package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; /** * Convert verbs between active and passive voice, keeping track of * intervening adverbs. * * @author Adriane Boyd * */ public class VerbVoiceConverter { private static final Logger log = LogManager.GetLogger(VerbVoiceConverter.class); private Morphg mg; public VerbVoiceConverter(Morphg amg) { mg = amg; } public String activeToPassive(Token subj, List verb) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { List tensed = new ArrayList(); List adverbs = new ArrayList(); List untensed = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < verb.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { tensed.add(verb.get(i)); } else { if (!verb.get(i).getTag().matches("^(V|MD).*")) { adverbs.add(verb.get(i)); } else { untensed.add(verb.get(i)); } } } // if we don't have a tensed verb, abort if (tensed.size() == 0) { return ""; } String mainVerb = ""; if (untensed.size() == 0) { mainVerb = tensed.get(0).getLemma().toLowerCase(); } else { mainVerb = untensed.get(untensed.size() - 1).getLemma().toLowerCase(); } // get all the relevant verb forms to make tense detection easier String input = mainVerb + "+ing_VBG" + "\t" + mainVerb + "+ed_VBD" + "\t" + mainVerb + "+en_VBN"; String output = mg.process(input); String[] outputParts = output.split("\\t"); String baseVerb = mainVerb; String gerundVerb = outputParts[0]; String pastVerb = outputParts[1]; String ppVerb = outputParts[2]; /* important tense distinctions, that depend on the form of the * main verb and the length of the verb list * * pres present find * cont continuous is/was/has been finding * past past found * perf perfect (will)? have/had found * modal future/modal will/can find */ String tense = ""; boolean doSupport = false; if (untensed.size() == 0) { // one main verb if (tensed.get(0).getCoveredText().matches("(?i)" + pastVerb)) { tense = "past"; } else { tense = "pres"; } } else { // multiple verbs // check for "do", which will be removed in the passive by // treating the main verb as a single form if (tensed.get(0).getLemma().equals("do")) { doSupport = true; if (tensed.get(0).getCoveredText().matches("(?i)do(es)?")) { tense = "pres"; } else { tense = "past"; } } else { Token t = untensed.get(untensed.size() - 1); if (t.getCoveredText().matches("(?i)" + baseVerb)) { tense = "modal"; } else if (t.getCoveredText().matches("(?i)" + ppVerb)) { tense = "perf"; } else if (t.getCoveredText().matches("(?i)" + gerundVerb)) { tense = "cont"; } } } String finalTensed = ""; String finalUntensed = ""; String agr = getNPAgr(subj); if (tense.equals("pres") || tense.equals("past")) { if (tense.equals("pres")) { if (agr.equals("1s")) { finalTensed = "am"; } else if (agr.equals("3s")) { finalTensed = "is"; } else { finalTensed = "are"; } } else { if (agr.equals("1s") || agr.equals("3s")) { finalTensed = "was"; } else { finalTensed = "were"; } } if (doSupport) { finalUntensed = ppVerb; } else { finalTensed += " " + ppVerb; } } else { // otherwise, we can leave the tensed verb as is (except for person/number) // and just worry adding "be" to the untensed list finalTensed = tensed.get(0).getCoveredText(); String adjustedAux = adjustAuxVerbAgr(finalTensed, agr); if (!adjustedAux.equals("")) { finalTensed = adjustedAux; } for (int i = 0; i < untensed.size() - 1; i++) { finalUntensed += untensed.get(i).getCoveredText() + " "; } if (tense.equals("cont")) { finalUntensed += "being " + ppVerb; } else if (tense.equals("perf")) { finalUntensed += "been " + ppVerb; } else if (tense.equals("modal")) { finalUntensed += "be " + ppVerb; } } String finalAdverbs = ""; for (Token t : adverbs) { finalAdverbs += t.getCoveredText() + " "; } finalAdverbs = finalAdverbs.trim(); String convertedVerb = finalTensed + " " + finalAdverbs + " " + finalUntensed; convertedVerb = convertedVerb.replaceAll(" N'T", "N'T"); convertedVerb = convertedVerb.replaceAll("(?i) n't", "n't"); convertedVerb = convertedVerb.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); return convertedVerb; } public String passiveToActive(Token subj, List verb) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringBuffer subS = new StringBuffer(); final StringBuffer vrbS = new StringBuffer(); subS.append(subj.getCoveredText()+" "); for (final Token t:verb) { vrbS.append(t.getCoveredText()+" "); } log.debug("Subj is {}; Verb is {}", subS, vrbS); } List tensed = new ArrayList(); List adverbs = new ArrayList(); List untensed = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < verb.size(); i++) { if (i == 0) { tensed.add(verb.get(i)); } else { if (!verb.get(i).getTag().matches("^(V|MD).*")) { adverbs.add(verb.get(i)); } else { untensed.add(verb.get(i)); } } } // all passives involve at least two tokens in the verb form, // if we don't have at least two tokens, abort if (tensed.size() == 0 || untensed.size() < 1) { return ""; } String mainVerb = untensed.get(untensed.size() - 1).getLemma().toLowerCase(); // get all the relevant verb forms String input = mainVerb + "+s_VBZ" + "\t" + mainVerb + "+ing_VBG" + "\t" + mainVerb + "+ed_VBD"; String output = mg.process(input); String[] outputParts = output.split("\\t"); String pres3sVerb = outputParts[0]; String gerundVerb = outputParts[1]; String pastVerb = outputParts[2]; /* important tense distinctions, that depend on the form of "be" * immediately preceding the past participle * * pres present is found * cont continuous is/was/has been/etc. being found * past past was found * perf perfect (will)? have/had been found * modal future/modal will/can be found */ String tense = ""; if (tensed.size() + untensed.size() == 2) { if (tensed.get(0).getCoveredText().matches("(?i)(was|were)")) { tense = "past"; } else { tense = "pres"; } } else { for (int i = untensed.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Token t = untensed.get(i); if (t.getLemma().matches("(?i)be")) { if (t.getCoveredText().matches("(?i)be")) { tense = "modal"; } else if (t.getCoveredText().matches("(?i)been")) { tense = "perf"; } else if (t.getCoveredText().matches("(?i)being")) { tense = "cont"; } } } } String finalTensed = ""; String finalUntensed = ""; String agr = getNPAgr(subj); if (tense.equals("pres") || tense.equals("past")) { if (tense.equals("pres")) { if (agr.equals("3s")) { finalTensed = pres3sVerb; } else { finalTensed = untensed.get(0).getLemma(); } } else { finalTensed = pastVerb; } } else { // otherwise, we can leave the tensed verb as is (except for person/number) // and just worry about removing "be" from the untensed list finalTensed = tensed.get(0).getCoveredText(); String adjustedAux = adjustAuxVerbAgr(finalTensed, agr); if (!adjustedAux.equals("")) { finalTensed = adjustedAux; } for (int i = 0; i < untensed.size() - 2; i++) { finalUntensed += untensed.get(i).getCoveredText() + " "; } if (tense.equals("cont")) { finalUntensed += gerundVerb; } else if (tense.equals("perf")) { finalUntensed += untensed.get(untensed.size() - 1).getCoveredText(); } else if (tense.equals("modal")) { finalUntensed += untensed.get(untensed.size() - 1).getLemma(); } } String finalAdverbs = ""; for (Token t : adverbs) { finalAdverbs += t.getCoveredText() + " "; } finalAdverbs = finalAdverbs.trim(); String convertedVerb = finalTensed + " " + finalAdverbs + " " + finalUntensed; convertedVerb = convertedVerb.replaceAll(" N'T", "N'T"); convertedVerb = convertedVerb.replaceAll("(?i) n't", "n't"); convertedVerb = convertedVerb.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); return convertedVerb; } /** * A quick analysis of the person/number of an NP. * * @param np * @return abbreviated string (e.g., "1s", "2p") representing the person/number */ private String getNPAgr(Token noun) { String tag = noun.getTag(); if (tag.matches("(NN|NN?P)")) { return "3s"; } else if (tag.matches("(NNS|NN?PS)")) { return "3p"; } if (tag.matches("PRP")) { String pro = noun.getCoveredText().toLowerCase(); if (pro.equals("I") || pro.equals("me")) { return "1s"; } else if (pro.equals("you")) { return "2s"; } else if (pro.equals("he") || pro.equals("she") || pro.equals("him") || pro.equals("her") || pro.equals("it")) { return "3s"; } else if (pro.equals("we") || pro.equals("us")) { return "1p"; } else if (pro.equals("they") || pro.equals("them")) { return "3p"; } } return ""; } /** * Given person/number of subject, adjust person/number of * auxiliary verbs. * * @param tensedText * @param agr * @return */ private String adjustAuxVerbAgr(String tensedText, String agr) { String finalTensed = ""; if (tensedText.matches("(?i)(has|have)")) { if (agr.equals("3s")) { finalTensed = "has"; } else { finalTensed = "have"; } } else if (tensedText.matches("(?i)(am|are|is)")) { if (agr.equals("1s")) { finalTensed = "am"; } else if (agr.equals("3s")) { finalTensed = "is"; } else { finalTensed = "are"; } } else if (tensedText.matches("(?i)(was|were)")) { if (agr.equals("1s") || agr.equals("3s")) { finalTensed = "was"; } else { finalTensed = "were"; } } return finalTensed; } }