!!!More documentation of Plains Cree nêhiyawêtân !!Numra * numbers.lexc: 0-999 ** inputformat {{32}}, and the other way round, with variants: {{nistomitanaw nîsosâp, nistomitanaw nîso-sâp, nistomitanaw ayiwâk nîso}} * clock.lexc ** inputformat {{2:30}}, and the other way round, with variants: {{nîso mînâpihtaw, nîso mînâpihtaw tipahikan}} ** inputformat {{12, 12:00}}, and the other way round, with variants: {{nîsosâp tipahikan, âpihtâkîsikâw, âpihtâtipiskâw}} * date.lexc ** inputformat {{3rd of May}}, and the other way round: {{3 ehakimiht opiniyâwewowipîsimohk}}. The other way round, it also accepts formats like {{3. May, 3.May, 3 May}} * money.lexc: $0.10 - $99 ** inputformat {{$3.50}}, and the other way round, with variants: {{nisto newopehikanak mînâpihtaw, nisto newopehikanak nîso sônîyâs, nisto newopehikanak nîyânanomitanaw pîwâpiskos}} !!Morfa S (inflect single words according to instructions- without any sentential context provided) !Nouns * Plural * Diminutive (most of the nouns): provide the diminutive and ask for the base form * Locative is generated for the following (gen_only="Loc"): ** {{asikan, asiniy, atâwêwikamik, iskocês, iskotêw, iskwâhtêm, iskwêw, ispatinaw, maniway, masinahikan, maskihkîwâpoy, maskisin, micihciy, mihtawakay, mikot, minihkwâcikanis, mistikowat, mitôn, mêskanaw, mêtawêwikamik, mîcimâpoy, mîcisowikamik, mîkiwâhp, nipiy, nâpêw, ocenâsis, pahkwêsikan, sakâw, sâkahikan, sîsîp-wâwi, sîwâpoy, sôniyâwikamik, tohtôsâpoy, tohtôsâpôwipimiy, têhtapiwin, wiyâkan, wiyâkanis, wâskahikan, wâwi, wîkiwin, âhkosîwikamik, ôcênâs, ôsi, ôtênaw}} ** In Morfa Locative tasks we don't have any nouns which get -inâhk suffix (collective locative, for humans and animals), because it is not mentioned in the course book. * Possessive for the following: ** {{minôs, okimâw, asikan, wîkimâkan, atim, mitâs, otânisimâw, okosisimâw, onîkihikomâw, omosômimâw, ôhkomimâw, nîtisân, otôtemimâw, okâwîmâw, okâwîmâw, nôsisim, onâpêmimâw, wîkiwân, misit, mistikwân , mîscakâs (only Pl), mîskât, mitôn, miskîsik, mikot, mîhtawakay, mîyaw, niskotâkay, mîpit, mahkwan, mispiton, micihciy}} ** In the case of the body parts, there will be only singular possessors, and some of the body parts nouns will only as singular forms, such as head and mouth. !Verbs We begin with AI-verbs * All persons, as well as present and past tense: \\ {{(kîyânaw) anohc ... }} \\ {{(kîyânaw) otâkosîhk ...}} * We'll leave the obviative until later. !!Morfa C (provide inflected words that are correct in the given sentential context) [Documentation of how to make MarfaC|http://oahpa.no/addlang/developermorfa.html] We will use some very frequent sentences - here is a start: !Nouns * Plural ** {{awîniki êhayâcik ôtenâhk}} \\ {{iskwêwa ôtenâhk êhayâcik}} \\ (Who are in Y-Loc? X are in Y-Loc) \\ (X are nouns denoting persons: the student gets the singular form from semclass PEOPLE as a basis for providing the plural form. \\ Y is a noun from semclass PLACE.) * Locative ** {{tân'tê okimâw}} (or some other noun from semclass PEOPLE).\\ {{okimâw mîcisowkamikohk ehayat}} \\ (Where is X? X is in Y-Loc) \\ (X are nouns denoting persons.Y is a noun from semclass PLACE.\\ The student has to inflect the noun in the locative) ** {{tân'tê kikîpimohtân}}\\ {{nikîpimohtân mîcisowikamikohk isi}}\\ (Where did you walk? I walked to X) \\(X is a noun from semclass PLACE. \\ The student has to inflect the noun in the locative) * Possessive ** {{kimis cî ana}}\\ {{ehâ, nimis awa}}\\ (Is that your X? Yes, it is my X.) \\ (X a noun from semclass KIN. \\ The student gets nouns with a 2Sg possessor in the question, and is expected to change the possessor to 1Sg). !Verbs * Present tense ** {{kinikamon cî anohc}}\\ {{ehâ, ninikamon anohc}} or {{namoya, namoya ninikamon anohc}} \\ (Do you X today? Yes, I/we X. / No, I/we don't X.) \\(X is a verb from semclass mACTIVITY,\\ the student has to inflect it for 1Sg).\\ The same way for 2Pl vs. 1Pl. \\ * Past tense ** {{kikînikamon cî otâkosîhk}}\\ {{ehâ, nikînikamon otâkosîhk}} or \\ {{namoya, namoya nikînikamon otâkosîhk}}\\ (Did you X yesterday? Yes, I/we X. / No, I/we didn't X.) \\ (X is a verb from semclass mACTIVITY, \\ the student has to inflect the verb in 1Sg). \\ The same goes for 2Pl vs. 1Pl. ** {{kikîpimohtân cî ôtenâhk isi}} (or another movement verb from semclass mMOVEMENT) \\ {{ehâ, nikîpimohtân ôtenâhk}}\\ (Did you walk to the X? Yes, I/we walked to X. \\ X is a noun from semclass PEOPLE ) \\ Likewise for 2Pl vs. 1Pl. Example of a question-answer frame in crk/meta/verb_questions.xml {{{ V-PRT MAINV cî N-LOC isi ehâ, MAINV N-LOC isi }}}