The following papers are included in this directory: * Detmar Meurers, Ramon Ziai, Luiz Amaral, Adriane Boyd, Aleksandar Dimitrov, Vanessa Metcalf, Niels Ott (2010). Enhancing Authentic Web Pages for Language Learners. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, NAACL-HLT 2010, Los Angeles. * Aleksandar Dimitrov (2008). Rebuilding WERTi: Providing a Platform for Second Language Acquisition Assistance. Technical report, Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen. * Niels Ott and Ramon Ziai (2008). ICALL Activities for Gerunds vs. To-infinitives: A Constraint Grammar-based Extension to the New WERTi System. Term paper for the course Using Natural Language Processing to Foster Language Awareness in Second Language Learning, Universität Tübingen, Summer 2008. * Vanessa Metcalf and Detmar Meurers (2006). Generating Web-based English Preposition Exercises from Real-World Texts. EUROCALL 2006. Granada, Spain. September 4–7, 2006. * Luiz Amaral, Vanessa Metcalf, Detmar Meurers (2006). Language Awareness through Re-use of NLP Technology. Pre-conference Workshop on NLP in CALL – Computational and Linguistic Challenges. CALICO 2006. University of Hawaii. May 17, 2006. These papers are also linked from the current WERTi website: