Multichar_Symbols !! !!!Russian tags !! !!Stressed vowels а́ е́ ё́ и́ о́ у́ ы́ э́ ю́ я́ !!= * @CODE@ а̀ ѐ ё̀ ѝ о̀ у̀ ы̀ э̀ ю̀ я̀ !!= * @CODE@ Secondary stress А́ Е́ Ё́ И́ О́ У́ Ы́ Э́ Ю́ Я́ !!= * @CODE@ А̀ Ѐ Ё̀ Ѝ О̀ У̀ Ы̀ Э̀ Ю̀ Я̀ !! !!Markers ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁰ ⁻ !!= * @CODE@ = Used to enumerate homonymous lemmas %> !!= * @CODE@ = End-of-stem marker (nominals) %< !!= * @CODE@ = End-of-stem marker (verbs) %^F !!= * @CODE@ = Fleeting vowel marker %^G !!= * @CODE@ = Irregular GenPl marker (to keep ов/ев on n stems, e.g. ов%^G %^Z !!= * @CODE@ = Zero ending (resolves to 0/й/ь) %^M !!= * @CODE@ = Verb stem mutation %^Iu !!= * @CODE@ = Imperative ending (unstressed) %^Is !!= * @CODE@ = Imperative ending (stressed) !! !!POS +N !!= * @CODE@ = Noun +V !!= * @CODE@ = Verb +A !!= * @CODE@ = Adjective +Pron !!= * @CODE@ = Pronoun +Det !!= * @CODE@ = Determiner +Num !!= * @CODE@ = Numeral +Adv !!= * @CODE@ = Adverb +Pr !!= * @CODE@ = Preposition +Po !!= * @CODE@ = Postposition (ради is the only postposition) +CC !!= * @CODE@ = Coordinating conjunction +CS !!= * @CODE@ = Subordinating conjunction +Interj !!= * @CODE@ = Interjection +Pcle !!= * @CODE@ = Particle +Paren !!= * @CODE@ = Parenthetical вводное слово !! !!Sub-POS +Prop !!= * @CODE@ = Proper +Pers !!= * @CODE@ = Personal +Dem !!= * @CODE@ = Demonstrative +Interr !!= * @CODE@ = Interrogative: кто, что, какой, ли, etc. +Refl !!= * @CODE@ = Pronoun себя, possessive свой +Indef !!= * @CODE@ = Indefinite: кто-то, кто-нибудь, кто-либо, кое-кто, etc. +Neg !!= * @CODE@ = Negative: никто, некого, etc. +Recip !!= * @CODE@ = Reciprocal: друг друга +Coll !!= * @CODE@ = Collective numerals +MWE !!= * @CODE@ = Multi-word expressions +Rel !!= * @CODE@ = Relativizer, e.g. который, где, как, куда, сколько, etc. +Prcnt !!= * @CODE@ = Percent !! !!Verbal MSP +Impf +Perf +Dvuv !!= * @CODE@ = Imperfective, perfective, biaspectual +IV +TV !!= * @CODE@ = Intransitive, transitive (generate both if either is possible) +Inf +Imp !!= * @CODE@ = Imperatives: 2nd person = читай, 1st person = прочитаем +Pst +Prs +Fut !!= * @CODE@ = Past, present, future +Sg1 +Sg2 +Sg3 !!= * @CODE@ = person sg +Pl1 +Pl2 +Pl3 !!= * @CODE@ = person pl +PstAct +PstPss !!= * @CODE@ = Participles (+PrsAct+Adv and +PstAct+Adv are used for the verbal adverbs) +Pass !!= * @CODE@ = Passive +Imprs !!= * @CODE@ = Impersonal (cannot have explicit subject) !! !!Nominal MSP +Msc +Fem +Neu +MFN !!= * @CODE@ = grammatical gender, +MFN = gender unspecifiable (pl tantum) +Sem/Sur +Sem/Pat !!= * @CODE@ = Surname (фамилия), Patronymic +Sem/Ant +Sem/Alt !!= * @CODE@ = Anthroponym/Given name, Other +Sg +Pl !!= * @CODE@ = number +Nom +Acc +Gen !!= * @CODE@ +Ins +Dat +Loc !!= * @CODE@ +Loc2 +Gen2 +Voc !!= * @CODE@ +Inan +Anim !!= * @CODE@ = animacy +PObj !!= * @CODE@ = Object of preposition (3rd person pronouns have epenthetic н) +Ord !!= * @CODE@ +Cmpar !!= * @CODE@ +Sint !!= * @CODE@ = Synthetic comparative is possible, e.g. старее +An !!= * @CODE@ = Animate placeholder for non-accusative cases +Pred !!= * @CODE@ = "Predicate", used for short-form adjectives +Cmpnd !!= * @CODE@ = "Compound", used for compounding adjectives, such as русско-английский +PObj !!= * @CODE@ = object of preposition, e.g. его~него +Poss !!= * @CODE@ = possessive !! !!Other tags +Prb !!= * @CODE@ = затруднительно - +Prb(lematic); предположительно - +Hyp(othetical); нет - +Gap +Fac !!= * @CODE@ = Facultative +Use/Obs !!= * @CODE@ = Obsolete +Err/Sub !!= * @CODE@ = Substandard ! More use tags: ! ласкательное - +Use/Aff(ectionate) ! литературное - +Use/Lit(erary) ! народнопоэтическое - +Use/Flk (folk poetry) ! областное - +Use/Dia(lectal) ! поэтический - +Use/Poet(ic) ! просторечное - +Err/Sub(standard) ! профессиональо - +Use/Prof(essional) ! старинное - +Use/Anc(ient) ! увеличительное - +Use/Aug(mentative) ! уменьшительное - +Use/Dim(inutive) ! устаревающее - +Use/Old (going out of date) ! устаревшее - +Use/Ant(iquated) ! anatomical - +Use/Anat ! biological - +Use/Bio ! botanical - +Use/Bot ! geological - +Use/Geo ! grammatical - +Use/Gram ! zoological - +Use/Zoo ! historical - +Use/Hist(orical) ! mathematical - +Use/Math ! medical - +Use/Med ! musical - +Use/Mus ! agriculatural - +Use/Agr ! technical - +Use/Tech ! chemical - +Use/Chem ! church - +Use/Relig ! law - +Use/Law ! etc. +Use/Mari(time) !! !!!Key lexicon LEXICON Root !!= * @CODE@ Adjective ; !!= * @CODE@ Adverb ; !!= * @CODE@ Comparative ; Conjunction ; !!= * @CODE@ Interjection ; !!= * @CODE@ Noun ; !!= * @CODE@ Numeral ; !!= * @CODE@ Parenthetical ; Particle ; Predicative ; Preposition ; !!= * @CODE@ Pronoun ; !!= * @CODE@ Verb ; !!= * @CODE@ Propernoun ; Punctuation ; %,+CLB:%, # ; %.+CLB:%. # ; %:+CLB:%: # ; %;+CLB:%; # ; %!+CLB:%! # ; %?+CLB:%? # ; %.%.%.+CLB:%.%.%. # ; %…+CLB:%… # ; %-+PUNCT:%- # ; %"+QUOT:%" # ; %“+QUOT:%“ # ; %”+QUOT:%” # ; %«+QUOT:«7 # ; ! « %»+QUOT:»7 # ; ! » %[+PAR:%[ # ; %]+PAR:%] # ; %(+PAR:%( # ; %)+PAR:%) # ; %<+PAR:%[%<%] # ; ! < %>+PAR:%[%>%] # ; ! >