This folder contains source files for the infrastructure for our languages. Installation and compilation, and a short note on usage, is documented in the file INSTALL within giella-core/ and langs/, but it basically boils down do the following: 1) Define $GTCORE. Either set $GTCORE manually to point to $GTHOME/giella-core/, or do as follows: cd giella-core/ ./ ./configure make 2) cd langs/ ./ ./configure --with-hfst make This will configure and build all languages with both Xerox and HFST support. Leave out the "--with-hfst" part if HFST support is not needed or wanted. __Alternatively__ Instead of 2) above, if you want to compile only one language at a time: cd langs/smj/ ./ ./configure [--with-hfst] make It is possible to check out only some individual languages, to get a smaller codebase and svn footprint. To do that, check out the languages you want in separate directories, and then configure and build each as you need. This still requires that you have checked out giella-core and exported $GTCORE as in 1) above, although in this case it suffices to check out $GTCORE only. Further details can be found on: