Multichar_Symbols +QDL +N +Sg +Pl +Pron +Dem +Prox +Med +A +Pos +Det +Indef +Def +Prt +Prs +Ind +V +Ind +Inf +Prs +Prt +Prf +Px3Sg +Px3Pl +1Sg +2Sg +3Sg +1Pl +12Pl +2Pl +3Pl +A +Pos +Comp +Superl +Num +% @U.defness.def@ @U.defness.indef@ @U.defness.bare@ n2 e2 %> LEXICON Root definiteness ; pronouns ; numerals ; copula ; punctation ; articles ; adjectives ; verbs ; names ; ! Definiteness as prefixes LEXICON definiteness :an2% indef ; bare ; :the% def ; LEXICON indef @U.defness.indef@ nouns ; LEXICON bare @U.defness.bare@ nouns ; LEXICON def @U.defness.def@ nouns ; ! The noun lexica LEXICON names David prop ; Jean prop ; John prop ; Lana prop ; Mary prop ; Paul prop ; Sally prop ; Sarah prop ; Sue prop ; Ted prop ; LEXICON prop +N+Prop+Sg: ENDLEX ; +N+Prop++Sg+Px3Sg:'s ENDLEX ; LEXICON nouns Frenchman CAT ; antelope CAT ; apple CAT ; arm CAT ; arrow CAT ; bacon CAT ; bacon CATTLE ; ball CAT ; banana CAT ; bank CAT ; bannock CAT ; barley CAT ; bead CAT ; bear CAT ; beaver CAT ; bee CAT ; beer CAT ; bird CAT ; blackbird CAT ; body CAT ; boil CAT ; bone CAT ; book CAT ; boss CAT ; bowl CAT ; box CAT ; boy CAT ; bracelet CAT ; bread CAT ; breast CAT ; brother CAT ; bush CAT ; butter CAT ; canoe CAT ; caribou CAT ; carrot CAT ; carrot CAT ; cat CAT ; cattle CATTLE ; cement CAT ; chair CAT ; chair CAT ; cheek CAT ; child CHILD ; city CAT ; clock CAT ; clown CAT ; coffee CAT ; corn CAT ; cougar CAT ; cousin CAT ; cow CAT ; cross CAT ; cup CAT ; daughter CAT ; dawn CAT ; deer CAT ; diaper CAT ; dipper CAT ; dish CAT ; dog CAT ; doll CAT ; dollar CAT ; door CAT ; drum CAT ; duck CAT ; duckling CAT ; ear CAT ; egg CAT ; elk CAT ; eye CAT ; face CAT ; father CAT ; feather CAT ; fingernail CAT ; fire CAT ; fish CAT ; fish FISH ; foot CAT ; fork CAT ; friend CAT ; frog CAT ; fur CAT ; ghost CAT ; girl CAT ; glass CAT ; goose CAT ; gooseberry CAT ; grain CAT ; grandchild CAT ; grandfather CAT ; grandmother CAT ; gum CAT ; gym CAT ; hair CAT ; hand CAT ; hat CAT ; head CAT ; heel CAT ; hill CAT ; hitch CAT ; hole CAT ; home CAT ; hoof CAT ; horn CAT ; horse CAT ; hospital CAT ; hour CAT ; house CAT ; husband CAT ; jacket CAT ; juice CAT ; kitten CAT ; knife:kni KNIFE ; lake CAT ; language CAT ; leg CAT ; lodge CAT ; man:m MAN ; meat CAT ; meat CATTLE ; milk CAT ; milk CATTLE ; minute CAT ; mitt CAT ; money CAT ; moose CAT ; morning CAT ; mother CAT ; motor CAT ; mouth CAT ; muskrat CAT ; net CAT ; nipple CAT ; nose CAT ; number CAT ; nut CAT ; orange CAT ; owl CAT ; paddle CAT ; pail CAT ; pan CAT ; pants CAT ; parent CAT ; parents CAT ; pen CAT ; pencil CAT ; penny CAT ; pepper CAT ; person CAT ; pig CAT ; piglet CAT ; pin CAT ; pipe CAT ; pole CAT ; policeman CAT ; pony CAT ; potato CAT ; potato FISH ; puppy CAT ; queen CAT ; rabbit CAT ; raisin CAT ; restaurant CAT ; ribbon CAT ; ring CAT ; river CAT ; road CAT ; salt CAT ; scarf CAT ; sheep CAT ; shoe CAT ; shorts CAT ; sibling CAT ; sister CAT ; skiido CAT ; skin CAT ; skunk CAT ; slate CAT ; snake CAT ; snow CAT ; snowshoe CAT ; sock CAT ; son CAT ; soup CAT ; spoon CAT ; spoon CAT ; spouse CAT ; spruce CAT ; squirrel CAT ; star CAT ; stick CAT ; stone CAT ; store CAT ; store CAT ; stove CAT ; stroller CAT ; sugar CATTLE ; sun CAT ; tea CATTLE ; thistle CAT ; tipi CAT ; tobacco CAT ; toboggan CAT ; tomato CAT ; tooth CAT ; town CAT ; train CAT ; tree CAT ; truck CAT ; tub CAT ; van CAT ; wagon CAT ; wart CAT ; water CAT ; web CATTLE ; wheel CAT ; woman:wom MAN ; worker CAT ; yarn CAT ; ! Morphology LEXICON CAT +N+Sg: DEFNESS ; +N+Pl:%>e2s DEFNESS ; LEXICON FISH +N+Sg: DEFNESS ; +N+Pl:e2s DEFNESS ; LEXICON CATTLE +N+Sg: DEFNESS ; LEXICON KNIFE +N+Sg:fe DEFNESS ; +N+Pl:ves DEFNESS ; LEXICON MAN +N+Sg:an DEFNESS ; +N+Pl:en DEFNESS ; LEXICON CHILD +N+Sg: DEFNESS ; +N+Pl:ren DEFNESS ; LEXICON DEFNESS @U.defness.def@ DEFSUF ; @U.defness.bare@ BARESUF ; @U.defness.indef@ INDEFSUF ; LEXICON DEFSUF +Def: POSS ; LEXICON BARESUF POSS ; LEXICON INDEFSUF +Indef: POSS ; LEXICON POSS ENDLEX ; ! the book +Px3Sg:'s ENDLEX ; ! the book's +Px3Pl:s' ENDLEX ; ! the book's ! ========== ! Adjectives ! ========== LEXICON adjectives little ADJPOS ; small ADJ ; young ADJ ; old ADJ ; red ADJ ; white ADJ ; black ADJ ; green ADJ ; blue ADJ ; yellow ADJ ; good ADJPOS ; good+A+Comp:better ENDLEX ; good+A+Superl:best ENDLEX ; beautiful ADJPOS ; beautiful+A+Comp:more% beautiful ENDLEX ; beautiful+A+Superl:most% beautiful ENDLEX ; big ADJ ; strong ADJ ; delicious ADJPOS ; orange ADJPOS ; brown ADJ ; pink ADJPOS ; wine% red ADJPOS ; delicious+A+Comp:more% delicious ENDLEX ; delicious+A+Superl:most% delicious ENDLEX ; grey ADJ ; high ADJ ; tall ADJ ; short ADJ ; dirty ADJ ; ugly ADJ ; broken ADJPOS ; clean ADJ ; purple ADJPOS ; LEXICON ADJ +A+Pos: ENDLEX ; +A+Comp:%>er ENDLEX ; +A+Superl:%>est ENDLEX ; LEXICON ADJPOS +A+Pos: ENDLEX ; ! ======== ! Pronouns ! ======== LEXICON pronouns this SGPROX ; this:these PLPROX ; that SGMED ; that:those PLMED ; LEXICON SGPROX +Pron+Dem+Prox+Sg: ENDLEX ; LEXICON PLPROX +Pron+Dem+Prox+Pl: ENDLEX ; LEXICON SGMED +Pron+Dem+Med+Sg: ENDLEX ; LEXICON PLMED +Pron+Dem+Med+Pl: ENDLEX ; LEXICON articles a+Det+Indef:a ENDLEX ; a+Det+Indef:an ENDLEX ; the+Det+Def:the ENDLEX ; LEXICON ENDLEX +%: # ; LEXICON punctation qdl+QDL:%^qdl # ; %.+CLB:%. # ; %?+CLB:%? # ; excl+CLB:%! # ; %:+CLB:%: # ; ! ===== ! Numerals ! ===== LEXICON numerals one num ; two num ; three num ; four num ; five num ; six num ; seven num ; eight num ; nine num ; ten num ; LEXICON num +Num: ENDLEX ; ! ===== ! Verbs ! ===== LEXICON copula be+V+Inf:be ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:am ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:are ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:is ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+1Pl:are ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+12Pl:are ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+2Pl:are ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+3Pl:are ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+1Sg:were ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+2Sg:were ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:were ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+1Pl:were ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+12Pl:were ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+2Pl:were ENDLEX ; be+V+Ind+Prs+3Pl:were ENDLEX ; LEXICON verbs bake vinfl ; blow:bl BLOW ; break:br BREAK ; bring:br BRING ; call vinfl ; carry:carr CARRY ; cook vinfl ; cost vinfl ; count vinfl ; cry:cr CARRY ; dance vinfl ; drink:dr DRINK ; drive:dr DRIVE ; earn vinfl ; eat: EAT ; enter vinfl ; feel:f FEEL ; get:g GET ; give:g GIVE ; go: GO ; !ha vinfl ; hear HEAR ; hit PUT ; !i vinfl ; jump vinfl ; know:kn KNOW ; laugh vinfl ; learn vinfl ; leave:le LEAVE ; like vinfl ; listen vinfl ; live vinfl ; look vinfl ; move vinfl ; name vinfl ; pick vinfl ; play vinfl ; pray vinfl ; put PUT ; read PUT ; ride:ro RIDE ; run:r RUN ; say:sa SAY ; see:s SEE ; sing:s SING ; sit:s SIT ; sleep:sl KEEP ; smile vinfl ; smoke vinfl ; speak vinfl ; stand: STAND ; take:t TAKE ; talk vinfl ; touch vinfl ; try:tr CARRY ; understand:underst STAND ; wait vinfl ; walk vinfl ; want vinfl ; win:w WIN ; work vinfl ; write:wr WRITE ; fish vinfl ; LEXICON vinfl inf ; pres ; regularpast ; LEXICON inf +V+Inf: ENDLEX ; LEXICON pres +V+Ind+Prs+1Sg: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Sg: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Sg:%>e2s ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prs+1Pl: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prs+12Pl: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prs+2Pl: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prs+3Pl: ENDLEX ; LEXICON regularpast +V+Ind+Prt+1Sg:%>ed ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+2Sg:%>ed ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+3Sg:%>ed ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+1Pl:%>ed ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+12Pl:%>ed ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+2Pl:%>ed ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+3Pl:%>ed ENDLEX ; +V+Ptc:%>ed ENDLEX ; LEXICON strongpast +V+Ind+Prt+1Sg: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+2Sg: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+3Sg: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+1Pl: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+12Pl: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+2Pl: ENDLEX ; +V+Ind+Prt+3Pl: ENDLEX ; LEXICON strongptc +V+Ptc: ENDLEX ; LEXICON BLOW :ow inf ; :ow pres ; :ew strongpast ; :own strongptc ; LEXICON BREAK :eak inf ; :eak pres ; :oke strongpast ; :oken strongptc ; LEXICON BRING :ing inf ; :ings pres ; :ought strongpast ; :ought strongptc ; LEXICON CARRY ENDLEX ; LEXICON DRINK :ink inf ; :ink pres ; :ank strongpast ; :unk strongptc ; LEXICON DRIVE :ive inf ; :ive pres ; :ove strongpast ; :iven strongptc ; LEXICON EAT :eat inf ; :eat pres ; :ate strongpast ; :eaten strongptc ; LEXICON FEEL :eel inf ; :eel pres ; :elt strongpast ; LEXICON GET :et inf ; :et pres ; :ot strongpast ; :otten strongptc ; LEXICON GIVE :ive inf ; :ive pres ; :ave strongpast ; :iven strongptc ; LEXICON GO :go inf ; :go pres ; :went strongpast ; :gone strongptc ; LEXICON HEAR inf ; pres ; :d strongpast ; :d strongptc ; LEXICON KEEP :eep inf ; :eep pres ; :ept strongpast ; :ept strongptc ; LEXICON KNOW :ow inf ; :ow pres ; :ew strongpast ; :own strongptc ; LEXICON LEAVE :eave inf ; :eave pres ; :eft strongpast ; :eft strongptc ; LEXICON PUT inf ; pres ; strongpast ; strongptc ; LEXICON RIDE :ide inf ; :ide pres ; :ode strongpast ; :idden strongptc ; LEXICON RUN :un inf ; :un pres ; :an strongpast ; :un strongptc ; LEXICON SAY :ay inf ; :ay pres ; :ang strongpast ; LEXICON SEE :ee inf ; :ee pres ; :aw strongpast ; :een strongptc ; LEXICON SING :ing inf ; :ing pres ; :ang strongpast ; :ung strongptc ; LEXICON SIT :it inf ; :it pres ; :at strongpast ; :at strongptc ; LEXICON STAND :and inf ; :and pres ; :ood strongpast ; :ood strongptc ; LEXICON TAKE :ake inf ; :ake pres ; :ook strongpast ; :aken strongptc ; LEXICON WIN :in inf ; :in pres ; :on strongpast ; :on strongptc ; LEXICON WRITE :ite inf ; :ite pres ; :ote strongpast ; :itten strongptc ;