''This is the original Maintenance document for Oahpa. Please do not edit it. Part of the content is obsolete, but the content is kept as the original documentation.'' !!!Maintenance This document contains the basic instructions for updating the content of the games on victorio. Technical maintenance is described in separate document. All the data is stored in xml-files which are installed to mysql database. Oahpa-programs are developed using Python Web framework [Django|http://www.djangoproject.com/]. Oahpa web pages are basic html, which is enriched with templates and information retrieved from the database. Everyday maintentance consists of updating the information in the database and editing the html-code. All the commands described in this document have to be run in victorio. !!!Install Django locally To test applications and interfaces, install Django to your own computer (as with the documentation system forrest). Follow the instructions in [Django Quick install guide|http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/install/]: Install Python (you probably have it already) and Install Django. Select the option "Install an official release", to assure compatibility with victorio. Go to victorio and start mysql with the administrator username and password. Grant access to you: {{{ $ mysql -u root -p mysql> GRANT all ON oahpa.* TO 'your-username'@'your-own-ip-address'; }}} Edit the file ped/oahpa/settings.py in your own computer with the information {{{ DATABASE_USER = 'your-username' DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' DATABASE_HOST = 'gtsvn.uit.no' DATABASE_PORT = '' (port number) }}} And, finally, you need to create a sami language directory. Django should be installed in /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/ -directory. Look at that directory for django/conf/locale -directory. Create sme language directory and copy the locale settings there from no: {{{ mkdir your_pythonlib/django/conf/locale/sme cp your_pythonlib/django/conf/locale/no/django.* $(djangopath)/django/conf/locale/sme/ }}} Then start the web development server in your own computer: {{{ cd ped/oahpa/ python manage.py runserver }}} The pages should be available in []. Consult the Django manual if there are problems with this part. With the remote logging to the database, you need to ask saara. In the sandbox, it is possible to test the changes to the code and to html pages. After the pages are working, check them in to svn and update the official version in victorio. !!Some caveats with the local installation on MacOS: * if you have two different python versions, both in {{{/usr/bin/python}}} and in {{{/opt/local/bin/python}}} you have to configure the Django installation as required (see, for instance, [this site|http://stackoverflow.com/questions/118813/how-do-i-uninstall-python-from-osx-leopard-so-that-i-can-use-the-macports-versi]) * if you have problems starting the sandbox web server and get the following error: {{{ ~/Django/someAppl>python manage.py runserver Validating models... Unhandled exception in thread started by Traceback (most recent call last): ............... from django.db import models, connection File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/site-packages/django/db/__init__.py", line 22, in backend = __import__('%s.base' % settings.DATABASE_ENGINE, {}, {}, ['']) ImportError: No module named dummy.base }}} you might lack the py25-hashlib package {{{ sudo port install py25-hashlib }}} !!!Your own database Sometimes it would be good idea to have a replicate also from the oahpa-database, e.g. when you are testing new games. First install mysql: [http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html]. See also database installation instructions in [http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/install/#database-installation]. Look at the file {{/etc/my.cnf}}. It should have these utf8-values: {{{ [client] default-character-set=utf8 [mysqld] default-character-set=utf8 collation_server=utf8_bin character_set_server=utf8 character_set_client=utf8 }}} Start the server with command: {{{ sudo mysqld_safe & }}} Set root password and create a new user account: {{{ mysqladmin -u root password "mypassword" }}} Look for manuals to create own user etc, but you may use the root as well. Next, create the database: {{{ mysql -u root -p mysql> create database oahpa character set utf8 collate utf8_bin; mysql> exit; }}} Change the local settings in ped/oahpa/settings.py: {{{ DATABASE_USER = 'root' DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'myspassword' DATABASE_HOST = '' }}} Add the PYTHONPATH of the OAHPA! project in your .bashrc file: {{{ export PYTHONPATH=$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/ped:$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/ped/oahpa:$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/ped/oahpa/drill }}} Adjust paths in ped/oahpa/ling.py: {{{ fstdir="$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/gt/sme/bin" lookup = "$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/bin/lookup" }}} Adjust paths in ped/oahpa/drill/game.py: {{{ fstdir="$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/gtsvn/gt/" + language + "/bin" lookup ="$(YOUR-PATH-TO)/bin/lookup" }}} Start installing the database information: {{{ cd ped/oahpa python manage.py syncdb python install.py -r ../sme/src/paradigms.txt -t ../sme/src/tags.txt -b python install.py -r ../sme/src/paradigms.txt -t ../sme/src/tags.txt -f ../sme/xml/nouns.xml }}} Install everything you need starting from the lexicons. Start Django locally: {{{ python manage.py runserver }}} !! Possible problem: * if you get a DB connection error, for instance {{{ Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' }}} first, find the mysql socket {{{ ~>mysqladmin variables | grep socket | socket | /tmp/mysql.sock }}} and then, change the value of the DATABASE_HOST in ped/oahpa/settings.py accordingly: {{{ DATABASE_HOST = '/tmp/mysql.sock' }}} !!!HTML !!Overall look * CSS-settings reside in {{ped/oahpa/media/css/oahpa.css}} * Mainpage __oahpa.no__ is defined in {{ped/oahpa/drill/templates/oahpa_main.html}} * Basic look for all the games (divs, menubars) are given in file {{ped/oahpa/templates/oahpa.html}} * The file game.html contains the basic functionality for all the games. * Morhpology games are controlled by the file {{mgame.html}} In addition, it is possible to alter the pages of individual games by editing the files {{{ ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_n.html (Morfa for nouns) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_l.html (Morfa numerals) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_a.html (Morfa for adjectives) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/mgame_v.html (Morfa for verbs) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/quizz.html (Leksa common nouns) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/quizz_n.html (Leksa placenames) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/num.html (Numra cardinal) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/num_ord.html (Numra ordinals) ped/oahpa/drill/templates/vasta.html ped/oahpa/drill/templates/sahka.html }}} Game pages involve definitions from several html-pages. For example, S-MORFA: mgame_x.html, mgame.html, game.html and oahpa.html. The files contain template tags such as: {{{ {% block navbar %} .. {% endblock %} }}} They enable several pages to be generated from one source file. In addition, some variables are inside double braces. However, the rest of the page is plain html and it may be edited as any html-file. If there is an error you may always return to the previous svn-version. Remember to test. !!Examples If you want to update a text in English, write inside the trans-tags in the html-file for the main page or the game : {{{ {% trans ".." %} }}} To make a new box for option xxx in Leksa Placenames under geography choices, you have to add this to the files: {{{ 1. oahpa/drill/forms.py: GEOGRAPHY_CHOICES = ('xxx', _('xxx')), and # For placename quizz xxx = forms.BooleanField(required=False,initial=0) 2. oahpa/drill/views.py: if 'xxx' in settings_form.data: self.settings['geography'].append('xxx') 3. oahpa/drill/templates/quizz_n.html: {{ settingsform.xxx }}{% trans "xxx" %}
}}} !!Javascripts Disregarding a couple of exceptions, the Javascripts used are given in file: {{{ ped/oahpa/media/js/oahpa.js }}} In addition, there are couple of other scripts, one for fixing the png-images in earlier IE versions using pngfix.js. Another two tooltip2.js and prototype.js are used for the translation tooltip. !!!FSTs Oahpa is dependent on linguistic resources which are located in /opt/smi/sme/bin/. Compile the new versions of the fsts when needed. {{{ ped-sme.fst sme-num.fst isme-norm.fst isme-GG.restr.fst isme-KJ.restr.fst }}} !!Lookup server The lookup-process for the analyzer {{ped-sme.fst}}, used in Vasta and Sahka, is running all the time. The lookup is implemented as server, callable by different processes. When started, it reads the file {{/opt/smi/sme/bin/ped-sme.fst}} and provides analyses based on exactly this fst. __NB:__ Any update of the FST requires a restart of the lookup server! * __(re-)starting__ the server: ** go to {{/home/oahpa/ped/src}} ** type the command {{sudo ./lookupserv restart}} * __testing__ the server using the commad-line tool, that takes one word at a time: ** go to {{/home/oahpa/ped/src}} ** type the command {{sudo python client.py}} * __checking__ the log file for the lookup output from Sahka and Vasta on victorio: ** inspect the file {{/var/log/lserv.log}} with you editor of choice !!!Updating the database The script install.py is used for updating the database. First, cd to the ped/oahpa directory and then test the script. {{{ cd ped/oahpa/ python install.py -h }}} Changes in the database are visible in the interface straight away. Running a same installation script several times is not harmful. The same command that is used for installing the information can be used for updating. !!Lexicons Information of individual words such as lemmas, stem information, semantic classes and source information is added or updated using command: {{{ python install.py -f ../sme/xml/nouns.xml }}} Forms and tags are updated when the tagfile and paradigmfile are given as well: {{{ python install.py -f ../sme/xml/nouns.xml -r ../sme/src/paradigms.txt -t ../sme/src/tags.txt }}} This command generates paradigm for all the words in nouns.xml and updates forms for both dialects: KJ and GG. Running the script may take a while. If you have a list of words you want to add to the database, it is possible create a temporary file for them so that you do not need to generate paradigms for all the words. Remember to add the words to the lexicon file for future updates. Remove words from the database one by one by giving the word id (or lemma) and the part of speech as option: {{{ python install.py -w beana -p N }}} If you have deleted entries in the lexicon file, specify an extra option -d to delete unexisting entries. This option can be used only when the whole lexicon file is installed, since it compares the xml-file to the database content of certain pos. {{{ python install.py -d -f ../sme/xml/nouns.xml }}} To add the new words to the semantic supersets, update the semantic classes [Semantic classes|maintenance.html#Semantic+classes]. Both Sami and Norwegian lexicons are installed using the same command. The language information is extracted from the xml-file. Do not specify paradigm or tag information for nob-files: {{{ python install.py -f ../nob/xml/nouns.xml }}} Finally, the installation commands here only update old and add new information. If you want to remove all the words that do not appear in the xml-file. Use carefully, this will delete all the nouns that appear in other files. {{{ python install.py --delete -f ../sme/xml/nouns.xml }}} This command both updates and removes all the extra entries of pos N. The pos N is derived from the pos information of the first entry. !!Numerals Numerals are generated and installed using __fst__. Command: {{{ python install.py -n }}} !!Placenames Placenames stored in sme/xml/propernouns.xml are installed differently than the other lexicons, since the Norwegian translations are implied. Use the option "--places" for them. {{{ python install.py --places -f ../sme/xml/propernouns.xml }}} Use option -d to remove entries from the database the same way as from [lexicons|maintenance.html#Lexicons]. !!Semantic classes The grouping of semantic classes is defined in ped/sme/xml/semantic_sets.xml. Database is updated by the command: {{{ python install.py -s ../sme/xml/semantic_sets.xml }}} The semantic set information is used among others in Leksa. To update the menu that appears in Leksa main page, edit the variable {{SEMTYPE_CHOICES}} in ped/oahpa/forms.py: {{{ SEMTYPE_CHOICES = ( ('FAMILY', _('family')), ('PROFESSION', _('profession')), ... ) }}} The string in small letters is the string that appears in the menu in English version. To translate for the other languages, follow the steps in [Localisation|maintenance.html#Localisation]. In addition, the changes in {{forms.py}} require that the server is restarted (sudo httpd restart). !!!Vasta and Morfa-C Morfa-C and Vasta share the same mechanism for installing the questions. Questions are defined e.g. in sme/xml/questions_vasta.xml. In addition some defaults for certain elements (such as subject) are defined in sme/xml/grammar_defaults.xml. Command for updating the questions: {{{ python install.py -g ../sme/xml/grammar_defaults.xml -q ../sme/xml/questions_nouns.xml }}} Everything inside the question xml-file may be changed and the database will be updated during the next. With one exception: if a question is removed and there is no new question with the same id, it has to be specifically deleted using command: {{{ python install.py --qid .. or by using the question text python install.py --qid "Maid SUBJ MAINV" }}} Of course the latter command will delete all the questions with that string. However, the deletion with the string may be useful if the qid was forgotten. Rerun of the installation script for the question file will restore the accidentally deleted questions. Available tags and paradigms are stored to the database beforehand and searched during the installation of the questions. If you have changed tag names in the lexicon (this occurs very rarely), then run the command: {{{ python install.py -r ../sme/src/paradigms.txt -t ../sme/src/tags.txt -b }}} !!!Feedback Install first the feedback messages, preferably for all languages: {{{ python install.py -m ../sme/xml/messages.xml python install.py -m ../sme/xml/messages.sme.xml }}} After that, install the feedback files for each pos. This may take some time, even hours, especially for nouns and adjectives. {{{ python install.py -e ../sme/xml/feedback_verbs.xml -f ../sme/xml/verbs.xml .. }}} You may update the content of the feedback messages, or add new languages without installing the feedback again. However, new feedback messages as well as new ids require reinstallation of the releveant feedback files. Vice versa, changes in the feedback file do not require reinstallation of the messages. !!!Sahka Sahka contains pictures which have to be synchronized with the contents of the database, so the whole process is explained here in separate section. !!Updating the database Create the dialogue file and store it e.g. to ped/sme/xml/dialoguefile.xml. Give the dialogue a unique name in the xml-structure, such as: {{{ }}} Install it to database using the command: {{{ cd ped/oahpa python install.py -k ../sme/xml/dialoguefile.xml }}} The script will give errors on links that do not point to an utterance and some information of wordsets and such. When you want to update an existing dialogue, use the same command: {{{ cd ped/oahpa python install.py -k ../sme/xml/dialoguefile.xml }}} It will first remove the old dialogue and then install it as it was new. Do not change the dialogue name if you are updating an existing one. !!Images Preferably in jpg-format. Collect the images and scale them to size, where width of the image is 150-180px (perhaps we should decide which size). Height of the picture can be anything. Internet Exporer requires this size, the other browsers will work regardless of the size of the image. Store the images to directory ped/oahpa/media/img/, with the same name as they are specified in the dialoguefile.xml. In dialoguefile.xml, use only the name of the image, not the full path. If you are installing a new game, update the file ped/oahpa/drill/templates/sahka.html. The file contains a table where all the images are stored as links to new dialogues: {{{

{% trans "Meeting with Hansa" %}

}}} Copy one such td, to a suitable place inside the table, specify a width to the image that fits to the page. Remember to change the name of the file, and finally, add the name of the dialogue to the javascript section. In the example above the dialogue name is "firstmeeting_man." !!CG-script Copy the file sme-ped.cg3 to /opt/smi/sme/bin. There is a Makefile as well. !!!Other !!Comments In the drills, a comment is displayed after the user presses "Show correct answers" These comments are installed by: {{{ python install.py -c ../sme/xml/comments.nob.xml }}} Running the script deletes all the old comments and creates everything anew. !!Grammarlinks To update the links that appear on the top left corner, edit the file ped/sme/src/grammatikklinker.txt. Then install using command: {{{ python install.py -i ../sme/src/grammatikklinker.txt }}} !!!Localisation Translations for the texts in the interface are provided in files: {{{ ped/oahpa/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po ped/oahpa/locale/sme/LC_MESSAGES/django.po ped/oahpa/locale/no/LC_MESSAGES/django.po ped/oahpa/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po }}} The English file is needed for the names and strings that contain Unicode. The English texts in the html-pages should be ascii. Whenever the texts in the page are updated, the translations need to be checked and updated as well. {{{ cd ped/oahpa django-admin.py makemessages -a svn ci -m "new generated files" locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/django.po ... etc. for the other files. }}} After that, work on the respective django.po files, and check them in again. Search for word "#fuzzy" from django.po. It means that the English content has changed and the system tries to guess the correct translation. Check the translation and remove all the lines that contain "#fuzzy", otherwise the translation does not work. After fixing the files update the official directory and compile the messages. {{{ cd ped/oahpa/ svn up django-admin.py compilemessages }}} !!!Restarting the httpd server Updates to the code require restart of the httpd-server. Sometimes updates to the localisation require that too. The restart is otherwise harmless, but may distrub someone who is playing the came (although that is not very probable). Restarting the server (requires sudo rights): {{{ sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart }}} Earlier, there was a memory leak problem, which should not be among us anymore. However if victorio is very slow, check the memory by writing: {{{ps aux | grep http}}} If the result indicates memory use too close to 100, this is a clear problem indication. The answer is to restart the apache web server, and thereafter, if need, to [restart mysqld|maintenance.html#Mysql]. !!!Mysql In general, the database does not have to be directly accessed, but sometimes it is necessary. The database tables created by Django may be updated, removed and so on using mysql directly. The name of the database is oahpa, username and password are available from .. Sometimes, there may be a problem with the mysqld (a clear indication of a problem is that the games are not working at all). It may be that mysqld has stopped working. Start it again: {{{ sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start }}} !!!Admin-interface Still undocumented.