Multichar_Symbols +N +A +Adv +V +CS +CC +Interj +Pcle +Pr +Pers +Dem +Interr +Refl +Recipr +Rel +Indef +Def +Sg +Pl +Pron +Nom +Acc +Msc +Fem +Neu +Pos +Comp +Superl +Clt +Pass +Ind +Prs +Prt +Imp +Inf +PrsPtc +PrfPtc +Interj +CLB +PUNCT +HYPH +PAR X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 Z6 Z7 Z8 Z9 ! ================================================= ! Basic lexica, pointing to the other lexicon files ! ================================================= LEXICON Root NounRoot ; ProperNoun ; AdjectiveRoot ; VerbRoot ; Adverb ; Particle ; Subjunction ; Conjunction ; Preposition ; Interjection ; Pronoun ; Numeral ; Punctuation ; ! ====================== ! Sublexica for NounRoot ! ====================== ! Basic paradigms ! =============== ! Msculines ! ---------- LEXICON mX +N+Msc: K ; LEXICON m1 ! dag, hane +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl: er-ene ; LEXICON m1X +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl:Z1 er-ene ; LEXICON m1b ! dam +N+Msc+Sg:mX4 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl:m er-ene ; LEXICON m1V ! sko +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl: 0-ene ; LEXICON m2 ! lærer +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl: e-ne ; LEXICON m3 ! onkel +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl:X1 er-ene ; ! X1 deletes the vowel -e- LEXICON m3V ! meter +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl:X1 0-ene ; LEXICON KOLLEGA +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en ; +N+Msc+Pl:X2 er-ene ; ! delete a LEXICON KONTO +N+Msc+Sg: 0-en K ; +N+Msc+Pl:X2i 0-ene ; ! delete o +N+Msc+Pl: er-ene ; ! Regular pl LEXICON RADIUS +N+Msc+Sg:%>us 0-en ; +N+Msc+Sg+Def:%>en K ; ! short def +N+Msc+Pl: er-ene ; ! Regular pl ! Feminines ! --------- LEXICON f1 ! myr, krone +N+Fem+Sg: 0-a ; +N+Fem+Pl: er-ene ; LEXICON f1X ! bok +N+Fem+Sg: 0-a ; +N+Fem+Pl:Z1 er-ene ; LEXICON f1V ! mus +N+Fem+Sg: 0-a ; +N+Fem+Pl: 0-ene ; LEXICON f3 ! lever +N+Fem+Sg:X1 0-a ; +N+Fem+Pl:X1 er-ene ; ! Neuters ! ------- LEXICON nX ! styrbord +N+Neu: K ; LEXICON n1 ! hus +N+Neu+Sg: 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl: 0-ene-a ; LEXICON n1b ! rom +N+Neu+Sg:mX4 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl:m 0-ene-a ; LEXICON n2 ! eple, salt +N+Neu+Sg: 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl: er-ene ; LEXICON n2b ! program +N+Neu+Sg:mX4 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl:m 0-er-ene ; LEXICON n2c ! album, kontor +N+Neu+Sg: 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl: 0-er-ene ; LEXICON n3 ! middel +N+Neu+Sg:X1 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl:X1 er-ene ; LEXICON n3b ! lager +N+Neu+Sg: 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl:X1 e-ene ; LEXICON n3c +N+Neu+Sg: 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl: 0-ne ; LEXICON n4 ! kriterium +N+Neu+Sg:X5 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl:X5 er-ene ; LEXICON n4b ! faktum +N+Neu+Sg: 0-et ; +N+Neu+Pl:X5 a-aene ; ! Lexica for definiteness declension ! ================================== LEXICON a-aene +Indef:%>a K ; +Def:%>aene K ; LEXICON e-ne +Indef:%>e K ; +Def:%>ne K ; LEXICON e-ene +Indef:%>e K ; +Def:%>ene K ; LEXICON er-ene +Indef:%>er K ; +Def:%>ene K ; LEXICON 0-a +Indef: K ; +Def:%>a K ; LEXICON 0-en +Indef: K ; +Def:%>en K ; LEXICON 0-ene +Indef: K ; +Def:%>ene K ; LEXICON 0-er-ene +Indef: K ; +Indef:%>er K ; +Def:%>ene K ; LEXICON 0-ne +Indef: K ; +Def:%>ne K ; LEXICON 0-et +Indef: K ; +Def:%>et K ; LEXICON 0-ene-a +Indef: K ; +Def:%>ene K ; +Def:%>a K ; ! ============================= ! Sublexica for adjective roots ! ============================= ! Basic paradigms ! =============== LEXICON a1 +A: positive ; +A: a-neuter ; +A: a-grade ; LEXICON a2 +A: positive ; +A: a-no-neuter ; +A: a-grade ; LEXICON a3 +A: positive ; +A: a-no-neuter ; ! Sublexica ! ========= LEXICON positive +Pos+Msc+Sg+Indef: # ; +Pos+Fem+Sg+Indef: # ; +Pos+Sg+Def:%>e # ; +Pos+Sg+Def:%>e # ; +Pos+Sg+Def:%>e # ; +Pos+Pl+Def:%>e # ; LEXICON a-neuter ! fint +Pos+Neu+Sg+Indef:%>t # ; LEXICON a-no-neuter ! vennlig +Pos+Neu+Sg+Indef: # ; LEXICON a-grade +Comp:%>ere # ; +Superl+Indef:%>est # ; +Superl+Def:%>este # ; ! ======================== ! Sublexica for verb roots ! ======================== ! ---------- ! Weak verbs ! ---------- LEXICON v1 ! kaste +V: inf-prsptc ; +V: regpres ; +V: a-et-pret ; LEXICON v2 ! blåse, studere +V: inf-prsptc ; +V: regpres ; +V: te-pret ; LEXICON v3 ! leve +V: inf-prsptc ; +V: regpres ; +V: de-pret ; LEXICON v4 ! ro, bie +V: inf-prsptc ; +V: r-pres ; +V: dde-pret ; LEXICON v1-s ! undres +Inf: # ; +Ind+Prs: # ; +Ind+Prt: # ; +PrfPtc: # ; LEXICON v2-s ! føles, synes +Inf: # ; +Ind+Prs: # ; +Ind+Prt:Q1 # ; +PrfPtc:Q1 # ; LEXICON v3-s ! trives +Inf: # ; +Ind+Prs: # ; +Ind+Prt:Q2 # ; +PrfPtc:Q2 # ; ! --------------------- ! Conjugation sublexica ! --------------------- LEXICON inf-prsptc +Inf: # ; +PrsPtc:%>ende # ; LEXICON regpres +Ind+Prs:%>er # ; LEXICON r-pres +Ind+Prs:%>r # ; LEXICON a-et-pret +Ind+Prt:%>a # ; +Ind+Prt:%>et # ; +PrfPtc:%>a # ; +PrfPtc:%>et # ; LEXICON te-pret +Ind+Prt:%>te # ; +PrfPtc:%>t # ; LEXICON de-pret +Ind+Prt:%>de # ; +PrfPtc:%>d # ; LEXICON dde-pret +Ind+Prt:%>dde # ; +PrfPtc:%>dd # ; ! ======= ! Clitics ! ======= LEXICON K +Clt:%>s # ; # ;