package werti.uima.enhancer; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.uima.analysis_component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import werti.uima.types.Enhancement; import werti.uima.types.annot.RelevantText; import werti.util.CasUtils; import werti.util.EnhancerUtils; /** * An enhancer that adds classes for HTML content types. * Only for development purposes. * * @author Adriane Boyd * @version 0.1 */ public class HTMLContentTypeEnhancer extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HTMLContentTypeEnhancer.class); /** * Iterate over all RelevantTexts in the CAS and examine their * htmlContentTypes. * * @param cas The document's CAS. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void process(JCas cas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { // stop processing if the client has requested it if (!CasUtils.isValid(cas)) { return; } int id = 0; log.debug("Starting HTML content type enhancement"); final FSIndex textIndex = cas.getAnnotationIndex(RelevantText.type); final Iterator tit = textIndex.iterator(); log.debug("Feature Structure index size: " + textIndex.size()); RelevantText t; while (tit.hasNext()) { t =; if (t.getHtmlContentType() == null) { log.debug("Encountered token with NULL tag"); continue; } final Enhancement e = new Enhancement(cas); e.setBegin(t.getBegin()); e.setEnd(t.getEnd()); e.setRelevant(true); id++; e.setEnhanceStart(""); e.setEnhanceEnd(""); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("Enhanced " + t.getCoveredText() + " with tag " + t.getHtmlContentType() + " with id " + id); } e.addToIndexes(); } log.debug("Finished HTML content type enhancement"); } }