package werti.uima.enhancer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.uima.UimaContext; import org.apache.uima.analysis_component.JCasAnnotator_ImplBase; import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException; import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIterator; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException; import werti.server.WERTiServlet; import werti.uima.types.Enhancement; import werti.uima.types.annot.CGReading; import werti.uima.types.annot.CGToken; import werti.util.CasUtils; import werti.util.EnhancerUtils; import werti.util.StringListIterable; import werti.util.Constants; /** * The output from the CG3 analysis from {@link} * is being used to enhance spans corresponding to the tags specified by the topic * and the activity that was chosen by the user. * In this case the topic is North Sámi nouns in plural form, use the patterns * in the method process() to extract the correct tokens for enhancement. * * @author Niels Ott? * @author Adriane Boyd * @author Heli Uibo * @author Eduard Schaf * */ public class Vislcg3ConNegEnhancer extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase { private static final Logger log = LogManager.GetLogger(Vislcg3ConNegEnhancer.class); private List connegTags; private static String CHUNK_BEGIN_SUFFIX = "-B"; private static String CHUNK_INSIDE_SUFFIX = "-I"; private final String lookupLoc = Constants.lookup_Loc; private final String lookupFlags = Constants.lookup_Flags; private final String invertedFST = Constants.inverted_FST; private final String FST = Constants.an_FST; //list of tags to be removed from analyses because these are not present in generator-norm String[] tags_tbr = { "+Err/Orth", "+Err/Orth-a-á", "+Err/Orth-nom-gen", "+Err/Orth-nom-acc", "+Err/CmpSub", "+Err/MissingSpace", "+Err/MissingHyph", "+Err/Hyph", "+Err/SpaceCmp", "+Err/Spellrelax", "+Allegro", //this is a regex to find all possible tags of the type: "\\+<([a-zA-Z]*+_*+)*+>" }; @Override public void initialize(UimaContext context) throws ResourceInitializationException {"ConNeg tags {}", connegTags); super.initialize(context); connegTags = Arrays.asList(((String)context.getConfigParameterValue("connegTags")).split(",")); } @Override public void process(JCas cas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException { // stop processing if the client has requested it if (!CasUtils.isValid(cas)) { return; } String enhancement_type = WERTiServlet.enhancement_type; // colorize, click, mc or cloze - chosen by the user and sent to the servlet as a request parameter"Starting ConNeg enhancement {}.", enhancement_type); long generatingDistractorsTotalTime = 0; final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Pattern posPattern = Pattern.compile("V\\+"); Pattern number_casePattern = Pattern.compile("Ind\\+Prs\\+ConNeg|Ind\\+Prt\\+ConNeg"); Map classCounts = new HashMap(); FSIterator cgTokenIter = cas.getAnnotationIndex(CGToken.type).iterator(); // get timestamp in milliseconds and use it in the names of the temporary files in order to avoid conflicts between simultaneous users long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); //String cg3GeneratorInputFileLoc = "./output/cg3GeneratorInput"+timestamp+".tmp"; //String cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc = "./output/cg3GeneratorOutput"+timestamp+".tmp"; String cg3GeneratorInputFileLoc = Constants.cg3GeneratorInputFile_Loc; String cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc = Constants.cg3GeneratorOutputFile_Loc; //create temporary files for saving cg3 input and output \ File cg3GeneratorInputFile = new File(cg3GeneratorInputFileLoc); File cg3GeneratorOutputFile = new File(cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc); try { cg3GeneratorInputFile.createNewFile(); cg3GeneratorOutputFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } Map wordToSpanMap = new HashMap(); boolean isMcActivity = enhancement_type.equals("mc"); boolean isClozeActivity = enhancement_type.equals("cloze"); try { Writer cg3GeneratorInputWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cg3GeneratorInputFileLoc), "UTF-8")); Writer cg3GeneratorInputWriterCloze = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cg3GeneratorInputFileLoc), "UTF-8")); // go through tokens while (cgTokenIter.hasNext()) { CGToken cgt = (CGToken); //String hintTag = ""; boolean isValidReading = false; String reading_str = ""; String lemma = ""; // select from all readings the first occurrence that is matching pos and number for(int i = 0; i < cgt.getReadings().size(); i++){ CGReading currentReading = cgt.getReadings(i); //"This is the lemma ={}", reading.getHead()); StringListIterable readingIterator = new StringListIterable(currentReading); String currentReadingString = ""; for (String rtag : readingIterator) { currentReadingString += "+" + rtag; } if(!isValidReading){ Matcher posMatcher = posPattern.matcher(currentReadingString); Matcher numberMatcher = number_casePattern.matcher(currentReadingString); if(posMatcher.find() && numberMatcher.find()){ isValidReading = true; // remove the first "+" and quotes reading_str = currentReadingString.substring(1).replace("\"", ""); //"This reading can be considered={}", currentReadingString); // the lemma is the first element of the reading string lemma = reading_str.split("\\+")[0]; } } } if(isValidReading){"This reading will be used={}", reading_str); String distractors = ""; String lemma_and_analyses = ""; // id's with the "+" symbol have to be escaped, thats why we use a "-" instead String spanReadingString = reading_str.replace("+", "-"); // The "<" and ">"symbols also cause problems because these are the tag opening / closing symbol. spanReadingString = spanReadingString.replace("<" ,"x"); spanReadingString = spanReadingString.replace(">" ,"y"); MutableInt idCount = classCounts.get(spanReadingString); if (idCount == null) { classCounts.put(spanReadingString, new MutableInt()); } else { idCount.increment(); } // create a word with begin and end of the current CGToken Word word = new Word(cgt.getBegin(), cgt.getEnd()); String spanTagStart = ""; // was: wertiviewhit SpanTag spanTag = new SpanTag(spanTagStart); spanTag.addAttribute("lemma", lemma); wordToSpanMap.put(word, spanTag); if (isMcActivity) { // generate the distractors, with lemma, number and case and save in a file String analyses_str = reading_str.replace("+", ""); distractors = writeMorphologicalForms(analyses_str); cg3GeneratorInputWriter.write(distractors); // write the marker that separates the current distractors from others cg3GeneratorInputWriter.write("ñôŃßĘńŠē\n"); // write the word to the file in order to assign the correct distractors to the correct span cg3GeneratorInputWriter.write(word.toString()); } else if (isClozeActivity) { // extract lemma and analyses from reading_str and write to file lemma_and_analyses = writeLemmaAndAnalyses(reading_str); cg3GeneratorInputWriterCloze.write(lemma_and_analyses); // write the marker that separates the current lemma+analyses from others cg3GeneratorInputWriterCloze.write("ñôŃßĘńŠē\n"); // write the word to the file in order to assign the correct distractors to the correct span cg3GeneratorInputWriterCloze.write(word.toString()); } else{ // make new enhancement, pass it to the cas Enhancement e = new Enhancement(cas); e.setRelevant(true); e.setBegin(word.getBegin()); e.setEnd(word.getEnd()); e.setEnhanceStart(spanTag.getSpanTagStart()); e.setEnhanceEnd(spanTag.getSpanTagEnd()); // update CAS cas.addFsToIndexes(e); //"Enhancement={}", e); // testing } } } cg3GeneratorInputWriter.close(); cg3GeneratorInputWriterCloze.close(); if(isMcActivity){ // generate distractors only when the activity is "mc" (multiple choice) String[] generationPipeline = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/cat " + cg3GeneratorInputFileLoc + " | " + lookupLoc + " " + lookupFlags + " " + invertedFST + " > " + cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc};"Distractor generation pipeline: {}", generationPipeline[2]); final long startTimeGenerator = System.currentTimeMillis(); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(generationPipeline); process.waitFor(); generateSpanTagWithDistractors(cas, cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc, wordToSpanMap); final long endTimeGenerator = System.currentTimeMillis(); generatingDistractorsTotalTime += (endTimeGenerator - startTimeGenerator); } if(isClozeActivity){ // generate possible forms from lemma and analyses String[] generationPipeline = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/cat " + cg3GeneratorInputFileLoc + " | " + lookupLoc + " " + lookupFlags + " " + invertedFST + " > " + cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc}; final long startTimeGenerator = System.currentTimeMillis(); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(generationPipeline); process.waitFor(); generateSpanTagWithPossibleForms(cas, cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc, wordToSpanMap); final long endTimeGenerator = System.currentTimeMillis(); generatingDistractorsTotalTime += (endTimeGenerator - startTimeGenerator); } // delete the temporary files cg3GeneratorInputFile.delete(); cg3GeneratorOutputFile.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"Finished ConNeg enhancement."); final long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"Total execution time: {} seconds.", (endTime - startTime)*0.001);"Generating the distractforms takes in total: {} seconds.", generatingDistractorsTotalTime * 0.001); } private String removeTags(String input_str) { for (int h=0; h0) { generationInput += reading_str.substring(0, reading_str.indexOf("@")-1)+"\n"; } else { generationInput += reading_str+"\n"; } //if generationInput contains tags_tbr, remove it generationInput = removeTags(generationInput); //"generation input:{}", generationInput); return generationInput; } private String writeLemmaAndAnalyses(String reading_str) { String lemma_str = reading_str.substring(0, reading_str.indexOf("+")); String an_tmp = reading_str.substring(reading_str.indexOf("+")+1, reading_str.length()); String analyses_str = an_tmp.replace("+", ""); //remove @ only if it is in analyses_str (otherwise get "String index out of range" error) if (analyses_str.indexOf("@")>0) { analyses_str = analyses_str.substring(0, analyses_str.indexOf("@")-1); } String lem_and_an = lemma_str + "+" + analyses_str + "\n"; //if analyses contains tags_tbr, remove it lem_and_an = removeTags(lem_and_an); return lem_and_an; } private void generateSpanTagWithDistractors(JCas cas, String cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc, Map wordToSpanMap){ try { BufferedReader cg3GeneratorOutputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc), "UTF8")); String generatorOutput = ""; Word currentWord = new Word(); String distractforms = ""; String[] splitted_go = {""}; while (cg3GeneratorOutputReader.ready()) { String line = cg3GeneratorOutputReader.readLine().trim(); if(line.isEmpty()){ continue; } // generator output was processed, all distractors are created // assign the distractors to the correct span from the wordToSpanMap else if(line.startsWith("Word")){ // only enhance tokens with more than one distractor form if(!distractforms.isEmpty()){ String[] lineParts = line.split("\\s"); int begin = Integer.parseInt(lineParts[1]); int end = Integer.parseInt(lineParts[2]); currentWord = new Word(begin, end); SpanTag spanTag = wordToSpanMap.get(currentWord);"spantag before adding distractors:{}", spanTag); spanTag.addAttribute("distractors", distractforms); spanTag.addAttribute("answer", splitted_go[splitted_go.length-1]); // make new enhancement, pass it to the cas Enhancement e = new Enhancement(cas); e.setRelevant(true); e.setBegin(begin); e.setEnd(end); e.setEnhanceStart(spanTag.getSpanTagStart()); e.setEnhanceEnd(spanTag.getSpanTagEnd()); // update CAS cas.addFsToIndexes(e);"Enhancement={}", e); // testing } } // the marker (ñôŃßĘńŠē) was found, begin to process the generator output, create distractors else if(line.contains("ñôŃßĘńŠē")){ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(generatorOutput); splitted_go = generatorOutput.split("\\s"); generatorOutput = ""; String word = ""; distractforms = ""; // the distractorsSet's purpose is to filter out duplicates HashSet distractorsSet = new HashSet(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { word = tok.nextToken(); //"ifst output:{}", word); // forms that could not be generated are excluded, as well as input strings of the iFST if (!word.contains("+") && !word.contains("-") && distractorsSet.add(word)) { distractforms += word + " "; } else{ //"Word that was excluded = {}", word); } } // remove the whitespace at the end distractforms = distractforms.trim(); // exclude the distractor if its only one, you need at least 2 distractors for mc if(distractorsSet.size() < 2) { distractforms = ""; } else { //"This are the chosen distractforms={}", distractforms); } } // the generator output for the current token is not fully extracted from the file yet else{ generatorOutput += line + " "; } } cg3GeneratorOutputReader.close(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void generateSpanTagWithPossibleForms(JCas cas, String cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc, Map wordToSpanMap){ try { BufferedReader cg3GeneratorOutputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(cg3GeneratorOutputFileLoc), "UTF8")); String generatorOutput = ""; Word currentWord = new Word(); String possible_forms = ""; while (cg3GeneratorOutputReader.ready()) { String line = cg3GeneratorOutputReader.readLine().trim(); if(line.isEmpty()){ continue; } // generator output was processed, all possible forms are created // assign the possible forms to the correct span from the wordToSpanMap else if(line.startsWith("Word")){ if(!possible_forms.isEmpty()){ String[] lineParts = line.split("\\s"); int begin = Integer.parseInt(lineParts[1]); int end = Integer.parseInt(lineParts[2]); currentWord = new Word(begin, end); SpanTag spanTag = wordToSpanMap.get(currentWord); //Commenting next ln to reduce output in catalina.out //"spantag before adding forms:{}", spanTag); spanTag.addAttribute("possibleforms", possible_forms); // make new enhancement, pass it to the cas Enhancement e = new Enhancement(cas); e.setRelevant(true); e.setBegin(begin); e.setEnd(end); e.setEnhanceStart(spanTag.getSpanTagStart()); e.setEnhanceEnd(spanTag.getSpanTagEnd()); // update CAS cas.addFsToIndexes(e); //"Enhancement={}", e); // testing } } // the marker (ñôŃßĘńŠē) was found, begin to process the generator output, create distractors else if(line.contains("ñôŃßĘńŠē")){ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(generatorOutput); generatorOutput = ""; String word = ""; possible_forms = ""; // the distractorsSet's purpose is to filter out duplicates HashSet possible_formsSet = new HashSet(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { word = tok.nextToken(); //"ifst output:{}", word); // forms that could not be generated are excluded, as well as input strings of the iFST if (!word.contains("+") && !word.contains("-") && possible_formsSet.add(word)) { possible_forms += word + " "; } else{ //"Word that was excluded = {}", word); } } // remove the whitespace at the end possible_forms = possible_forms.trim(); } // the generator output for the current token is not fully extracted from the file yet else{ generatorOutput += line + " "; } } cg3GeneratorOutputReader.close(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This class represents a mutable integer value, which is especially useful * and fast for counting frequencies inside a map. * * @author Eduard Schaf * */ public class MutableInt { int value = 1; // note that we start at 1 since we're counting /** * Increment the mutable int by one. */ public void increment () { ++value; } /** * Get the value of the mutable int. * @return the mutable int value. */ public int get () { return value; } } /** * This class represents a word of two integers * which are begin and end. They are used to store * the offsets of a given Token. * * @author Eduard Schaf * */ public class Word { private int begin; private int end; public Word(int begin, int end) { this.begin = begin; this.end = end; } public Word() { this.begin = 0; this.end = 0; } public int getBegin() { return begin; } public void setBegin(int begin) { this.begin = begin; } public int getEnd() { return end; } public void setEnd(int end) { this.end = end; } @Override public String toString() { return "Word " + begin + " " + end + "\n"; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode(); result = prime * result + begin; result = prime * result + end; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Word other = (Word) obj; if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType())) return false; if (begin != other.begin) return false; if (end != other.end) return false; return true; } private Vislcg3ConNegEnhancer getOuterType() { return Vislcg3ConNegEnhancer.this; } } /** * This class represents a SpanTag consisting out of * the span start tag with possibility to add attributes to the span tag * and the span end tag. It is the span surrounding the * token that is being enhanced. * * @author Eduard Schaf * */ public class SpanTag{ private String spanTagStart; private String spanTagEnd; public SpanTag(String spanTagStart) { this.spanTagStart = spanTagStart; this.spanTagEnd = ""; } public String getSpanTagStart() { return spanTagStart; } public void setSpanTagStart(String spanTagStart) { this.spanTagStart = spanTagStart; } public void addAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue) { this.spanTagStart = this.spanTagStart.replace(">", attributeName + "=\"" + attributeValue + "\">"); } public String getSpanTagEnd() { return spanTagEnd; } public void setSpanTagEnd(String spanTagEnd) { this.spanTagEnd = spanTagEnd; } @Override public String toString() { return "SpanTag [spanTagStart=" + spanTagStart + ", spanTagEnd=" + spanTagEnd + "]"; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((spanTagEnd == null) ? 0 : spanTagEnd.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((spanTagStart == null) ? 0 : spanTagStart.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; SpanTag other = (SpanTag) obj; if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType())) return false; if (spanTagEnd == null) { if (other.spanTagEnd != null) return false; } else if (!spanTagEnd.equals(other.spanTagEnd)) return false; if (spanTagStart == null) { if (other.spanTagStart != null) return false; } else if (!spanTagStart.equals(other.spanTagStart)) return false; return true; } private Vislcg3ConNegEnhancer getOuterType() { return Vislcg3ConNegEnhancer.this; } } }