package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.uima.UimaContext; import org.apache.uima.analysis_component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationIndex; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray; import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException; import werti.uima.types.annot.PhrasalVerb; import werti.uima.types.annot.SentenceAnnotation; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; /** * The phrasal verb annotator adapted from Tatiana Vodolazova's python implementation. * * @author Adriane Boyd * @version 0.1 */ public class PhrasalVerbAnnotator extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PhrasalVerbAnnotator.class); private HashMap> insepList; private HashMap> intransList; private HashMap> sepList; private HashMap> sepobligList; // the verb and particle lists are also used by the PhrasalVerbFilter public static Set verbList; public static Set particleList; private static final String verbPOSRegex = "VB|VBD|VBG|VBN|VBP|VBZ"; private static final int maxParticleLength = 3; private static final int maxInterveningTokens = 5; public void initialize(UimaContext context) throws ResourceInitializationException { super.initialize(context); String insep = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue("inseparableFileLocation"); String intrans = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue("intransitiveFileLocation"); String sep = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue("separableFileLocation"); String sepoblig = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue("separable_obligFileLocation"); insepList = readVerbList(insep); intransList = readVerbList(intrans); sepList = readVerbList(sep); sepobligList = readVerbList(sepoblig); verbList = new HashSet(); verbList.addAll(insepList.keySet()); verbList.addAll(intransList.keySet()); verbList.addAll(sepList.keySet()); verbList.addAll(sepobligList.keySet()); particleList = new HashSet(); particleList.addAll(makeParticleList(insepList)); particleList.addAll(makeParticleList(intransList)); particleList.addAll(makeParticleList(sepList)); particleList.addAll(makeParticleList(sepobligList)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void process(JCas cas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { log.debug("Starting phrasal verb annotation"); final AnnotationIndex sentIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(SentenceAnnotation.type); final AnnotationIndex tokenIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(Token.type); final Iterator sit = sentIndex.iterator(); while (sit.hasNext()) { final Iterator tit = tokenIndex.subiterator(; List tokenlist = new ArrayList(); // get a list of tokens int i = 0; while (tit.hasNext()) { Token t =; // create a list of tokens tokenlist.add(t); i++; } Token mostRecentVerb = null; i = 0; List intTokens = new ArrayList(); for (i = 0; i < tokenlist.size(); i++) { // don't allow more than a certain number of intervening tokens if (intTokens.size() >= maxInterveningTokens) { mostRecentVerb = null; intTokens.clear(); } Token t = tokenlist.get(i); // keep track of intervening tokens intTokens.add(t); // keep track of the last verb we've seen, // start a new list of intervening tokens if (t.getTag().matches(verbPOSRegex)) { mostRecentVerb = t; intTokens.clear(); } // if we have found a recent verb and we're at least one token beyond the most recent verb if (mostRecentVerb != null && !t.getTag().matches(verbPOSRegex)) { // look for particles in the next 1/2/3 tokens List mostRecentParticleList = new ArrayList(); for (int j = i; j < i + maxParticleLength && j < tokenlist.size(); j++) { mostRecentParticleList.add(tokenlist.get(j)); } // generate possible particles with the next 1/2/3 words List possibleParticles = new ArrayList(); for (int j = i; j < i + maxParticleLength && j < tokenlist.size(); j++) { possibleParticles.add(j - i, ""); } for (int j = 0; j < mostRecentParticleList.size(); j++) { String text = mostRecentParticleList.get(j).getCoveredText().toLowerCase(); for (int k = j; k < possibleParticles.size(); k++) { String extendedParticle = possibleParticles.get(k) + " " + text; possibleParticles.set(k, extendedParticle.trim()); } } boolean checkLists = false; for (String particle: possibleParticles) { if (particleList.contains(particle)) { checkLists = true; } } if (checkLists) { // remove the current token from the intervening token list intTokens.remove(intTokens.size() - 1); Token nextToken = null; if (i+1 < tokenlist.size()) { nextToken = tokenlist.get(i+1); } // figure out which, if any, longest possible particle is in one of the lists int found = -1; for (int j = possibleParticles.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (found < 0 && inPhrasalVerbList(mostRecentVerb, possibleParticles.get(j), intTokens, nextToken)) { found = j; } } // if a phrasal verb was found, add to annotation if (found >= 0) { PhrasalVerb pverb = new PhrasalVerb(cas); // copy the particle(s) into an FSArray // figure out the particle length based on maxParticleLength and found index int plSize = found + 1; final FSArray particle = new FSArray(cas, plSize); Token[] particles = new Token[plSize]; for(int j = i; j < i + plSize; j++) { particles[j - i] = tokenlist.get(j); } Token lastToken = particles[particles.length - 1]; particle.copyFromArray(particles, 0, 0, particles.length); // copy the verb into an FSArray final FSArray verb = new FSArray(cas, 1); Token[] verbs = new Token[1]; verbs[0] = mostRecentVerb; verb.copyFromArray(verbs, 0, 0, 1); // generate the annotation pverb.setParticle(particle); pverb.setVerb(verb); pverb.setBegin(mostRecentVerb.getBegin()); pverb.setEnd(lastToken.getEnd()); pverb.addToIndexes(); mostRecentVerb = null; } // add the particle back to the intervening tokens list intTokens.add(t); } } } } log.debug("Finished phrasal verb annotation"); } /** * Read in file containings lists of verbs with their particles. * * @param file file name * @return Hash of verb lemmas with sets of (potentially multi-token) particles * @throws ResourceInitializationException */ private HashMap> readVerbList(String file) throws ResourceInitializationException { HashMap> verbList = new HashMap>(); try { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { String[] lineParts = line.split(":"); String verb = lineParts[0]; String[] particleParts = lineParts[1].split(","); Set particles = new HashSet(); for(int i = 0; i < particleParts.length; i++) { particles.add(particleParts[i]); } verbList.put(verb, particles); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ResourceInitializationException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ResourceInitializationException(e); } return verbList; } /** * Extract a list of all possible particles from a verb/particle hash. * * @param verbList * @return */ private Set makeParticleList(HashMap> verbList) { Set particleList = new HashSet(); Set verbs = verbList.keySet(); for (String verb : verbs) { for (String particle : verbList.get(verb)) { particleList.add(particle); } } return particleList; } /** * Check if a potential verb/particle combination is found in any of the * verb/particle lists. * * @param mostRecentVerb * @param particle * @param intTokens * @param nextToken * @return */ private boolean inPhrasalVerbList(Token mostRecentVerb, String particle, List intTokens, Token nextToken) { String mostRecentVerbBaseform = mostRecentVerb.getLemma(); // check inseparable cases if (insepList.containsKey(mostRecentVerbBaseform)) { if (insepList.get(mostRecentVerbBaseform).contains(particle)) { // if there are no intervening tokens if (intTokens.size() == 0) { return true; } } } // check intransitive cases if (intransList.containsKey(mostRecentVerbBaseform)) { if (intransList.get(mostRecentVerbBaseform).contains(particle)) { // if the next phrase isn't an NP (very rough check) if (nextToken != null && nextToken.getChunk() != "B-NP") { return true; } } } // check if a new clause starts in the intervening tokens // if so, don't consider this is as a separable case for(Token t : intTokens) { if (t.getChunk() == "B-SBAR") { return false; } } // check separable cases if (sepList.containsKey(mostRecentVerbBaseform)) { if (sepList.get(mostRecentVerbBaseform).contains(particle)) { return true; } } // check obligatory separable cases if (sepobligList.containsKey(mostRecentVerbBaseform)) { if (sepobligList.get(mostRecentVerbBaseform).contains(particle)) { // if there are some intervening tokens if (intTokens.size() > 0) { // check if there is an intervening NP for (int i = 0; i < intTokens.size(); i++) { Token t = intTokens.get(i); if (t.getChunk() == "B-NP") { return true; } } } } } return false; } }