* [Troubleshooting|Troubleshooting.html] * [General documentation for developers|http://oahpa.no/addlang/index.html] ** [Catalogue / overview|overview.html]  (settings, …)  // [File list|http://oahpa.no/addlang/more.html] ** [Installing / running django locally|django.html]  // [Installing comments|InstallingComments.html] [Installing grammarlinks|InstallingGrammarlinks.html] ** [Updating the database|UpdatingTheOahpaDatabase.html] (as well as common database errors) * Interface ** [HTML: Updating the interface html|html.html] ** [Localisation|Localisation.html]  // ** [Javascripts|javascripts.html]  // [Images|images.html] ** [Special interface for mobile devices|mobile.html] * Accessing the analysers ** [FSTs|fsts.html]  // [Lookupserver|lookupserver.html]  // [CG scripts|cgscript.html]  // [Pregenerated lexicons|pregeneration.html] * The programs [MorfaS|MorfaS.html]  // [Vasta / MorfaC|VastaMorfaC.html]  // [Sahka|Sahka.html]  // [Leksa|Leksa.html]  // [Numra|Numra.html] * Modules (required for installation) [GeoIP lookups|geoip.html] * Daily maintenance ** [Testing|Testing.html] ** Restarting: [the httpd server (or nginx and fastcgi processes)|httpdserver.html]  // [the MySQL|mysql.html] ** [Putting up emergency error messages for users in case of program malfunction|PuttingUpErrorMessages.html] * [Admin interface|admininterface.html] * For friends of Saaras documentation: The __obsolete__ [maintenance|maintenance.html] document.