!!!Konferanser og publikasjoner

!!Konferanser i sikte - i kronologisk rekkefølge

[NODALIDA 2013|http://www.hf.uio.no/iln/english/research/news-and-events/events/conferences/2013/nodalida/workshops/] 
* 22-24.5 Oslo
* Deadline 28. januar 2013
* Hovedprogram: Ryan, Lene og Trond har sendt artikkel
* [Second Workshop on NLP for Computer-Assisted Language Learning|http://spraakbanken.gu.se/eng/forskning/ICALL/2ndNLP4CALL]
** Lene skal sende artikkel, deadline 15.3.13 

!!Nasjonale tidskrifter 

!Acta Didactica Norge  
[Acta Didactica|http://adno.no/index.php/adno] er et tidsskrift for fagdidaktisk forsknings- og utviklingsarbeid i Norge. Fagfellevurdering.

Kommentar: Ett nummer i året. Artiklene skrives på norsk, svensk, engelsk, 15-25 sider. Mye klasseromsstudier.

[Uniped|http://www.uhr.no/organisering/uniped_1/om_uniped] er et tidsskrift for universitets- og høyskolepedagogikk med en avdeling for fagvurderte  artikler. Forfatterne bør oppgi om artikkelen ønskes sendt til referee. Uniped skal videreføres som et Open Access-tidsskrift og vil dermed bli tilgjengelig for alle (april 2012).

Kommentar: Artiklene skrives på norsk, 12-20 sider. 4 nr pr år. Artikler om akademia, klagesensurordning, studentevalueringer osv.

[Communicare|http://www.fremmedspraksenteret.no/communicare] er et fagdidaktisk tidsskrift fra Fremmedspråksenteret. Tidsskriftet utkommer to ganger årlig.

!Språk og språkundervisning (Landslaget for moderne språk) - er lagt ned

!!Internasjonale tidskrifter  

[The CALICO Journal|https://calico.org/page.php?id=515] is devoted to the dissemination of information concerning the application of technology to language teaching and language learning. Fully refereed and publishes articles, research studies, reports, software reviews, and professional news and announcements. Published three times a year. Papers should not exceed 8000 words.

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!ReCALL – nivå 1 
[ReCALL|http://www.eurocall-languages.org/recall/ ] is a fully-refereed journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of EUROCALL. It is issued three times a year and is also available online. The May issue normally contains selected papers from the previous year’s EUROCALL conference. The journal contains articles relating to theoretical debate on language learning strategies and their influence on practical courseware design and integration, as well as regular software reviews. Papers should not exceed 8000 words.

The primary focus of ReCALL is the use of technologies for language learning and teaching, including all relevant aspects of research and development. Typical subjects for submissions include theoretical debate on language learning strategies and their influence on courseware design; research and development of practical applications; evaluative studies of courseware used in the teaching and learning process; exploitation and assessment of the potential of technological advances in the delivery of language learning materials; discussions of policy and strategy at institutional and discipline levels. ReCALL aims to appeal to researchers and practitioners in the area of computer-assisted and technology-enhanced language learning, normally but not exclusively operating in universities. It is also of interest to language teachers in secondary and tertiary education who may be considering the introduction of technologies into their teaching practice.

ReCALL Journal Special Issue: Researching uses of corpora for language teaching and learning. Submission deadline: 30th November 2012 

!Computer-Assisted Language Learning – nivå 1  
[CALL|http://www.tandfonline.com/action/aboutThisJournal?show=aimsScope&journalCode=ncal20] is an intercontinental and interdisciplinary journal which leads the field in its dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning (L1 and L2), teaching and testing. It provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques. The scope of the journal is intentionally wide-ranging and embraces a multitude of disciplines.

Submitted articles may focus on CALL and:
* Research Methodologies
* Language Learning and Teaching Methods
* Language Testing Systems and Models
* The Four Skills
* Language Courseware Design
* Language Courseware Development
* Curriculum Integration
* Evaluation
* Teacher Training
* Intelligent Tutoring
* New Technologies
* The Sociocultural Context
* Learning Management Systems

Papers should normally be around 5000 words in length, but longer or shorter articles will be considered. 
The Editor and Members of the Board would be happy to give support to the authors of articles, to look at early drafts, and to suggest amendments that will facilitate publication. This can be done informally, before formal submission of articles.   

!Language Learning & Technology – nivå 1 
[LLT|http://llt.msu.edu/]  publishes articles that report on original research or present an original framework that links second language acquisition theory, previous research, and language learning, teaching, and testing practices that utilize technology. Articles containing only descriptions of software, pedagogical procedures, or those presenting results of surveys without providing empirical data on actual language learning outcomes will not be considered. LLT also publishes commentaries that discuss material either previously published in LLT or otherwise offering interesting opinions on issues related to language learning and technology. LLT is published three times per year.

Articles should be no more than 8,500 words in length.

Kommentar: for empirical studies

!Studies in Second Language Acquisition – nivå 2
[SSLA|http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=SLA] is a refereed journal of international scope devoted to the scientific discussion of issues in second and foreign language acquisition of any language. Each volume contains four issues, one of which is generally devoted to a current topic in the field. The other three issues contain articles dealing with theoretical topics, some of which have broad pedagogical implications, and reports of quantitative and qualitative empirical research. Other rubrics include replication studies, State-of-the-Art articles, Notes and Discussion, review articles, book reviews, and book notices.

!Language Learning, Routledge – nivå 2
 provides a forum for scholarly contributions on current aspects of foreign language and teaching, intended for an international readership, including foreign language teachers, language teacher educators, researchers and policy makers.
Contributions, in English, tend to assume a certain range of target languages.
These are usually, but not exclusively, the languages of mainland Europe and ‘Community Languages'; other languages, including English as a foreign language, may also be appropriate, where the discussion is sufficiently generalisable.

The following are key areas of interest:
*Relationships between policy, theory and practice
*Pedagogical practices in classrooms and less formal settings
*Foreign language learning/teaching in all phases, from early learners to higher and adult education
*Policy and practice in the UK and other countries
*Classroom practice in all its aspects
*Classroom-based research
*Methodological questions in teaching and research
*Multilingualism and multiculturalism
*New technologies and foreign languages

!System – nivå 1 
[System|http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0346251X] is devoted to the applications of educational technology and applied linguistics to problems of foreign language teaching and learning. Attention is paid to all languages and to problems associated with the study and teaching of English as a second or foreign language. The journal serves as a vehicle of expression for colleagues in developing countries. System prefers its contributors to provide articles which have a sound theoretical base with a visible practical application which can be generalized. The review section may take up works of a more theoretical nature to broaden the background.
Manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words (not including references, appendices, etc.)

!Language Technology and Computational Linguistics – nivå 1
[JLCL|http://www.jlcl.org/] offers a publication platform for all researchers working in the field of computational linguistics and language technology. The following list of topics gives a partial overview of typical research fields relevant to researchers in the GSCL community:
* Parsing (theory and technology)
* Computational morphology
* Text technology (markup languages, text mining)
* Machine translation and machine aided translation
* Linguistic approaches to the Semantic Web and ontology engineering
* Hypermedia (linguistic issues in multimedia and hypermedia systems, electronic publishing and digital libraries)
* Computational lexicography
* Corpus linguistics
* Speech based systems and their applications
* Language technology applications in information retrieval, knowledge management and related areas
* Language technology in diachronic and comparative linguistics
* Issues in curriculum development for computational linguistics

!International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching
[IJCALLT|http://www.igi-global.com/ijcallt] publishes research that addresses the impact of information communication technologies in advancing foreign/second language learning and teaching. This journal expands on the principles, theories, design, and implementation of computer-assisted language learning programs. In addition to original research papers, this journal welcomes CALL-related book reviews and case studies.  Publishes Quarterly. Est. 2011.
* CALL and second language acquisition
* Computer games in language learning and teaching
* Corpora
* Courseware design
* Distance language education
* Evaluation of CALL program
* Intelligence in CALL
* Language testing in CALL environments
* Mobile learning and teaching
* Monitoring and assessment in online collaborative learning
* Multimedia language learning and teaching
* Research methodology in CALL
* Social networking in language learning and teaching
* Software programs for language learning and teaching
* Teacher education
* Teaching approaches in the CALL context

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!Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication – nivå 1
[ALSIC|http://alsic.revues.org] publishes in French, but recently also some of the articles in English. It's possible to publish in two versions (fr and eng). They want to have articles also on other languages than English. Also linguistic and scientific issues.

[CALL-EJ|http://callej.org/]  solicits and welcomes articles and reviews on research and practice in the fields of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) / computer-managed instruction (CMI) / computer-assisted learning (CAL) / computer-enhanced language learning (CELL) / computer-mediated communication (CMC) in ESL, EFL or other languages. Contributions to second language acquisition and computers, language assessment and computers, applied linguistics and computers, and other related areas are also encouraged. It is normally published two times a year and is sponsored by APACALL.

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!JALT CALL Journal
[JALT CALL Journal|http://jaltcall.org/journal/]  is an international refereed journal published from 2005. The Journal encompasses and builds upon the SIG newsletter, C@lling Japan, and is committed to excellence in research in all areas within the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning, while at the same time offering teaching ideas and suggestions from teachers' personal experiences. Published three times a year: April, August and December.  The Japan Association for Language Teaching.
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