Install the following Debian packages from your preferred package manager: - libsvn-java (version 1.7 or higher for Subclipse 1.8, version 1.6 for Subclipse 1.6) [TODO provide alternative instructions for Mac OS X] Install Eclipse plugins (required ones): - if you don't already have "Eclipse for Java EE Developers", upgrade your Eclipse version by installing the "Web Tools Platform" (WTP): - add the following to the "Available Sofware Sites" preference: (replace "indigo" with the name of your release) - in "Help > Install New Software", select this site and install everything in the group "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development" - if some things cannot be installed, leave them out and first install everything you can install. Then repeat the previous step and see if you can install more now. - install "Subclipse" (version 1.6 if libsvn-java is 1.6, or version 1.8 or higher if libsvn-java is 1.7) - go to select "Donwload and Install", and add the "Eclipse update site URL" for the desired Subclipse version to your "Available Sofware Sites" preference - in Eclipse, go to "Help > Install New Software" again, select the URL you just added, and install everything that you can install (The version history visual tool sometimes cannot be installed, but you don't need it anyway.) - follow these instructions to properly setup JavaHL for Eclipse: - install "Maven Integration for Eclipse" (m2eclipse or m2e): - go to and add the update URL for the latest m2eclipse release to your "Available Sofware Sites" preference. - in "Help > Install New Software", select this site and install everything you can install Optional Eclipse plugins to install: - install the UIMA plugin from its update site: - install the "log4j-viewer" Eclipse plugin [TODO add update site (see patmos)] Install m2e Plugins: - right-click in the Project Explorer, and select "New Project > Checkout Maven Projects from SCM > Find more SCM connectors in the m2e Marketplace" - install "m2e-subclipse" and "Maven Integration for WTP" from there Check out VIEW from the SVN repository: - go to "New Project > Checkout Maven Projects from SCM" again - set the drop-down box "SCM URL" to "SVN" - enter the URL of the VIEW repository. (Do not use the repository root that ends in "/werti", but a more specific URL!) - if you get an error saying "svn: E200007: HTTP authorization method 'Negotiate' is not supported", install the Debian package "sasl2-bin" - m2e will complain about some plugins in the "pom.xml" file: "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" (exec-maven-plugin, maven-antrun-plugin, maven-replacer-plugin). Do not do anything about this bug. Don't apply the quick fix "ignore" offered by Eclipse! - for the plugin "exec-maven-plugin" by "org.codehaus.mojo", the following fix is available: - in the preferences, go to "Maven > Lifecycle Mappings" and click on "Open workspace lifecycle mappings metadata". If this button doesn't exist, try opening (or creating) the file yourself: .../workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.m2e.core/lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml - Paste the following contents into that file and save it: org.codehaus.mojo exec-maven-plugin [1.1,) java true true - then go to the preferences again, select "Maven > Lifecycle Mappings", and click "Reload workspace lifecycle mappings metadata" - select from the main menu: "Project > Clean", then select only the VIEW project, and click "Ok" [TODO fix "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration"] - if you're on a slow machine, you might want to switch off automatic building: deselect "Project > Build automatically" Tell the VIEW add-on to use the local Tomcat6 server instead of that on sifnos: - in src/main/resources/firefox-extension/view/chrome/content/view.js, find the line serverURL: '', and change it to serverURL: 'http://localhost:8080/VIEW', - re-build VIEW (if this isn't done automatically) - make sure never to commit this change! Download and install Apache Tomcat 6.0 using Eclipse: - go to "Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments" - click on the "Add" button on the right - select "Apache Tomcat v6.0" (exactly this version), click "Next" - if Tomcat6 is already installed somewhere, click "Browse" and select that location - else, click "Download and Install" and select a new location to install Tomcat6 (e.g., "/opt/tomcat6" or "~/tomcat6") Create a new Tomcat6 server: - make sure the "Servers" view is visible. (Go to "Window > Show view" to make it appear if it is missing.) - right-click inside the "Servers" view and select "New > Server" - for "Server runtime environment", select "Apache Tomcat v6.0" Configure Tomcat6: - In the Project Explorer, open "Servers > Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost". You will see a list of configuration files for tomcat. - Edit the file "catalina.policy": - find the line that says grant codeBase "file:${catalina.base}/webapps/manager/-" { - copy the entire block and replace "${catalina.base}" with "${catalina.home}" in the copy Install the external tools in "/usr/local/werti": - follow the instructions in "docs/usr-local-werti.txt" in the VIEW trunk repository Deploy VIEW to Tomcat6: - refresh and build the VIEW project in Eclipse - right-click on the "Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost" in the "Servers" view, select "Add and remove" - move VIEW from the left to the right - start/restart the Tomcat6 Test whether VIEW is working: - open a browser and go to http://localhost:8080/VIEW - use the instructions in this tutorial: to create a new profile in Firefox and link it to the VIEW toolbar in your working copy of VIEW