package werti.util; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import werti.uima.types.Enhancement; import werti.uima.types.annot.RelevantText; /** * Methods for converting a CAS with annotation to a document * with HTML enhancements. These methods are used by both the * {@link JSONEnhancer} and the {@link HTMLEnhancer}. * * @author Adriane Boyd */ public class EnhancerUtils { public static final String addedSpanStyle = "display: inline; background-image: none; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; color: inherit; font: inherit; font-size: 100%; position: relative; top: 0px; left: 0px;"; // need those two to supply JS-annotations with IDs. public static String get_id(String spanClass, int id) { return spanClass + "-" + id; } /** * Adds a layout-preserving style attribute to all spans in the HTML fragment. * * @param html an HTML fragment * @return the HTML fragment with added style attributes */ public static String addSpanStyle(String html) { // add layout-preserving style to all spans from cas Document doc = Jsoup.parse("" + html + "");"span").attr("style", EnhancerUtils.addedSpanStyle); html = doc.body().html(); return html; } /** * Inserts HTML enhancements into the text of the CAS, returning the * entire document as a string. * * @param cas * @param activity * @return Document with enhancements */ public static String casToEnhanced(JCas cas, String activity) { final String docText = cas.getDocumentText(); final StringBuilder rtext = new StringBuilder(docText); HashMap insertedTags = EnhancerUtils.getInsertedTags(cas, activity); HashSet relevantTextPositions = EnhancerUtils.getRelevantTextPositions(cas); // obtain sorted key set LinkedList positions = new LinkedList(insertedTags.keySet()); Collections.sort(positions); // loop over position hash and insert enhancement tags into document text using skew // while also converting any non-EnhanceXML characters to entities int skew = 0; int prevpos = 0; String escapedTextSubstring; for ( Integer pos : positions ) { String textSubstring = rtext.substring(prevpos + skew, pos + skew); escapedTextSubstring = EnhancerUtils.escapeSubstring(rtext, relevantTextPositions, prevpos, pos, skew); rtext.replace(prevpos + skew, pos + skew, escapedTextSubstring); skew += escapedTextSubstring.length() - textSubstring.length(); String insert = insertedTags.get(pos); rtext.insert(pos + skew, insert); skew += insert.length(); prevpos = pos; } escapedTextSubstring = EnhancerUtils.escapeSubstring(rtext, relevantTextPositions, prevpos, rtext.length() - skew, skew); rtext.replace(prevpos + skew, rtext.length(), escapedTextSubstring); return rtext.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static HashMap getInsertedTags(JCas cas, String activity) { final FSIndex tagIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(Enhancement.type); final Iterator eit = tagIndex.iterator(); HashMap insertedTags = new HashMap(); // TODO: make sure this maintains the correct order of closing tags // collect all enhancements on positions while (eit.hasNext()) { Enhancement e =; if (e.getRelevant() || activity.matches("click")) { // add beginning of enhancement to the position hash int begin = e.getBegin(); if ( ! insertedTags.containsKey(begin)) { insertedTags.put(begin, e.getEnhanceStart()); } else { insertedTags.put(begin, insertedTags.get(begin) + e.getEnhanceStart()); } // add end of enhancement to the position hash int end = e.getEnd(); if ( ! insertedTags.containsKey(end)) { insertedTags.put(end, e.getEnhanceEnd()); } else { insertedTags.put(end, e.getEnhanceEnd() + insertedTags.get(end)); } } } return insertedTags; } /** * Returns the set of positions in the document that contain relevant text * (i.e. not HTML or other markup). * * @param cas document * @return set of relevant positions */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static HashSet getRelevantTextPositions(JCas cas) { final FSIndex textIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(RelevantText.type); final Iterator tit = textIndex.iterator(); HashSet positions = new HashSet(); while (tit.hasNext()) { final RelevantText t =; for (int i = t.getBegin(); i < t.getEnd(); i++) { positions.add(i); } } return positions; } /** * Converts the unicode relevant text characters in rtext to their * escaped HTML counterparts. Non-relevant text is left unchanged. * * @param rtext the document * @param RelevantTextPositions positions containing text that should be escaped * @param start start position in original document * @param end end position in original document * @param skew skew from previously inserted elements * @return the text with non-markup non-ASCII characters escaped to HTML */ public static String escapeSubstring(StringBuilder rtext, HashSet RelevantTextPositions, int start, int end, int skew) { String textSubstring = rtext.substring(start + skew, end + skew); String escapedTextSubstring = ""; for (int i = 0; i < textSubstring.length(); i++) { String singleChar = rtext.substring(start + skew + i, start + skew + i + 1); if (RelevantTextPositions.contains(start + i)) { singleChar = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(singleChar); } escapedTextSubstring = escapedTextSubstring.concat(singleChar); } return escapedTextSubstring; } }