package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.uima.UimaContext; import org.apache.uima.analysis_component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.EmptyStringList; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.NonEmptyStringList; import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException; import werti.uima.types.annot.CGReading; import werti.uima.types.annot.CGToken; import werti.uima.types.annot.SentenceAnnotation; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; import werti.util.CasUtils; /** * Annotate a text using the external tools - hfst-based morph. analyser and vislcg3 * shallow syntactic parser. The locations of vislcg3 and the grammar are * provided by the activity. * * @author Niels Ott? * @author Adriane Boyd * @author Heli Uibo * @author Eduard Schaf * */ public class Vislcg3RusAnnotator extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Vislcg3RusAnnotator.class); //private final String CGSentenceBoundaryToken = "."; private String vislcg3Loc; private String vislcg3DisGrammarLoc; private String vislcg3SyntGrammarLoc; // currently not available //local paths: // private final String preprocessLoc = "/usr/bin/perl" + "./rus_resources/preprocess"; // deactivated // private final String hfstOptLookupLoc = "/usr/local/bin/hfst-optimized-lookup"; // private final String lookupFlags = "-q"; // "-q" = do not print output // not possible for the jar // private final String lookup2cgLoc = "/usr/bin/perl " + "./rus_resources/lookup2cg"; // replaced by cg-conv private final String cgConvLoc = "cg-conv"; private final String loadJar = "java -jar"; private final String jarOptLookupLoc = "./rus_resources/hfst-ol.jar"; private final String optHfstLoc = "./rus_resources/analyser-gt-desc.ohfst"; @Override public void initialize(UimaContext context) throws ResourceInitializationException { super.initialize(context); vislcg3Loc = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue("vislcg3Loc"); vislcg3DisGrammarLoc = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue("vislcg3DisGrammarLoc"); vislcg3SyntGrammarLoc = (String) context.getConfigParameterValue("vislcg3SyntGrammarLoc"); } @Override public void process(JCas jcas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { // stop processing if the client has requested it if (!CasUtils.isValid(jcas)) { return; } log.debug("Starting vislcg3 processing"); final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // collect original tokens here ArrayList originalTokens = new ArrayList(); FSIterator tokenIter = jcas.getAnnotationIndex(Token.type).iterator(); while (tokenIter.hasNext()) { originalTokens.add((Token); } // we do nothing with the sentences yet, so outcommented // collect original sentences here ArrayList originalSentences = new ArrayList(); // FSIterator sentIter = jcas.getAnnotationIndex(SentenceAnnotation.type).iterator(); // while (sentIter.hasNext()) { // originalSentences.add((SentenceAnnotation); // } // convert token list to cg input String cg3input = toCG3Input(originalTokens, originalSentences); //"cg3input:"+cg3input); // testing try { // run vislcg3"running vislcg3"); String cg3output = runFST_CG(cg3input); // was: runVislCG3(cg3input)"parsing CG output"); List newTokens = parseCGOutput(cg3output, jcas); if (newTokens.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("CG3 output is empty!"); } // assert that we got as many tokens back as we provided if (newTokens.size() != originalTokens.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Token list size mismatch: " + "Original tokens: " + originalTokens.size() + ", After CG3: " + newTokens.size()); }"Number of original tokens:"+originalTokens.size());"Number of new tokens:"+newTokens.size()); // complete new tokens with information from old ones for (int i = 0; i < originalTokens.size(); i++) { Token origT = originalTokens.get(i); CGToken newT = newTokens.get(i); // String reading = ""; // if(newT.getReadings().size() > 0){ // reading = newT.getReadings().get(0).toString(); // } // if(i > 1000 && i < 2001){ //"Original Token: "+origT.getCoveredText() + " At index =" + i + // "\tNew Token: "+origT.getCoveredText() + "\t CGToken: " + reading); // } //"Token: "+origT.getCoveredText()+" CGToken:"+reading); // testing copy(origT, newT); //"new token begins at: " + newT.getBegin()); // testing // update CAS jcas.removeFsFromIndexes(origT); jcas.addFsToIndexes(newT); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new AnalysisEngineProcessException(e); }"Finished visclg3 processing"); final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"Total execution time: " + (endTime - startTime)*0.001 + " seconds." ); } /* * helper for copying over information from Token to CGToken */ private void copy(Token source, CGToken target) { target.setBegin(source.getBegin()); target.setEnd(source.getEnd()); target.setTag(source.getTag()); target.setLemma(source.getLemma()); //target.setGerund(source.getGerund()); } /* * helper for converting Token annotations to a String for vislcg3 */ private String toCG3Input(List tokenList, List sentList) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // we do nothing with the sentences yet, so outcommented // figure out where sentences end in terms of positions in the text // Set sentenceEnds = new HashSet(); // // for (SentenceAnnotation s : sentList) { // sentenceEnds.add(s.getEnd()); // } //boolean atSentBoundary = true; for (Token t : tokenList) { //atSentBoundary = false; String coveredText = t.getCoveredText(); result.append(coveredText); result.append("\n"); // each token on a separate line // Add sentence boundaries after headings . Commented out for Russian right now // because the CG disambiguator does not add sentence boundaries. /*if (sentenceEnds.contains(t.getEnd()) && !coveredText.matches("[.!?()]+")) { result.append("\n" + CGSentenceBoundaryToken); atSentBoundary = true; }*/ } //"text to be parsed: "+result.toString()); return result.toString(); } /* * helper for running the pipeline consisting of external tools for morphological analysis * (FST) + morph. disambiguation + shallow syntactic analysis (CG). * The preprocessing (tokenisation) is done by OpenNlpTokenizer. */ private String runFST_CG(String input) throws IOException,InterruptedException { // get timestamp in milliseconds and use it in the names of the temporary files // in order to avoid conflicts between simultaneous users long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String inputfileLoc = "./rus_output/cg3AnalyserInputFiles/cg3AnalyserInput"+timestamp+".tmp"; String outputfileLoc = "./rus_output/cg3AnalyserOutputFiles/cg3AnalyserOutput"+timestamp+".tmp"; //create temporary files for saving cg3 input and output File inputfile = new File(inputfileLoc); inputfile.createNewFile(); File outputfile = new File(outputfileLoc); outputfile.createNewFile(); //create an input file object and write input (text to be analyzed) to the file cg3inputXXXXX.tmp Writer cg3inputfile = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(inputfileLoc), "UTF-8")); try { cg3inputfile.write(input); } finally { cg3inputfile.close(); } // compose text analysis pipeline and run a process // this was the previous version which required to install hfst on the computer (but it is faster) // when reading CG input from a file and writing CG output to another file: // String[] textAnalysisPipeline = { // "/bin/sh", // "-c", // "/bin/cat " + inputfileLoc + // //" | " + preprocessLoc + // disabled because it's causing miss alignment (removes original tokens) // " | " + hfstOptLookupLoc + " " + lookupFlags + " " + optHfstLoc + // " | " + cgConvLoc + // " | " + vislcg3Loc + " -g " + vislcg3DisGrammarLoc + // " > " + outputfileLoc}; // the newer version is using hfst-ol.jar to load the .ohfst files (ol = optimized lookup) // (but it is slower, due to command line use of the jar) // this can be improved when you manage to load it within java, using the interface // when reading CG input from a file and writing CG output to another file: String[] textAnalysisPipeline = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/cat " + inputfileLoc + //" | " + preprocessLoc + // disabled because it's causing miss alignment (removes original tokens) " | " + loadJar + " " + jarOptLookupLoc + " " + optHfstLoc + " | " + "tail -n+5" + // get rid of the header that hfst-ol.jar produces //" | " + lookup2cgLoc + " | " + cgConvLoc + " | " + vislcg3Loc + " -g " + vislcg3DisGrammarLoc + " > " + outputfileLoc}; // There was a problem with the syntactic rules, therefore using only disambiguation rules // right now. Otherwise, the following should be added to the pipeline: // " | " + vislcg3Loc + " -g " + vislcg3SyntGrammarLoc + // String[] textAnalysisPipeline = {"/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/echo \""+ input + "\" | " + // lookupLoc + " "+ lookupFlags + fstLoc + lookup2cgLoc + vislcg3Loc + " -g " + vislcg3GrammarLoc};"Text analysis pipeline: "+textAnalysisPipeline[2]); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(textAnalysisPipeline); process.waitFor(); String result = ""; byte[] encoded = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(outputfileLoc)); result = new String(encoded, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // delete temporary files: //inputfile.delete(); //outputfile.delete(); // // always keep the latest two input/output files, delete the oldest files // // File inputFileDir = new File("./rus_output/cg3AnalyserInputFiles/"); // File[] inputFiles = inputFileDir.listFiles(); // List inputFilesList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(inputFiles)); // // sort according to last modified date // inputFilesList.sort(new FileComparator()); // if(inputFilesList.size() == 3){ // // delete the oldest file, this is always the first element in the list // inputFilesList.get(0).delete(); // } // // File outputFileDir = new File("./rus_output/cg3AnalyserOutputFiles/"); // File[] outputFiles = outputFileDir.listFiles(); // List outputFilesList = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(outputFiles)); // // sort according to last modified date // outputFilesList.sort(new FileComparator()); // if(outputFilesList.size() == 3){ // // delete the oldest file, this is always the first element in the list // outputFilesList.get(0).delete(); // } return result; } /* * helper for parsing output from vislcg3 back into our CGTokens */ private List parseCGOutput(String cgOutput, JCas jcas) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); // current token and its readings CGToken current = null; ArrayList currentReadings = new ArrayList(); // read output line by line, eat multiple newlines String[] cgOutputLines = cgOutput.split("\n+"); for (int lineCount = 0; lineCount < cgOutputLines.length; lineCount++) { String line = cgOutputLines[lineCount]; // case 1: new cohort if (line.startsWith("\"<")) { if (current != null) { // save previous token current.setReadings(new FSArray(jcas, currentReadings.size())); int i = 0; for (CGReading cgr : currentReadings) { current.setReadings(i, cgr); i++; } result.add(current); } // create new token current = new CGToken(jcas); currentReadings = new ArrayList(); // case 2: a reading in the current cohort } else { CGReading reading = new CGReading(jcas); // split reading line into tags String[] temp = line.split("\\s+"); reading.setTail(new EmptyStringList(jcas)); reading.setHead(temp[temp.length-1]); // iterate backwards due to UIMAs prolog list disease for (int i = temp.length-2; i >= 0; i--) { if (temp[i].equals("")) { break; } // in order to extend the list, we have to set the old one as tail and the new element as head NonEmptyStringList old = reading; reading = new CGReading(jcas); reading.setTail(old); reading.setHead(temp[i]); } // add the reading currentReadings.add(reading); } } if (current != null) { // save last token current.setReadings(new FSArray(jcas, currentReadings.size())); int i = 0; for (CGReading cgr : currentReadings) { current.setReadings(i, cgr); i++; } result.add(current); } return result; } }