I told him not to heavily rely on this crappy piece of software but his opinion was immutable. Heavily relying on this piece of crap made him sick. To be or not to be, this is the question. To only just break the system instead of fixing it wasn't such a brilliant plan. Nobody told you to do such a stupid thing! I am singing in the rain. We are singing in the rain. He is singing in the rain. They were singing in the rain. I will be singing in the rain. I have been singing in the rain. I would have been singing in the rain. I might have been seen singing in the rain. I am going to be singing in the rain. He is going to be singing in the rain. They are singing in the rain. They are going to be singing in the rain. They were going to go home. I was going to go home. He was going to go home. He was not going to go home. I am not going to do this. He was never going to kill himself. He was not even going to think about it. Be so kind and leave. You try doing my job for one week! Stop hating your job! She's always helping people She is alays helping people Our burglar alarm is forever going off for no reason. What's your daughter doing these days? I will be sleeping all day long. I will have been sleeping. People are mostly going to where they came from. I won't be going back. I am not going back. I'm not going back. I ain't that smart. He isn't smart. Waiting for the hippie bus is fun. Painting his wifes, he smoked the weed. Painting his incredibly beautiful wife, he smoked enormous amounts of weed. Reading a book, he slept furiusly. Painting mushrooms, he smoked the weed. Painting a mushroom, he smoked the weed. Painting a poison mushroom, he smoked the weed. Painting poison mushrooms, he smoked the weed. Painting a beautiful shiny mushroom, he smoked the weed. Painting a beautiful shiny poison mushroom, he smoked the weed. Reading these stupid grammar books, he went completely mad. Listening to that weird hippie music, he felt like jumping in the game. Waiting for the hippie bus, he sat thinking about smoking another one. Are you waiting for me? Are you coming for dinner? Am I bothering you? Am I really disturbing you? Are they seriously trying to do this? Am I not listening? What are you going to do now? Are they really going to kill me for writing bad grammars? Was he going to come home? Was he drinking alone again? Were they getting wasted again? Was I becoming a geek or was he just boring? Rowing is fun. Sitting meant everything to him. Playing exteremely fast guitar solos will make the girls go wild. Playing fast guitar solos will make the girls go wild. Playing to a large audience makes me nervous. Playing the fool makes be go woohoo. He actually thought that playing rock guitar could cure his crippled mind. His not having been trained bothers him. Slipping in the mud all the way down to downtown, he felt like a slime bucket. He went kept on lecturing, not noticing that the adience had left a long time ago. Being extremely nice is very bad. Aunt Sarah doesn't like Steve watching horror films. He likes fishing. He is looking forward to getting to know her. Everbody likes Peter doing the dishes. Everybody minds them getting sad. Everbody likes Mrs. Brown doing the dishes. Mr. Peterson likes doing things with Mrs. Peterson. In abbreviations. e.g. such as Mrs. or Mr., the tagger fails. He kept on keeping on. After having failed the exam, he got tremendously wasted. On arriving at the place, they did something. Instead of getting wasted, they could have done something else. In spite of fooling around. Apart from her farting, she was a fine girl. Apart from farting, everything is allowed in here.