!!!Documentation of Plains Cree nêhiyawêtân * [Plains Cree nêhiyawêtân|http://oahpa.no/nehiyawetan/] * [Participants|Participants.html] * [Info about the programs for outsiders|http://oahpa.no/crk/useoahpa/aboutOahpa.html] * [Documentation page for Plains Cree Gïelese|../gielese/crk-gielese.html] * [Documentation page for work with Plains Cree FST|https://giellalt.uit.no/lang/crk/PlainsCreeDocumentation.html] !!Meetings * 2015: [March 6-11|../meetings/150306.html], [March 25|../meetings/150325.html], [April 1|../meetings/150401.html], [April 16|../meetings/150416.html], [April 22|../meetings/150422.html], [April 30|../meetings/150430.html], [June 11|../meetings/150611.html], [CWIL 2015|CwilWorkshop2015.html] * 2016: [CWIL 2016 to-dos|CWIL2016_todo.html], [June 9|../meetings/160609.html] !!Technical documentation * [Details about the xml-files|xmlfiles.html] * [Details about the files for the programmer|implementation.html] !!Lexicon * [How many items in each semantic class|ItemsInSemanticClasses.html] * [[How to test the lexicon against the FST|TestingLexicon.html] !!Numra * numbers: 0-999 * clock * dates * money: $0.10 - $99 * [about input and output|nehiyawetan_content.html] !!Leksa (vocabulary training) Approx. 500 words * Semantic fields: human, nature-animals, food-drink, things, daily-life, occupation, everyday, descriptions, speech * Books: Introductory 1-4, advanced, audio * from Cree to English; from English to Cree (There is not French translation for all words even if it is implemented) !!Morfa S (inflect single words without any sentential context provided) !Nouns * Plural * Diminutive (most of the nouns): provide the diminutive and ask for the base form * Locative * Possessive for some nouns * [details|nehiyawetan_content.html] !Verbs * AI-verbs: All persons, as well as present and past tense: \\ {{(kîyânaw) anohc ... }} \\ {{(kîyânaw) otâkosîhk ...}} * TI- and TA-verbs: Including a typical object to make it clear what kind of verbs they are * TA-verbs need more work: how to present the different parts of the paradigm !!Morfa C (provide inflected words that are correct in the given sentential context) [Documentation of how to make MarfaC|http://oahpa.no/addlang/developermorfa.html] We use some very frequent sentences - this is a start: !Nouns * Plural * Locative * Possessive * [details|nehiyawetan_content.html] !Verbs * Present tense * Past tense * [details|nehiyawetan_content.html] !!Feedback/hints to the student about the morphology The message for Plural can be: # WORDFORM is an animate noun # and the plural suffix is -ak. # Add -w- because the stem is ending with -k. The message for possessive can be: # WORDFORM is an animate noun for possessive 4Sg: # The possessive prefix is o- or w-. # The possessive suffix -iyiw- and remember obviative -a. Read more about [feedback|feedback.html]