! Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages ! Copyright © 2000-2010 The University of Tromsø & the Norwegian Sámi Parliament ! http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify ! this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License ! is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is ! also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. ! ! Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact ! giellatekno@hum.uit.no or feedback@divvun.no ! Interjections ! ============= LEXICON INTERJ +Interj:%> # ; LEXICON Interjection ah INTERJ ; aha INTERJ ; amen INTERJ ; ! Well, XXX buoris INTERJ ; dale INTERJ ; dehe INTERJ ; dejga INTERJ ; eloi INTERJ ; fij INTERJ ; fijdejga INTERJ ; fissj INTERJ ; fuoj INTERJ ; ge INTERJ ; halleluja INTERJ ; hello INTERJ ; hivás INTERJ ; hosianna INTERJ ; huh INTERJ ; hurráh INTERJ ; há INTERJ ; hå INTERJ ; håhåj INTERJ ; håj INTERJ ; hærrá% jiemmilam:hærrá% jiemmilam INTERJ ; hærrá% jiesstánam:hærrá% jiesstánam INTERJ ; hærrá% jiesstás:hærrá% jiesstás INTERJ ; jiekkur INTERJ ; jiemmilam INTERJ ; jiesstánam INTERJ ; jiesstás INTERJ ; juo INTERJ ; !koum INTERJ ; lema INTERJ ; !sabaktani INTERJ ; vuoj INTERJ ; vuoj-vuoj INTERJ ; åhå INTERJ ; ånu INTERJ ; æææ INTERJ ;