package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; /** * Extract features (mostly derived from Baldwin and Bond (2003)) for * use in noun countability classification. * * @author Adriane Boyd * */ public class PassiveByPhraseFeatureExtractor implements FeatureExtractor { public PassiveByPhraseFeatureExtractor() { // does this need to to anything? } /** * * @param tokenlist list of tokens from cas * @param sparse whether to return sparse features or only * @param sep string used to separate features * @param tags regex string to match POS tags to extract * features for * @return one string for each token annotated */ @Override public List extract(List tokenlist, boolean sparse, String sep, String posFilter) { List features = new ArrayList(); List tokens = new ArrayList(); List tags = new ArrayList(); List chunks = new ArrayList(); List lemmas = new ArrayList(); for(Token t : tokenlist) { tokens.add(t.getCoveredText()); tags.add(t.getTag()); chunks.add(t.getChunk()); lemmas.add(t.getLemma()); } for (int i = 0; i < tokenlist.size(); i++) { Token t = tokenlist.get(i); String sparseFeatures = ""; String allFeatures = ""; if (!(t.getTag().matches(posFilter))) { continue; } boolean endOfChunk = true; boolean singular = true; Token nextT = null; if (i + 1 < tokenlist.size()) { if (tokenlist.get(i + 1).getChunk().charAt(0) == 'I') { endOfChunk = false; } nextT = tokenlist.get(i + 1); } // noun number (to get better stats) if (singular) { allFeatures += "SG" + sep; sparseFeatures += "NOUNNUM=SG" + sep; } else { allFeatures += "PL" + sep; sparseFeatures += "NOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } // head noun number (if noun == lemma, then singular, otherwise plural) // when noun is head noun (at right boundary of noun chunk) if (endOfChunk) { if (singular) { allFeatures += "SG" + sep; sparseFeatures += "HEADNOUNNUM=SG" + sep; } else { allFeatures += "PL" + sep; sparseFeatures += "HEADNOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } } else { allFeatures += "-" + sep; } // modifier noun number (if noun == lemma, then singular, otherwise plural) // when noun is modifier noun (not at right boundary of noun chunk) if (!endOfChunk){ if (singular) { allFeatures += "SG" + sep; sparseFeatures += "MODNOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } else { allFeatures += "PL" + sep; sparseFeatures += "MODNOUNNUM=PL" + sep; } } else { allFeatures += "-" + sep; } // subject-verb agreement if the next token starts a VP if (endOfChunk && nextT != null && nextT.getChunk().equals("B-VP")) { String subjNum = singular ? "SG" : "PL"; String verbNum = "UNK"; if (nextT.getTag().equals("VBZ")) { verbNum = "SG"; } else if (nextT.getTag().equals("VBP")) { verbNum = "PL"; } allFeatures += subjNum + verbNum + sep; sparseFeatures += "SUBJVERBAGR=" + subjNum + verbNum + sep; } else { allFeatures += "-" + sep; } // coordinate noun number String coordinateNounNum = "-" + sep + "-" + sep; if (endOfChunk && nextT != null && nextT.getTag().equals("CC")) { // get last token in next NP chunk int j = i + 2; Token endOfNextChunkT = null; if (j < tokenlist.size()) { if (tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().equals("B-NP")) { while (tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().matches("^I.*")) { j++; } endOfNextChunkT = tokenlist.get(j - 1); } } if (endOfNextChunkT != null) { String n1num = singular ? "SG" : "PL"; String n2num = "SG"; if (endOfNextChunkT.getCoveredText().toLowerCase().equals(endOfNextChunkT.getLemma().toLowerCase())) { coordinateNounNum = n1num + sep + n2num + sep; sparseFeatures += "COORDNOUNNUM=" + n1num + sep + "COORDNOUNNUM2=" + n2num + sep; } } } allFeatures += coordinateNounNum; // N of N constructions String nOfN = "-" + sep; // look for "of" to the left if (i - 1 >= 0 && tokenlist.get(i - 1).getLemma().toLowerCase().equals("of")) { if (i - 2 >= 0) { Token n1 = tokenlist.get(i - 2); // need to put n1 by lemma into a generic class (11?) nOfN = n1.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + t.getLemma().toUpperCase() + sep; sparseFeatures += "NOFN=" + n1.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + t.getLemma().toUpperCase() + sep; } } allFeatures += nOfN; // occurrence in PPs: // look for a preposition to the left as the beginning of a PP String occurInPP = "-" + sep; if (singular) { Token prep = null; String detPresent = "NODET"; // if there are parts of this NP to the left, look for a det int j = i - 1; if (t.getChunk().equals("I-NP")) { // look for preceeding determiner while (j >= 0 && !tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().equals("B-NP")) { // in case the det isn't the first word in the NP if (tokenlist.get(j).getTag().equals("DT")) { detPresent = "DET"; } j--; } // when the det is the first word in the NP if (j >= 0 && tokenlist.get(j).getTag().matches("DT")) { detPresent = "DET"; } j--; } // if this is a PP, then the previous word should be a prep if (j >= 0 && tokenlist.get(j).getTag().equals("IN") && tokenlist.get(j).getChunk().equals("B-PP")) { prep = tokenlist.get(j); } if (prep != null) { occurInPP = prep.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + detPresent + sep; sparseFeatures += "PPOCCUR=" + prep.getLemma().toUpperCase() + "_" + detPresent + sep; } } allFeatures += occurInPP; if (sparse) { features.add(sparseFeatures); } else { features.add(allFeatures); } } return features; } }