This repo contains the frontend for [Korp](, a frontend for the IMS Open Corpus Workbench (CWB). The korp frontend is a great tool for searching and and visualising natural language corpus data. Korp is developed by [Språkbanken]( at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Documentation: - [Frontend documentation]( - [Backend documentation]( - Sparv - The pipeline used to tag and otherwise process raw Swedish-language corpus data is documented [here]( # Getting started Install `yarn`: `` # yarn - install all dependencies: `yarn` - run development server: `yarn start` - build a dist-version: `yarn build` - run dist-version: `yarn start:dist` - run tests: `yarn test` or `yarn test:karma` or `yarn test:e2e` (tests are currently depending on Språkbankens setup). Declare dependencies using `yarn add pkg`or `yarn add --dev pkg` for dev dependencies. # webpack We use *webpack* to build Korp and *webpack-dev-server* to run a local server. To include new code or resources, require them where needed: ``` nd = require("new-dependency") nd.aFunction() ``` or ``` imgPath = require("img/image.png") myTemplate = "" ``` Most dependencies are only specified in `app/` and where needed added to the `window`-object. About the current loaders in in `webpack.config.js`: - `pug` and `html` files: all `src`-attributes in `` tags and all `href`s in `` tags will be loaded by webpack and replaced in the markup. Uses file loader so that requiring a `pug` or `html` file will give the path to the file back. - `coffee` files are added to the bundle. Source maps are available. - `js` files are added to the bundle - all images and fonts are added to the bundle using file loader and gives back a file path. - `css` and `scss` are added to the bundle. `url`s will be loaded and replaced by webpack. In addition to this, some specific files will simply be copied as is, for example Korp mode-files. # run_config.json To use your own versions of the configuration-files without creating them in this project, use a `run_config.json` file in the root of the project with the following content: ``` { "configDir": "../path/to/my/configuration/folder" } ``` In this folder, use the same layout as in Korp and add the following files: - `app/config.js` - `app/modes/*mode.js` - `app/modes/common.js` - `app/translations/*.json` ## webpack and configuration We use `window.settings` to share needed configuration to `config.js` and `modes/common.js`. `config.js` and `modes/common.js` are included in webpacks dependecy graph. Therefore it works to use `require` for anything needed, but only things that are in the configured location for settings (see `run_config.json`). `mode`-files are only loaded at runtime an any dependenies must be required in `modes/common.js` and then exported as a module as shown in the sample file `app/modes/common.js`. # Earlier versions ## npm It is unfortunately not possible to develop Korp using *npm* anymore (*npm* can not resolve all dependencies correctly). Use *yarn*. ## bower Earlier versions of Korp used Bower for dependency management. This has been replaced width *yarn*, which is recommended by the Bower-team. ## grunt Earlier versions of Korp used *grunt* to build Korp and local development. This has been replaced with *webpack*.