# This is a makefile that builds the Udmurt morphological parser # ***************************************************************** # This is a preliminary file that builds a Skolt Sami parser based upon # xfst and not twolc. # Here we build the final generator , an inverted transducer of the analyzer. # It is dependent upon udm.save iudm.fst: ../bin/iudm.fst ../bin/iudm.fst: ../bin/udm.fst @echo @echo "*** Building the inverse iudm.fst ***" @echo @printf "load ../bin/udm.save \n\ invert net \n\ save stack ../bin/iudm.fst \n\ quit \n" > ../../tmp/iudm-fst-script @xfst < ../../tmp/iudm-fst-script @rm -f ../../tmp/iudm-fst-script # This goal is to build the final analyser. It depends on all the files. udm.fst: ../bin/udm.fst ../bin/udm.fst: ../bin/udm.save ../bin/caseconv.fst ../bin/tok.fst @echo @echo "*** Building udm.fst ***" ; @echo @printf "read regex [[@\"../bin/udm.save\"] .o. \ [@\"../bin/caseconv.fst\"]] ; \n\ save stack ../bin/udm.fst \n\ quit \n" > ../../tmp/udm-fst-script @xfst < ../../tmp/udm-fst-script @rm -f ../../tmp/udm-fst-script # The second goal is to build the caseconv.fst file # This goal depends on case.regex caseconv.fst: ../bin/caseconv.fst ../bin/caseconv.fst: case.regex @echo @echo "*** Building caseconv.fst ***" ; @echo @printf "read regex < case.regex \n\ save stack ../bin/caseconv.fst \n\ quit \n" > ../../tmp/caseconv-script @xfst < ../../tmp/caseconv-script @rm -f ../../tmp/caseconv-script # Another goal is to build a preprocessor.This goal depends on tok.txt tok.fst: ../bin/tok.fst ../bin/tok.fst: tok.txt @echo @echo "*** Building the tokenizer tok.fst ***" ; @echo @printf "source tok.txt \n\ save stack ../bin/tok.fst \n\ quit \n" > ../../tmp/tok-script @xfst < ../../tmp/tok-script @rm -f ../../tmp/tok-script udm.save: ../bin/udm.save ../bin/udm.save: ../bin/xfst-udm.bin ../bin/udm-lex.save @echo @echo "*** Building the parser udm.save ***" @echo @printf "read regex [[@\"../bin/udm-lex.save\"] .o. \ [@\"../bin/xfst-udm.bin\"]] ; \n\ save stack ../bin/udm.save \n\ quit \n" > ../../tmp/udm-save-script @xfst < ../../tmp/udm-save-script @rm -f ../../tmp/udm-save-script # The first goal is to build udm-lex.save # This goal depends on a bunch of lexicon files udm-lex.save: ../bin/udm-lex.save ../bin/udm-lex.save: udm-lex.txt noun-udm-morph.txt noun-udm-lex.txt \ adj-udm-lex.txt \ adv-udm-lex.txt verb-udm-lex.txt pron-udm-lex.txt punct-udm-lex.txt \ pp-udm-lex.txt @echo @echo "*** Building udm-lex.save ***" ; @echo printf "compile-source udm-lex.txt noun-udm-morph.txt noun-udm-lex.txt \ adj-udm-lex.txt verb-udm-lex.txt verb-udm-morph.txt pron-udm-lex.txt \ adv-udm-lex.txt pp-udm-lex.txt punct-udm-lex.txt \n\ save-source ../bin/udm-lex.save \n\ quit \n" > ../../tmp/udm-lex-save-script @lexc < ../../tmp/udm-lex-save-script rm -f ../../tmp/udm-lex-save-script # The second goal is to build xfst-udm.bin # This goal depends on xfst-udm.txt xfst-udm.bin: ../bin/xfst-udm.bin ../bin/xfst-udm.bin: xfst-udm.txt @echo @echo "*** Building xfst-udm.bin ***" ; @echo @printf "source xfst-udm.txt \n\ save stack ../bin/xfst-udm.bin \n\ quit \n" > ../../tmp/xfst-udm-script @xfst < ../../tmp/xfst-udm-script @rm -f ../../tmp/xfst-udm-script clean: @rm -f ../bin/*.bin ../bin/*.fst ../bin/*.save