Installing WERTiCore ==================== This document should help you get WERTiCore running with the demo determiners activity that highlights any tokens tagged DT by the OpenNLP tagger. In order to avoid conflicts with the original WERTi firefox extension, the servlet and the firefox extension have been renamed to WERTiCore so that it's possible to have both extensions installed at the same time. Instructions for building and deploying with eclipse are included at the end of this file. Requirements ------------ * Tomcat ( (version 5 or higher) * Maven ( * See "Building" below for details on the remaining dependencies that will be downloaded automatically by maven) Settings Paths to Model Files ----------------------------- The demo determiners activity requires several model files from OpenNLP. The models are included in the directory 'src/main/resources/models' or can be downloaded from the OpenNLP website: Download the models for OpenNLP 1.5. By default (see src/main/webapp/, WERTi looks for these files in src/main/resources/models, where they are included with this distribution. Building -------- After the model files are in place, you can compile WERTi from the top-level directory with mvn package Maven will automatically download a number of dependencies including: * UIMA ( - uimaj-core-2.2.2-incubating.jar * OpenNLP ( - opennlp-tools-1.4.3.jar - maxent-2.5.2.jart - trove-1.0.2.jar - jwnl-1.3.3.jar * log4j ( - log4j-1.2.13.jar * GSON ( - gson-1.4.jar * jsoup ( - jsoup-1.2.1.jar - commons-lang-2.4.jar If any of the maven repositories are unavailable, you can alternatively point maven to a local copy of a library as follows: mvn install:install-file \ -DgroupId=opennlp \ -DartifactId=opennlp-tools \ -Dversion=1.4.3 \ -Dfile=/path/to/opennlp-tools-1.4.3.jar \ -Dpackaging=jar The build process will: - download any necessary libraries - generate the UIMA types using JCasGen - compile everything - package an up-to-date version of the firefox add-on - create the WAR file for deploying on the server Deploying --------- While WERTi may run on other servlet containers, it has so far only been tested with Tomcat 5.x and 6.x. There are several ways of deploying the application. Deploying: Using the Maven Tomcat Plugin ---------------------------------------- Maven's tomcat plugin can deploy webapps on a local or remote tomcat server. See the documentation for deploying: and the usage and configuration documentation: on the official site. An example maven command to redeploy the webapp on a local server: mvn -Dtomcat.username=user -Dtomcat.password=xxxx tomcat:redeploy The tomcat user should have the manager role in the tomcat configuration file 'conf/tomcat-users.xml'. Deploying: Using Symlinks ------------------------- If WERTi is installed on your local system, then placing a symlink from '$CATALINA_HOME/webapps' to 'target/WERTi' is an easy way to deploy WERTi locally. You can use the 'mvn war:exploded' task to redeploy the application. Note that tomcat will require you to 'touch' WERTi's 'web.xml' for it to notice a change and reload. Using WERTi ----------- After deploying WERTi on your local system, go to http://localhost:8080/WERTiCore to verify that the server is running. You should see a demo WERTi website. Under Topics and Activities -> Determiners http://localhost:8080/WERTiCore/index.jsp?content=activity-help&activity=Dets you should be able to enter a URL to see a demo of the determiners topic. Next, try installing the firefox add-on from this page http://localhost:8080/WERTiCore/index.jsp?content=firefox-extension You should be able to run any of the Determiner activities on any web page you can display in firefox. Documentation ------------- Javadocs and a complete API can be generated by calling the following command: mvn javadoc:javadoc The docs will appear in 'target/site/apidocs'. Logging ------- The logging configuration is in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/ Using Eclipse ------------- Install the eclipse WTP tools. ( Install the m2eclipse plugin. ( Create a new maven project from a POM file. Select the file 'pom.xml' in the top level of WERTiCore to import the project. After it's finished building the project for the first time, there will be many errors related to the UIMA types. Refresh the project for it to find the types generated by JCasGen in werti.uima.types and werti.uima.types.annot and let it recompile everything. Add a tomcat server. Add WERTiCore to the server. Start the server. Go through the steps in "Using WERTi" above to check that everything is working. Troubleshooting --------------- See the troubleshooting section in 'docs/EXTENDING'.