package werti.util; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import org.jsoup.nodes.Node; import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode; import org.jsoup.parser.Tag; import; /** * Feature extractor for HTML structure detection. * * @author Adriane Boyd * */ public class HTMLFeatureExtractor { public static String className = "werti"; // from boilerpipe, for tokenizer private static final Pattern PAT_WORD_BOUNDARY = Pattern.compile("\\b"); private static final Pattern PAT_NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY = Pattern .compile("[\u2063]*([\\\"'\\.,\\!\\@\\-\\:\\;\\$\\?\\(\\)/])[\u2063]*"); public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { URL url = null; File file = null; boolean useUrl = false; if (args.length > 0) { if (useUrl) { url = new URL(args[0]); } else { file = new File(args[0]); } } if (url == null && file == null) { System.err.println("Please provide a URL or file!"); return; } Document htmlDoc; if (useUrl) { htmlDoc = Jsoup.parse(url, 10000); } else { htmlDoc = Jsoup.parse(file, null); } // add tags around any plain text // segments in the document markTextNodes(htmlDoc, htmlDoc.body()); // for each of these spans, extract features: // find all spans just added around text Elements wertiTextSpans = htmlDoc.getElementsByClass(className); // TODO: calculate the relevant token, density, etc. counts once // for each span and cache them here rather than doing the same // work repeatedly in extractFeatures() below // create an empty span to use as padding for the beginning/end // surrounding context Element emptyElement = new Element(Tag.valueOf("span"), htmlDoc.baseUri()); // iterate over the spans with one span before/after as context Iterator it = wertiTextSpans.listIterator(); Element prevElement = emptyElement; Element currentElement =; Element nextElement = it.hasNext() ? : emptyElement; extractFeatures(prevElement, currentElement, nextElement); if (nextElement != emptyElement) { while (it.hasNext()) { prevElement = currentElement; currentElement = nextElement; nextElement =; extractFeatures(prevElement, currentElement, nextElement); } prevElement = currentElement; currentElement = nextElement; nextElement = emptyElement; extractFeatures(prevElement, currentElement, nextElement); } } private static void extractFeatures(Element prev, Element e, Element next) { final Elements parents = e.parents(); // for debugging: System.out.println(e.html()); System.out.print(isInP(parents) + ","); System.out.print(isImmediateParentP(e) + ","); System.out.print(getNumWords(prev) + ","); System.out.print(getNumWords(e) + ","); System.out.print(getNumWords(next) + ","); System.out.println(getAnnotation(parents)); } /** * Find the closest parent that contains an L3S-GN1 annotation in the form * for x-nc-sel[0-5], return x-nc-sel0 if none found. * * For reference: * * x-nc-sel0 Not content * x-nc-sel1 Headline * x-nc-sel2 Full text * x-nc-sel3 Supplemental * x-nc-sel4 Related content * x-nc-sel5 Comments * * We probably want to collapse some of these and translate them into * more meaningful class names like: HEADER, TEXT, SUPP, RELATED, * OTHER, etc. * * @param parents * @return */ private static String getAnnotation(Elements parents) { String ann = "x-nc-sel0"; for (Element p : parents) { if (p.attr("class") != null && p.attr("class").matches("x-nc-sel[0-5]")) { return p.attr("class"); } } return ann; } private static boolean isInP(Elements parents) { for (Element p : parents) { if (p.tagName().toLowerCase().equals("p")) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isImmediateParentP(Element e) { if (e.parent().tagName().toLowerCase().equals("p")) { return true; } return false; } private static int getNumWords(Element e) { return tokenize(e.text()).length; } /** * Traverses the HTML document tree adding spans * around all text nodes and converting HTML entities to unicode characters. * * @param doc * the Jsoup document * @param node * the node to traverse */ private static void markTextNodes(Document doc, Node node) { // if this is a non-empty text node, add an // tag around it if (node instanceof TextNode) { if (!((TextNode) node).isBlank()) { Element eElem = doc.createElement("span"); eElem.addClass(className); eElem.text(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(((TextNode) node) .text())); node.replaceWith(eElem); } } else { // look at almost all the child nodes for (Node child : node.childNodes()) { if (!child.nodeName().matches("script") && !child.nodeName().matches("noscript") && !child.nodeName().matches("form") && !child.nodeName().matches("object") && !child.nodeName().matches("embed") && !child.nodeName().matches("head")) { markTextNodes(doc, child); } } } } /** * Simple tokenizer copied from boilerpipe: * * Tokenizes the text and returns an array of tokens. * * @param text * The text * @return The tokens */ private static String[] tokenize(final String text) { return PAT_NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY .matcher(PAT_WORD_BOUNDARY.matcher(text).replaceAll("\u2063")) .replaceAll("$1").replaceAll("[ \u2063]+", " ").trim() .split("[ ]+"); } }