# Divvun & Giellatekno - open source grammars for Sámi and other languages # Copyright © 2000-2013 The University of Tromsø # http://giellatekno.uit.no & http://divvun.no # # This program is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify # this file under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. The GNU General Public License # is found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html. It is # also available in the file $GTHOME/LICENSE.txt. # # Other licensing options are available upon request, please contact # giellatekno@hum.uit.no or divvun@hum.uit.no # ==================================================================== # # N O R T H E R N S Á M I D I S A M B I G U A T O R # ==================================================================== # # ==================================================================== # Sámi language technology project 2003-2013, University of Tromsø # # =============== # #!! !!!DELIMITERS # =============== # DELIMITERS = "<.>" "" "" "<...>" "<¶>"; #!! Sentence delimiters are the following: <.> <...> <¶> #PARENTHESES = "<$(>" "<$)>" "<$[>" "<$]>" "<${>" "<$}>" "<$«>" "<$»>" ; # ================== # #!! !!!TAGS AND SETS # ================== # SETS #!! !!Tags #!! This section lists all the tags inherited from the fst, and used as tags #!! in the syntactic analysis. The next section, __Sets__, contains sets defined #!! on the basis of the tags listed here, those set names are not visible in the output. # Tags declared as single-membered LISTs # ====================================== #!! !Beginning and end of sentence LIST BOS = (>>>) () ; #!! BOS LIST EOS = (<<<) () ; #!! EOS # We define end of clause and beginning of clause in a way so that the file # may be read both by the CG-2 and the vislcg formalisms. # CG3 doesn´t function without >>> and <<< ! #!! !Parts of speech tags LIST N = N ; #!! N LIST A = A ; #!! A LIST Adv = Adv ; #!! Adv LIST V = V ; #!! V LIST Pron = Pron ; #!! Pron LIST CS = CS ; #!! CS LIST CC = CC ; #!! CC SET CC-CS = CC OR CS ; LIST Po = Po ; #!! Po LIST Pr = Pr ; #!! Pr LIST Pcle = Pcle ; #!! Pcle LIST Num = Num ; #!! Num LIST Interj = Interj ; #!! Interj LIST ABBR = ABBR ; #!! ABBR LIST ACR = ACR ; #!! ACR LIST CLB = CLB ; #!! CLB LIST LEFT = LEFT ; #!! LEFT LIST RIGHT = RIGHT ; #!! RIGHT LIST WEB = WEB ; #!! WEB LIST QMARK = """ ; # " LIST PPUNCT = PUNCT ; #!! PUNCT SET PUNCT = PPUNCT - QMARK ; LIST COMMA = "," ; LIST ¶ = ¶; #LIST V* = V* ; #!! !Tags for POS sub-categories LIST Pers = Pers ; #!! Pers LIST Dem = Dem ; #!! Dem LIST Interr = Interr ; #!! Interr LIST Indef = Indef ; #!! Indef LIST Recipr = Recipr ; #!! Recipr LIST Refl = Refl ; #!! Refl LIST Rel = Rel ; #!! Rel LIST Coll = Coll ; #!! Coll LIST NomAg = NomAg ; #!! NomAg LIST G3 = G3 ; #!! G3 LIST Prop = Prop ; #!! Prop #!! !Tags for morphosyntactic properties LIST Nom = Nom ; #!! Nom LIST Acc = Acc ; #!! Acc LIST Gen = Gen ; #!! Gen LIST Ill = Ill ; #!! Ill LIST Loc = Loc ; #!! Loc LIST Com = Com ; #!! Com LIST Ess = Ess ; #!! Ess LIST Sg = Sg ; #!! Sg LIST Du = Du ; #!! Du LIST Pl = Pl ; #!! Pl LIST RCmpnd = RCmpnd ; #!! RCmpnd LIST Cmpnd = Cmpnd ; #!! Cmpnd LIST SgNomCmp = SgNomCmp ; #!! SgNomCmp LIST SgGenCmp = SgGenCmp ; #!! SgGenCmp LIST ShCmp = ShCmp ; #!! ShCmp LIST PxSg1 = PxSg1 ; #!! PxSg1 LIST PxSg2 = PxSg2 ; #!! PxSg2 LIST PxSg3 = PxSg3 ; #!! PxSg3 LIST PxDu1 = PxDu1 ; #!! PxDu1 LIST PxDu2 = PxDu2 ; #!! PxDu2 LIST PxDu3 = PxDu3 ; #!! PxDu3 LIST PxPl1 = PxPl1 ; #!! PxPl1 LIST PxPl2 = PxPl2 ; #!! PxPl2 LIST PxPl3 = PxPl3 ; #!! PxPl3 LIST Comp = Comp ; #!! Comp LIST Superl = Superl ; #!! Superl LIST Attr = Attr ; #!! Attr LIST Ord = Ord ; #!! Ord LIST Qst = Qst ; #!! Qst LIST IV = IV ; #!! IV LIST TV = TV ; #!! TV LIST Prt = Prt; #!! Prt LIST Prs = Prs ; #!! Prs LIST Ind = Ind ; #!! Ind LIST Pot = Pot ; #!! Pot LIST Cond = Cond ; #!! Cond LIST Imprt = Imprt ; #!! Imprt LIST ImprtII = ImprtII ; #!! ImprtII LIST Sg1 = Sg1 ; #!! Sg1 LIST Sg2 = Sg2 ; #!! Sg2 LIST Sg3 = Sg3 ; #!! Sg3 LIST Du1 = Du1 ; #!! Du1 LIST Du2 = Du2 ; #!! Du2 LIST Du3 = Du3 ; #!! Du3 LIST Pl1 = Pl1 ; #!! Pl1 LIST Pl2 = Pl2 ; #!! Pl2 LIST Pl3 = Pl3 ; #!! Pl3 LIST Inf = Inf ; #!! Inf LIST ConNeg = ConNeg ; #!! ConNeg LIST Neg = Neg ; #!! Neg LIST PrfPrc = PrfPrc ; #!! PrfPrc LIST VGen = VGen ; #!! VGen LIST PrsPrc = PrsPrc ; #!! PrsPrc LIST Ger = Ger ; #!! Ger LIST Sup = Sup ; #!! Sup LIST Actio = Actio ; #!! Actio LIST VAbess = VAbess ; #!! # The ("ge" Pcle) etc. are used in Apertium #!! !Tags for clitic particles LIST Foc/ge = Foc/ge ("ge" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/ge LIST Foc/gen = Foc/gen ("gen" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/gen LIST Foc/ges = Foc/ges ("ges" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/ges LIST Foc/gis = Foc/gis ("gis" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/gis LIST Foc/naj = Foc/naj ("naj" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/naj LIST Foc/ba = Foc/ba ("ba" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/ba LIST Foc/be = Foc/be ("be" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/be LIST Foc/hal = Foc/hal ("hal" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/hal LIST Foc/han = Foc/han ("han" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/han LIST Foc/bat = Foc/bat ("bat" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/bat LIST Foc/son = Foc/son ("son" Pcle) ; #!! Foc/son #!! !Derivation tags LIST Der/PassL = Der/PassL ; LIST Der/Pass = Der/PassL Der/PassS ; #!! Der/PassL Der/PassS LIST Der/NomAg = Der/NomAg ; #!! Der/NomAg LIST Actor = NomAg Der/NomAg ; #!! NomAg LIST Der/adda = Der/adda ; #!! Der/adda LIST Der/ahtti = Der/ahtti ; #!! Der/ahtti LIST Der/alla = Der/alla ; #!! Der/alla LIST Der/asti = Der/asti ; #!! Der/asti LIST Der/easti = Der/easti ; #!! Der/easti LIST Der/d = Der/d ; #!! Der/d LIST Der/eaddji = Der/eaddji ; #!! Der/eaddji LIST Der/eamoš = Der/eamoš ; #!! Der/eamoš LIST Der/amoš = Der/amoš ; #!! Der/amoš LIST Der/geahtes = Der/geahtes ; #!! Der/geahtes LIST Der/gielat = Der/gielat ; #!! Der/gielat LIST Der/NuA = Der/NuA ; #!! Der/NuA (what is NuA?) LIST Der/h = Der/h ; #!! Der/h LIST Der/heapmi = Der/heapmi ; #!! Der/heapmi LIST Der/hudda = Der/hudda ; #!! Der/hudda LIST Der/huhtti = Der/huhtti ; #!! Der/huhtti LIST Der/huvva = Der/huvva ; #!! Der/huvva LIST Der/halla = Der/halla ; #!! Der/halla LIST Der/j = Der/j ; #!! Der/j LIST Der/l = Der/l ; #!! Der/l LIST Der/laš = Der/laš ; #!! Der/laš LIST Der/las = Der/las ; #!! Der/las LIST Der/hat = Der/hat ; #!! Der/hat LIST Der/meahttun = Der/meahttun ; #!! Der/meahttun LIST Der/muš = Der/muš ; #!! Der/muš LIST Der/NomAct = Der/NomAct ; #!! Der/NomAct LIST Der/st = Der/st ; #!! Der/st LIST Der/stuvva = Der/stuvva ; #!! Der/stuvva LIST Der/upmi = Der/upmi ; #!! Der/upmi LIST Der/supmi = Der/supmi ; #!! Der/supmi LIST Der/vuohta = Der/vuohta ; #!! Der/vuohta LIST Der/goahti = Der/goahti ; #!! Der/goahti LIST Der/lágan = Der/lágan ; #!! Der/lágan LIST Der/lágán = Der/lágán ; #!! Der/lágán LIST Der/lágaš = Der/lágaš ; #!! Der/lágaš LIST Der/jagáš = Der/jagáš ; #!! Der/jagáš LIST Der/jahkásaš = Der/jahkásaš ; #!! Der/jahkásaš LIST Der/diibmosaš = Der/diibmosaš ; #!! Der/diibmosaš LIST Der/dássásaš = Der/dássásaš ; #!! Der/dássásaš LIST Der/A = Der/A ; #!! Der/A LIST Der/Dimin = Der/Dimin ; #!! Der/Dimin LIST Der/viđá = Der/viđá ; #!! Der/viđá LIST Der/viđi = Der/viđi ; #!! Der/viđi LIST Der/veara = Der/veara ; #!! Der/veara LIST Der/duohke = Der/duohke ; #!! Der/duohke LIST Der/duohkai = Der/duohkai ; #!! Der/duohkai LIST Der/vuolle = Der/vuolle ; #!! Der/vuolle LIST Der/vuollai = Der/vuollai ; #!! Der/vuollai LIST Der/vuolde = Der/vuolde ; #!! Der/vuolde LIST = ; #!! #!! !Semantic tags LIST Sem/Act = Sem/Act Sem/Act_Group Sem/Act_Plc Sem/Act_Route; #Activity #Ollet guhká dainna X-Com (Veaigin bisánasttii Ristenge geahččat, man guhkás Lemet-gázzi juo ledje ollen dainna divvunbargguin.) # bargu LIST Sem/Amount = Sem/Amount Sem/Amount_Build Sem/Amount_Semcon; LIST Sem/Ani = Sem/Ani Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum Sem/Body Sem/Body-abstr Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon Sem/Body_Body-abstr Sem/Body_Clth Sem/Body_Food Sem/Body_Group_Hum Sem/Body_Hum Sem/Body_Mat Sem/Body_Measr Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch Sem/Body_Plc Sem/Body_Time ; #Animal #bivdit X-Loc veahki. LIST Sem/Aniprod = Sem/Aniprod Sem/Aniprod_Hum Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys Sem/Aniprod_Plc ; LIST Sem/Body = Sem/Body Sem/Body_Body-abstr Sem/Body_Clth Sem/Body_Food Sem/Body_Group_Hum Sem/Body_Hum Sem/Body_Mat Sem/Body_Measr Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch Sem/Body_Plc Sem/Body_Time ; #Body #Buohkat ceggejedje gieđa. Mon gal attán dutnje bealji vuollái. Go duos dás speččohallá bahtii de gal buollá bargomokta! Čuolda basttii sus alemii. LIST Sem/Body-abstr = Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum Sem/Body-abstr Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon Sem/Body_Body-abstr ; # jierbmi, siellu, ... LIST Sem/Build = Sem/Amount_Build Sem/Ani_Build Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt Sem/Build Sem/Build_Build-part Sem/Build_Clth-part Sem/Build_Edu_Org Sem/Build_Event_Org Sem/Build_Org Sem/Build_Route ; #Build #Sem #Syn: hukset X deike LIST Sem/Build-part = Sem/Ani_Build-part Sem/Build-part Sem/Build-part_Plc Sem/Build_Build-part ; #Building part, e.g. room #Sem:+con,+count,-mova #Syn: mannat X sisa LIST Sem/Cat = Sem/Cat ; LIST Sem/Clth = Sem/Body_Clth Sem/Clth Sem/Clth_Hum ; #Clothes #Sem #bidjat X ala/badjelii. LIST Sem/Clth-jewl = Sem/Clth-jewl Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr Sem/Clth-jewl_Money Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant Sem/Org_Clth-jewl Sem/Clth-jewl_Org ; #Clothes jewelry #Synt: bidjat X ala. *bidjat X badjelii. LIST Sem/Clth-part = Sem/Build_Clth-part Sem/Clth-part ; LIST Sem/Ctain = Sem/Ctain Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys Sem/Ctain_Furn Sem/Ctain_Tool Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr ; #Container #Sem:+mova #Syn: bidjat juoidá X sisa LIST Sem/Ctain-abstr = Sem/Ctain-abstr Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org ; LIST Sem/Ctain-clth = Sem/Ctain-clth Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh ; LIST Sem/Curr = Sem/Clth-jewl_Curr Sem/Curr Sem/Curr_Org; #Syn: Mun mávssan dasa 100 X. Dat máksá 100 X. LIST Sem/Date = Sem/Date ; LIST Sem/Dance = Sem/Dance Sem/Dance_Org Sem/Dance_Prod-audio ; #Ollugat dánso swinga lávddi ovddabeale. LIST Sem/Dir = Sem/Dir ; LIST Sem/Domain = Sem/Domain Sem/Domain_Food-med Sem/Domain_Prod-audio; LIST Sem/Drink = Sem/Drink ; LIST Sem/Edu = Sem/Build_Edu_Org Sem/Edu Sem/Edu_Event Sem/Edu_Group_Hum Sem/Edu_Mat Sem/Edu_Org ; # vázzit X-Acc. addit X-Acc. X:s lea beroštupmi. LIST Sem/Event = Sem/Build_Event_Org Sem/Edu_Event Sem/Event Sem/Event_Food Sem/Event_Hum Sem/Event_Plc Sem/Event_Time ; # X maŋŋel mun ferten vuolgit. X:s leat ollu olbmot. *Lean leamaš doppe X:Gen. #LIST Sem/Feat-cogn = Sem/Feat-cogn ; # oaidnu, oamedovdu, viissisvuohta #LIST Sem/Feat-phys = Sem/Feat-phys ; # oaidnu LIST Sem/Feat = Sem/Feat Sem/Feat_Plant ; #many -vuohta and -dat nouns LIST Sem/Feat-measr = Sem/Feat-measr ; LIST Sem/Feat-phys = Sem/Ctain_Feat-phys Sem/Feat-phys Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write Sem/Feat-phys_Veh Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr ; LIST Sem/Feat-psych = Sem/Feat-psych Sem/Feat-psych_Hum ; #not touchable, not countable ("beroštupmi" "gáđašvuohta" "mokta" "sáhkkiivuohta") - Mus lea X, Son lea X-adj persovdna # muitu LIST Sem/Fem = Sem/Fem ; LIST Sem/Food = Sem/Body_Food Sem/Event_Food Sem/Food Sem/Food_Perc-phys Sem/Food_Plant ; #Syn: bassit/borrat/sohpat X-Acc. mon im læk borram dam guolest. mun boran iđitbiepmu. mus lea iđitbiebmu fárus. birgui borastuvvat LIST Sem/Food-med = Sem/Domain_Food-med Sem/Food-med ; LIST Sem/Furn = Sem/Ctain_Furn Sem/Furn ; #Syn: bidjat X vissui: čohkkedit X ala LIST Sem/Game = Sem/Game Sem/Game_Obj-play ; LIST Sem/Geom = Sem/Geom Sem/Geom_Obj ; LIST Sem/Group = Sem/Act_Group Sem/Ani_Group Sem/Ani_Group_Hum Sem/Body_Group_Hum Sem/Edu_Group_Hum Sem/Group Sem/Group_Hum Sem/Group_Hum_Org Sem/Group_Hum_Plc Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis Sem/Group_Org Sem/Group_Sign Sem/Group_Txt ; #Bárdni lea riggámus sogas. -Plc LIST Sem/Hum = Sem/Ani_Body-abstr_Hum Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt Sem/Ani_Group_Hum Sem/Ani_Hum Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc Sem/Ani_Hum_Time Sem/Aniprod_Hum Sem/Body_Group_Hum Sem/Body_Hum Sem/Clth_Hum Sem/Edu_Group_Hum Sem/Event_Hum Sem/Feat-psych_Hum Sem/Group_Hum Sem/Group_Hum_Org Sem/Group_Hum_Plc Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis Sem/Hum Sem/Hum_Lang Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc Sem/Hum_Lang_Time Sem/Hum_Obj Sem/Hum_Org Sem/Hum_Plant Sem/Hum_Plc Sem/Hum_Tool Sem/Hum_Veh Sem/Hum_Wthr ; #Human #LIST Sem/Hum-kin = Sem/Hum-kin ; #Human kinship LIST Sem/Hum-abstr = Sem/Hum-abstr ; LIST Sem/Ideol = Sem/Ideol ; LIST Sem/Lang = Sem/Lang ; #Syn: hállat X:illatiiva. Son hállá X:Acc. Jorgalan dán X:lokatiiva Y:illatiiva. LIST Sem/Mal = Sem/Mal ; LIST Sem/Mat = Sem/Body_Mat Sem/Edu_Mat Sem/Mat Sem/Mat_Plant Sem/Mat_Txt ; # Material #Sem: cannot pass through it without destroying it, ráhkadit juoidá X:s. Niibi lea X-Loc-Sg. #Dán báhkis šaddá čáppa gohppu. LIST Sem/Measr = Sem/Body_Measr Sem/Measr Sem/Measr_Time ; # Lea lassánan 100 X-Loc. LIST Sem/Money = Sem/Clth-jewl_Money Sem/Money Sem/Money_Obj Sem/Money_Txt ; #Mun mávssán X. Mii ávžžuhit vuovdit alimus X-Ill (haddái). ruhtadit doaibmabušeahtain. vuovdit/bidjat ruđast - selge for penger LIST Sem/Obj = Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch Sem/Geom_Obj Sem/Hum_Obj Sem/Money_Obj Sem/Obj Sem/Obj_Semcon Sem/Obj_State ; # concrete object, movable #Syn: Mun guoskkán X-Acc. Dá livčče dutnje X-Nom (sabehat). čievččastit geađggi johkii #LIST Sem/Obj-com = Sem/Obj-com ; #communication object #hálan telefuvnnas/e-poasttas #sádden X bokte LIST Sem/Obj-clo = Sem/Aniprod_Obj-clo Sem/Obj-clo ; #bidjat juoidá Obj-clo sisa LIST Sem/Obj-cogn = Sem/Obj-cogn ; LIST Sem/Obj-el = Sem/Obj-el ; # moveable, countable, touchable, electrical objects that can be turned on and of, mus lea X alde, mun bijan X ala LIST Sem/Obj-ling = Sem/Obj-ling ; LIST Sem/Obj-play = Sem/Obj-play Sem/Game_Obj-play Sem/Obj-play_Sport ; LIST Sem/Obj-rope = Sem/Obj-rope ; LIST Sem/Obj-surfc = Sem/Obj-surfc ; LIST Sem/Org = Sem/Build_Edu_Org Sem/Build_Event_Org Sem/Build_Org Sem/Ctain-abstr_Org Sem/Curr_Org Sem/Dance_Org Sem/Edu_Org Sem/Group_Hum_Org Sem/Group_Org Sem/Hum_Org Sem/Org Sem/Org_Clth-jewl Sem/Org_Rule Sem/Org_Txt Sem/Org_Veh Sem/Clth-jewl_Org ; LIST Sem/Part = Sem/Part Sem/Part_Prod-cogn ; # bealli, oassi LIST Sem/Perc-cogn = Sem/Perc-cogn ; LIST Sem/Perc-emo = Sem/Perc-emo ; #Sem not touchable, not countable ("ballu" "suhttu" "vaši") - Mun dovddan garra X. Mun lean X+Loc # moraš LIST Sem/Perc-phys = Sem/Aniprod_Perc-phys Sem/Food_Perc-phys Sem/Perc-phys Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr ; # anistupmi, oaidnu LIST Sem/Perc-psych = Sem/Perc-psych ; LIST Sem/Plant = Sem/Clth-jewl_Plant Sem/Ctain-clth_Plant Sem/Feat_Plant Sem/Food_Plant Sem/Hum_Plant Sem/Mat_Plant Sem/Plant Sem/Plant_Tool Sem/Plant_Tool-measr ; #čáhccet X-Acc #X-Nom šaddet LIST Sem/Plant-part = Sem/Plant_Plant-part Sem/Plant-part ; #čáhccet X-Acc #X-Nom šaddet LIST Sem/Plc = Sem/Act_Plc Sem/Ani_Hum_Plc Sem/Ani_Plc Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt Sem/Aniprod_Plc Sem/Body_Plc Sem/Build-part_Plc Sem/Event_Plc Sem/Group_Hum_Plc Sem/Hum_Lang_Plc Sem/Hum_Plc Sem/Plc Sem/Plc_Pos Sem/Plc_Route Sem/Plc_Substnc Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr Sem/Plc_Time Sem/Plc_Tool-catch Sem/Plc_Wthr; LIST Sem/Plc-abstr = Sem/Plc-abstr Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State Sem/Plc-abstr_Route ; LIST Sem/Plc-elevate = Sem/Plc-elevate ; LIST Sem/Plc-line = Sem/Plc-line ; LIST Sem/Plc-water = Sem/Plc-water ; LIST Sem/Pos = Sem/Plc_Pos Sem/Pos ; #Social position (job etc.) LIST Sem/Process = Sem/Process ; LIST Sem/Prod = Sem/Prod ; #jáhkku LIST Sem/Prod-audio = Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon Sem/Dance_Prod-audio Sem/Domain_Prod-audio Sem/Prod-audio Sem/Prod-audio_Txt ; #attáldat LIST Sem/Prod-cogn = Sem/Part_Prod-cogn Sem/Prod-cogn Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt ; # muittuhus, ipmárdus, jáhkku, osku, vuordámuš, viisodat? diehtu? LIST Sem/Prod-ling = Sem/Prod-ling ; LIST Sem/Prod-vis = Sem/Group_Hum_Prod-vis Sem/Prod-vis ; LIST Sem/Rel = Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State Sem/Rel ; LIST Sem/Route = Sem/Act_Route Sem/Build_Route Sem/Plc-abstr_Route Sem/Plc_Route Sem/Route ; LIST Sem/Rule = Sem/Org_Rule Sem/Rule ; LIST Sem/Semcon = Sem/Amount_Semcon Sem/Body-abstr_Prod-audio_Semcon Sem/Obj_Semcon Sem/Semcon Sem/Semcon_Txt ; # semantic concept LIST Sem/Sign = Sem/Group_Sign Sem/Sign ; LIST Sem/Sport = Sem/Obj-play_Sport Sem/Sport ; LIST Sem/State = Sem/Plc-abstr_Rel_State Sem/State Sem/Obj_State ; # lihkku, ipmilbalolašvuohta, mokta, váivi, váttisvuohta LIST Sem/State-sick = Sem/State-sick ; LIST Sem/Substnc = Sem/Plc_Substnc Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr Sem/Substnc Sem/Substnc_Wthr ; #Sem: can pass through it without destroying it LIST Sem/Sur = Sem/Sur ; LIST Sem/Symbol = Sem/Symbol ; LIST Sem/Time = Sem/Ani_Hum_Time Sem/Ani_Time Sem/Body_Time Sem/Event_Time Sem/Hum_Lang_Time Sem/Measr_Time Sem/Plc_Time Sem/Time Sem/Time_Wthr ; LIST Sem/Tool = Sem/Ctain_Tool Sem/Hum_Tool Sem/Lang_Tool Sem/Plant_Tool Sem/Tool ; LIST Sem/Tool-catch = Sem/Body_Obj_Tool-catch Sem/Plc_Tool-catch Sem/Tool-catch ; LIST Sem/Tool-clean = Sem/Tool-clean ; LIST Sem/Tool-it = Sem/Tool-it ; LIST Sem/Tool-measr = Sem/Ctain_Tool-measr Sem/Plant_Tool-measr Sem/Tool-measr ; LIST Sem/Tool-music = Sem/Tool-music ; LIST Sem/Tool-write = Sem/Feat-phys_Tool-write Sem/Tool-write ; LIST Sem/Txt = Sem/Ani_Build_Hum_Txt Sem/Ani_Plc_Txt Sem/Group_Txt Sem/Mat_Txt Sem/Money_Txt Sem/Org_Txt Sem/Prod-audio_Txt Sem/Prod-cogn_Txt Sem/Semcon_Txt Sem/Txt ; #Syn: Čále dearvvuođaidat guossegirjámet! # das čuožžu LIST Sem/Veh = Sem/Ani_Veh Sem/Ctain-clth_Veh Sem/Feat-phys_Veh Sem/Hum_Veh Sem/Org_Veh Sem/Veh ; #Syn: Vuolggán X:Com #LIST Sem/Veh-cntain = Sem/Veh-cntain ; #Manan X sisa. #vuolggán X:Com. LIST Sem/Wthr = Sem/Feat-phys_Wthr Sem/Hum_Wthr Sem/Perc-emo_Wthr Sem/Plc_Substnc_Wthr Sem/Plc_Wthr Sem/Substnc_Wthr Sem/Time_Wthr Sem/Wthr ; #Sem: Birget X:Ess. jietna gullui X-Loc (balvvas). Olgun/Odne lea + Wthr-Nom. ?Man ollu lea Wthr-Nom? Wthr-Gen maŋŋel boahtá X. Makkár lea dálki/siivu? #Ex: árvi, borga, muohtá, čoaskadálki, baján, bievla, bodnejiekŋa, bivdodálki, gasis, guoldu LIST Sem/Wpn = Sem/Wpn ; #oaggut oaggunstákkuin, goddit X+Com LIST Sem/Date = Sem/Date ; LIST Sem/Year = Sem/Year ; SET FIRSTNAME = (Prop Sem/Fem) OR (Prop Sem/Mal) ; SET TIME-N-SET = N + Sem/Time ; LIST NOT-TIME = "dulvi" "lohpi" "vuorru" ; SET TIME-N = TIME-N-SET - NOT-TIME ; #!! ! Syntactic tags LIST @+FAUXV = @+FAUXV ; #!! @+FAUXV LIST @+FMAINV = @+FMAINV ; #!! @+FMAINV LIST @-FAUXV = @-FAUXV ; #!! @-FAUXV LIST @-FMAINV = @-FMAINV ; #!! @-FMAINV LIST @-FSUBJ> = @-FSUBJ> ; #!! @-FSUBJ> LIST @-F = @-FOBJ> ; #!! @-FOBJ> LIST @SPRED = @-FADVL> ; #!! @-FADVL> LIST @-F = @-FSPRED> ; #!! @-FSPRED> LIST @-FOPRED> = @-FOPRED> ; #!! @-FOPRED> SET FOBJ = @-F ; SET FMAINV = @-FMAINV OR @+FMAINV ; SET FAUXV = @-FAUXV OR @+FAUXV ; LIST @>ADVL = @>ADVL ; #!! @>ADVL LIST @ADVL< = @ADVL< ; #!! @ADVL< LIST @ = @ADVL> ; #!! @ADVL> LIST ADVL = @ADVL @ADVL> @ADVL< @ADVL @-F ; #!! @ADVL LIST @HAB> = @HAB> ; #!! @HAB> LIST @ ; LIST @>N = @>N ; #!! @>N LIST @>Interj = @>Interj ; #!! @>Interj LIST @N< = @N< ; #!! @N< LIST @>A = @>A ; #!! @>A LIST @P< = @P< ; #!! @P< LIST @>P = @>P ; #!! @>P LIST @HNOUN = @HNOUN ; #!! @HNOUN LIST @INTERJ = @INTERJ ; #!! @INTERJ LIST @>Num = @>Num; #!! @>Num LIST @Pron< = @Pron< ; #!! @Pron< LIST @>Pron = @>Pron ; #!! @>Pron LIST @Num< = @Num< ; #!! @Num< LIST @OBJ = @OBJ ; #!! @OBJ LIST @ = @OBJ> ; #!! @OBJ> LIST @OPRED = @OPRED ; #!! @OPRED LIST @ = @OPRED> ; #!! @OPRED> LIST @PCLE = @PCLE ; #!! @PCLE LIST @COMP-CS< = @COMP-CS< ; #!! @COMP-CS< LIST @SPRED = @SPRED ; #!! @SPRED LIST @ = @SPRED> ; #!! @SPRED> LIST @SUBJ = @SUBJ ; #!! @SUBJ LIST @ = @SUBJ> ; #!! @SUBJ> SET SUBJ = @ OR @SUBJ ; SET SPRED = @ OR @SPRED ; SET OPRED = @ OR @OPRED ; LIST @PPRED = @PPRED ; #!! @PPRED LIST @APP = @APP ; #!! @APP LIST @APP-N< = @APP-N< ; #!! @APP-N< LIST @APP-Pron< = @APP-Pron< ; #!! @APP-Pron< LIST @APP>Pron = @APP>Pron ; #!! @APP>Pron LIST @APP-Num< = @APP-Num< ; #!! @APP-Num< LIST @APP-ADVL< = @APP-ADVL< ; #!! @APP-ADVL< LIST @VOC = @VOC ; #!! @VOC LIST @CVP = @CVP ; #!! @CVP LIST @CNP = @CNP ; #!! @CNP SET OBJ = (@) OR (@OBJ) OR (@-F) ; LIST = @OBJ> @-FOBJ> ; SET -OTHERS = OBJ> OR (Gen) OR (Nom) OR (Ess) OR (Loc) OR (Adv) ; SET NOT-FAUXV = FMAINV OR OBJ + V OR ADVL + V ; # Works after the mapping rules for verbs. SET SYN-V = FMAINV OR FAUXV OR V + SUBJ OR OBJ + V OR ADVL + V OR (V @>N) OR (V @N<) OR (V @A<) ; LIST @X = @X ; #!! @X # ======== SETS # ======== #!! !!Sets containing sets of lists and tags #!! This part of the file lists a large number of sets based partly upon the tags defined above, and #!! partly upon lexemes drawn from the lexicon. #!! See the sourcefile itself to inspect the sets, what follows here is an overview of the set types. #!! !Sets for Single-word sets #!! OKTA and go, and the set INITIAL for initial letters LIST OKTA = "akta" "okta"; #!! OKTA LIST go = "go" ; #!! go LIST INITIAL = "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z" "á" "æ" "ø" "å" "ö" "ä" ; #!! INITIAL #!! !Sets for word or not LIST WORD = N A Adv V Pron CS CC Po Pr Interj Pcle Num ABBR ACR \? ; #!! WORD # any word SET REAL-WORD = WORD - Num - Ord ; #!! REAL-WORD SET REAL-WORD-NOT-ABBR = WORD - Num - Ord - (ABBR N) ; # This is former REALWORD-NOTABBR #!! REAL-WORD-NOT-ABBR SET WORD-NOT-de = WORD - ("de") ; #!! WORD-NOT-de SET NOT-COMMA = WORD - COMMA ; #!! NOT-COMMA # Note! We also have CLB_NOT-COMMA #!! !Derivational affixes LIST DER-V = Der/adda Der/alla Der/asti Der/d Der/g Der/h Der/halla Der/hudda Der/huhtti Der/huvva Der/j Der/l Der/ahtti Der/st Der/stuvva Der/goahti ; #!! DER-V LIST DER-N = Der/Dimin Der/eamoš Der/heapmi Der/NomAct Der/š Der/muš Der/upmi Der/us Der/vuohta Der/NomAg Der/NomAct ; #!! DER-N LIST DER-A1 = Der/diibmosaš Der/dássásaš Der/eaddji Der/geahtes Der/keahtes Der/heapmi Der/jahkásaš Der/lágan Der/lágaš Der/laš Der/meahttun Der/lágán Der/gielat Der/kultuvrrat (V* A) Der/A Der/A* ; #!! DER-A1 SET DER-A = DER-A1 - Adv ; #!! DER-A LIST A-V = (V* A) ; #!! A-V SET A-NOT-V = A - A-V ; #!! A-NOT-V #!! !Case sets # --------- LIST ADVLCASE = Ill Loc Com Ess ; #!! ADLVCASE # Sg Nom - Sg Nom | Pl Nom - Pl Nom # Sg Acc - Sg Acc | Pl Acc - Pl Acc # Sg Gen - Sg Gen | Pl Gen - Pl Gen # Sg Gen - Sg Ill | Pl Gen/Ill - Pl Ill # Sg Gen - Sg Loc | Pl Loc - Pl Loc # Sg Com - Sg Com | Pl Gen/Com - Pl Com # Ess - Ess LIST CASE-HALFAGREEMENT = Ill (Sg Loc) (Pl Com) Ess ; #!! CASE-HALFAGREEMENT LIST CASE-AGREEMENT = Nom Acc Gen (Pl Ill) Loc Com Ess ; #!! CASE-AGREEMENT LIST CASE = Nom Acc Gen Ill Loc Com Ess ; #!! CASE SET NOT-NOM = CASE - Nom ; #!! NOT-NOM SET NOT-GEN = CASE - Gen ; #!! NOT-GEN SET NOT-ACC = CASE - Acc ; #!! NOT-ACC #!! !Verb sets # --------- # Verbs and their complements # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SET NOT-V = WORD - V ; #!! NOT-V #!! !Sets for finiteness and mood # - - - - - - - - - - SET REAL-NEG = Neg - Sup ; #!! REAL-NEG SET MOOD-V = Ind OR Pot OR Imprt OR ImprtII OR Cond OR (Neg Sup) ; #!! MOOD-V LIST GC = ("gč") ; #!! GC SET VFIN = GC OR MOOD-V - ConNeg ; #!! VFIN SET VFIN-POS = MOOD-V - ConNeg - Neg ; #!! VFIN-POS SET VFIN-NOT-IMPRT = VFIN - Imprt ; #!! VFIN-NOT-IMPRT SET VFIN-NOT-NEG = VFIN - Neg ; #!! VFIN-NOT-NEG # this might be to strict, besides, 'iige' can be written 'ii ge' SET NOT-PRFPRC = WORD - PrfPrc ; #!! NOT-PRFPRC #!! !Sets for person # - - - - LIST SG1-V = (V Sg1) ; LIST SG2-V = (V Sg2) ; LIST SG3-V = (V Sg3) ; LIST DU1-V = (V Du1) ; LIST DU2-V = (V Du2) ; LIST DU3-V = (V Du3) ; LIST PL1-V = (V Pl1) ; LIST PL2-V = (V Pl2) ; LIST PL3-V = (V Pl3) ; SET POSITIVE-V = SG1-V OR SG2-V OR SG3-V OR DU1-V OR DU2-V OR DU3-V OR PL1-V OR PL2-V OR PL3-V ; # Note that imperative verbs are not included in these sets! # Some subsets of the VFIN sets # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SET SG-V = SG1-V OR SG2-V OR SG3-V ; SET DU-V = DU1-V OR DU2-V OR DU3-V ; SET PL-V = PL1-V OR PL2-V OR PL3-V ; SET DU-PL-V = DU1-V OR DU2-V OR DU3-V OR PL1-V OR PL2-V OR PL3-V ; SET 1-2-V = SG1-V OR SG2-V OR DU1-V OR DU2-V OR PL1-V OR PL2-V ; #!! !Sets consisting of forms of "leat" (these ones need to be rewritten) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SET LEAN = ("leat" Prs Sg1) + Ind OR ("leat" V Prt ConNeg); SET LEAT = ("leat" Prs Pl1) + Ind OR ("leat" V Prs Pl3) + Ind OR ("leat" V Prs Sg2) + Ind OR ("leat" V Inf) OR ("leat" V Prs ConNeg) + Ind ; SET LEAT-FIN-NOT-IMPRT = ("leat" V) - Imprt; LIST PRFPRC-V = (V PrfPrc) ; LIST LEATPRFPRC = ("leat" PrfPrc) ; SET PRC-NOT-LEAT = PRFPRC-V - LEATPRFPRC ; # In order to distinguish between real leat-constructions and participles of other verbs LIST HABEO-SG3 = ("leat" Sg3) (V Neg Sg3) ("šaddat" Sg3) ; LIST HABEO-PL3 = ("leat" Pl3) (V Neg Pl3) ("šaddat" Pl3) ; #!! !Pronoun sets # ------------ LIST MUN = (Pron Pers Sg1 Nom); LIST DON = (Pron Pers Sg2 Nom); LIST SON = ("son" Pron Pers Sg3 Nom); LIST MOAI = (Pron Pers Du1 Nom); LIST DOAI = (Pron Pers Du2 Nom); LIST SOAI = (Pron Pers Du3 Nom); LIST MII-PERS = (Pron Pers Pl1 Nom); LIST DII = (Pron Pers Pl2 Nom); LIST SII = ("son" Pron Pers Pl3 Nom); SET PPRON-NOM-NOT-DAT = MUN OR DON OR SON OR MOAI OR DOAI OR SOAI OR MII-PERS OR DII OR SII ; SET PPRON-DU-PL = MOAI OR DOAI OR SOAI OR MII-PERS OR DII OR SII ; SET PPRON-PL = MII-PERS OR DII OR SII ; SET PRON-DU = MOAI OR DOAI OR SOAI ; SET PPRON-NOT-SII = MUN OR DON OR SON OR MOAI OR DOAI OR SOAI OR MII-PERS OR DII ; LIST PPRON-GEN = (Sg1 Gen) (Sg2 Gen) (Sg3 Gen) (Du1 Gen) (Du2 Gen) (Du3 Gen) (Pl1 Gen) (Pl2 Gen) (Pl3 Gen); SET PPRON-NOT-GEN = (Pron Pers) - PPRON-GEN ; LIST SG-DEM = (Pron Dem Sg Nom); LIST PL-DEM = (Pron Dem Pl Nom); SET NOT-DEM = WORD - Dem ; LIST SG-PRON = (Pron Sg1) (Pron Sg2) (Pron Sg3) (Pron Sg) (Pron PxSg1) (Pron PxSg2) (Pron PxSg3); LIST DU-PRON = (Pron Du1) (Pron Du2) (Pron Du3) (Pron PxDu1) (Pron PxDu2) (Pron PxDu3); LIST PL-PRON = (Pron Pl1) (Pron Pl2) (Pron Pl3) (Pron Pl) (Pron PxPl1) (Pron PxPl2) (Pron PxPl3); LIST DU-PRON-NOTPX = (Pron Du1) (Pron Du2) (Pron Du3) ; LIST FIRST-PX = PxSg1 PxDu1 PxPl1 ; LIST DU-NR = Du1 Du2 Du3 ; SET NOT-SG-PRON = DU-PRON OR PL-PRON ; LIST DAT-PRON = ("dat") ("dát") ("diet") ("duot") ("dot") ; LIST QUANT-PRON = "ollu" "olu" "unnán" "váháš" "veaháš" "veháš" ; # This set is for choosing between Adv and Pron Indef. #!! !Adjectival sets and their complements # ------------------------------------- SET LEX-A = A - DER-A ; SET A-CASE = A - Attr - Adv ; LIST A-CC = A CC ; SET NOT-A = WORD - A ; # This is former NOT-ADJ SET NOT-A-COMMA = WORD - A - COMMA ; SET NOT-Attr = WORD - Attr ; SET NOT-A-PCLE = WORD - A - Pcle ; SET NOT-A-CC = WORD - A-CC ; # This set was removed, for a good reason? SET NOT-A-ADV = WORD - A - Adv OR ("maid") ; LIST NOMINAL-A = "guoktilaš" "lámis" "oasálaš" ("suddu" Der/laš) "viissis"; LIST OLLU = "ollu" "olu" ; # and many others #!! !Adverbial sets and their complements # ------------------------------------ SET LEX-ADV = Adv - (A*) ; SET NOT-ADV-DE = WORD - Adv ; SET NOT-ADV = NOT-ADV-DE OR ("de" Adv) OR CLB ; SET NOT-ADV-N = NOT-ADV - N; SET NOT-ADV-PCLE = NOT-ADV - Pcle ; SET NOT-ADV-INDEF = NOT-ADV - Indef ; SET NOT-ADV-PCLE-ILL-LOC-COM = WORD - Adv - Pcle - Ill - Loc - Com; SET NOT-A-ADV-PCLE = WORD - Pcle - A - Adv OR ("maid") ; # LIST MOVT = "govt" ("got" Adv) "mo" "mot" "mov" "movt" ; LIST MO-MANge = "danne" "goas" "gokko" "gos" "gosa" "govt" ("got" Adv) "makkár" "man" "manne" ("manin" Adv) "mo" "mot" "mov" "movt" ("nugo" @CVP) (V Qst); SET MO = MO-MANge - Foc/ge ; # Introduce finite clauses. LIST PLACE-ADV = "bajábealde" "davábealde" "lagabus" "máttabealde" "nuorttabealde" "oarjjábealde" "oarjjabealde" "olggobeale" "vuolábealde" ; # There will usually be a Gen in front. LIST DOPPE = "badjin" "bajil" "dakko" "dá" "dákko" "dáppe" "diekko" "dieppe" "do" "dokko" "doppe" "duo" "duokko" "duoppe" "olgun" ; # Adverbs with a locativic form, but don´t get Loc as a tag. LIST DOHKO = "bajás" "deike" "diehke" "diehko" "dohko" "duohko" "lulás" "olggos" "ruoktot" "sisa" "vuovdimassii" ; # Adverbs with a illativic form, but they don´t get Ill as a tag. #!! !Sets for coordinators # ------------ SET Foc = Foc/ge OR Foc/gen OR Foc/ges OR Foc/gis OR Foc/naj OR Foc/ba OR Foc/be OR Foc/hal OR Foc/han OR Foc/bat OR Foc/son ; LIST NEGFOC = (Neg Foc/ge) ; LIST XGO = "dego" "dugo" "nugo" "seammaládjego" "seammaláhkáigo" ; # Compounds LIST SEAMMAX = "seamma_ládje" "seamma_láhkái" ; # Those combine with go LIST MADE = "mađe" "mađi" ; LIST DADE = "dađe" "dađi" ; SET CRD = COMMA OR CC OR NEGFOC OR XGO OR ("/") OR ("-") OR DADE ; # coordinators SET NOT-CRD = WORD - CRD ; SET LCRD = @CNP OR ("asdfasdf") ; # local coordinator SET GCRD = @CVP OR ("sadfasdf") ; # global coordinator ################################################################################ # DÁS ÁLGÁ KOMITATIIVA/LOKATIIVANJUOLGGADUSAT LIST SET1 = @+FAUXV Adv Loc ; SELECT:NJUOLG1 (Pl Loc) IF (0 Sem/Hum LINK *1 ("leat") BARRIER WORD - SET1) ; SELECT:NJUOLG2 (Pl Loc) IF (0 Sem/Hum LINK 2 ("leat")) ; LIST Err/Sub = Err/Sub ; LIST WORDLEMMA = (".*"r) ; REMOVE:errsub $$WORDLEMMA + Err/Sub (0 $$WORDLEMMA - Err/Sub ) ; # Disambiguating the semantic tags # ================================ # Disambiguating symbols and punctuation marks # # Post-syntactic morphological disambiguation - Cycle 5 # # Tidying up some loose ends # # Substituting some syntactic tags # #=====# END # #=====#