!!!Lookup server The lookup-process for the analyzer {{ped-sme.fst}}, used in Vasta and Sahka, is running all the time. The lookup is implemented as a server, callable by different processes. When started, it reads the file {{/opt/smi/sme/bin/ped-sme.fst}} and provides analyses based on exactly this fst. For other language versions it reads the relevant files. TODO: update. The script {{lookupserv}} calls the Python program lookupserv.py in the {{sme/bin}} catalogue in opt. __NB:__ Any update of the FST requires a restart of the lookup server! * __(re-)starting__ the server (gtlab, gtoahpa): ** go to the {{src}} folder in the {{ped}} folder of the running oapha production folder (you will find the lookupserv document there) ** type the command {{{ sudo service lookupserv restart }}} * __testing__ the server using the commad-line tool, that takes one word at a time (OAHPA a variable for oahpa version): ** go to {{/home/OAHPA/ped/src}} ** type the command {{sudo python client.py}} * __checking__ the log file for the lookup output from Sahka and Vasta on victorio: ** inspect the file {{/var/log/lserv.log}} with you editor of choice * __Making changes__ to {{lookupserv.py}}: ** edit the file locally in {{ped/src}} ** copy the updated file into the folder under {{/opt/smi}} that is specified in the script file {{lookupserv}} (requires sudo rights) ** restart the lookup server as described above