!!!Topics # Methodologies for distributed cooperation on language technology # What is Oahpa - the pedagogical philosophy # What lingustic content to include - and how to add it # Practical work # Project planning # How to join Oahpa development with language research !!!Course planning day by day !!Preparing before the course * Setting up user accounts, basic SVN. !!Day 0: * Preliminary course in Unix, svn, etc, for people not having done this before. * All participants shall have checked out (at least) the ped catalogue and a working version of their own fst on their own machine (cf. the [getting started|https://giellalt.uit.no/infra/GettingStarted.html] page.) * basic SVN course. What is it, how to update, check in, etc. !!Monday: ! Introduction * Giellatekno overview (infrastructure, projects, tools, Oahpa) (__Heli, Trond__) * Presentations by the participants about their languages and existing resources (textbooks a.o. teaching materials, corpora, language technology tools) * Methodologies for distributed cooperation on language technology ** If needed: Practical instruction divided into groups *** Group 1: For the local guru (Heli) *** Group 2: For the computer illiterate (Jack) *** Installing, general help (Trond) ! Eventually Start with Leksa !!Tuesday: ! Leksa * The key role of Leksa in Oahpa (these are the words we use for different purposes) ** How to choose the vocabulary for Leksa. Textbook word lists, frequency dictionaries. * Creating word lists in csv format. ** [Semantic set template|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/trunk/ped/rus/meta/semantical_sets.xml] ** [Lexicon template for nouns|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/trunk/ped/rus/src/N_rusnob.xml] ** [Lexicon template for verbs|https://gtsvn.uit.no/langtech/trunk/ped/rus/src/v_rusnob.xml] * Checking in new files and updating the existing ones. * svn ci -> Heli updates the db -> online check. Working versions: * myv 124 * smn 1335 * yrk 502 * fkv 63 -- tulossa lista * kpv 142 New versions: * mrj 229 * bxr 396 * mdf 0 <---- lis * olo 302 Test files 396 Format for later additions: {{{ lemma __ vartalo __ POS __ contlex __ trans1 __ trans2 __ trans3 __ kirja __ sem }}} ! Morfa-S * Drafting the case/number and person/number/tense forms to be included (Individuals should have this all thought out before hand ... ) * Evaluating the fsts * Setting up the infrastructure for the respective exercises Homework for Heli: * Set up Morfa-S for the existing files. * __Homework by Thursday__: ** think about the productive Morfa-C frames in your language - which cases, which verbs? !!Wednesday: hands-on ! Numra * Evaluating existing Numras * How to improve them: ** Learning how to correct automata ** Learning how to extend Numra to ordinal, date, clock. ! Leksa, Morfa-S * Continuing work !!Thursday: hands-on * Setting up Morfa-S. Case list, possible additional menus. * Writing Morfa-C frames. * Extending Leksa: Place names. The names that are different in the indigenous language !!Friday: * General discussion ** New ideas, thoughts that have come up while implementing Oahpa for your language. ** Discussing how to integrate Oahpa in language courses. Presenting kursa * Workshop: We write grant applications ** Background: Different groups plan to get funding ** We either do brainstorming or (if possible) work in groups on concrete proposals * Summing up and future work ** How to proceed with the development of your Oahpa.