attr }} LEXICON SUOLASIEHKE -siehke. Sg Acc: suolasiegev, attr: suolasiek __hánessiehke # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __hánessiehke: __ {{hánessiehke+A+Sg+Nom }} * __hánessiegev: __ {{hánessiehke+A+Sg+Acc }} * __hánessiek: __ {{hánessiehke+A+Attr }} !!Odd-syllable stems LEXICON TJIEGOS Adjectives on -s, negating adjs on -dahkes, with attr same as pred. For adjectives with -e in second syllable e>á: divtes>diktásav in StrG. As a. in Spiik. Sg Acc: tjiehkusav, Attr: tjiegos. Consonant gradation. __hánes # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __hánes: __ {{hánes+A+Sg+Nom }} * __hádnásav: __ {{hánes+A+Sg+Acc }} * __hánes: __ {{hánes+A+Attr }} * __hádnásabbo: __ {{hánes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON GÅNTSAS Same as TJIEGOS but with vokal change å=oa. Attr is same as pred. Sg Acc: goanntsasav, attr: gåntsas. Consonant gradation. __måskas # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __måskas: __ {{måskas+A+Sg+Nom }} * __moasskasav: __ {{måskas+A+Sg+Acc }} * __måskas: __ {{måskas+A+Attr }} * __moasskasabbo: __ {{måskas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON GALMAS Adjectives on -as, ås- and ás, with attr ending on a (-as and -ás pred) and å (-ås pred). As e. in Spiik. Sg Acc: galmmasav, attr: galmma, Consonant gradation. __njuoskas # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __njuoskas: __ {{njuoskas+A+Sg+Nom }} * __njuosskasav: __ {{njuoskas+A+Sg+Acc }} * __njuosska: __ {{njuoskas+A+Attr }} * __njuosskasabbo: __ {{njuoskas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON SÁJSAS For -as adjectives with attribute -e. Presently only used for "sájsas", because this -as adj gets -e attr. Sg Acc: sájssasav, Attr: sájsse. Consonant gradation. __sájsas # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sájsas: __ {{sájsas+A+Sg+Nom }} * __sájssasav: __ {{sájsas+A+Sg+Acc }} * __sájsse: __ {{sájsas+A+Attr }} * __sájssasabbo: __ {{sájsas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON RÁDAS Presently only used for "rádas". This word has special consonant gradation d>dd. Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: ráddasav, Attr: rádas. Consonant gradation. __rádas # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __rádas: __ {{rádas+A+Sg+Nom }} * __ráddasav: __ {{rádas+A+Sg+Acc }} * __rádas: __ {{rádas+A+Attr }} * __ráda: __ {{rádas+A+Attr }} (Eng. # from LEXATTR) * __ráddasabbo: __ {{rádas+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON LUOBES Adjectives on -es. Attribute same as pred. Does the same as TJIEGOS only e>a. Sg Acc: luohpasav, Attr: luobes. Consonant gradation. __luobes # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __luobes: __ {{luobes+A+Sg+Nom }} * __luohpasav: __ {{luobes+A+Sg+Acc }} * __luobes: __ {{luobes+A+Attr }} * __luohpasabbo: __ {{luobes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON GIMES Adjectives on -es with attribute -a. Vocaal e>a in StrG. As g. in Spiik. Sg Acc: gibmasav, Attr: gibma. Consonant gradation. __gimes # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __gimes: __ {{gimes+A+Sg+Nom }} * __gibmasav: __ {{gimes+A+Sg+Acc }} * __gibma: __ {{gimes+A+Attr }} * __gibmasabbo: __ {{gimes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON LINES Same as GIMES, only with e>á in StrG. Adjectives on -es with attribute -a. As g. in Spiik. Sg Acc: lidnásav, attr: lidna. Consonant gradation. __lines # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __lines: __ {{lines+A+Sg+Nom }} * __lidnásav: __ {{lines+A+Sg+Acc }} * __lidna: __ {{lines+A+Attr }} * __lidnásabbo: __ {{lines+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON OAMES Adjectives on -es with attribute -e. As g2. in Spiik. Sg Acc: oabmásav, Attr: oabme. Consonant gradation. __goastes # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __goastes: __ {{goastes+A+Sg+Nom }} * __goasstásav: __ {{goastes+A+Sg+Acc }} * __goasste: __ {{goastes+A+Attr }} * __goasstásabbo: __ {{goastes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON BASSTEL Adjs on -et, -l, -r, sm om -k, -sj with attr -is and no consonant gradation. As b. in Spiik. Sg Acc: basstelav, Attr: basstelis. Many of these entries might be instances of derivations, like belak, deblak, and maybe also basstel, bargán. __goavrret # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __goavrret: __ {{goavrret+A+Sg+Nom }} * __goavrredav: __ {{goavrret+A+Sg+Acc }} * __goavrredis: __ {{goavrret+A+Attr }} * __goavrredabbo: __ {{goavrret+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON DABÁR Adjectives on -r. With attr -is like BASSTEL, but with CG. Sg Acc: dahparav, Attr: dabáris. Presently only for dabár. Consonant gradation. __sihkar # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __dabár: __ {{dabár+A+Sg+Nom }} * __dahparav: __ {{dabár+A+Sg+Acc }} * __dabáris: __ {{dabár+A+Attr }} * __dahparabbo: __ {{dabár+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON MUTTÁK Adjs on -ák/-ak/-ek, two attr: -is and same as pred. As c. in Spiik. Sg Acc: muttágav, Attr: muttágis and mutták. These seem to be instances of the adjectival -k derivation. Unclear whether such derivation have different attr forms or not, and thats maybe why some of these derivations are found in BASSTEL lexicon. __bárvak # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __bárvak: __ {{bárvak+A+Sg+Nom }} * __bárvagav: __ {{bárvak+A+Sg+Acc }} * __bárvak: __ {{bárvak+A+Attr }} * __bárvagis: __ {{bárvak+A+Attr }} * __bárvagabbo: __ {{bárvak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON SKÁRBAK Presently only for skárbak, because it has skárbbis attr not skárbagis according to Korhonen. It might be a hybrid. Consonant gradation. __skárbak # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __skárbak: __ {{skárbak+A+Sg+Nom }} * __skárbagav: __ {{skárbak+A+Sg+Acc }} * __skárbbis: __ {{skárbak+A+Attr }} * __skárbagabbo: __ {{skárbak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON ALLAK Adjs on -ak, attr.on -a. Have both gasep/gaggagabbo and alep/allagabbo as comparatives. As d. in Spiik. So far only the adjectives "allak" and "gassak" go to this lexicon. __gassak # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __gassak: __ {{gassak+A+Sg+Nom }} * __gassagav: __ {{gassak+A+Sg+Acc }} * __gassa: __ {{gassak+A+Attr }} * __gassagabbo: __ {{gassak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __gasep: __ {{gassak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON GÅBDDÅK Adjs on -åk, attr. on -å. Has even-syllable comparison: gåbdep and gåbdemus. So far "gåbddåk" is the only word in this lexicon. As d2. in Spiik. Sg Acc: gåbddågav, Attr: gåbddå. __gåbddåk # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __gåbddåk: __ {{gåbddåk+A+Sg+Nom }} * __gåbddågav: __ {{gåbddåk+A+Sg+Acc }} * __gåbddå: __ {{gåbddåk+A+Attr }} * __gåbdep: __ {{gåbddåk+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON STUORAK Only for stuorak. It hase two attributes. Has even-syllable comparison: stuoráp and stuorámus.Sg Acc: stuoragav, attr: stuor and stuorra. This might be a -k derivation of adjective stuorre attr stuor(ra). The comparison is thus based on the original adjective and thus it naturally is an even syll comparison. __stuorak # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __stuorak: __ {{stuorak+A+Sg+Nom }} * __stuoragav: __ {{stuorak+A+Sg+Acc }} * __stuorra: __ {{stuorak+A+Attr }} * __stuor: __ {{stuorak+A+Attr }} * __stuoráp: __ {{stuorak+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON RIHTSOK Lexicon for miscellanious uneven adjectives. No vowel changes. The lexicon gives no attribute, either because the adjective dosn't have attr or because there is stemvowel change in attr that the lexicon can't handle, or because there are strange atrributes that don't fit to any other lexicon (these attributes are hardcoded). Sg Acc: rihtsogav (attr for words in this lexicon are hardcoded). Consonant gradation. __måjdås # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __måjdås: __ {{måjdås+A+Sg+Nom }} * __måjddåsav: __ {{måjdås+A+Sg+Acc }} * __måjddåsabbo: __ {{måjdås+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON SJÆVNNJAT Lexicon for miscellanious uneven adjectives on -k, -t, -l, -s. The last vowel changes, e>á, e>å, o>u, e>i. The lexicon gives no attribute, either because the adjective dosn't have attr, because there is stemvowel change in attr that the lexicon can't handle or because there are strange atrributes that don't fit to any other lexicon (these attributes are hardcoded). Sg Acc: sjævnnjadav. __rávdes # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __rávdes: __ {{rávdes+A+Sg+Nom }} * __rávddásav: __ {{rávdes+A+Sg+Acc }} * __rávddásabbo: __ {{rávdes+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON SUOHKAT Adjectives on -at and -åt, with attribute III -is. No vowel change. As f. in Spiik. Sg Acc: suohkadav, attr: suohkkis, __rávvat # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __rávvat: __ {{rávvat+A+Sg+Nom }} * __rávvadav: __ {{rávvat+A+Sg+Acc }} * __rávvis: __ {{rávvat+A+Attr }} * __rávvadabbo: __ {{rávvat+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON LÅSSÅT As f3. in Spiik. So far the only word i this lexicon i "låssåt", because both låssis and låsså are attr and comparative is both låsep(hybrid?) and låssådabbo. __låssåt # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __låssåt: __ {{låssåt+A+Sg+Nom }} * __låssådav: __ {{låssåt+A+Sg+Acc }} * __låssis: __ {{låssåt+A+Attr }} * __låsså: __ {{låssåt+A+Attr }} * __låssådabbo: __ {{låssåt+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __låsep: __ {{låssåt+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON TSIBTSA Adjectives that end on -a. Attribute is same as pred. Sg Acc: tsibttsagav, Attr: tsibtsa. Consonant gradation. __bihtja # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __bihtja: __ {{bihtja+A+Sg+Nom }} * __bihttjagav: __ {{bihtja+A+Sg+Acc }} * __bihtja: __ {{bihtja+A+Attr }} * __bihttjagabbo: __ {{bihtja+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON TJALMMIS Adjectives ending on -is. With two attributes; same as pred and -isis. As h. in Spiik. Sg Acc: tjalmmisav, Attr: tjalmmis (Spiik og Kintel).and tjalmmisis (Korhonen). __mujttis # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __mujttis: __ {{mujttis+A+Sg+Nom }} * __mujttisav: __ {{mujttis+A+Sg+Acc }} * __mujttis: __ {{mujttis+A+Attr }} * __mujttisis: __ {{mujttis+A+Attr }} * __mujttisabbo: __ {{mujttis+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON IENNILS no comparatives, no attr __ieŋŋils # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __ieŋŋils: __ {{ieŋŋils+A+Sg+Nom }} * __ieŋŋilsav: __ {{ieŋŋils+A+Sg+Acc }} Inherent comparatives and superlatives LEXICON NUORTTALABBO Inherent comparatives, gives both comp and superl. Most of the words are the compared forms of -el(a) words, like nuorttal, lullel. __guddnelabbo # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __guddnelabbo: __ {{guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __guddnelamos: __ {{guddnelabbo+A+Superl+Sg+Nom }} * __guddnelap: __ {{guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Attr }} * __guddnelup: __ {{guddnelabbo+A+Comp+Attr }} LEXICON GASSKALAMOS Inherent superlatives, gives onlys superl. Words that are lexicalized in their superlative forms. __ájtodamos # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __ájtodamos: __ {{ájtodamos+A+Superl+Sg+Nom }} !!Contracted stems LEXICON SÁDNES Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: sáddnáv, Attr: sádnes. __hávres # Contracted test examples:__ * __hávres: __ {{hávres+A+Sg+Nom }} * __hávrráv: __ {{hávres+A+Sg+Acc }} * __hávres: __ {{hávres+A+Attr }} * __hávrráp: __ {{hávres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON GOAVSOS Attr same as pred. Sg Acc: goaksuv, Attr: goavsos.(goavsos is so far the only word in this lexicon) __goavsos # Contracted test examples:__ * __goavsos: __ {{goavsos+A+Sg+Nom }} * __goaksuv: __ {{goavsos+A+Sg+Acc }} * __goaksusav: __ {{goavsos+A+Sg+Acc }} (Eng. # From lexicon TJIEGOS) * __goavsos: __ {{goavsos+A+Attr }} * __goaksup: __ {{goavsos+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __goaksusabbo: __ {{goavsos+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} (Eng. # from lexicon TJIEGOS) LEXICON SUVRES Sg Acc: suvrráv, Attr: suvra. __suvres # Contracted test examples:__ * __suvres: __ {{suvres+A+Sg+Nom }} * __suvrráv: __ {{suvres+A+Sg+Acc }} * __suvrrásav: __ {{suvres+A+Sg+Acc }} (Eng. # From lexicon SJÆVNNJAT) * __suvra: __ {{suvres+A+Attr }} * __suvrráp: __ {{suvres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} * __suvrrásabbo: __ {{suvres+A+Comp+Sg+Nom }} (Eng. # from LINES) ---- !!!Comparation LEXICON BU/MUS comparison for even-syll adjectives. Also derivates diminutive and adverbs from the comparisions. LEXICON ABBO/AMOS comparison for odd-syll adjectives. Also derivates diminutive and adverbs from the comparisions. LEXICON BUStem Comparative even-syll, case and attr. LEXICON ABBO Comparative odd-syll, get case and attr. With the dialect differences "-ubbo" and "-æbbo". !!Superlative LEXICON BUOREMUS Superlative even-syll, get attr and nom case. LEXICON AMOS Superlative odd-syll, get case and attr. With the dialect differences "-umos" and "-æmos". Comparative and Superlative sub-lexica LEXICON CompSup-EVEN LEXICON CompSup-EVENWEAKSTEM LEXICON ATTR Sends attributes to LEXICON ATTR_PrsPrc Attr without -vuohta derivation. !!Derivation of adjectives LEXICON DenominalAdjsV1 ! even noun stems are sent here LEXICON DenominalAdjsV2 ! even noun stems are sent here. -asj derivation LEXICON DenominalAdjsKINO ! unassimilated nouns are sent here LEXICON DenominalAdjsODD ! gives derivation -ahtes LEXICON DenominalAdjsContr Derivations to adjectives LEXICON AHTES ! odd syllable LEXICON DIBME ! even and contracted LEXICON LIS ! Handlernomen på -is? LEXICON LÁGÁSJ LEXICON AGAdj ! denominal derivations go here LEXICON Ahkásasj ! lexicalized and denominal -asj derivations LEXICON STÁVVAL ! OK& Kintel: stávval attr stávvalis, also as second compound !!!Sublexica for Noun !!Even-syllable stems !2syll stems LEXICON MUORRA Standard even stems with cg (note Q1). OBS: Nouns with invisible 3>2 cg (as bus'sa) go to this lexicon. __# Even-syllable test examples:__ * __kártta: __ {{kártta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __kártajn: __ {{kártta+N+Sg+Com }} LEXICON NOADE Even stem without cg. OBS: No nouns with invisible 3>2 cg (as bus'sa) in this lexicon. OBS: Because of denominal nouns taking a weak grade stem, entries in grade 3 are given the gradation mark ' in order to prevent alternation to weak grade. We should consider creating a separate denominal nouns lexicon for NOADE instead. __låda # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __låda: __ {{låda+N+Sg+Nom }} * __lådas: __ {{låda+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON LINNJA Only for the loan word "linnja". Because it's a loan word, the "nnj" is pronounced "nn-j", and therefore does not behave as the regular lule sami "nj" sound and therefore it doesn't follow the rule that makes a:á in 1. grade with short vowel in first syllable (It isn't as linnja-linjáv or birás-birrasav). This word is therefore sub taged. Norwegian/Swedish words with a short "i" followed by two different consonants are assimilated to lule sami in different manners accoring to the consonants in question, but the word is always on grade III (Morén-Duolljá 2014). The correctly assimilated form lin'nja is added to NOADE lexicon in stems file. __linja # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __linnja: __ {{linnja+N+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON SÁMEGIEL Compounds on -giella, with short -giel as middle compound (sámegielåhpadiddje) __rievsakgiella # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __rievsakgiella: __ {{rievsakgiella+N+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON AHKA Words like tjerastahka, with short compound form __báládahka # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __báládahka: __ {{báládahka+N+Sg+Nom }} * __báládak: __ {{báládahka+N+Sg+Nom }} * __báládagáv: __ {{báládahka+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON DARRHA Only for "darrha" or compounds that end on "darrha". __báktedarrha # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __báktedarrha: __ {{báktedarrha+N+Sg+Nom }} * __báktedarháv: __ {{báktedarrha+N+Sg+Acc }} !Nouns with comparatives LEXICON GÁDDE 2 syllable stems with cg (note Q1) with comparatives __boassjo # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __boassjo: __ {{boassjo+N+Sg+Nom }} * __båssjujn: __ {{boassjo+N+Sg+Com }} * __boassjojn: __ {{boassjo+N+Sg+Com }} * __boassjop: __ {{boassjo+N+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON ÅLGGO Like MUORRA, but with comparatives. This lexicon was previously without sg ill/ine/elat, but these nouns can be conjugated for regular location cases. However, "adverbs" like ålggot (from outside), nuorttan (at north), oarjas (to south), etc., are more commonly used to denote location/direction (should therefore maybe consider subing the regular location case forms). __lulle # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __lulle: __ {{lulle+N+Sg+Nom }} * __lulev: __ {{lulle+N+Sg+Acc }} * __lulep: __ {{lulle+N+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON MIEHTE Like MUORRA but no locative/elative/illative sg. Presently no words in this lexica except for err subed nuortto __nuortto # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __nuortto: __ {{nuortto+N+Sg+Nom }} * __nuortov: __ {{nuortto+N+Sg+Acc }} !Plural stems LEXICON BÅVSÅ Like MUORRA, only in plural. All, except ganta, juvdá and ávta, have regular, singular stem counterparts. __båvså # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __båvså: __ {{båvså+N+Pl+Nom }} * __båvsåjt: __ {{båvså+N+Pl+Acc }} !Partially assimilated loanwords. The first part of the word is "citation borrowed" and keeps its norwegian/swedish orthography, only the last two syllables are adapted to sami. LEXICON MUORRA_LOAN For loan words that do not fit in a loan word lexicon because of wrong short cmp, or partially assimilated loanwords without separate lexicas (medállja). This lexicon gives no short compound forms. Potential short cmps must therefore be hard coded into the FirstComponent lexicon. This also for compounded words with partially assimilated loan words. Examples of problem words: sirup>siráhppa og stetoskop>stetoskoahppa. LEXICON ADVERB_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ærbba with long and short compound-form __detransitijvvaværbba # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __detransitijvvaværbba: __ {{detransitijvvaværbba+N+Sg+Nom }} * __detransitijvvavärbba: __ {{detransitijvvaværbba+N+Sg+Nom }} * __detransitijvvaverbas: __ {{detransitijvvaværbba+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON KAFE_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -edja. Ends on -é in norwegian. Short and long cmp. "Kafea" and "kaféa" are subtaged. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABET. LEXICON DEMAGOG_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords ending on -og with long and short compound form. Assimilated to smj as -åvggå. The old stadarization -oga that does not follow lulesami rules is sub taged. __pedagoga # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __pedagåvggå: __ {{pedagåvggå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __pedagåvggå: __ {{pedagåvggå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __pedagåvgås: __ {{pedagåvggå+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON A_CMP_INFL Sub-forms. Lexicon for giving sub-variation conjugation by simply adding an -a to the norwegian/swedish word. No cg. Like "alkohola" and "agronoma". These forms goes against the standarization rule, but are found because of earlier standarizations rules and dictionaries. LEXICON ALLEGORI_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords ending on -i in Nor/Swe, with long and short compound form. Standardized as-iddja (SW) and -ij'ja (NOR). Previously often assimilated as -ija (or just -ia), but both forms are ungrammatical: Short vowels cannot preceed and follow a single intervocalic consonant. -ija is thus ungrammatical as the short a would be lenghtened to á, like "idja-ijá". __partijja # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __partiddja: __ {{partijja+N+Sg+Nom }} * __partijja: __ {{partijja+N+Sg+Nom }} * __partidjas: __ {{partijja+N+Sg+Ela }} * __partijjas: __ {{partijja+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON APOTEK_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -iehkka in NOR, -æhkka in SW. -ehkka as sub. With long and short compound-form on -k. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABET. __kartotiehkka # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __kartotæhkka: __ {{kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Nom }} * __kartotähkka: __ {{kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Nom }} * __kartotehkas: __ {{kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Ela }} * __kartotehkas: __ {{kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Ela }} * __kartotiehkka: __ {{kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Nom }} * __kartotiehkas: __ {{kartotiehkka+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON ANTIKK_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -hkka in Norway, both -ijkka and -hkka are used in Sweden. With long and short compound-form on -kk/-k. The swedish forms were earlier added to stems for the Swedish version, but now added here. __dialektihkka # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __dialektihkka: __ {{dialektihkka+N+Sg+Nom }} * __dialektihkas: __ {{dialektihkka+N+Sg+Ela }} * __dialektijkka: __ {{dialektihkka+N+Sg+Nom }} * __dialektijkas: __ {{dialektihkka+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON AREAL_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -álla with long and short compound-form __gasskavokálla # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __gasskavokálla: __ {{gasskavokálla+N+Sg+Nom }} * __gasskavokálas: __ {{gasskavokálla+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON TABELL_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -äl'la with long and short compound-form __flotælla # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __flotælla: __ {{flotælla+N+Sg+Nom }} * __flotälla: __ {{flotælla+N+Sg+Nom }} * __flotellas: __ {{flotælla+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON TEKSTIL_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijlla with long and short compound-form. (Previously also -yjlla, but -yl is also assimilated as -ijlla) __tekstijlla # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __tekstijlla: __ {{tekstijlla+N+Sg+Nom }} * __tekstijlas: __ {{tekstijlla+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON ALKOHOL_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvllå with long and short compound-form. The old stadarization form "alkohola" is sub taged. __parabåvllå # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __parabåvllå: __ {{parabåvllå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __parabåvlås: __ {{parabåvllå+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON TELEGRAM_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ám'ma with long and short compound-form __grámma # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __grámma: __ {{grámma+N+Sg+Nom }} * __grámmas: __ {{grámma+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON SYSTEM_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ebma/-iebma with long and short compound-form. -em in NOR and SW. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABET. __vokalsystiebma # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __vokalsystebma: __ {{vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Nom }} * __vokalsystiebma: __ {{vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Nom }} * __vokalsystiemas: __ {{vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Ela }} * __vokalsystemas: __ {{vokalsystiebma+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON AGRONOM_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvmma with long and short compound-form. The old stadarization form -oma that does not follow lulesami rules is sub taged.. __agronåvmmå # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __agronåvmmå: __ {{agronåvmmå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __agronåvmås: __ {{agronåvmmå+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON FANATISM_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ssma with long and short compound-form. __kabbalissma # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __kabbalissma: __ {{kabbalissma+N+Sg+Nom }} * __kabbalismas: __ {{kabbalissma+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON ORGAN_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ádna with long and short compound-form __guovllopládna # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __guovllopládna: __ {{guovllopládna+N+Sg+Nom }} * __guovlloplánav: __ {{guovllopládna+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON HYDROGEN_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -iedna in NOR and -edna in SW. Both long and short compound-form. Norwegian/swedish -en. The old standardization form -ena, without cg, is subtaged. See comments about the -ie/-e dialtags in ALFABET. LEXICON BENSIN Recent loanwords on -ijnna with long and short compound-form LEXICON BENSIN_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijnna with long and short compound-form __tamburijnna # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __tamburijnna: __ {{tamburijnna+N+Sg+Nom }} * __tamburijnas: __ {{tamburijnna+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON MASKIN_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjijnna with long and short compound-form: -SKIN __bivtasmasjijnna # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __bivtasmasjijnna: __ {{bivtasmasjijnna+N+Sg+Nom }} * __bivtasmasjijnas: __ {{bivtasmasjijnna+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON TELEFON_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvnnå with long and short compound-form __persåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __persåvnnå: __ {{persåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __persåvnås: __ {{persåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON INSTITUTION_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -TION IN SWEDISH __populasjåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __populasjåvnnå: __ {{populasjåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __populasjåvnås: __ {{populasjåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON MISSION_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -SSION IN SWEDISH __sesjåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sesjåvnnå: __ {{sesjåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sesjåvnås: __ {{sesjåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON PENSION_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -sjåvnnå with long and short compound-form: -SION IN SWEDISH __suspensjåvnnå # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __suspensjåvnnå: __ {{suspensjåvnnå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __suspensjåvnås: __ {{suspensjåvnnå+N+Sg+Ela }} __partisihppa # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __partisihppa: __ {{partisihppa+N+Sg+Nom }} * __partisihpas: __ {{partisihppa+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON SEMINAR_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -árra with long and short compound-form __hektárra # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __hektárra: __ {{hektárra+N+Sg+Nom }} * __hektáras: __ {{hektárra+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON FAKTOR_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -åvrrå with long and short compound-form. __oajvvekontåvrrå # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __oajvvekontåvrrå: __ {{oajvvekontåvrrå+N+Sg+Nom }} * __oajvvekontåvrås: __ {{oajvvekontåvrrå+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON KULTUR_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -vrra with long and short compound-form __muvrra # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __muvrra: __ {{muvrra+N+Sg+Nom }} * __muvrajn: __ {{muvrra+N+Sg+Com }} LEXICON INSPEKTØR_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ør with long and short compound-form. Standarized by Giellagálldo 05.0514 as -erra. -ørra is subtaged __observaterra # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __observaterra: __ {{observaterra+N+Sg+Nom }} * __observateras: __ {{observaterra+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON SBSTANS_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ánssa with long and short compound-form. Originally -ans in SW and NOR. __instánssa # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __instánssa: __ {{instánssa+N+Sg+Nom }} * __instánsas: __ {{instánssa+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON VALENS_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ænssa with long and short compound-form __intelligænssa # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __intelligænssa: __ {{intelligænssa+N+Sg+Nom }} * __intelligänssa: __ {{intelligænssa+N+Sg+Nom }} * __intelligensav: __ {{intelligænssa+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON PARADIS_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijssa with long and short compound-form __servijssa # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __servijssa: __ {{servijssa+N+Sg+Nom }} * __servijsas: __ {{servijssa+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON ADVOKAT_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -áhtta with long and short compound-form __klimáhtta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __klimáhtta: __ {{klimáhtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __klimáhtas: __ {{klimáhtta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON ALFABET_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords originally on -et both in Norway and Sweden. Assimilation differences, however, create two lule sami forms: -iehtta in NOR and -æhtta in SWE. LONG -e is assimilated in different ways in Norway and Sweden: In Norway, it becomes -ie, and in Sweden -e. Tiedja/tedja, systiebma/systemba and so on. This is especially apparent in assimilated words with long e in third grade: E becomes æ in third grade so we get "universitæhtta" in SW, but this is very strange to people on the norwegian side of the border as they want "universitiehtta". Both -ie and -e are dialtaged i lexicons HYDROGEN, APOTEK, SYSTEM, KAFÉ. Previously people often wrote -ehtta in Norway, but this is incorrect as e always becomes æ in grade three. __mobilitiehtta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __mobilitæhtta: __ {{mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __mobilitähtta: __ {{mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __mobilitiehtta: __ {{mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __mobilitehtav: __ {{mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Acc }} * __mobilitiehtav: __ {{mobilitiehtta+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON INTERNET_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -æhtta with long and short compound-form: -ET IN SWEDISH, -ETT in norwegian. Differs from ALFABET because -ehtta isn't used in NOR. __intranæhtta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __intranæhtta: __ {{intranæhtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __intranähtta: __ {{intranæhtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __intranehtas: __ {{intranæhtta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON TABLETT_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -æhtta with long and short compound-form. -ETT in both norwegian and in swedish. __kvartæhtta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __kvartæhtta: __ {{kvartæhtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __kvartähtta: __ {{kvartæhtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __kvartehtas: __ {{kvartæhtta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON INSTITUTT_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -uhtta, -ihtta with long and short compound-form on -tt(NOR)/-t(SW). Should the swedish -it get ijtta to, as ANTIKK? __inuihtta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __inuihtta: __ {{inuihtta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __inuihtas: __ {{inuihtta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON PATENT_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ænnta with long and short compound-form. The -ennta form (used in "Ådå testamennta") is taged as sub (e always becomes æ in grade three). __patænnta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __patænnta: __ {{patænnta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __patännta: __ {{patænnta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __patentas: __ {{patænnta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON VARIANT_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ánnta with long and short compound-form __praktikánnta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __praktikánnta: __ {{praktikánnta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __praktikántas: __ {{praktikánnta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON KOLLEKT_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ækta with long and short compound-form __subjækta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __subjækta: __ {{subjækta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __subjäkta: __ {{subjækta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __subjevtas: __ {{subjækta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON TURIST_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ssta with long and short compound-form __journalissta # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __journalissta: __ {{journalissta+N+Sg+Nom }} * __journalistas: __ {{journalissta+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON ADJEKTIV_CMP_INFL Recent loanwords on -ijvva with long and short compound-form __datijvva # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __datijvva: __ {{datijvva+N+Sg+Nom }} * __datijvas: __ {{datijvva+N+Sg+Ela }} !Loanwords becoming odd-syll LEXICON PREMIE_CMP_INFL Assimilated loanwords. on -ie/-y, like premie and bandy. Become odd syllable loan words with cg, like "riebij". Nom: premij, gen prebmiha. Long and short essive. __priemij # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __priemij: __ {{priemij+N+Sg+Nom }} * __premij: __ {{priemij+N+Sg+Nom }} * __priebmihis: __ {{priemij+N+Sg+Ela }} * __prebmihis: __ {{priemij+N+Sg+Ela }} * __priemin: __ {{priemij+N+Ess }} * __premin: __ {{priemij+N+Ess }} * __priebmihin: __ {{priemij+N+Ess }} * __prebmihin: __ {{priemij+N+Ess }} ! Badly assimilated loanwords LEXICON NOADE_BADASS_CMP_INFL 2 syll stems without cg. Badly or wrongly assimilated words, ie. assimilated in a way that isn't lulesami. Most of the words are Err/Orth tagged with a standardized lemma. Some are Err/Lex tagged, and some only recieve the +Use/-Spell tag from the lexicon. __# Even-syllable test examples:__ * __+N+Sg+Nom __ * __+N+Sg+Ela __ LEXICON BOAKSA_BADASS_CMP_INFL This is an Err/Sub, and all the words pointing to lexicon BOAKSA are therfore Err/Sub taged. Only for words "boaksa-båksav". Boaksa-båksa is assimilated wrongly, must be boaksa-båvsa if it's to follow lulesami rules. LEXICON GAHPER_BADASS_CMP_INFL Badly or wrongly assimilated words. Oddsyll, no cg, no vowchange. Assimilated in a way that isn't lulesami. Most of the words are Err/Orth tagged with a standardized lemma. Some are Err/Lex tagged, and some only recieve the +Use/-Spell tag from the lexicon. __# Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __+N+Sg+Nom __ * __+N+Sg+Ela __ ! Unassimilated loanwords LEXICON KINO_UNASS_CMP_INFL V-final unassimilated loanwords. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Words that aren't assimilated at all. Really just norwegian words with a kind of sami inflection. Get even syllable case marking. Are part of the spell checker. __netto # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __netto: __ {{netto+N+Sg+Nom }} * __nettos: __ {{netto+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON CELSIUS_UNASS_CMP_INFL C-final unassimilated loanwords. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Really just norwegian words with a kind of sami inflection. Case marking like standard even 4 syllable stems (see proper nouns file on the case marking of foreign words with stressed last syllable). Are part of the spell checker. __aids # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __aids: __ {{aids+N+Sg+Nom }} * __aidsaj: __ {{aids+N+Sg+Ill }} * __aidsas: __ {{aids+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON BIDUS_UNASS_CMP_INFL C-final unassimilated loanwords. Not lulesami. No diacritics whatsoever. Really just foreign words with a kind of sami inflection. Odd syllable case marking (like GAHPER). Are part of the spell checker. __sirkus # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sirkus: __ {{sirkus+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sirkusij: __ {{sirkus+N+Sg+Ill }} * __sirkusis: __ {{sirkus+N+Sg+Ela }} +Der4+Der/ahtes:e»g AHTES ; Only for odd-syllble stems !4syll stems LEXICON GÅNÅGIS Standard C-final 4-syllabic stems __rahtjamus # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __rahtjamus: __ {{rahtjamus+N+Sg+Nom }} * __rahtjamussaj: __ {{rahtjamus+N+Sg+Ill }} * __rahtjamusás: __ {{rahtjamus+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON BERULASJ For words ending on -asj. Same as GÅNÅGIS but with strong essive and illative -adjtan and -adtjaj subtaged, same with PX "-adjtam". These forms are barely used today. LEXICON BEDNAGASJ Like BERULASJ, but for derived nouns in diminutive. No cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Has only one dimin derivation since these words already are dimin, ie. no double dim as for GAHPER. No abessive, not totally sure about this, i think we must use postposition dagi when it's diminutive, __stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __bednagasj: __ {{bednagasj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __bednagattjas: __ {{bednagasj+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON JIHPELIJ gen:jihpelahá __gehtsulij # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __gehtsulij: __ {{gehtsulij+N+Sg+Nom }} * __gehtsulaháv: __ {{gehtsulij+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON OARJJILIJ gen:oarjjilihá __allilij # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __allilij: __ {{allilij+N+Sg+Nom }} * __allilihás: __ {{allilij+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON VIESSOMUJ gen:viessumuhá __bårråmuj # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __bårråmuj: __ {{bårråmuj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __bårråmuháj: __ {{bårråmuj+N+Sg+Ill }} !4 syllable plurals LEXICON OADÁDAGÁ Plural forms of words like tjerastahka with short compound-form __látjádagá # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __látjádagá: __ {{látjádagá+N+Pl+Nom }} * __látjádagájs: __ {{látjádagá+N+Pl+Ela }} LEXICON BERRAHATTJA Plural stems. Like IEDNITJA, these do not have corresponding singular stems. Most stems here have the same form as the pl nom form of diminutive derivations, but (while it may have originated as a diminuitive derivation) it is not the same derivation (today) and it does not have a singular form. __gahpanisá # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __gahpanisá: __ {{gahpanisá+N+Pl+Nom }} * __gahpanisájda: __ {{gahpanisá+N+Pl+Ill }} * __gahpanisájs: __ {{gahpanisá+N+Pl+Ela }} LEXICON SIJDDALAHÁ Plurals __lullelahá # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __lullelahá: __ {{lullelahá+N+Pl+Nom }} * __lullelahájt: __ {{lullelahá+N+Pl+Acc }} LEXICON SISSNELUHÁ plurals. presently only for sissŋeluhá __sissŋeluhá # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sissŋeluhá: __ {{sissŋeluhá+N+Pl+Nom }} * __sissŋeluhájda: __ {{sissŋeluhá+N+Pl+Ill }} !Adjectival sublexicas. Give 4 syll adjectives inflection LEXICON SURGULASJ-EVEN !Compound lexicas !!Odd-syllable stems LEXICON ÅRES Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG, 2ndsyll vowchange. Long and short essive. Spiik A1 __sjattos # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sjattos: __ {{sjattos+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sjaddusis: __ {{sjattos+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON GÁMAS Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG, no 2ndsyll vowchange (OBS: a does not change). Long and short essive. Spiik A2 __sjábtjas # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sjábtjas: __ {{sjábtjas+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sjábttjasis: __ {{sjábtjas+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON GAHPER Odd-syllable C-final noun without cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Spiik A3 __stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __stiebil: __ {{stiebil+N+Sg+Nom }} * __stiebilis: __ {{stiebil+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON BENA Odd-syllable V-final noun with cg, no vowchange. Long and short essive. Spiik 2a __galma # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __galma: __ {{galma+N+Sg+Nom }} * __galmmagis: __ {{galma+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON SÅHKÅR Odd-syllable C-final noun with CG and 2ndsyll vowelchange. Has only long essive. Spiik 2b __spiger # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __spiger: __ {{spiger+N+Sg+Nom }} * __spihkáris: __ {{spiger+N+Sg+Ela }} !!Irregular stems LEXICON SÁGE gen: sáhkaha. Presently only for "ságe". Long and short essive. __ságe # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __ságe: __ {{ságe+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sáhkahav: __ {{ságe+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON BAVSEV Ends on -v and last vowel changes to i: bavsev:baksIma. Not like gierkav gierkkAma and birev birEma. __sievtev # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sievtev: __ {{sievtev+N+Sg+Nom }} * __siektimis: __ {{sievtev+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON RÁBEV rábev:ráhpuga. Presently only for "rábev". __rábev # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __rábev: __ {{rábev+N+Sg+Nom }} * __ráhpugis: __ {{rábev+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON RITJAS ! Like GÁMAS but without stem a-lengthening for grade I (underlying long -i-). presently only for "ritjas". __ritjas # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __ritjas: __ {{ritjas+N+Sg+Nom }} * __rihtjasis: __ {{ritjas+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON SÅGAS gen: sågaska. Presently only for "sågas". __sågas # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sågas: __ {{sågas+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sågaskav: __ {{sågas+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON SJUVÁJ Presently only for "sjuváj". sjuváj-sjuvvaga. Only this word __sjuváj # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sjuváj: __ {{sjuváj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sjuvvagis: __ {{sjuváj+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON BØSOJ Because of bösoj in O.Korhonen, and bæsoj-bessuga. Only for these two words. J becomes g. LEXICON GUOVSOJVUOJOJ vuojoj:vuodjom. Presently only for "guovsojvuojoj". __guovsojvuojoj # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __guovsojvuojoj: __ {{guovsojvuojoj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __guovsojvuodjomav: __ {{guovsojvuojoj+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON BUTJES butjes-buttjása. Presently only for "butjes". This is an sub. Korhonen has this form but if you look in Grundstöm it's buttjes-budtjasa. Must be a typo in Korhonen, because ttj-tj dosn't exist in smj. This form is err subed in stems file. LEXICON TJÅLKES tjålkes:tjoalkkas- Presently only for "tjålkes and tsålkes". This must be wrong, and it dosn't exist in Grundström. Å in 1. syll isn't possible with e in 2. syll. Must be tjoalkes-tjoalkkása or tjålkas-tjoalkkasa. This form is err subed in stems file. __tsålkes # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __*tsålkes: __ {{tsålkes+N+Sg+Nom }} (is not standard language) * __*tsoalkkasav: __ {{tsålkes+N+Sg+Acc }} (is not standard language) LEXICON VÁJES vájes:vádjas- Presently only for "báhkovájes". It's a sub: 2. syll e doesn't become a. Must be vájes-vádjása or vájas-vádjasa. The second is used in NT, so I belive thats the right one. This form is err subed in stems file. Derived stems LEXICON BADJEL Derived nouns with acc -elav, ill -elij, elat -elas, etc. These were previously categorized as adpositions and adverbs, but according to Bruce Morén-Duolljá (2014) they are actually case forms of nouns derived from certain location nouns. Derived from even strong stems (badje -> badjel). Odd syllable inflection, but only singular nominative-elative (not clear if they take comitative and essive case). With comparatives. No Px. __allel # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __allel: __ {{allel+N+Sg+Nom }} * __allelis: __ {{allel+N+Sg+Ela }} * __allelabbo: __ {{allel+N+Comp+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON BÁRNEP bárnep:bárnebu-. Comparisation of nouns. No -ahtá abesive. __iednep # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __iednep: __ {{iednep+N+Sg+Nom }} * __iednebuv: __ {{iednep+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON OAPPÁSJ Like GAHPER, but for derived nouns in diminutive, have an underived form. Doesn't get abesive -ahtá or -ahtes derivation. Oddsyll, no cg, no vowchange, no short Ess. Has only one dimin derivation since these words already are dimin, ie. not double dim as in GAHPER. __stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __oappásj: __ {{oappásj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __oappátjis: __ {{oappásj+N+Sg+Ela }} LEXICON FIERUN Like GAHPER, but instruments derived from verbs. Fierrot>fierun. No short essive. __stiebil # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __fierun: __ {{fierun+N+Sg+Nom }} * __fierunis: __ {{fierun+N+Sg+Ela }} !Plural odd-syll LEXICON DÁRBBAGA Like BENA, but plural. Presently only for "dárbbaga", has singular stem counterpart. __dárbbaga # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __dárbbaga: __ {{dárbbaga+N+Pl+Nom }} * __dárbbagijt: __ {{dárbbaga+N+Pl+Acc }} LEXICON BÆLLJASA Like GÁMAS, but plural. These have corresponding singular stems. __jiednabælljasa # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __jiednabælljasa: __ {{jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Nom }} * __jiednabälljasa: __ {{jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Nom }} * __jiednabælljasijt: __ {{jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Acc }} * __jiednabälljasijt: __ {{jiednabælljasa+N+Pl+Acc }} LEXICON IEDNITJA Odd syllable pluralforms only. These do not have a singular form. __jáhkoguojmitja # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __jáhkoguojmitja: __ {{jáhkoguojmitja+N+Pl+Nom }} * __jáhkoguojmitjijt: __ {{jáhkoguojmitja+N+Pl+Acc }} LEXICON SNJIERÁGA Odd syllable pluralforms only. These have corresponding singular stems. __guovlloådåsa # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __guovlloådåsa: __ {{guovlloådåsa+N+Pl+Nom }} * __guovlloådåsijt: __ {{guovlloådåsa+N+Pl+Acc }} LEXICON MANEBU oddsyllable plural only. presently only for "maŋebu". __maŋebu # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __maŋebu: __ {{maŋebu+N+Pl+Nom }} * __maŋebujt: __ {{maŋebu+N+Pl+Acc }} !!Contracted stems LEXICON ÅLMÅJ C-final with cg II-III: ålmåj:ålmmå __njurgoj # Contracted test examples:__ * __njurgoj: __ {{njurgoj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __njurgguv: __ {{njurgoj+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON GUOMOJ C-final with cg I-III: guomoj:guobbmu __ænoj # Contracted test examples:__ * __ænoj: __ {{ænoj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __æddnuv: __ {{ænoj+N+Sg+Acc }} * __änoj: __ {{ænoj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __äddnuv: __ {{ænoj+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON SARVES C-final with cg II-III. sarves:sarvvá __moarmes # Contracted test examples:__ * __moarmes: __ {{moarmes+N+Sg+Nom }} * __moarmmáv: __ {{moarmes+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON SVÁLES C-final with cg I-III. sváles:svállá (l'l) __sváles # Contracted test examples:__ * __sváles: __ {{sváles+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sválláv: __ {{sváles+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON GÅHKES C-final with cg II-III with vowel harmony (a/á=å). gåhkes:gåhkkå. Presently only for "gåhkes". __gåhkes # Contracted test examples:__ * __gåhkes: __ {{gåhkes+N+Sg+Nom }} * __gåhkkåv: __ {{gåhkes+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON SJUOKKAJ sjuokkaj:sjuoggá. Presently only for "sjuokkaj". __sjuokkaj # Contracted test examples:__ * __sjuokkaj: __ {{sjuokkaj+N+Sg+Nom }} * __sjuoggáv: __ {{sjuokkaj+N+Sg+Acc }} LEXICON GISTÁ gistá:gisstá. Presently only for "gistá". __gistá # Contracted test examples:__ * __gistá: __ {{gistá+N+Sg+Nom }} * __gisstáv: __ {{gistá+N+Sg+Acc }} ! Contracted stems sublexica !!Px lexica !!!Sublexica for Verb Table of content: * The auxiliaries ** Negation verb ** Copula ** Modals * Main verbs ** Even syllable stems *** Intransitives *** Transitives ** Odd syllable stems *** Intranstives *** Transitives ** Contracted stems *** Intransitives *** Transitives ** Assimilated loan verbs *** Intransitives *** Transitives ** Main inflectional categories *** suffix lexicas ** Verb derivation IV means intransitive verbs, TV means transitive verbs. !!!Auxiliary verbs !!Negation verb LEXICON NEG !!Copula LEXICON ÅRROT LEXICON LIEHKET LEXICON LULU !!Modals LEXICON GALGGAT_IV even-syllable modal verbs. __soajttet # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __soajtáv: __ {{soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __soajttiv: __ {{soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __såjtijma: __ {{soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VIERTTIT_IV Contracted modal verbs. __hæhttut # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __hæhttut: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Inf }} * __hähttut: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Inf }} * __hæhttuv: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hähttuv: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hæhttujma: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __hähttujma: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} !!!Ordinary main verbs !!Even-syllable stems Intransitives LEXICON GALSSJOT_IV Impersonal o-verbs __hærmmot # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __hærmmu: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __härmmu: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __hærmoj: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} * __härmoj: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON BÅRSSJOT_IV o-verbs with __hæssot # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __hæsov: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __häsov: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hessuv: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __hæsojma: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __häsojma: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VILSSJOT_IV o-verbs as BÅRSSJOT but without derivations -stit, -stallat, -stahtte, - stasste. With dim -astit that are hardcoded __libjjot # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __libjov: __ {{libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __libjjuv: __ {{libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __libjojma: __ {{libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BUOLLET_IV e-verbs __liddet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __littáv: __ {{liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __liddiv: __ {{liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __littijma: __ {{liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BOAHTET_IV e-verbs like BUOLLET_IV without passive __boahtet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __boadáv: __ {{boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __båhtiv: __ {{boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bådijma: __ {{boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VIEDJET_IV e-verbs GRADE II-I WITH IE DIPHT. __biehket # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __bægáv: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bägáv: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __biehkiv: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __biegijma: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ASSTAT_IV only for asstat, no passive __asstat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __astav: __ {{asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __asstiv: __ {{asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __astajma: __ {{asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON RAVGGAT_IV a- and å-verbs only Sg3 passive. __bajássjaddat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __bajássjattav: __ {{bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bajássjaddiv: __ {{bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bajássjattajma: __ {{bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BIEGGAT_IV Impersonals __dednjat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __dædnjá: __ {{dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __dädnjá: __ {{dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __denjaj: __ {{dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON RAVGGALASSTET_IV Like RAVGGAT for already derived words (except words ending -uššat) - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced __dehpudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __dehpudaláv: __ {{dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __dehpudalliv: __ {{dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __dehpudalájma: __ {{dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BIEKKASTALLAT_IV Already derived impersonals __dehpudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __duhpárasstá: __ {{duhpárasstet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __duhpárastij: __ {{duhpárasstet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON GUOTTEDALLAT_IV passives on -allat - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced __duolmudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __duolmudaláv: __ {{duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __duolmudalliv: __ {{duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __duolmudalájma: __ {{duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON HIEBADUVVAT_IV passives on -uvvat - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced __duostoduvvat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __duostoduváv: __ {{duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __duostoduvviv: __ {{duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __duostoduvájma: __ {{duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} Transitives LEXICON MÁHTTET_TV verbs without personal passive __jáhkket # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __jáhkáv: __ {{jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __jáhkkiv: __ {{jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __jáhkijma: __ {{jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BASSAT_TV a- and å-verbs. Three passives __jåksåt # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __jåvsåv: __ {{jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __jåksiv: __ {{jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __jåvsåjma: __ {{jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BASSALASSTET_TV Like BASSAT for already derived words (except words ending -uššat) - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced. Three passives __jårgudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __jårgudaláv: __ {{jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __jårgudalliv: __ {{jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __jårgudalájma: __ {{jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON JUHKAT_TV a-verbs like BASSAT_TV but but without derivations -stit, -stallat, -stahtte, - stasste. Dim -istit that are hardcoded. Three passives __njammat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __njamáv: __ {{njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __njammiv: __ {{njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __njamájma: __ {{njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON LÁHPPET_TV e-verbs. Three passives __oajttet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __oajtáv: __ {{oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __oajttiv: __ {{oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __åjtijma: __ {{oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON JIEHKET_TV e-verbs GRADE II-I WITH IE DIPHT. Three passives __sievvet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sæváv: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __säváv: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sievviv: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sievijma: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON DIEHTET_TV Only this one word, unusual diphtong behavior. No passive __diehtet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __diedáv: __ {{diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __diehtiv: __ {{diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __diedijma: __ {{diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON GÁDJOT_TV o-verbs. only duvvat passive. __sjpædtjot # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sjpættjov: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sjpättjov: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sjpædtjuv: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sjpädtjuv: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sjpættjojma: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __sjpättjojma: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON JÅRGGOT_TV o-verbs with dim -astit that are hardcoded. Duvvat and dallat passive. __boarkkot # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __boarkov: __ {{boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __boarkkuv: __ {{boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __boarkojma: __ {{boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} !!Odd-syllable stems This is just awaiting a manual classification LEXICON BIEKKASTIT_IV Impersonals, only Sg3 LEXICON JÅRGESTIT_IV At the moment IV, we may perhaps change IV/TV. __doalvestit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __doalvestav: __ {{doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __doalvestiv: __ {{doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __doalvestijma: __ {{doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BEGATJIT_IV Words ending -tjit, -jdit, reciprocals on -dit, momentatives on -dit, -edit, continuatives on -ldit, -nit, essives on -hit and 5-syllables - no actio cmps, but only Sg3 passivereintroduced __duojkkuhit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __duojkkuhav: __ {{duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __duojkkuhiv: __ {{duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __duojkkuhijma: __ {{duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BALÁDIT_IV continuatives on -dit, frequentatives on -odit, reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit - actio cpms, only Sg3 passive __lihtudit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __lihtudav: __ {{lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __lihtudiv: __ {{lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __lihtudijma: __ {{lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON SUOGNALIT_IV Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit. only Sg3 passive __loavkkalit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __loavkkalav: __ {{loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __loavkkaliv: __ {{loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __loavkkalijma: __ {{loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON LASSÁNIT_IV verbs ending -nit, -sit, no passive __rievddánit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __rievddánav: __ {{rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __rievddániv: __ {{rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __rievddánijma: __ {{rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BÁHTARIT_IV verbs ending -rit. only Sg3 passive __sjtávttjurit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sjtávttjurav: __ {{sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sjtávttjuriv: __ {{sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sjtávttjurijma: __ {{sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON UNNEDIT_TV All -uvvat passives. __nuoledit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __nuoledav: __ {{nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __nuolediv: __ {{nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __nuoledijma: __ {{nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON MUJTATJIT_TV Words ending -tjit, -jdit, reciprocals on -dit, momentatives on -dit, -edit, continuatives on -ldit, -nit, essives on -hit and 5-syllables - no actio cmps, but reintroduced. All -uvvat passives __nårddådit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __nårddådav: __ {{nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __nårddådiv: __ {{nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __nårddådijma: __ {{nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BÅNJÅDIT_TV continuatives on -dit, frequentatives on -odit, reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit - actio cpms. All -uvvat passives. __tsirggalit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __tsirggalav: __ {{tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __tsirggaliv: __ {{tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __tsirggalijma: __ {{tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VUORDDELIT_TV Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit. All -uvvat passives __tsåggålit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __tsåggålav: __ {{tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __tsåggåliv: __ {{tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __tsåggålijma: __ {{tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} !!Contracted stems LEXICON SJIERRIT_IV Impersonals __boavddit # Contracted test examples:__ * __boavddi: __ {{boavddit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __boavddij: __ {{boavddit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON BASSUT_IV Passives __buvvut # Contracted test examples:__ * __buvvuv: __ {{buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __buvvujiv: __ {{buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __buvvujma: __ {{buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON OADDÁT_IV Incoative, (doarrut,jåhttåt). Only Sg3 passive. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. __bæhkkát # Contracted test examples:__ * __bæhkkáv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bähkkáv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bæhkkájiv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bähkkájiv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bæhkkájma: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __bähkkájma: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON TJUOLLÁT_TV Incoativ. All passive. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation, (gullát, bårråt) __gajkkát # Contracted test examples:__ * __gajkkáv: __ {{gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __gajkkájiv: __ {{gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __gajkkájma: __ {{gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON DULLUT_IV Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only Sg3 passiv. __dussut # Contracted test examples:__ * __dussuv: __ {{dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __dussujiv: __ {{dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __dussujma: __ {{dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON STRÁFFUT_TV Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. All duvvat passives. __gáhpput # Contracted test examples:__ * __gáhppuv: __ {{gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __gáhppujiv: __ {{gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __gáhppujma: __ {{gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON TSIEGGIT_TV Makes nouns via -ár derivation. All duvvat passives. __gámmpit # Contracted test examples:__ * __gámmpiv: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __gámmpijiv: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __gámmpijma: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __gámmpár: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON VALLIT_TV Makes nouns via -ár derivation. Gets only passive Sg3 __hinnit # Contracted test examples:__ * __hinniv: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hinnijiv: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __hinnijma: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __hinnár: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom }} !!Assimilated loan verbs LEXICON BRILJERE_IV Intransitive loan words with more than two syllables with -rit endings. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only the two last syllables are assimilated to sami. Long -e is assimilated in different ways in dialects in Norway and Sweden: In Norway it often becomes -ie, while in Sweden it's usually -e. LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_INFL __briljierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __briljieriv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __briljeriv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __briljierijiv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __briljerijiv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __briljierijma: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __briljerijma: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_NOR Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as BRILJERE_TV. +Area/SE forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -ierit. LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_INFL_NOR __eksplodierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __eksplodieriv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __eksploderiv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __eksplodierijiv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __eksploderijiv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __eksplodierijma: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __eksploderijma: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_SW Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as BRILJERE_TV. +Area/NO forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -erit LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_INFL_SW __exploderit # Contracted test examples:__ * __explodieriv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __exploderiv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __explodierijiv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __exploderijiv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __explodierijma: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __exploderijma: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ABBONERE_TV Transitive loan words with more than two syllables with -rit endings. Duvvat passives. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only the two last syllables are assimilated to sami. LONG -e is assimilated in different ways in Norway and Sweden: In Norway, it becomes -ie, and in Sweden -e. LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_INFL __abbonierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __abbonieriv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __abboneriv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __abbonierijiv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __abbonerijiv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __abbonierijma: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __abbonerijma: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_NOR Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as ABBONERE_TV. +Area/SE forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -ierit LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_INFL_NOR __akseptierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __akseptieriv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __aksepteriv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __akseptierijiv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __aksepterijiv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __akseptierijma: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __aksepterijma: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_SW Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as ABBONERE_TV. +Area/NO forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -erit LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_INFL_SW __accepterit # Contracted test examples:__ * __acceptieriv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __accepteriv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __acceptierijiv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __accepterijiv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __acceptierijma: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __accepterijma: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} !!!Background The file itself is located in {{langs/smj/src/phonology/smj-phon.twolc}}. The file is modeled upon the corresponding file for North Sámi, but has been revised and differs from it on several issues. The grammatical sources are Spiik 1989: Lulesamisk grammatik and Nystø and Johnsen 2001: Sámásta 2. !!!File structure The rule file has the sections Alphabet, Sets, Definition and Rules. The rules are ordered thematically, with 3 main sections: Consonant alternations (except cg), vowel alternations, and consonant gradation. !!!The Alphabet section !!The real Lule Sámi Alphabet All Lule Saami letters are listed. The Lule Sámi ENG sound is represented as ñ. Lule Sámi letter repertoire is not fully standardised. In the source code we write (and you shall write!) æ; ø; ŋ, but the parser tolerates input written with the the letters ä; ö; ń, ñ (cf. the 4 rules in the file smj/src/orthography/spellrelax.regex). The 3rd degree mark ' is never realized, hence declared as ':0. ':0 = Gradation mark %/ = Literal /, not the TWOLC reserved symbol '7:' = From sme. h2, g2 etc. are consonants deleted in the Nom. m3, d3 etc. (?) are consonants that undergo certain processes word-finally. This issue should be looked into. Perhaps the two sets can be unified. The reason why there are more distinctions than for sme, is that the cns deletion process is more phonological in sme. !!The Dummy symbols The Dummy symbols are taken from the sme file for convenience, only a small part of them are actually used, they are defined in the Sets section along the way, included there as soon as they are used. The set of actually used Dummy symbols is thus the set declared in "Dummy". The Dummy symbols trigger morphophonological rules. X is used for nouns and adjectives, Y for verbs and Q for processes common to all The symbols themselves are used in the following way: ; __X1:0__ : Deletes final consonants in short essive of odd syllables ; __X2:0__ : WeG and neutralization of g8, etc. (hivsik-hivsiga) ; __X3:0__ : Weg and deletion of g8, etc. (bena-bednaga) ; __X4:0__ : e:á and e:å in illatives and px. a:á and o:u in Px and ill of a-stem actors and o-stems ; __X5:0__ : e:á, e:å and o:u in odd-syllable nouns, but also for some even nouns (o:u f.eks) ; __X6:0__ : Deviant III-I consonant gradation (in contracted stems, guobbmu:guomoj) ; __X7:0__ : WeG and e:á, e:å, o:á, o:u in front of diminutives, e:å in -lasj der ; __X8:0__ : Stem vowel alternations in Px ; __X9:0__ : Stem-vowel and central consonant shortening in first part(s) of compounds ; __Q1:0__ : The general weak grade trigger. Stem vowel change e:i and o:u in fron of j. Dipht. simpl. Any environment #only# demanding WeG shall use Q1. ; __Q2:0__ : Vowel harmony: 2nd syll e realized as å whenever 1st syll is å. ; __Q3:0__ : WeG in contracted, also does not trigger Dipht simpl. ; __Q4:0__ : Stem vowel change e:i and o:u in fron of j. Dipht. simpl. Like Q1 but strong grade. ; __Q5:0__ : e:á stem vowel change for word diehtet. Weak grade. ; __Q6:0__ : e:á stem wovel change for word diehtet. Strong grade. ; __Q7:0__ : e:á stem vowel change for word diehtte. Extra strong grade ; __Q8:0__ : Stem vowel deletion, impII of verbs. ; __Q9:0__ : TBW ; __Y1:0__ : Stem vowel deletion, imp 3sg, 3du, 2pl, 3pl of verbs ; __Y2:0__ : "Indicative Present Singular 3rd Final Vowel in verbs" ; __Y3:0__ : PrsPrc ; __Y4:0__ : e > u in front of dersuff, o > u and e > á in front of dersuffix -alla ; __Y5:0__ : e > a, i > á, o > u, e > å in verb derivation ; __Y6:0__ : "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation", verbs +PrsPrt and +Imprt+Du2 ; __Y7:0__ : "Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation", nouns and propernouns ; __Y8:0__ : "Stem vowel deletion in even-syllable verbs, imp 1du, 1pl" ; __Y9:0__ : "Stem vowel deletion in short passives of even-syllable verbs ; __Z1:0__ : TBW !!Morpheme boundaries: ; __ « __ : Derivational prefix ; __ » __ : Derivational suffix ; __ %< __ : Inflectional prefx ; __ %> __ : Inflectional suffix ; __ # __ : Word boundary for both lexicalised and dynamic compounds ; __ %^ __ : (exceptional) soft hyphenation point ; __ % __ : a space !!!The Sets section These are the sets: ;Vow : the vowels ;Cns : the consonants ;StemCns : consonants that may occur in stem-final position ;DelCns : the consonants that are deleted in nominative ;Dummy : the set of dummy symbols, they are there to trigger certain morphophonological symbols ;WeG : the dummy symbols that trigger weak grade !!!The Definitions section In this section, the consonants are defined. This includes consonant clusters in the various grades and consonant alternations. !!G3 vs G2 The alternation patterns according to Spiik's alternations series. | S7 | kkn:k0n | series 1 | S8 | f'f:f0f | series 2 | S9 | jgg:j0g | series 3 | S4 | hkk:h0k | series 4 | S5 | xy:zy (no zeros) | series 5 | S6 | xx:yy (no zeros) | series 6 | S7 | xy:zy (no zeros) | series 7 | S8 | ----- (no cg) | series 8 ; LowerG2 : A definition of Grade2 consonant sequences referring mostly to the surface level ; LowerG1 : A definition of Grade 1 consonant sequences ; LowerG12 : A definition of Grade 1 or 2 consonant sequences ; G32 : A definition of Grade 3 or 2 consonant sequences ; G3 : A definition of Grade 3 consonant sequences !!!The Rules section !!Overview The rules section has the following chapters: Consonant alternations in certain pos, vowel lengthening, diphthong simplification, stem vowel alternations, consonant gradation rules !!Consonant alternations in certain pos All rules deal with word-final position. * __*a __ (is not standard language) * __*b __ (is not standard language) __Word Final Devoicing of Certain Single Consonants d9 etc. __ * __iemed9# __ * __iemet# __ __Word final weakening -tj and -ttj to -sj part 1__ __Word final weakening -tj and -ttj to -sj part 2__ * __jågåtj# __ * __jågåsj# __ * __gål'leX7tj# __ * __gål0lå0sj# __ __Word Final Deletion of n8 m8 g8 h8__ * __loavddag8X3# __ * __l0åv0da00# __ __Word Final Neutralization of g8, h8, m8__ __Deleting Final h9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables__ __Deleting Final l9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables__ __Deleting Final m9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables__ __Deleting Final n9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables__ __Deleting Final r9 in Short Essive of Uneven Syllables__ * __málest# __ * __máles0# __ !!Vowel lengthening The second syllable vowel a is lengthened to á whenever the stem consonants are in grade 1 and the first syllable vowel is short. Short vowels cannot preceed and follow a single intervocalic consonant. __Compulsatory lengthening in grade I even-syllables__ * __gussaQ1# __ * __gu0sá0# __ * __skihpaQ1s# __ * __ski0bá0s# __ !!Diphtong simplification The diphthong simplification handles oa:å and æ:e. Phonologically, these are identical processes, but since the dipthong is written by two letters in the former case and by one letter in the latter, the alternations must be handled separately. This section also handles ie:æ, these are in principle the same as oa:å, but the alternation does not occur in so many contexts. __oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part I __ __oa:å Diphtong Simplification Part II__ * __toahkkeY6X5jn __ * __toahkki00jn __ * __*toahkkeY6X5jn __ (is not standard language) * __*t0åhkki00jn __ (is not standard language) * __boalloX4j __ * __b0ållu0j __ * __roavggoX4j __ * __roavggu0j __ * __*roavggoX4j __ (is not standard language) * __*r0åvggu0j __ (is not standard language) * __toas'soQ1X5jn __ * __t0ås0su00jn __ * __*toas'soQ1X5jn __ (is not standard language) * __*toas0su00jn __ (is not standard language) * __*moas'soX5jn __ (is not standard language) * __*m0ås0su0jn __ (is not standard language) * __moas'soX5jn __ * __moas0su0jn __ * __goar'roY6X5jn __ * __goar0ru00jn __ * __goarroY6X5jn __ * __goarru00jn __ * __*goar'roY6X5jn __ (is not standard language) * __*g0år0ru00jn __ (is not standard language) * __*goar'roY2 __ (is not standard language) * __*g0år0ru0 __ (is not standard language) * __goarroY2 __ * __g0årru0 __ * __doad0jeY6 __ * __doaddje0 __ * __*doad0jeY6 __ (is not standard language) * __*d0åddje0 __ (is not standard language) * __goar'roY5d9it __ * __g0år0ru0dit __ * __*goar'roY5d9it __ (is not standard language) * __*goar0ru0dit __ (is not standard language) * __toab0moY6X4j __ * __toabbmu00j __ * __toabmoX4j __ * __t0åbmu0j __ * __*toa0mboY6X4j __ (is not standard language) * __*t0åbbmu00j __ (is not standard language) * __toabmoX7dallat __ * __t0å0mu0dallat __ * __*toabmoX7dallat __ (is not standard language) * __*toa0mu0dallat __ (is not standard language) * __oaddoY6X4j __ * __oaddu00j __ * __boassjkoQ1X5jn __ * __b0å0sjku00jn __ * __*boassjkoQ1X5jn __ (is not standard language) * __*boas0jku00jn __ (is not standard language) * __boajsstoQ1X5jn __ * __b0åj0stu00jn __ * __*boajsstoQ1X5jn __ (is not standard language) * __*boaj0stu00jn __ (is not standard language) * __boaggoQ1X5jn __ * __b0åkku00jn __ * __*boaggoQ1X5jn __ (is not standard language) * __*boakku00jn __ (is not standard language) __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __ examples:__ __æ:e Diphthong Simplification 1 __ __æ:e Diphthong Simplification 2__ * __hærránis __ * __hærránis __ * __hærránis#gæhttjalibme> __ * __hærránis#gæhttjalibme> __ * __pasiænnta>Q1 __ * __pasien0ta>0 __ * __patænnta>Q1 __ * __paten0ta>0 __ * __kvotiænnta>Q1 __ * __kvotien0ta>0 __ * __kliænnta>Q1 __ * __klien0ta>0 __ * __Lævnnja>Q1 __ * __Lev0nja>0 __ __ie:æ Diphthong Simplification Part I __ * __ielvveY9ut __ * __0ælvv00ut __ * __iehttseY1up __ * __0æhtts00up __ * __giesseQ8us __ * __g0ess00us __ __ie:æ Diphthong Simplification Part IIa__ Norwegian æ is an option... __ie:ä Diphthong Simplification Part IIb__ Swedish ä is an option... __ie:ä Diphthong Simplification Part IIc__ And there are no other options. This rule to block the e, and allow for the æ and ä. * __jeht0sa>Y6 __ * __jæhttse>0 __ * __jeht0sa>Y6 __ * __jähttse>0 __ * __gierre»X7dalla>t __ * __g0æ0rá»0dalla>t __ * __boarkkaQ1 __ * __b0år0ka0 __ * __loavddag8X3# __ * __l0åv0da00# __ __Vowel-change oa:å for verbs part I__ __Vowel-change oa:å for verbs part II__ * __hå0llaY2 __ * __hoallá0 __ * __gå0d0naY6 __ * __goaddne0 __ * __*hållaY2 __ (is not standard language) * __*hållá0 __ (is not standard language) * __gå0ht0saY6 __ * __goahttse0 __ !!Stem vowel alternations This section is divided according to stem vowels: a-, e-, o-, å-stems. !a-stem alternations For a-stems, there is a:e and a:i. Each alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols. __a:e in Present Participle of even-syllable verbs__ * __bassa>Y6 __ * __basse>0 __ __a:i in Prs Prc of even-syllable verbs__ * __bas'saY6jt# __ * __bas0si0jt# __ __a-stem vowel deletion__ !e-stem alternations For e-stems, there is e:i, e:á, e:å, e:u and e:a. Each alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols. __e:i in e-stems__ * __manasseQ4j __ * __manassi0j __ * __biesseQ1j __ * __bie0si0j __ * __boaht0eY6j __ * __boahtti0j __ * __gálleQ1tj# __ * __gá0li0sj# __ * __gálleQ1tjav# __ * __gá0li0tjav# __ * __gálleQ1tjin# __ * __gá0li0tjin# __ * __gálleQ1tjihpit# __ * __gá0li0tjihpit# __ * __gálleQ1tjibá# __ * __gá0li0tjibá# __ * __gálleQ1tjip# __ * __gá0li0tjip# __ * __gálleQ1tja# __ * __gá0li0tja# __ The following two rules constitute a <= / => rule pair. __e:á in certain stem types 1__ * __bálggeX4v __ * __bálggá0v __ * __gálleY3m# __ * __gállá0m# __ * __gálleQ2v# __ * __gá0lá0v# __ * __báhkoX7tj# __ * __bá0gu0sj# __ * __goahteX7tj# __ * __goa0dá0sj# __ * __*goahteX7tj# __ (is not standard language) * __*go00dá0sj# __ (is not standard language) __e:á in certain stem types 2__ * __bárnneX4m __ * __bárnná0m __ * __*bárnneX4m __ (is not standard language) * __*bárnne0m __ (is not standard language) __e:å in certain stem types with å as root vowel__ * __gådeQ2v __ * __gådå0v __ * __jåhteQ2v __ * __jå0då0v __ * __gådeY2 __ * __gådå0 __ * __jåhteY2 __ * __jåhtå0 __ * __jåhteY3m __ * __jåhtå0m __ * __låhkkeY7tj# __ * __låhkkå0sj# __ __e-stem vowel deletion__ * __ielvveY9ut __ * __0ælvv00ut __ !i-stem alternations For i-stems, there is i:á. The alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols. __i:á in Verb Derivation__ !o-stem alternations The duplicates of the three lines of the two following rules are there to resolve the => conflict between the two rules. __o:u in certain stem types 1__ __o:u in certain stem types 2__ __u:o in contracted nouns__ __o-stem vowel deletion__ !For å-stems there is å:e and å:i and vowel deletion. Each alternation is triggered by a combination of phonological content and dummy symbols. __å:e in Present Participle of even-syllable verbs__ __å:i in Actor nouns of even-syllable verbs__ __å-stem vowel deletion__ !alternations valid for several stem types __Stem vowel deletion in even-syllable verbs, imp 3sg, 3du, 2pl, 3pl__ * __ielvveY1up __ * __0ælvv00up __ * __giessaY1up __ * __giess00up __ * __bårråY1up __ * __bårr00up __ !!Consonant gradation rules The consonant gradation rules differ considerably from the corresponding rules for North Sámi. Instead of generalizing oversets of consonants (Cx:Cy <=> ...), each rule contains the alternation for one consonant only, and to the right of the <=> arrow is listed all the contexts where the relevant alternation appears. The disadvantage with this method is that the same context must be written several times, if e.g. both p, t and k are deleted in the same contexts, each of these contexts must be written several times, one for each consonant. The advantage is that there are no conflicts during compilation, compilation takes 10 seconds rather than 3 minutes. The earlier North-Sámi-style rule set was ordered according to CG pattern. This pattern is still visible in the new rules, via the reference S1-3 etc. (Spiik's Series 1, 3-letter pattern, etc) behind each subrule. This actually opens up for a migration to an xfst rule file instead of the current twolc format, since what xfst really cannot do is generalize over sets (Cx:Cy etc.). This is an issue for future revisions to decide. The rules are divided in two subsections, deletion rules and change (alternation) rules. !Deletion rules The b, d, g deletion rules are similar, via the optional ( b ) etc. in front of the "_" symbol, both bm:m and bbm:bm alternations are covered. The contexts differ to a certain extent. For b and d, the III-I special gradation bbm:m is covered by two separate rules, and a special Dummy (X6), not part of the ordinary WeG set. Note that one of the rules for t:0 refers to #: as part of its context. As soon as clitics are added to the word form, this rule will thus not be triggered. Look into this when the clitics are added. __Consonant gradation b:0__ __Consonant gradation d:0__ * __bednag8>X3 __ * __be0na0>0 __ __Consonant gradation g:0__ __Consonant gradation k:0__ __Consonant gradation l:0__ __Consonant gradation m:0__ __Consonant gradation n:0__ __Consonant gradation p:0__ __Consonant gradation s:0__ * __russjpeQ1 __ * __ru0sjpe0 __ * __*russjpeQ1 __ (is not standard language) * __*russjpe0 __ (is not standard language) __Consonant gradation ŋ:0__ __Consonant gradation f:0__ __Consonant gradation r:0__ __Consonant gradation v:0__ __Consonant gradation j:0__ __Consonant gradation t:0__ * __oajváladtj# __ * __oajvála0sj# __ __Gradation Series 4, II-I, tj and ts__ !Change rules The Cx:Cy format was kept for hk:g, hp:b, ht:d, since the left context h:0 was unique, and no compilation conflict thus arose. The bb:pp, gg:kk, dd:tt alternations were split into three rules, since keeping them in one Cx:Cy rule created compilation conflicts. Also, d:t contain a rule not found for the other two... __Gradation Series 4, II-I__ __bb:pp__ * __oabbáQ1 __ * __oappá0 __ __gg:kk__ * __vággeQ1 __ * __vákke0 __ * __*vággeQ1 __ (is not standard language) * __*vágge0 __ (is not standard language) __g:k change for clitic -ge__ __dd:tt and dtj, dts__ __Gradation Series 7, III-II, ks(t), kt, ktj, kts__ Exceptional II-III inverse gradation in present participles This gradation is only for II-I syllable verbs that get III as present participles. * bbm - bm - m * ddn - dn - n * ddnj- dnj- nj * ggŋ - gŋ - ŋ * ddj - dj - dj * hkk - hk - g * hpp - hp - b * htt - ht - d * httj- htj- tj * htts- hts- ts Strategy: Do insertion rule for the initial element. __Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with bm, gŋ__ __Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with dn/j + as I-III strengthening gradation with d__ __Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with hk, hp,__ __Consonant insertion as II-III strengthening gradation with htt(j/s)__ Debugging of twol-rules All rule conflicts have been successfully resolved. The rule file should be kept that way. Look out for conflicts in the compilation process, and resolve them as they appear!