package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; /** * Extract features (mostly derived from Baldwin and Bond (2003)) for * use in noun countability classification. * * @author Adriane Boyd * */ public class NounCountabilityFeatureExtractor implements FeatureExtractor { // adapted from wikipedia list private Set determiners = new TreeSet(Arrays.asList( "another", "other", "different", "a", "an", "the", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "many", "much", "few", "little", "several", "most", "this", "that", "these", "those", "either", "neither", "each", "every", "any", "either", "whichever", "same", "some", "any", "which", "what", "whichever", "whatever", "lot", "of", "many", "several", "much", "no", "neither", "few", "little", "some", "all", "few", "many", "several", "some", "every", "each", "any", "no", "enough", "sufficient", "plenty", "only", "all", "both" )); public NounCountabilityFeatureExtractor() { // does this need to to anything? } /** * * @param tokenlist list of tokens from cas * @param sparse whether to return sparse features or only * @param sep string used to separate features * @param tags regex string to match POS tags to extract * features for * @return one string for each token annotated */ @Override public List extract(List tokenlist, boolean sparse, String sep, String posFilter) { List features = new ArrayList(); List tokens = new ArrayList(); List tags = new ArrayList(); List chunks = new ArrayList(); List lemmas = new ArrayList(); for(Token t : tokenlist) { tokens.add(t.getCoveredText()); tags.add(t.getTag()); chunks.add(t.getChunk()); lemmas.add(t.getLemma()); } /* features: * * direct from token sequence: * * - head noun number NUM * - modifier noun number NUM * - subject-verb agreement (N1 V2) * - coordinate noun number (N1 and N2) * - n of n construction number * - TYPE is the class of N1 in "N1 of N2": COLLECTIVE, LACK, TEMPORAL, etc. (?) * - occurrence in PPs (det or not?) * - pronoun co-occurrence * - PRO is one of the 12 third-person pronouns that occurs in the same sentence, normalized for case: * (equivalent?) * * from external lists gathered from corpora: * - singular determiners NUM * - what singular-selecting determiners occur with this noun in singular form * examples, need full list: a, another, each, much, little, NULL, one, numerous * - simplex determiners * - null determiner * - complex determiner * - numeric expressions * - adjectives * - plural determiners NUM * - what plural-selecting determiners occur with this noun in plural form * for count, plural only, and bipartite nouns * examples, need full list: few, these * - non-bounded determiners * - what non-bounded determiners occur in NPs headed by this target noun * determiners that select: * - singular form uncountable nouns (sufficient furniture) AND * - plural-form countable, plural only, and bipartite nouns (sufficient docs) * = 1284 feature values */ Set pronouns = new TreeSet(); pronouns.add("he"); pronouns.add("she"); pronouns.add("it"); pronouns.add("they"); pronouns.add("him"); pronouns.add("them"); pronouns.add("his"); pronouns.add("her"); pronouns.add("its"); pronouns.add("their"); pronouns.add("himself"); pronouns.add("herself"); pronouns.add("itself"); pronouns.add("themselves"); for (int i = 0; i < tokenlist.size(); i++) { Token t = tokenlist.get(i); String sparseFeatures = ""; String allFeatures = ""; if (!(t.getTag().matches(posFilter))) { continue; } boolean endOfChunk = true; boolean singular = true; Token nextT = null; if (i + 1 < tokenlist.size()) { if (tokenlist.get(i + 1).getChunk().charAt(0) == 'I') { endOfChunk = false; } nextT = tokenlist.get(i + 1); } // noun number (to get better stats) if (singular) { allFeatures += "SG" + sep; sparseFeatures += "NOUNNUM=SG" + sep; } else { allFeatures += "PL" + sep; sparseFeatures += "NOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } // head noun number (if noun == lemma, then singular, otherwise plural) // when noun is head noun (at right boundary of noun chunk) if (endOfChunk) { if (singular) { allFeatures += "SG" + sep; sparseFeatures += "HEADNOUNNUM=SG" + sep; } else { allFeatures += "PL" + sep; sparseFeatures += "HEADNOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } } else { allFeatures += "-" + sep; } // modifier noun number (if noun == lemma, then singular, otherwise plural) // when noun is modifier noun (not at right boundary of noun chunk) if (!endOfChunk){ if (singular) { allFeatures += "SG" + sep; sparseFeatures += "MODNOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } else { allFeatures += "PL" + sep; sparseFeatures += "MODNOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } } else { allFeatures += "-" + sep; } // subject-verb agreement if the next token starts a VP if (endOfChunk && nextT != null && nextT.getChunk().equals("B-VP")) { String subjNum = singular ? "SG" : "PL"; String verbNum = "UNK"; if (nextT.getTag().equals("VBZ")) { verbNum = "SG"; } else if (nextT.getTag().equals("VBP")) { verbNum = "PL"; } allFeatures += subjNum + verbNum + sep; sparseFeatures += "SUBJVERBAGR=" + subjNum + verbNum + sep; } else { allFeatures += "-" + sep; } // coordinate noun number String coordinateNounNum = "-" + sep + "-" + sep; if (endOfChunk && nextT != null && nextT.getTag().equals("CC")) { // get last token in next NP chunk int j = i + 2; Token endOfNextChunkT = null; if (j < tokenlist.size()) { if (tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().equals("B-NP")) { while (tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().matches("^I.*")) { j++; } endOfNextChunkT = tokenlist.get(j - 1); } } if (endOfNextChunkT != null) { String n1num = singular ? "SG" : "PL"; String n2num = "SG"; if (endOfNextChunkT.getCoveredText().toLowerCase().equals(endOfNextChunkT.getLemma().toLowerCase())) { coordinateNounNum = n1num + sep + n2num + sep; sparseFeatures += "COORDNOUNNUM=" + n1num + sep + "COORDNOUNNUM2=" + n2num + sep; } } } allFeatures += coordinateNounNum; // N of N constructions String nOfN = "-" + sep; // look for "of" to the left if (i - 1 >= 0 && tokenlist.get(i - 1).getLemma().toLowerCase().equals("of")) { if (i - 2 >= 0) { Token n1 = tokenlist.get(i - 2); // need to put n1 by lemma into a generic class (11?) nOfN = n1.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + t.getLemma().toUpperCase() + sep; sparseFeatures += "NOFN=" + n1.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + t.getLemma().toUpperCase() + sep; } } allFeatures += nOfN; // occurrence in PPs: // look for a preposition to the left as the beginning of a PP String occurInPP = "-" + sep; if (singular) { Token prep = null; String detPresent = "NODET"; // if there are parts of this NP to the left, look for a det int j = i - 1; if (t.getChunk().equals("I-NP")) { // look for preceeding determiner while (j >= 0 && !tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().equals("B-NP")) { // in case the det isn't the first word in the NP if (tokenlist.get(j).getTag().equals("DT")) { detPresent = "DET"; } j--; } // when the det is the first word in the NP if (j >= 0 && tokenlist.get(j).getTag().matches("DT")) { detPresent = "DET"; } j--; } // if this is a PP, then the previous word should be a prep if (j >= 0 && tokenlist.get(j).getTag().equals("IN") && tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().equals("B-PP")) { prep = tokenlist.get(j); } if (prep != null) { occurInPP = prep.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + detPresent + sep; sparseFeatures += "PPOCCUR=" + prep.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + detPresent + sep; } } allFeatures += occurInPP; // pronoun co-occurrence String nNum = singular ? "SG" : "PL"; Set foundPronouns = new TreeSet(); for (int j = 0; j < tokenlist.size(); j++) { if (pronouns.contains(tokenlist.get(j).getLemma())) { foundPronouns.add(tokenlist.get(j).getLemma()); } } for (String pro : pronouns) { if (foundPronouns.contains(pro)) { allFeatures += pro.toUpperCase() + "_" + nNum + sep; sparseFeatures += "PROOCCUR=" + pro.toUpperCase() + "_" + nNum + sep; } else { allFeatures += "-" + sep; } } // entire determiner String det = null; // first word in determiner String det1 = null; int j = i - 1; if (endOfChunk && t.getChunk().equals("I-NP")) { // look for the beginning of the current NP while (j >= 0 && !tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().equals("B-NP")) { j--; } // include as part of the determiner any determiner found from the beginning // of the NP until a non-determiner word is found boolean containsDet = true; while (j < i && containsDet) { // in case the det isn't the first word in the NP if (determiners.contains(tokenlist.get(j).getCoveredText().toLowerCase())) { if (det != null) { det += "_"; } else { det = ""; det1 = tokenlist.get(j).getCoveredText(); } det += tokenlist.get(j).getCoveredText(); } else { containsDet = false; } j++; } } else if (!endOfChunk) { det = "NA"; det1 = "NA"; } if (det != null) { allFeatures += det.toUpperCase() + sep; sparseFeatures += "DET=" + det.toUpperCase() + sep; } else { allFeatures += "NULL" + sep; } if (det1 != null) { allFeatures += det1.toUpperCase() + sep; sparseFeatures += "DET1=" + det1.toUpperCase() + sep; } else { allFeatures += "NULL" + sep; } if (sparse) { features.add(sparseFeatures); } else { features.add(allFeatures); } } return features; } }