package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph; import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleDirectedGraph; import; import; import; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; import werti.util.Functional; import werti.util.Functional.Predicate; public final class AuxpassTransformation { private AuxpassTransformation() { } // don't want to instantiate this; it's all static. private static final Logger log = Logger .getLogger(AuxpassTransformation.class); private static int g_i = 0; // debugging index public static List apply(final Span start, final Morphg mg) { log.debug("Starting auxpass extraction on span " + start + "."); final List auxpassSpans = splitToAuxpassSubspans(start); log.debug("Auxpass extraction done."); log.debug("Starting nsubjpass & prep arc swapping"); final VerbVoiceConverter vvc = new VerbVoiceConverter(mg); for (Span s : auxpassSpans) { s.setSegments(swapObjSubj(s, vvc)); } log.debug("Done swapping"); // TODO: Fix verb tense with morphg. // TODO: Fix pronouns (him/he) log.debug("Printing subspans to files."); /*int i = 0; // 2nd debugging index for (final Span s : auxpassSpans) { if (s != null) s.printGraph(new File("dots/" + g_i + "-subspan-" + i++ + ".dot")); else log.warn("Encountered null span."); }*/ log.debug("Done printing subspans."); return auxpassSpans; } private static List swapObjSubj(final Span s, final VerbVoiceConverter vvc) { final Segment nsubjpass_root = getEdgeTarget(edgeNameIs("nsubjpass"), s.graph, s.graph.root); final Segment prepBy_root = getEdgeTarget(edgeNameIs("prepby"), s.graph, s.graph.root); Node prepByHeadNoun_root = null; if (prepBy_root != null) { prepByHeadNoun_root = (Node) getEdgeTarget(edgeNameIs("pobj"), s.graph, prepBy_root); } final Segment auxpass_root = getEdgeTarget(edgeNameIs("auxpass"), s.graph, s.graph.root); if (nsubjpass_root == null || prepBy_root == null || prepByHeadNoun_root == null) { return s.toList(); } boolean isQuestion = false; boolean isRelative = false; // figure out if this is a question or relative clause // questions: first word in sentence is WP // relative clauses: first word is WP, not first word in sentence if (s.toList().size() > 0) { Segment t = s.toList().get(0); if (t instanceof Node) { Node n = (Node) t; String tag = n.token.getTag(); if (n.token.getDepid() == 1 && tag.equals("WP")) { isQuestion = true; log.debug("Found a passive question: " + s.toList()); } else if (tag.equals("WP")) { isRelative = true; log.debug("Found a passive relative clause: " + s.toList()); } else if (tag.equals("WP$")) { // skip possessive relatives return s.toList(); } } } // find all the top-level verbs and intervening adverbs List verbnodes = new LinkedList(); List verbtokens = new LinkedList(); int rootId = ((Node) s.graph.root).token.getDepid(); boolean inVerb = false; for (Segment t : s.toList()) { if (t instanceof Node) { final Node n = (Node) t; if (n.token.getDephead() == rootId) { if (!inVerb && n.token.getDeprel().matches("aux(pass)?")) { // beginning of verb field verbnodes.add(n); inVerb = true; } else if (inVerb && n.token.getDepid() > rootId) { // past end of verb field inVerb = false; continue; } else if (inVerb) { // inside verb field verbnodes.add(n); } } } } verbnodes.add((Node) s.graph.root); // make a token list for the verb voice converter for (Node n : verbnodes) { verbtokens.add(n.token); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") final Map subgraphs = addSubspan(s, new LinkedList() { { add(nsubjpass_root); add(prepBy_root); } }, s.graph.root); Node verbnode = null; try { final String newverb = vvc.passiveToActive( prepByHeadNoun_root.token, verbtokens); verbnode = new Node(verbtokens.get(0), newverb); log.debug("Aaaand our new verb is: " + newverb); } catch (AnalysisEngineProcessException aepe) { log.fatal("Something screwed up our verb stuff."); } final List transformed = new LinkedList(); log.debug("Subgraph: " + s.graph.root); // FIXME: reenable questions if (isQuestion) { return s.toList(); } else if (!isRelative) { for (Segment t : subgraphs.get(s.graph.root)) { log.debug("Adding segment: " + t); if (t.equals(subgraphs.get(nsubjpass_root))) { // add subject transformed.add(convertSubjObj(elideBy(subgraphs.get(prepBy_root)), false)); } else if (t.equals(subgraphs.get(prepBy_root))) { // add object // TODO: fix relative clauses //final Iterator it = subgraphs.get(nsubjpass_root) // .iterator(); //if (!it.hasNext() || !"who") // || it.hasNext()) { // I feel dirty transformed.add(convertSubjObj(subgraphs.get(nsubjpass_root), true)); //} } else if (t.equals(auxpass_root)) { // add verb span in place of auxpass token transformed.add(verbnode); } else if (verbnodes.contains(t)) { // do not add any other tokens that were in the verb field } else { // add any unmodified tokens back transformed.add(t); } } } else { transformed.add(convertSubjObj(subgraphs.get(nsubjpass_root), true)); for (Segment t : subgraphs.get(s.graph.root)) { log.debug("Adding segment: " + t); if (t.equals(subgraphs.get(nsubjpass_root))) { // add subject transformed.add(convertSubjObj(elideBy(subgraphs.get(prepBy_root)), false)); } else if (t.equals(subgraphs.get(prepBy_root))) { // skip who-subject } else if (t.equals(auxpass_root)) { // add verb span in place of auxpass token transformed.add(verbnode); } else if (verbnodes.contains(t)) { // do not add any other tokens that were in the verb field } else { // add any unmodified tokens back transformed.add(t); } } } log.debug("Result is " + transformed); return transformed; } private static Span elideBy(final Span s) { final Iterator it = s.iterator(); final List rl = new LinkedList(); if (it.hasNext() &&"by")) { while (it.hasNext()) { rl.add(; } } else { return s; } return new Span(rl, s.graph); } /** * Subject-object conversion. * * @param s * @param subjToObj if true subj->obj, if false obj->subj * @return */ private static Span convertSubjObj(final Span s, final boolean subjToObj) { final PronounConverter pc = new PronounConverter(); final Iterator it = s.iterator(); final List rl = new LinkedList(); if (s.toList().size() == 1) { Segment t =; if (t instanceof Node && ((Node) t).token.getTag().matches("PR?P")) { Node n = (Node) t; String conv = ""; if (subjToObj) { conv = pc.subjToObj(n.token); } else { conv = pc.objToSubj(n.token); } log.debug("subj/obj: " + n.token.getCoveredText() + " " + conv); rl.add(new Node(n.token, conv)); } else { rl.add(t); } } else { return s; } return new Span(rl, s.graph); } private static Predicate edgeNameIs(final String n) { return new Predicate() { @Override public boolean check(Edge e) { return e.label.equals(n); } }; } private static Segment getEdgeTarget(Predicate p, WERTiGraph g, Segment root) { if (root != null) { final Collection edges = g.outgoingEdgesOf(root); for (Edge e : edges) { if (p.check(e)) { return g.getEdgeTarget(e); } } } return null; } private static List splitToAuxpassSubspans(final Span origin) { final Collection blockers = getAuxPassRootNodesOf(origin); final List rl = new LinkedList(); log.debug("Blockers are: " + blockers); final Map blockSpans = addSubspan(origin, blockers, origin.graph.root); final Set keys = blockSpans.keySet(); // we want root to be at position 0 in the list // TODO: why is the root at position 0 in this list? rl.add(blockSpans.get(origin.graph.root)); keys.remove(origin.graph.root); // now we can add the rest for (final Segment k : keys) { rl.add(blockSpans.get(k)); } return rl; } private static Map addSubspan(Span origin, Collection blockers, Segment root) { log.debug("Creating subspan for " + origin + " with root: " + root + "."); log.debug("blockers: " + blockers); final Map subspanMap = new HashMap(); final TreeIT it = new TreeIT( origin.graph, root); final List tokens = new LinkedList(); final DirectedGraph g = new SimpleDirectedGraph( Edge.class); { final Segment root_ =; tokens.add(root_); // dirty, but it does the job of adding the root // element g.addVertex(root_); } // to avoid looping recursively. while (it.hasNext()) { final Segment s; final Segment original_s; log.debug("outer: " + it.peek()); if (blockers.contains(it.peek())) { original_s = it.skip(); log.debug("original_s 1: " + original_s); if (!subspanMap.containsKey(original_s)) { log.debug("original_s 2: " + original_s); subspanMap.putAll(addSubspan(origin, blockers, original_s)); } s = subspanMap.get(original_s); } else { s =; log.debug("in else: " + s); original_s = s; } log.debug("Adding segment " + s); tokens.add(s); g.addVertex(s); for (final Edge e : origin.graph.incomingEdgesOf(original_s)) { final Segment head = origin.graph.getEdgeSource(e); if (g.containsVertex(head)) { g.addEdge(head, s, e); } else log.warn("Couldn't find vertex in subgraph: " + head); } } Collections.sort(tokens, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Segment a, Segment b) { return a.begin - b.begin; } }); subspanMap.put(root, new Span(tokens, new WERTiGraph(g, root))); log.debug("Created subspan map with " + subspanMap.size() + " members."); return subspanMap; } private static Collection getAuxPassRootNodesOf(final Span root) { final Collection rns = new LinkedList(); for (final Segment s : root) { final Collection auxpassesOfS = Functional.filter( root.graph.outgoingEdgesOf(s), new Predicate() { @Override public boolean check(final Edge e) { return e.label.equals("auxpass"); } }); if (!auxpassesOfS.isEmpty()) { rns.add(s); } } return rns; } /* private static Span uncapitalize(final Span s) { final Iterator it = s.iterator(); final List rl = new LinkedList(); Segment t =; if (t instanceof Node) { Node n = (Node) t; if (n.token.getTag().matches("(NPS?|NNPS?)")) { String conv = StringTools.uncapitalizeFirstLetter(n.token.getCoveredText()); rl.add(new Node(n.token, conv)); } else { rl.add(t); } } while (it.hasNext()) { t =; rl.add(t); } return new Span(rl, s.graph); }*/ }