# korp auth server A simple php application for providing authentication for Korp ## Features * rely on .htpasswd for access control * `corpuses.ini` ## Installation ### Dependencies This is based on the Slim Framework 3 Skeleton Application. To install, you should have composer installed (this can either be done locally, or globally): https://getcomposer.org/ And then run: php composer.phar install Or, if installed globally: compose install This will set up all the dependencies in `vendor/`. ### Configuring Copy the svn file `corpuses.ini.EXAMPLE` to `corpuses.ini` in the local directory that this will be running from, and then edit it accordingly. Do not check the file in, and do not share the shared secret except with the relevant Korp configuration setting. ### Running the service The web server only needs to be able to find `index.php` in order to run. For example, you can start it with a basic PHP web server thus: php -S -t public public/index.php Otherwise, configure apache or nginx to find this.