Usage: ====== The files are named 1-9 and a-... To make analysers (m1 for the 1 files, m2 for the 2 ones, etc.), write: make -f m1 To test analysis: lookup 1.fst To test generation: lookup i1.fst Or, eventually: echo sáni | lookup 1.fst Explanation =========== This folder is for lexc and twolc studies. The goal is to experiment with toy analysers, 1.lexc for morphology and 1.twolc for phonology, etc. (there are several files so that several students of the same course may check in work independently of each other) The point with this folder lies in the makefiles: Each lexc/twolc file pair has it own makefile, so that it is easy to make analysers, as shown with the make command above. Be prepared that other students may use the same file as you. If you want to save what you have done, it might be a good idea to save it to a separate file. Alternatively, if you check in your work, you will find it in the svn log. In order to get some hints, you may have a look at all .lexc or .twolc files: cat *.lexc | less xfst vs. hfst ============= The explanation above is if you have xfst compilers. If you want to use hfst compilers, write make -f h1 etc. and analyse with hfst-lookup 1.hfst etc.