# VIEW ― a Platform for ICALL Systems VIEW is a web platform for second language learners and programmers interested in providing functionality for second language learning assistance. It is capable of retrieving documents from web sites or from its own browser extension and then annotating their linguistic structure to help the learner. The web content can then be marked up in a modular way and the enhanced content exposed to the user through an interactive interface. This should ultimately allow the learner to understand the underlying principles of the target language, and thus acquire a firmer grasp of the language itself. ## Architecture The system currently only supports English, German, and Spanish as target languages, but is highly modular and thus extensible towards other languages. VIEW is confirmed to run on a Tomcat web server and relies on a recent JVM (version 1.6). It was only tested using the Sun JVM. The basic architecture relies on tomcat's servlets API and the (incubating) Apache UIMA API. Thus it makes use of Java, AJAX, HTML and XML peripheral (e.g. Maven, Eclipse EMF ...) technologies. ## Contact The system is currently under development at the Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft (SfS) at the University of Tübingen, Germany. For more information, please refer to the documentation under `docs/` or contact the head of the VIEW development team, Prof. Detmar Meurers: `dm@sfs.uni-tuebingen.de` ## Requirements * A recent Tomcat (5 or higher, 6 recommended) * Maven 2 ## Instructions for Installation and Development See `INSTALL.markdown` for instructions on how to install. See the documentation in `docs/`, especially `docs/internal-structure.markdown`, for some guidance if you want to work on the system.