/* First created by JCasGen Tue Mar 08 10:31:47 CET 2022 */ package werti.uima.types; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas; import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCasRegistry; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP_Type; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSList; import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP; import werti.uima.types.annot.Token; /** A node annotation, representing both leaf nodes of a graph, as well as internal nodes. Note that this node type can represent n-ary circular graphs, including multiple parent nodes. Any restriction to this, if it is desired, should originate from the implementation. * Updated by JCasGen Tue Mar 08 10:31:47 CET 2022 * XML source: /home/trond/gt/main/apps/teaksta/sme/desc/vislcg3TypeSystem.xml * @generated */ public class Node extends TOP { /** @generated * @ordered */ public final static int typeIndexID = JCasRegistry.register(Node.class); /** @generated * @ordered */ public final static int type = typeIndexID; /** @generated */ public int getTypeIndexID() {return typeIndexID;} /** Never called. Disable default constructor * @generated */ protected Node() {} /** Internal - constructor used by generator * @generated */ public Node(int addr, TOP_Type type) { super(addr, type); readObject(); } /** @generated */ public Node(JCas jcas) { super(jcas); readObject(); } /** * Write your own initialization here * @generated modifiable */ private void readObject() {} //*--------------* //* Feature: token /** getter for token - gets The token this edge represents, or null. In case this node represents a token, this will be a Token, otherwise null. * @generated */ public Token getToken() { if (Node_Type.featOkTst && ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeat_token == null) jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("token", "werti.uima.types.Node"); return (Token)(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSForRef(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getRefValue(addr, ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_token)));} /** setter for token - sets The token this edge represents, or null. In case this node represents a token, this will be a Token, otherwise null. * @generated */ public void setToken(Token v) { if (Node_Type.featOkTst && ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeat_token == null) jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("token", "werti.uima.types.Node"); jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setRefValue(addr, ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_token, jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSRef(v));} //*--------------* //* Feature: parents /** getter for parents - gets A list of edges representing links to the node's parents. * @generated */ public FSList getParents() { if (Node_Type.featOkTst && ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeat_parents == null) jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("parents", "werti.uima.types.Node"); return (FSList)(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSForRef(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getRefValue(addr, ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_parents)));} /** setter for parents - sets A list of edges representing links to the node's parents. * @generated */ public void setParents(FSList v) { if (Node_Type.featOkTst && ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeat_parents == null) jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("parents", "werti.uima.types.Node"); jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setRefValue(addr, ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_parents, jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSRef(v));} //*--------------* //* Feature: children /** getter for children - gets A list of edges, representing the node's children. * @generated */ public FSList getChildren() { if (Node_Type.featOkTst && ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeat_children == null) jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("children", "werti.uima.types.Node"); return (FSList)(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSForRef(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getRefValue(addr, ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_children)));} /** setter for children - sets A list of edges, representing the node's children. * @generated */ public void setChildren(FSList v) { if (Node_Type.featOkTst && ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeat_children == null) jcasType.jcas.throwFeatMissing("children", "werti.uima.types.Node"); jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setRefValue(addr, ((Node_Type)jcasType).casFeatCode_children, jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFSRef(v));} }