/* Copyright (C) 2003 University of Pennsylvania. This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit). http://www.cs.umass.edu/~mccallum/mallet This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License, version 1.0, as published by http://www.opensource.org. For further information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */ package werti.ml; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.uima.UIMAFramework; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngine; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineDescription; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.apache.uima.cas.text.AnnotationIndex; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException; import org.apache.uima.util.XMLInputSource; import werti.ml.fe.FeatureExtractor; import werti.ml.fe.NounCountabilityFeatureExtractor; import werti.uima.types.annot.SentenceAnnotation; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; import cc.mallet.fst.CRF; import cc.mallet.fst.CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood; import cc.mallet.fst.MaxLatticeDefault; import cc.mallet.fst.MultiSegmentationEvaluator; import cc.mallet.fst.NoopTransducerTrainer; import cc.mallet.fst.SimpleTagger; import cc.mallet.fst.TokenAccuracyEvaluator; import cc.mallet.fst.Transducer; import cc.mallet.fst.TransducerEvaluator; import cc.mallet.fst.TransducerTrainer; import cc.mallet.pipe.Pipe; import cc.mallet.pipe.iterator.LineGroupIterator; import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet; import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVector; import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVectorSequence; import cc.mallet.types.Instance; import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList; import cc.mallet.types.LabelAlphabet; import cc.mallet.types.LabelSequence; import cc.mallet.types.Sequence; import cc.mallet.util.CommandOption; /** * This class provides a wrapper for training a CRF-based tagger. It is adapted * from SimpleTagger from Mallet. * * It expects to get as input a file containing plain text and does all the * necessary feature extraction. * * Usage (from the deployed WEB-INF directory, which has all the dependencies * in one place): * * java -cp "./classes:./lib/*" werti.ml.MalletCRFTrainer --train true \ * --descriptor /path/to/desc/operators/MLTrainerPipe.xml \ * --model-file /path/to/mallet.model /path/to/trainingdata.txt * * See also: http://mallet.cs.umass.edu/sequences.php * * @author Fernando Pereira pereira@cis.upenn.edu * @author Adriane Boyd */ public class MalletCRFTrainer { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MalletCRFTrainer.class); private MalletCRFTrainer() { } /** * Converts an external encoding of a sequence of elements with binary * features to a {@link FeatureVectorSequence}. If target processing is on * (training or labeled test data), it extracts element labels from the * external encoding to create a target {@link LabelSequence}. Two external * encodings are supported: *
  1. A {@link String} containing lines of whitespace-separated tokens.
  2. *
  3. a {@link String}[][].
  4. *
* * Both represent rows of tokens. When target processing is on, the last * token in each row is the label of the sequence element represented by * this row. All other tokens in the row, or all tokens in the row if not * target processing, are the names of features that are on for the sequence * element described by the row. * */ public static class SimpleTaggerSentence2FeatureVectorSequence extends Pipe { /** * Creates a new SimpleTaggerSentence2FeatureVectorSequence * instance. */ public SimpleTaggerSentence2FeatureVectorSequence() { super(new Alphabet(), new LabelAlphabet()); } /** * Parses a string representing a sequence of rows of tokens into an * array of arrays of tokens. * * @param sentence * a String * @return the corresponding array of arrays of tokens. */ private String[][] parseSentence(String sentence) { String[] lines = sentence.split("\n"); String[][] tokens = new String[lines.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) tokens[i] = lines[i].split(" "); return tokens; } @Override public Instance pipe(Instance carrier) { Object inputData = carrier.getData(); Alphabet features = getDataAlphabet(); LabelAlphabet labels; LabelSequence target = null; String[][] tokens; if (inputData instanceof String) tokens = parseSentence((String) inputData); else if (inputData instanceof String[][]) tokens = (String[][]) inputData; else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not a String or String[][]; got " + inputData); FeatureVector[] fvs = new FeatureVector[tokens.length]; if (isTargetProcessing()) { labels = (LabelAlphabet) getTargetAlphabet(); target = new LabelSequence(labels, tokens.length); } for (int l = 0; l < tokens.length; l++) { int nFeatures; if (isTargetProcessing()) { if (tokens[l].length < 1) throw new IllegalStateException( "Missing label at line " + l + " instance " + carrier.getName()); nFeatures = tokens[l].length - 1; target.add(tokens[l][nFeatures]); } else nFeatures = tokens[l].length; int featureIndices[] = new int[nFeatures]; for (int f = 0; f < nFeatures; f++) featureIndices[f] = features.lookupIndex(tokens[l][f]); fvs[l] = new FeatureVector(features, featureIndices); } carrier.setData(new FeatureVectorSequence(fvs)); if (isTargetProcessing()) carrier.setTarget(target); else carrier.setTarget(new LabelSequence(getTargetAlphabet())); return carrier; } } /** * Create and train a CRF model from the given training data, optionally * testing it on the given test data. * * @param training * training data * @param testing * test data (possibly null) * @param eval * accuracy evaluator (possibly null) * @param orders * label Markov orders (main and backoff) * @param defaultLabel * default label * @param forbidden * regular expression specifying impossible label transitions * current,next (null * indicates no forbidden transitions) * @param allowed * regular expression specifying allowed label transitions ( * null indicates everything is allowed that is not * forbidden) * @param connected * whether to include even transitions not occurring in the * training data. * @param iterations * number of training iterations * @param var * Gaussian prior variance * @return the trained model */ public static CRF train(InstanceList training, InstanceList testing, TransducerEvaluator eval, int[] orders, String defaultLabel, String forbidden, String allowed, boolean connected, int iterations, double var, CRF crf) { Pattern forbiddenPat = Pattern.compile(forbidden); Pattern allowedPat = Pattern.compile(allowed); if (crf == null) { crf = new CRF(training.getPipe(), (Pipe) null); String startName = crf.addOrderNStates(training, orders, null, defaultLabel, forbiddenPat, allowedPat, connected); for (int i = 0; i < crf.numStates(); i++) crf.getState(i).setInitialWeight(Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT); crf.getState(startName).setInitialWeight(0.0); } CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood crft = new CRFTrainerByLabelLikelihood(crf); crft.setGaussianPriorVariance(var); boolean converged; for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) { converged = crft.train(training, 1); if (i % 1 == 0 && eval != null) // Change the 1 to higher // integer to evaluate less // often eval.evaluate(crft); if (converged) break; } return crf; } /** * Apply a transducer to an input sequence to produce the k highest-scoring * output sequences. * * @param model * the Transducer * @param input * the input sequence * @param k * the number of answers to return * @return array of the k highest-scoring output sequences */ public static Sequence[] apply(Transducer model, Sequence input, int k) { Sequence[] answers; if (k == 1) { answers = new Sequence[1]; answers[0] = model.transduce(input); } else { MaxLatticeDefault lattice = new MaxLatticeDefault(model, input, null, 100000); // cacheSizeOption.value()); answers = lattice.bestOutputSequences(k).toArray(new Sequence[0]); } return answers; } private static final CommandOption.Double gaussianVarianceOption = new CommandOption.Double( SimpleTagger.class, "gaussian-variance", "DECIMAL", true, 10.0, "The gaussian prior variance used for training.", null); private static final CommandOption.Boolean trainOption = new CommandOption.Boolean( SimpleTagger.class, "train", "true|false", true, false, "Whether to train", null); private static final CommandOption.String testOption = new CommandOption.String( SimpleTagger.class, "test", "lab or seg=start-1.continue-1,...,start-n.continue-n", true, null, "Test measuring labeling or segmentation (start-i, continue-i) accuracy", null); private static final CommandOption.File modelOption = new CommandOption.File( SimpleTagger.class, "model-file", "FILENAME", true, null, "The filename for reading (train/run) or saving (train) the model.", null); private static final CommandOption.Double trainingFractionOption = new CommandOption.Double( SimpleTagger.class, "training-proportion", "DECIMAL", true, 0.5, "Fraction of data to use for training in a random split.", null); private static final CommandOption.Integer randomSeedOption = new CommandOption.Integer( SimpleTagger.class, "random-seed", "INTEGER", true, 0, "The random seed for randomly selecting a proportion of the instance list for training", null); private static final CommandOption.IntegerArray ordersOption = new CommandOption.IntegerArray( SimpleTagger.class, "orders", "COMMA-SEP-DECIMALS", true, new int[] { 1 }, "List of label Markov orders (main and backoff) ", null); private static final CommandOption.String forbiddenOption = new CommandOption.String( SimpleTagger.class, "forbidden", "REGEXP", true, "\\s", "label1,label2 transition forbidden if it matches this", null); private static final CommandOption.String allowedOption = new CommandOption.String( SimpleTagger.class, "allowed", "REGEXP", true, ".*", "label1,label2 transition allowed only if it matches this", null); private static final CommandOption.String defaultOption = new CommandOption.String( SimpleTagger.class, "default-label", "STRING", true, "O", "Label for initial context and uninteresting tokens", null); private static final CommandOption.Integer iterationsOption = new CommandOption.Integer( SimpleTagger.class, "iterations", "INTEGER", true, 500, "Number of training iterations", null); private static final CommandOption.Boolean viterbiOutputOption = new CommandOption.Boolean( SimpleTagger.class, "viterbi-output", "true|false", true, false, "Print Viterbi periodically during training", null); private static final CommandOption.Boolean connectedOption = new CommandOption.Boolean( SimpleTagger.class, "fully-connected", "true|false", true, true, "Include all allowed transitions, even those not in training data", null); private static final CommandOption.Boolean continueTrainingOption = new CommandOption.Boolean( SimpleTagger.class, "continue-training", "true|false", false, false, "Continue training from model specified by --model-file", null); private static final CommandOption.Integer nBestOption = new CommandOption.Integer( SimpleTagger.class, "n-best", "INTEGER", true, 1, "How many answers to output", null); private static final CommandOption.Integer cacheSizeOption = new CommandOption.Integer( SimpleTagger.class, "cache-size", "INTEGER", true, 100000, "How much state information to memoize in n-best decoding", null); private static final CommandOption.Boolean includeInputOption = new CommandOption.Boolean( SimpleTagger.class, "include-input", "true|false", true, false, "Whether to include the input features when printing decoding output", null); private static final CommandOption.Boolean featureInductionOption = new CommandOption.Boolean( SimpleTagger.class, "feature-induction", "true|false", true, false, "Whether to perform feature induction during training", null); private static final CommandOption.String descriptorOption = new CommandOption.String( SimpleTagger.class, "descriptor", "/path/to/descriptor.xml", true, null, "Provide path to UIMA descriptor for preprocessing", null); private static final CommandOption.List commandOptions = new CommandOption.List( "Training, testing and running a generic tagger.", new CommandOption[] { gaussianVarianceOption, trainOption, iterationsOption, testOption, trainingFractionOption, modelOption, randomSeedOption, ordersOption, forbiddenOption, allowedOption, defaultOption, viterbiOutputOption, connectedOption, continueTrainingOption, nBestOption, cacheSizeOption, includeInputOption, featureInductionOption, descriptorOption, }); /** * Test a transducer on the given test data, evaluating accuracy with the * given evaluator * * @param model * a Transducer * @param eval * accuracy evaluator * @param testing * test data */ public static void test(TransducerTrainer tt, TransducerEvaluator eval, InstanceList testing) { eval.evaluateInstanceList(tt, testing, "Testing"); } /** * Command-line wrapper to train, test, or run a generic CRF-based tagger. * * @param args * the command line arguments. Options (shell and Java quoting * should be added as needed): *
--help boolean
Print this command line option usage information. Give * true for longer documentation. Default is * false.
--prefix-code Java-code
Java code you want run before any other interpreted code. * Note that the text is interpreted without modification, so * unlike some other Java code options, you need to include any * necessary 'new's. Default is null.
--gaussian-variance positive-number
The Gaussian prior variance used for training. Default is * 10.0.
--train boolean
Whether to train. Default is false.
--iterations positive-integer
Number of training iterations. Default is 500.
--test lab or seg= * start-1.continue-1 * ,...,start-n. * continue-n
Test measuring labeling or segmentation (start-i, * continue-i) accuracy. Default is no testing.
--training-proportion * number-between-0-and-1
Fraction of data to use for training in a random split. * Default is 0.5.
--model-file filename
The filename for reading (train/run) or saving (train) the * model. Default is null.
--random-seed integer
The random seed for randomly selecting a proportion of the * instance list for training Default is 0.
--orders comma-separated-integers
List of label Markov orders (main and backoff) Default is * 1.
--forbidden regular-expression
If label-1,label-2 matches * the expression, the corresponding transition is forbidden. * Default is \\s (nothing forbidden).
--allowed regular-expression
If label-1,label-2 does not * match the expression, the corresponding expression is * forbidden. Default is .* (everything allowed).
--default-label string
Label for initial context and uninteresting tokens. * Default is O.
--viterbi-output boolean
Print Viterbi periodically during training. Default is * false.
--fully-connected boolean
Include all allowed transitions, even those not in * training data. Default is true.
--n-best positive-integer
Number of answers to output when applying model. Default * is 1.
--include-input boolean
Whether to include input features when printing decoding * output. Default is false.
* Remaining arguments: * * @exception Exception * if an error occurs */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Reader trainingFile = null, testFile = null; InstanceList trainingData = null, testData = null; int restArgs = commandOptions.processOptions(args); if (restArgs == args.length) { commandOptions.printUsage(true); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing data file(s)"); } if (trainOption.value) { trainingFile = new FileReader(new File(args[restArgs])); if (testOption.value != null && restArgs < args.length - 1) testFile = new FileReader(new File(args[restArgs + 1])); } else testFile = new FileReader(new File(args[restArgs])); Pipe p = null; CRF crf = null; TransducerEvaluator eval = null; if (continueTrainingOption.value || !trainOption.value) { if (modelOption.value == null) { commandOptions.printUsage(true); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing model file option"); } ObjectInputStream s = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream( modelOption.value)); crf = (CRF) s.readObject(); s.close(); p = crf.getInputPipe(); } else { p = new SimpleTaggerSentence2FeatureVectorSequence(); p.getTargetAlphabet().lookupIndex(defaultOption.value); } BufferedReader bufferedFile = new BufferedReader(trainingFile); String trainingInput = ""; String line; while ((line = bufferedFile.readLine()) != null) { trainingInput += line + "\n"; } trainingInput += ""; File descriptor = new File(descriptorOption.value); XMLInputSource xmlInput = new XMLInputSource(descriptor); AnalysisEngineDescription description = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parseAnalysisEngineDescription(xmlInput); // read descriptor from disk and initialize a new annotator AnalysisEngine ae = UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine(description); JCas cas = null; try { // to process cas = ae.newJCas(); cas.setDocumentText(trainingInput); ae.process(cas); } catch (AnalysisEngineProcessException aepe) { throw new Exception("Text analysis failed.", aepe); } catch (ResourceInitializationException rie) { throw new Exception("Text analysis failed.", rie); } // TODO: filter to only train on sentences that contain nouns with known categories FeatureExtractor fe = new NounCountabilityFeatureExtractor(); String trainingString = ""; final AnnotationIndex sentIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(SentenceAnnotation.type); final AnnotationIndex tokenIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(Token.type); final Iterator sit = sentIndex.iterator(); while (sit.hasNext()) { final Iterator tit = tokenIndex.subiterator(sit.next()); List tokenlist = new ArrayList(); while (tit.hasNext()) { Token t = tit.next(); tokenlist.add(t); } List featuresList = fe.extract(tokenlist, true, " ", "^NN$"); for (int i = 0; i < featuresList.size(); i++) { trainingString += featuresList.get(i) + "\n"; } } if (trainOption.value) { p.setTargetProcessing(true); trainingData = new InstanceList(p); trainingData.addThruPipe(new LineGroupIteratorFromString(trainingString, Pattern.compile("^\\s*$"), true)); logger.info("Number of features in training data: " + p.getDataAlphabet().size()); if (testOption.value != null) { if (testFile != null) { testData = new InstanceList(p); testData.addThruPipe(new LineGroupIterator(testFile, Pattern.compile("^\\s*$"), true)); } else { Random r = new Random(randomSeedOption.value); InstanceList[] trainingLists = trainingData.split(r, new double[] { trainingFractionOption.value, 1 - trainingFractionOption.value }); trainingData = trainingLists[0]; testData = trainingLists[1]; } } } else if (testOption.value != null) { p.setTargetProcessing(true); testData = new InstanceList(p); testData.addThruPipe(new LineGroupIterator(testFile, Pattern .compile("^\\s*$"), true)); } else { p.setTargetProcessing(false); testData = new InstanceList(p); testData.addThruPipe(new LineGroupIterator(testFile, Pattern .compile("^\\s*$"), true)); } logger.info("Number of predicates: " + p.getDataAlphabet().size()); if (testOption.value != null) { if (testOption.value.startsWith("lab")) eval = new TokenAccuracyEvaluator(new InstanceList[] { trainingData, testData }, new String[] { "Training", "Testing" }); else if (testOption.value.startsWith("seg=")) { String[] pairs = testOption.value.substring(4).split(","); if (pairs.length < 1) { commandOptions.printUsage(true); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing segment start/continue labels: " + testOption.value); } String startTags[] = new String[pairs.length]; String continueTags[] = new String[pairs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { String[] pair = pairs[i].split("\\."); if (pair.length != 2) { commandOptions.printUsage(true); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Incorrectly-specified segment start and end labels: " + pairs[i]); } startTags[i] = pair[0]; continueTags[i] = pair[1]; } eval = new MultiSegmentationEvaluator(new InstanceList[] { trainingData, testData }, new String[] { "Training", "Testing" }, startTags, continueTags); } else { commandOptions.printUsage(true); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid test option: " + testOption.value); } } if (p.isTargetProcessing()) { Alphabet targets = p.getTargetAlphabet(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Labels:"); for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) buf.append(" ").append(targets.lookupObject(i).toString()); logger.info(buf.toString()); } if (trainOption.value) { crf = train(trainingData, testData, eval, ordersOption.value, defaultOption.value, forbiddenOption.value, allowedOption.value, connectedOption.value, iterationsOption.value, gaussianVarianceOption.value, crf); if (modelOption.value != null) { ObjectOutputStream s = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(modelOption.value)); s.writeObject(crf); s.close(); } } else { if (crf == null) { if (modelOption.value == null) { commandOptions.printUsage(true); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing model file option"); } ObjectInputStream s = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream(modelOption.value)); crf = (CRF) s.readObject(); s.close(); } if (eval != null) test(new NoopTransducerTrainer(crf), eval, testData); else { boolean includeInput = includeInputOption.value(); for (int i = 0; i < testData.size(); i++) { Sequence input = (Sequence) testData.get(i).getData(); Sequence[] outputs = apply(crf, input, nBestOption.value); int k = outputs.length; boolean error = false; for (int a = 0; a < k; a++) { if (outputs[a].size() != input.size()) { System.err .println("Failed to decode input sequence " + i + ", answer " + a); error = true; } } if (!error) { for (int j = 0; j < input.size(); j++) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int a = 0; a < k; a++) buf.append(outputs[a].get(j).toString()) .append(" "); if (includeInput) { FeatureVector fv = (FeatureVector) input.get(j); buf.append(fv.toString(true)); } System.out.println(buf.toString()); } System.out.println(); } } } } } }