!!!Sublexica for Verb Table of content: * The auxiliaries ** Negation verb ** Copula ** Modals * Main verbs ** Even syllable stems *** Intransitives *** Transitives ** Odd syllable stems *** Intranstives *** Transitives ** Contracted stems *** Intransitives *** Transitives ** Assimilated loan verbs *** Intransitives *** Transitives ** Main inflectional categories *** suffix lexicas ** Verb derivation IV means intransitive verbs, TV means transitive verbs. !!!Auxiliary verbs !!Negation verb LEXICON NEG !!Copula LEXICON ÅRROT LEXICON LIEHKET LEXICON LULU !!Modals LEXICON GALGGAT_IV even-syllable modal verbs. __soajttet # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __soajtáv: __ {{soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __soajttiv: __ {{soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __såjtijma: __ {{soajttet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VIERTTIT_IV Contracted modal verbs. __hæhttut # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __hæhttut: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Inf }} * __hähttut: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Inf }} * __hæhttuv: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hähttuv: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hæhttujma: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __hähttujma: __ {{hæhttut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} !!!Ordinary main verbs !!Even-syllable stems Intransitives LEXICON GALSSJOT_IV Impersonal o-verbs __hærmmot # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __hærmmu: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __härmmu: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __hærmoj: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} * __härmoj: __ {{hærmmot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON BÅRSSJOT_IV o-verbs with __hæssot # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __hæsov: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __häsov: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hessuv: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __hæsojma: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __häsojma: __ {{hæssot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VILSSJOT_IV o-verbs as BÅRSSJOT but without derivations -stit, -stallat, -stahtte, - stasste. With dim -astit that are hardcoded __libjjot # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __libjov: __ {{libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __libjjuv: __ {{libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __libjojma: __ {{libjjot+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BUOLLET_IV e-verbs __liddet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __littáv: __ {{liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __liddiv: __ {{liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __littijma: __ {{liddet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BOAHTET_IV e-verbs like BUOLLET_IV without passive __boahtet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __boadáv: __ {{boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __båhtiv: __ {{boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bådijma: __ {{boahtet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VIEDJET_IV e-verbs GRADE II-I WITH IE DIPHT. __biehket # Eveb-syllable test examples:__ * __bægáv: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bägáv: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __biehkiv: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __biegijma: __ {{biehket+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ASSTAT_IV only for asstat, no passive __asstat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __astav: __ {{asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __asstiv: __ {{asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __astajma: __ {{asstat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON RAVGGAT_IV a- and å-verbs only Sg3 passive. __bajássjaddat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __bajássjattav: __ {{bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bajássjaddiv: __ {{bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bajássjattajma: __ {{bajássjaddat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BIEGGAT_IV Impersonals __dednjat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __dædnjá: __ {{dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __dädnjá: __ {{dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __denjaj: __ {{dednjat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON RAVGGALASSTET_IV Like RAVGGAT for already derived words (except words ending -uššat) - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced __dehpudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __dehpudaláv: __ {{dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __dehpudalliv: __ {{dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __dehpudalájma: __ {{dehpudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BIEKKASTALLAT_IV Already derived impersonals __dehpudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __duhpárasstá: __ {{duhpárasstet+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __duhpárastij: __ {{duhpárasstet+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON GUOTTEDALLAT_IV passives on -allat - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced __duolmudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __duolmudaláv: __ {{duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __duolmudalliv: __ {{duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __duolmudalájma: __ {{duolmudallat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON HIEBADUVVAT_IV passives on -uvvat - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced __duostoduvvat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __duostoduváv: __ {{duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __duostoduvviv: __ {{duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __duostoduvájma: __ {{duostoduvvat+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} Transitives LEXICON MÁHTTET_TV verbs without personal passive __jáhkket # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __jáhkáv: __ {{jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __jáhkkiv: __ {{jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __jáhkijma: __ {{jáhkket+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BASSAT_TV a- and å-verbs. Three passives __jåksåt # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __jåvsåv: __ {{jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __jåksiv: __ {{jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __jåvsåjma: __ {{jåksåt+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BASSALASSTET_TV Like BASSAT for already derived words (except words ending -uššat) - no actio as first part of compounds, but reintroduced. Three passives __jårgudallat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __jårgudaláv: __ {{jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __jårgudalliv: __ {{jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __jårgudalájma: __ {{jårgudallat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON JUHKAT_TV a-verbs like BASSAT_TV but but without derivations -stit, -stallat, -stahtte, - stasste. Dim -istit that are hardcoded. Three passives __njammat # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __njamáv: __ {{njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __njammiv: __ {{njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __njamájma: __ {{njammat+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON LÁHPPET_TV e-verbs. Three passives __oajttet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __oajtáv: __ {{oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __oajttiv: __ {{oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __åjtijma: __ {{oajttet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON JIEHKET_TV e-verbs GRADE II-I WITH IE DIPHT. Three passives __sievvet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sæváv: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __säváv: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sievviv: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sievijma: __ {{sievvet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON DIEHTET_TV Only this one word, unusual diphtong behavior. No passive __diehtet # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __diedáv: __ {{diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __diehtiv: __ {{diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __diedijma: __ {{diehtet+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON GÁDJOT_TV o-verbs. only duvvat passive. __sjpædtjot # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __sjpættjov: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sjpättjov: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sjpædtjuv: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sjpädtjuv: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sjpættjojma: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __sjpättjojma: __ {{sjpædtjot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON JÅRGGOT_TV o-verbs with dim -astit that are hardcoded. Duvvat and dallat passive. __boarkkot # Even-syllable test examples:__ * __boarkov: __ {{boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __boarkkuv: __ {{boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __boarkojma: __ {{boarkkot+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} !!Odd-syllable stems This is just awaiting a manual classification LEXICON BIEKKASTIT_IV Impersonals, only Sg3 LEXICON JÅRGESTIT_IV At the moment IV, we may perhaps change IV/TV. __doalvestit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __doalvestav: __ {{doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __doalvestiv: __ {{doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __doalvestijma: __ {{doalvestit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BEGATJIT_IV Words ending -tjit, -jdit, reciprocals on -dit, momentatives on -dit, -edit, continuatives on -ldit, -nit, essives on -hit and 5-syllables - no actio cmps, but only Sg3 passivereintroduced __duojkkuhit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __duojkkuhav: __ {{duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __duojkkuhiv: __ {{duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __duojkkuhijma: __ {{duojkkuhit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BALÁDIT_IV continuatives on -dit, frequentatives on -odit, reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit - actio cpms, only Sg3 passive __lihtudit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __lihtudav: __ {{lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __lihtudiv: __ {{lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __lihtudijma: __ {{lihtudit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON SUOGNALIT_IV Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit. only Sg3 passive __loavkkalit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __loavkkalav: __ {{loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __loavkkaliv: __ {{loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __loavkkalijma: __ {{loavkkalit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON LASSÁNIT_IV verbs ending -nit, -sit, no passive __rievddánit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __rievddánav: __ {{rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __rievddániv: __ {{rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __rievddánijma: __ {{rievddánit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BÁHTARIT_IV verbs ending -rit. only Sg3 passive __sjtávttjurit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __sjtávttjurav: __ {{sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __sjtávttjuriv: __ {{sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __sjtávttjurijma: __ {{sjtávttjurit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON UNNEDIT_TV All -uvvat passives. __nuoledit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __nuoledav: __ {{nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __nuolediv: __ {{nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __nuoledijma: __ {{nuoledit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON MUJTATJIT_TV Words ending -tjit, -jdit, reciprocals on -dit, momentatives on -dit, -edit, continuatives on -ldit, -nit, essives on -hit and 5-syllables - no actio cmps, but reintroduced. All -uvvat passives __nårddådit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __nårddådav: __ {{nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __nårddådiv: __ {{nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __nårddådijma: __ {{nårddådit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BÅNJÅDIT_TV continuatives on -dit, frequentatives on -odit, reciprocals, momentatives and frequentatives ending -alit - actio cpms. All -uvvat passives. __tsirggalit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __tsirggalav: __ {{tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __tsirggaliv: __ {{tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __tsirggalijma: __ {{tsirggalit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON VUORDDELIT_TV Trisyllabic Verbs ending -lit. All -uvvat passives __tsåggålit # Odd-syllable test examples:__ * __tsåggålav: __ {{tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __tsåggåliv: __ {{tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __tsåggålijma: __ {{tsåggålit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} !!Contracted stems LEXICON SJIERRIT_IV Impersonals __boavddit # Contracted test examples:__ * __boavddi: __ {{boavddit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg3 }} * __boavddij: __ {{boavddit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg3 }} LEXICON BASSUT_IV Passives __buvvut # Contracted test examples:__ * __buvvuv: __ {{buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __buvvujiv: __ {{buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __buvvujma: __ {{buvvut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON OADDÁT_IV Incoative, (doarrut,jåhttåt). Only Sg3 passive. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. __bæhkkát # Contracted test examples:__ * __bæhkkáv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bähkkáv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __bæhkkájiv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bähkkájiv: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __bæhkkájma: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __bähkkájma: __ {{bæhkkát+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON TJUOLLÁT_TV Incoativ. All passive. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation, (gullát, bårråt) __gajkkát # Contracted test examples:__ * __gajkkáv: __ {{gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __gajkkájiv: __ {{gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __gajkkájma: __ {{gajkkát+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON DULLUT_IV Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only Sg3 passiv. __dussut # Contracted test examples:__ * __dussuv: __ {{dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __dussujiv: __ {{dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __dussujma: __ {{dussut+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON STRÁFFUT_TV Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. All duvvat passives. __gáhpput # Contracted test examples:__ * __gáhppuv: __ {{gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __gáhppujiv: __ {{gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __gáhppujma: __ {{gáhpput+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON TSIEGGIT_TV Makes nouns via -ár derivation. All duvvat passives. __gámmpit # Contracted test examples:__ * __gámmpiv: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __gámmpijiv: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __gámmpijma: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __gámmpár: __ {{gámmpit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom }} LEXICON VALLIT_TV Makes nouns via -ár derivation. Gets only passive Sg3 __hinnit # Contracted test examples:__ * __hinniv: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __hinnijiv: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __hinnijma: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __hinnár: __ {{hinnit+V+TV+Der/r+N+Sg+Nom }} !!Assimilated loan verbs LEXICON BRILJERE_IV Intransitive loan words with more than two syllables with -rit endings. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only the two last syllables are assimilated to sami. Long -e is assimilated in different ways in dialects in Norway and Sweden: In Norway it often becomes -ie, while in Sweden it's usually -e. LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_INFL __briljierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __briljieriv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __briljeriv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __briljierijiv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __briljerijiv: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __briljierijma: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __briljerijma: __ {{briljierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_NOR Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as BRILJERE_TV. +Area/SE forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -ierit. LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_INFL_NOR __eksplodierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __eksplodieriv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __eksploderiv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __eksplodierijiv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __eksploderijiv: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __eksplodierijma: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __eksploderijma: __ {{eksplodierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_SW Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as BRILJERE_TV. +Area/NO forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -erit LEXICON BRILJERE_IV_INFL_SW __exploderit # Contracted test examples:__ * __explodieriv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __exploderiv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __explodierijiv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __exploderijiv: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __explodierijma: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __exploderijma: __ {{exploderit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ABBONERE_TV Transitive loan words with more than two syllables with -rit endings. Duvvat passives. Does not make nouns via -ár derivation. Only the two last syllables are assimilated to sami. LONG -e is assimilated in different ways in Norway and Sweden: In Norway, it becomes -ie, and in Sweden -e. LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_INFL __abbonierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __abbonieriv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __abboneriv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __abbonierijiv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __abbonerijiv: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __abbonierijma: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __abbonerijma: __ {{abbonierit+V+TV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_NOR Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as ABBONERE_TV. +Area/SE forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -ierit LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_INFL_NOR __akseptierit # Contracted test examples:__ * __akseptieriv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __aksepteriv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __akseptierijiv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __aksepterijiv: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __akseptierijma: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __aksepterijma: __ {{akseptierit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_SW Separate lexicon for loan words with ortographic differences between the Norwegian and Swedish forms. Otherwise same as ABBONERE_TV. +Area/NO forms are +Use/NG tagged. Lemma form is -erit LEXICON ABBONERE_TV_INFL_SW __accepterit # Contracted test examples:__ * __acceptieriv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __accepteriv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prs+Sg1 }} * __acceptierijiv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __accepterijiv: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Sg1 }} * __acceptierijma: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }} * __accepterijma: __ {{accepterit+V+IV+Ind+Prt+Pl1 }}