!!!In case of emergencies... This document deals with restarting httpd services on ''gtoahpa-01.uit.no'', i.e. the oahpa versions and konteaksta on gtoahpa-01. For the other virtual machines, see [Restarting gtweb|httpdserversgtweb.html], see [Restarting gtdict|httpdserversgtdict.html] and [Restarting gtlab|GtlabRestart.html] On {{gtoahpa-01}}, {{gtweb-01}}, {{gtdict}} and {{gtlab}}, we use nginx for serving HTML and other applications. See [how to restart nginx itself|RestartingNginx.html] if needed (after an ordinary update it is not needed). !!Restarting Oahpa versions on gtoahpa Log in to gtoahpa-01. The following is the list of Oahpas on gtoahpa-01 as of 14.04.2020: ||Oahpa name|| Language|| URL |crk_oahpa | Plains Cree | [oahpa.no/nehiyawetan|http://oahpa.no/nehiyawetan] |est_oahpa | Estonian | [oahpa.no/eesti|http://oahpa.no/eesti] |fkv_oahpa | Kven | [oahpa.no/kveeni|http://oahpa.no/kveeni] |myv_oahpa | Erzya | [oahpa.no/erzya|http://oahpa.no/erzya] |sjd_oahpa | Kildin Saami | [oahpa.no/kiilt|http://oahpa.no/kiilt] |sma_oahpa | South Saami | [oahpa.no/aarjel|http://oahpa.no/aarjel] |sme_oahpa | North Saami | [oahpa.no/davvi|http://oahpa.no/davvi] |smn_oahpa | Inari Saami | [oahpa.no/aanaar|http://oahpa.no/aanaar] |sms_oahpa | Skolt Saami | [oahpa.no/nuorti|http://oahpa.no/nuorti] |vro_oahpa | Voro | [oahpa.no/voro|http://oahpa.no/voro] !Restarting on the old gtoahpa: Once an Oahpa version is down, it must be restarted. As root write: {{{ touch /etc/uwsgi/sites/XXX_OAHPA.ini }}} where XXX_OAHPA.ini is the relevant name from one of the following: {{{ crk_oahpa.ini est_oahpa.ini fkv_oahpa.ini myv_oahpa.ini sjd_oahpa.ini sma_oahpa.ini sme_oahpa.ini smn_oahpa.ini sms_oahpa.ini vro_oahpa.ini }}} If only an Oahpa version has been down, this is enough. If __the server has been totally down__, you may need to start more. Here is the full list of services that should be started, __in this order__ (there are dependencies between them): # mysqld # nginx # php-fpm For each of the processes listed, issue (anywhere on the system) the command {{{ sudo service NAME restart }}} Thus, ''sudo service mysqld restart'', etc. After that, run all the Oahpa restarting commands: {{{ touch /etc/uwsgi/sites/XXX_OAHPA.ini }}} !!Restarting Konteaksta Konteaksta is running on the Tomcat web server. After upgrade of gtoahpa-01, as well as adding new components to Konteaksta, it is always recommended to restart Konteaksta (the script compiles the Konteaksta source code, redeploys it on Tomcat and restarts Tomcat). Restarting Konteaksta is also the first thing to try if the url [oahpa.no/konteaksta|http://oahpa.no/konteaksta] gives "server error", e.g. "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.". To restart Konteaksta: Log in to gtoahpa-01 and issue the following commands: {{{ sudo su teaksta cd svn up ./make_teaksta.sh }}} Sometimes the restart of the Tomcat web server is needed as well: {{{ cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin ./shutdown.sh ./startup.sh }}}