xquery version "3.0"; (:~ : Defines all the RestXQ endpoints used by the XForms. :) module namespace iskkan="http://localhost:8080/apps/restxq/iskkan"; import module namespace config="http://divvun.no/iskkan/config" at "config.xqm"; import module namespace display="http://divvun.no/iskkan/display" at "display.xql"; import module namespace functx = "http://www.functx.com" ; import module namespace xmldb="http://exist-db.org/xquery/xmldb"; import module namespace dbutil="http://exist-db.org/xquery/dbutil" at "/db/apps/shared-resources/content/dbutils.xql"; declare namespace rest="http://exquery.org/ns/restxq"; declare namespace output="http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization"; declare namespace json="http://www.json.org"; declare option exist:serialize "method=json media-type=application/json encoding=UTF-8"; declare %rest:GET %rest:path("/iskkan/error-types") %rest:query-param("timestamp", "{$timestamp}", "null") %rest:produces("application/json") %output:media-type("application/json") %output:method("json") function iskkan:types($timestamp as xs:string*) { { let $result := collection($config:data-root)//spelltestresult[./header/timestamp = $timestamp] let $types := distinct-values( $result/results/word [./original/@status = "error"] [./speller/@status = "error"] /errors/error/@type) return for $type in $types return {$type} } }; declare %rest:GET %rest:path("/iskkan/summary-table") %rest:query-param("timestamp", "{$timestamp}", "null") %rest:query-param("edit_dist", "{$edit_dist}") %rest:produces("application/json") %output:media-type("application/json") %output:method("json") function iskkan:table-json($timestamp as xs:string*, $edit_dist as xs:integer*) { { let $result := collection($config:data-root) //spelltestresult[./header/timestamp = $timestamp] /results/word [./original/@status = "error"] [./speller/@status = "error"] return for $word in $result return ( {string($word/original)}, {string($word/expected)}, {string($word/edit_dist)}, { for $sugg in $word/suggestions/suggestion return {string($sugg)} } ) } }; declare %rest:GET %rest:path("/iskkan/selector") %rest:query-param("collection", "{$collection}", "/db/apps/iskkan/data") (:%rest:produces("application/xml", "text/xml"):) %rest:produces("application/json") %output:media-type("application/json") %output:method("json") function iskkan:selector($collection as xs:string*) { { iskkan:ls($collection) } }; declare function iskkan:ls($collection as xs:string*) as element()* { if (xmldb:collection-available($collection)) then ( for $col in xmldb:get-child-collections($collection) return ( {$col}, { iskkan:ls($collection || '/' || $col), for $document in xmldb:get-child-resources($collection || '/' || $col) return {$document} {$collection || '/' || $col || '/' || $document} } ) ) else () }; declare %rest:GET %rest:path("/graph") %rest:query-param("timestamp", "{$timestamp}", "null") %rest:produces("application/json") %output:media-type("application/json") %output:method("json") function iskkan:graph($timestamp as xs:string*) { { for $result in collection($config:data-root)//spelltestresult[./header/timestamp = $timestamp] let $words := $result/results/word[./original/@status = "error"][./speller/@status = "error"] let $types := distinct-values($words/errors/error/@type) return for $pos in 1 to 6 return Position {$pos}, { for $type in $types let $hits := if ($pos ne 6) then $words[./errors/error/@type=$type][./position=$pos] else $words[./errors/error/@type=$type][./position>=$pos] return T {string($type)} {count($hits)} } } }; declare %rest:GET %rest:path("/iskkan/results") %rest:produces("application/json") %output:media-type("application/json") %output:method("json") function iskkan:results() { { for $headers in collection($config:data-root)//header return { for $header in $headers let $lang := $header/lang, $engine := string($header/engine/@abbreviation) return ( $header/timestamp, $header/lang, $header/testtype, {$engine}, $header/lexicon, $header/document) } } }; declare %rest:GET %rest:path("/iskkan/summary-json") %rest:query-param("timestamp", "{$timestamp}", "null") %rest:produces("application/json") %output:media-type("application/json") %output:method("json") function iskkan:summary-json($timestamp as xs:string*) { let $invocation := local:summary($timestamp) return ( precision{$invocation('precision')} recall{$invocation('recall')} accuracy{$invocation('accuracy')} {$invocation('words')} {$invocation('original')('correct')} {$invocation('original')('error')} {$invocation('speller')('correct')} {$invocation('speller')('error')} {$invocation('positives')('true')} {$invocation('positives')('false')} {$invocation('negatives')('true')} {$invocation('negatives')('false')} {local:suggestionsummary($invocation('tp')), local:suggestionsummary-nosugg($invocation('tp'))}
}; declare %rest:GET %rest:path("/iskkan/suggestion-graph") %rest:query-param("timestamp", "{$timestamp}", "null") %rest:produces("application/json") %output:media-type("application/json") %output:method("json") function iskkan:suggestion-graph($timestamp as xs:string*) { for $testresult in collection($config:data-root)//spelltestresult[./header/timestamp = $timestamp]/results let $tp := $testresult/word[./original/@status = "error"][./speller/@status = "error"] (:return {count($tp)}:) let $result := ( for $pos in 1 to 6 let $pos_set := $tp[./position = $pos] return ( for $ed in 1 to 3 let $hits := $pos_set[./edit_dist = $ed] return {count($hits)} {$ed} ) ) return local:return-resource($result) }; declare %private function local:suggestionsummary($el as element()*) { let $word-count := count($el) return for $dist in 1 to 3 return for $p in 1 to 6 (:) let $hits := $el[./edit_dist>=$dist][./position>=$p] :) let $hits := if ($dist ne 3 and $p ne 6) then (: 1-2 1-5:) $el[./edit_dist=$dist][./position=$p] else if ($dist eq 3 and $p eq 6) then (: 3 6:) $el[./edit_dist>=$dist][./position>=$p] else if ($dist eq 3) then (: 3 1-5:) $el[./edit_dist>=$dist][./position=$p] else (: 1-2 6:) $el[./edit_dist=$dist][./position>=$p] return ( {"Position " || $p} (: 6 => more than 5 :) {"Editing distance=" || $dist} {round-half-to-even((count($hits) div $word-count) * 100, 2)} ) }; declare %private function local:suggestionsummary-nosugg($el as element()*) { let $word-count := count($el) return for $dist in 1 to 3 let $hits := if ($dist ne 3) then $el[exists(./position) eq false][./edit_dist=$dist] | $el[xs:integer(./position) eq 0][./edit_dist=$dist] else $el[exists(./position) eq false][./edit_dist>=$dist] | $el[xs:integer(./position) eq 0][./edit_dist>=$dist] let $sugg := if(exists($hits/suggestions)) then "Wrong suggestions" else "No suggestions" return ( {$sugg} {"Editing distance=" || $dist} {round-half-to-even((count($hits) div $word-count) * 100, 2)} ) }; (: :) declare %private function local:summary($timestamp as xs:string*) { for $result in collection($config:data-root)//spelltestresult[./header/timestamp = $timestamp] let $hits := $result/results, $words := count($hits/word), $origcorr := $hits/word[./original/@status = "correct"], $origerr := $hits/word[./original/@status = "error"], $spcorr := $hits/word[./speller/@status = "correct"], $sperr := $hits/word[./speller/@status = "error"], (: $tp := count(functx:value-intersect($origerr, $sperr)), $tn := count(functx:value-intersect($origcorr , $spcorr)), $fp := count(functx:value-intersect($origerr , $spcorr)), $fn := count(functx:value-intersect($origcorr , $sperr)), :) $tp := $hits/word[./original/@status = "error"][./speller/@status = "error"], $tn := $hits/word[./original/@status = "correct"][./speller/@status = "correct"], $fn := $hits/word[./original/@status = "error"][./speller/@status = "correct"], $fp := $hits/word[./speller/@status = "error"][./original/@status = "correct"], $invocation := map { 'words' := $words, 'tp' := $tp, 'original' := map { 'correct' := count($origcorr), 'error' := count($origerr) }, 'speller' := map { 'correct' := count($spcorr), 'error' := count($sperr) }, 'positives' := map { 'true' := count($tp), 'false' := count($fp) }, 'negatives' := map { 'true' := count($tn), 'false' := count($fn) }, 'precision' := round-half-to-even(count($tp) div sum(count($tp) + count($fp)) * 100, 2), 'recall' := round-half-to-even(count($tp) div sum(count($tp) + count($fn)) * 100, 2), 'accuracy' := round-half-to-even((sum(count($tp) + count($tn)) div $words) * 100, 2) } return $invocation };